**Rules for General, Independent, & Backyard Wrestling forum**Please Read**

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I am The Last Baron
General, Independent, Backyard Wrestling & M.M.A. Rules

In addition to the Listed Board Rules that can be found here there are a few extra rules that need to be abided by in this Forum, or you will find yourself with warnings or even banned depending on the level of the offence.

1. Anyone caught starting a Thread that has been started and is active will be Infracted, on the spot. Search over the first two or three pages of the Forum before posting a new topic, if there is already a topic like or the same as the one you were about to start, use that topic, we’d rather the same topic gets bumped a few times, than have 4 or 5 of the same Threads appear within a few days.

2. Stay on topic with posts. So someone spelled something wrong, debate their point not their grammar and spelling. Anyone caught going off topic that does not add to the topic in question, will be warned, constant breaking of this Rule will result in you being Banned from the Forums.

3. Any WWE or TNA specific discussion is to be kept in its appropriate placing there will be a one warning limit any more than one is resultant in a one week banning. General Discussion of Wrestling is encouraged for this section.

4. Ring of Honor and other Independent Promotions PPVs; Results are spoilers if the PPV came out that month, use the appropriate Spoiler Tag when discussing specifics of said PPV while it is occurring. Also General PPV discussion should have its own thread in the appropriate PPV section of the forums.

Be sure to follow all of the Forum Rules along with this, and have fun debating with other posters, that is what this place is for.
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