Royal Rumble Winner: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Over the past month, there has been heavy discussion into whether Christian will be added to the Edge vs. Del Rio match. I heard that it will make the match better and that Christian deserves his main event title match. I have been against this from the start and here's why. There have been four triple threat and one four-way world championship matches at Wrestlemania and four of those have included the winner of the Royal Rumble.

WM 16: Rock eliminated Big Show to win the 2000 Royal Rumble but not without a bit of controversy. Rock and Big Show would have a match at No Way Out to determine who would go on to face HHH. Big Show would win but later on Rock and Mick Foley would be added to make it a four way. It should have been Rock vs. HHH in a classic that they would have two months later at Judgment Day.

WM 20: Chris Benoit won the Rumble and the same night HHH and HBK competed in a Last Man Standing match which resulted in a draw. HBK signed the contract to face HHH at Wrestlemania for what reason? HBK had two chances as they had a match on Raw in December to defeat HHH but couldn't do it. Benoit should have had has one-on-one shot but he finally got in July when Eugene was the main focus of their feud.

WM 22: Rey Mysterio won and Orton goaded him into a match at No Way Out over the spot at Wrestlemania in which Orton would win. Theodore Long later added Mysterio to the title match and Rey won his first world title.

WM 24: Cena made his shocking return and won but decided to use his title shot at No Way Out instead. Orton got disqualified and HHH won the Raw Eliminator Chamber and it became Cena vs. Orton vs. HHH resulting in Orton retaining.

My point is that if you win the Royal Rumble, you should deserve your one-on-one shot at the champion. There's another issue of when the match on the card should take place but there are different circumstances each Wrestlemania so I'm not deadset on it going last. In my four cases I listed, there were options that they could have went to for the wrestler who necessarily didn't deserve to be in the match. How would this sound?

WM 16: I would have loved a Mick Foley vs. Shane McMahon hardcore match. Some awesome spots would have occurred it would have been fun.

WM 20: Batista/Orton/Flair vs. Rock/Foley was great but imagine HBK in that match as well.

WM 22: We all remember HBK's feud with Mr. McMahon. McMahon recruiting Orton to fight for him would have been perfect.

WM 24: It's hard for me to find a spot for HHH if he wasn't in the triple threat match. Maybe have him face Batista to honor Ric Flair. That's the best I can come up with.

Does the winner of the Royal Rumble deserve their one-on-one shot at the champion at Wrestlemania?

How do you feel about multi-man world title matches at Wrestlemania in general?
I don't see WHY they have to have a one on one match. The story line could lead somewhere else, and a triple threat could be more of a sell with 3 big names.

If the match is good, so what?
It's not real it's all storyline, and you picks above about changes to matches is kind of ******ed HBK ended up in a match that turned out to be one of the best triple threats of all time, the whole point of Evolution Vs Foley was bring back The Rock n Sock connection, WHERE did HBK have anything to do with that team? HE DIDN'T.

Foley/Shane would of been great but not at Mania 16.

Christian ADDS to this triple threat, he's beat Alberto a couple of times which normally by previous storylines ends up with them getting added to rhe match. Edge/Rio i have no doubts will be good, add Christian and you have more to play with, Christian sneaks the win? Rio pins,subs Christian Edge gets screwed out of the belt, personally I like this idea of the triple threat match.
It's not real it's all storyline, and you picks above about changes to matches is kind of ******ed HBK ended up in a match that turned out to be one of the best triple threats of all time, the whole point of Evolution Vs Foley was bring back The Rock n Sock connection, WHERE did HBK have anything to do with that team? HE DIDN'T.

For half of 2003, he feuded with Evolution. It wouldn't have been that hard to include HBK in that mtach. They made have wanted to even up the score.

Foley/Shane would of been great but not at Mania 16.

Where else then?

Christian ADDS to this triple threat, he's beat Alberto a couple of times which normally by previous storylines ends up with them getting added to rhe match. Edge/Rio i have no doubts will be good, add Christian and you have more to play with, Christian sneaks the win? Rio pins,subs Christian Edge gets screwed out of the belt, personally I like this idea of the triple threat match.

Or that he's beat Alberto a couple of times ended the storyline of Del Rio attacking him last year. I would much rather have Christian cost Edge the title because they already have an underlying storyline as Christian has saved Edge numerous times but Edge hasn't returned the favor.
I couldn't really find it practical or well, fair if Christian was added to the match. Obviously it would be a 2 on 1 against Del Rio for the most part which would be pretty boring.

