Rule Changes: What rule changes need to be made in your favorite sport?

I would like to see them go back to just the 4 on 4 OT for the nhl. i never liked the shootout and still dont. and i really dont like how the rules of a shootout are somehow different but still the same for a penalty shot. Like how spinoramas are aloud in the shootout but not penalty shots? And id also like to see the trapezoids gone, not just for brodeur, but when a goalie knows how to handle the puck it can create alot of offense, breakaways, 2 on 1s etc.. especially now that the 2 line pass isnt around anymore.
NFL- Helmet to helmet contact, and being strict with hitting Quarterbacks.

I hate the way NFL tries to protect the players o much now a days. The players know what they're getting into when they sign up for it, and they don't expect to walk in being invincible and not get injured. Football is a violent sport, and there's no way to prevent these things, no matter how hard Goodell tried to.
An immediate one that comes to mind is division winners in the NHL getting the top seeds. Particularly if that seed is 3rd with 94 pts and plays a team in 6th with 102 pts as is happening this year. Just seed them based on pts and give the better teams home ice advantage. No fucking around with the divisions.
Another that I'll add (this might not count as a rule) but the NBA allows too many teams into the playoffs. 8 teams making it in a 15 team conference is just too much.
I agree with Nexus, I think 6 teams should make the NBA playoffs using the system the NFL uses with, of course a best of 7 series instead of 1 game. It's ridiculous when 35 win team makes the playoffs ( like the Pacers did last year. Also if this system was introduced I believe it should just be the top 6 teams in the conference. No division winners or anything.

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