Besides, Christian hasn't really done anything major or won anything that could actually bring him into a World Title match at WrestleMania. Just because he attacks the number one contender a few times and has a partnership with the champion doesn't justify being put in a WM mainevent.

As for the rumble issue, I don't believe that a 1v1 in necessary. Depends on the circumstances. The Rey - Orton - Angle match at WM22 was built up great IMO. Rey accepted the challenge from Orton and lost, so fair enough that Orton should be added to the match. Also equally as fair that Rey be added to the match, so a triple threat was the logical choice.

It all depends on the circumstances, the feuds, the storylines etc.
Does the winner of the Royal Rumble deserve their one-on-one shot at the champion at Wrestlemania?

I think so.

Sometimes it makes sense to add another person, for example I think Christian being added to Edge vs Del Rio would be a good thing.

Not a big fan of triple threat world matches but it makes sense seeing as how there's history with Edge and Christian and Del Rio taking Christian out of action.

How do you feel about multi-man world title matches at Wrestlemania in general?

Most of the time they're complete garbage or forgettable. Case in point WM 22 with Mysterio vs Angle vs Orton, horrible match.

WM 20 with Benoit vs Michaels vs Triple H actually was a great match.

So it depends on the chemistry, Orton ruined that match and Michaels added to his.

Christian could do the same.
Does the winner of the Royal Rumble deserve their one-on-one shot at the champion at Wrestlemania?

That isn't technically the stipulation for winning the Royal Rumble. Winning the Royal Rumble means you get to Headline Wrestlemania for any title you choose.

Nowhere does it say how and with who
I think it fits to add a third man IF it fits the story, AND will make the match better. As stated earlier, the Ortan Mysterio and Angle match was garbage, but the HHH HBK and Benoit match was brilliant. I think that adding Christian to Edge vs Del Rio would be great
I see your point and in my eyes triple threats and fatal four ways especially at big PPVs suck (with a few exceptions). Here I think Christian should attack who ever wins at Mania (if its Edge, a year long fued till next Mania please. If its Del Rio a lengthy fued with him eventually winning but not as long as a fued vs Edge would be).

Either way it seems as though Christian will be in the match because he's too over and in the audience's faces anything less would be a disappointment.
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Little Jerry Lawler again."

Yes, the winner of the Rumble does deserve a one on one title match at mania. The Rumble has so much hype going into because the winner gets a title shot at mania. When a third person is added to the title match it devalues the rumble win. Take 2006 for example. Mysterio won the Rumble. He eliminated Orton. Yet by the time mania came around they both had the same reward. So what was the prize for the Rumble win? Mysterio went over an hour to win the event and Orton came in at #30 and lost yet they were in the exact same position at mania.

Generally I hate multi man matches for the title at mania. 16, 22, 24, & 25 were all weak title matches. I didn’t like how 20 came about either but I felt those three put on such a good match that I was able to look past it. I’ve always felt the traditional one on one match for the title was the best and most exciting thing for mania. There are enough ppv events throughout the year now. Save that multi man shit for another show.
WM 16: Rock eliminated Big Show to win the 2000 Royal Rumble but not without a bit of controversy. Rock and Big Show would have a match at No Way Out to determine who would go on to face HHH. Big Show would win but later on Rock and Mick Foley would be added to make it a four way. It should have been Rock vs. HHH in a classic that they would have two months later at Judgment Day.

The thing is, The Rock never won that Rumble... sure his name appears on the list of winners but it was proved Big Show had won. Therefore it should have been Big Show v HHH had your line of thought planned out. The angle worked because it was also about the power struggle within the McMahon family.

Big Show was granted his title shot by defeating Rock
Rock was granted his title shot because officially he won the Rumble, Vince still had the power to overturn Stephanie and HHH's decision
It was only Foley that stood out as an extra and only served the purpose of having Linda, so they could have the headline 'a McMahon in every corner'.

The Wrestlemania 20 match was played out perfectly, have HBK sign the contract so he was kayfabe legal entitled to be in the match. Benoit would also have a right so it played out perfectly on tv.

So in those two Wrestlemania matches I would disagree.

If Christian is added to the Wrestlemania match, I can't see a good angle in which he should be added. He hasn't earnt the shot or have any claim to be in the match and would agree it would be a crowd.
This is how I would do things:

Royal Rumble Match
The stipulation should be changed to - winner gets to chose a main event to join

Elimination Chamber Match
Have two number 1 conteder Elimination Chamber Matches and the winner of the Royal Rumble would join that match
The reason they change the matches from singles to multi-man matches is because the WWE is afraid that the two in the match won't be enought to get people to buy Wrestlemania. I mean would you reall want to see Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio? They threw in Randy Orton because he was a rising star and it would make the match more entertaining.

On the case with Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs HHH is because Benoit is not that entertaining in the ring. Sure he is a great wrestler but his charisma is crappy. They added Shawn Michaels to make sure the match would sell.

Rock vs HHH vs Big Show vs Mick Foley is probably because neither Rock or HHH would want to lose in a singles match. That would make them look weak. The Rock and HHH are two of the most popular men to ever step foot in the ring.

John Cena vs Randy Orton vs HHH is because all three of these men have to be in the spotlight at Wrestlemania. The last time Cena was at Wrestlemania and not competing for either the World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE championship was Wrestlemania 20.

Now the reason why they might add Christain to the main-event at this years Wrestlemania is because Alberto Del Rio and Edge is not something I really want to see. We have seen this over and over this past year. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of both of these guys but it gets boring watching the same stuff over and over. Adding Christain to the main-event is very good because it ties up the knot and an old fued between ADR and Christian.
This is how I would do things:

Royal Rumble Match
The stipulation should be changed to - winner gets to chose a main event to join

Elimination Chamber Match
Have two number 1 conteder Elimination Chamber Matches and the winner of the Royal Rumble would join that match

So what you're basically saying is that the winner of the Royal Rumble joins a #1 contender match at EC? I don't see how that would be fair to the Rumble winner that he has to defend his shot at the Elimination Chamber.
The reason they change the matches from singles to multi-man matches is because the WWE is afraid that the two in the match won't be enought to get people to buy Wrestlemania. I mean would you reall want to see Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio? They threw in Randy Orton because he was a rising star and it would make the match more entertaining.

Angle and Mysterio have had great matches in the past so I wanted to have seen that. Besides, over the past five years the big draw that gets people to buy Wrestlemania have not been title matches. HBK vs. Taker I and II, HBK vs. Flair, and The Battle of the Billionaires come to mind.

On the case with Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs HHH is because Benoit is not that entertaining in the ring. Sure he is a great wrestler but his charisma is crappy. They added Shawn Michaels to make sure the match would sell.

Why did they bother to have Benoit win the Rumble in the first place if Vince wanted the match to sell? Why didn't they just have HHH vs. HBK like they did a hundred times since 2002? I got tired of HHH/HBK after their first match anyways.

Rock vs HHH vs Big Show vs Mick Foley is probably because neither Rock or HHH would want to lose in a singles match. That would make them look weak. The Rock and HHH are two of the most popular men to ever step foot in the ring.

So Rock winning the title at Backlash and then HHH winning the title at Judgment Day made neither of them look weak. HHH defended the title against Foley in two of his most brutal matches ever so I disagree that losing to The Rock at Wrestlemania would have made HHH look weak as The Rock was better in 2000 then he was in 1999.

John Cena vs Randy Orton vs HHH is because all three of these men have to be in the spotlight at Wrestlemania. The last time Cena was at Wrestlemania and not competing for either the World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE championship was Wrestlemania 20.

The last HHH was at Wrestlemania not competing for either championship prior to this past year was in 2001. The storyline was there without HHH but Cena had to use his shot at No Way Out.

Now the reason why they might add Christain to the main-event at this years Wrestlemania is because Alberto Del Rio and Edge is not something I really want to see. We have seen this over and over this past year. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of both of these guys but it gets boring watching the same stuff over and over. Adding Christain to the main-event is very good because it ties up the knot and an old fued between ADR and Christian.[/QUOTE]
The reason they change the matches from singles to multi-man matches is because the WWE is afraid that the two in the match won't be enought to get people to buy Wrestlemania. I mean would you reall want to see Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio? They threw in Randy Orton because he was a rising star and it would make the match more entertaining.

On the case with Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs HHH is because Benoit is not that entertaining in the ring. Sure he is a great wrestler but his charisma is crappy. They added Shawn Michaels to make sure the match would sell.

Rock vs HHH vs Big Show vs Mick Foley is probably because neither Rock or HHH would want to lose in a singles match. That would make them look weak. The Rock and HHH are two of the most popular men to ever step foot in the ring.

John Cena vs Randy Orton vs HHH is because all three of these men have to be in the spotlight at Wrestlemania. The last time Cena was at Wrestlemania and not competing for either the World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE championship was Wrestlemania 20.

Now the reason why they might add Christain to the main-event at this years Wrestlemania is because Alberto Del Rio and Edge is not something I really want to see. We have seen this over and over this past year. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of both of these guys but it gets boring watching the same stuff over and over. Adding Christain to the main-event is very good because it ties up the knot and an old fued between ADR and Christian.

Del Rio and Edge started their feud after the 2k11 Royal Rumble but Del and Christian have 8 months of history. I'm 1 of the Biggest Christian "PEEPS" out there but I don't want him in this match as I'm predicted Del Rio will win and then rekindle his feud w/ Christian. And that's when Christian will win it 1 on 1 from him. Keep this Edge vs Del Rio @ Mania and add Christian to the The Corre vs Big Show, Kane, & Kofi Kingston as prev reported. So the multi-man only works if it the right people and not wrong ones.
According to Ring Of Hell (consider the source), Shawn Michaels was added to the main event of WM 20 because people thought Benoit wasn't a big enough draw.

Christian being added to the Edge-Alberto match tosses a wild card into the mix and makes for more interesting possibilities. Will Christian work with his former tag team partner, or will he stab him in the back?
So what you're basically saying is that the winner of the Royal Rumble joins a #1 contender match at EC? I don't see how that would be fair to the Rumble winner that he has to defend his shot at the Elimination Chamber.

I think what he was trying to say although it didn't come out properly was that the Royal Rumble winner would be able to pick a champion he wants to face AND a winner of Elimination Chamber gets to join the match. Henceforth creating a triple threat match.

I too think that this is no fair and it totally devalues the Royal Rumble. The Royal Rumble is special in that you know you get your singles match unless something MAJOR happens. Also I don't like the idea of knowing that a match at Mania would have to be Triple Threat.
But most of the time the "third" entrant into the match earns a spot in the match.

2000 The Big Show beats The Rock at No Way Out.

2006 Randy Orton beats Rey Mysterio at No Way Out.

2008 Triple H wins the Raw EC.

In 2009 with Edge/Big Show/Cena you had Edge and Big Show in a angle with Vickie Gurrerro and John Cena envoked his rematch clause.

Atleast with this triple threat match for WM27 atleast the Christian/Del Rio angle would extend (as Del Rio kayfabe sent Christian out of action) and we can get a taste of Edge/Christian.
But most of the time the "third" entrant into the match earns a spot in the match.

2000 The Big Show beats The Rock at No Way Out.

2006 Randy Orton beats Rey Mysterio at No Way Out.

2008 Triple H wins the Raw EC.

In 2009 with Edge/Big Show/Cena you had Edge and Big Show in a angle with Vickie Gurrerro and John Cena envoked his rematch clause.

Atleast with this triple threat match for WM27 atleast the Christian/Del Rio angle would extend (as Del Rio kayfabe sent Christian out of action) and we can get a taste of Edge/Christian.

You can get an Edge/Christian feud even with Christian not being in the match. Christian could turn heel and cost Edge the championship. Christian already got his revenge on Del Rio by beating him clean twice which kinds of hurts Alberto going into Wrestlemania. It just needs to be Edge vs. Del Rio.
I'm sure the royal rumble rules state that the winner "gets a title shot at WM" it doesnt say anything about it having to be a 1 on 1 match though. Basically winning the RR is your card into the main event, if its 1 on 1, triple threat, 4 way, 6 man it doesnt matter all that winning the RR gives you is a place in the main event
while i think in some cases the rumble winner should get a 1 on 1 match this year im really hoping christian is able 2 finally get his big title match at wrestlemania for the simple fact im NOT at all impressed with alberto del rio! he has mic skills but honestly his in ring skills r shitty IMO because it looks like he even botches the armbar for his finisher and to me all it looks like he does in a match is hit moves on the arm and a running kick in the corner! not impressive at all as far as im concered :shrug: and im a huge christian fan so i really really hope he FINALLY wins a world title in WWE! no matter if christian is in the match or not ill b surprised if edge retains i just dont think del rio is ready for the whw title yet but sadly i c him winning :banghead:
FINALLY! somebody comes out and says it. CHIRSTIAN DOES NOT NEED TO BE IN MANIA AT ALL.
Cool, hes a decent superstar, him and edge defined what tag team wrestling is...but no everyone needs to stop with their fanboy IWC attitude.

If WWE really had ANY plan for Christian besides furthering Del Rio's career don't you think he would have been fueding with edge by now?

In all honesty Edge and Del Rio match will be better without christian he will only pull the match down.

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