Round 2: Team: IrishCanadian -versus- Team: The Job Squad

The only reason why I am voting against you all is because you voted against me. It's pretty simple, It's why I keep The Other Brian alive and why Miko is still alive...
four homers and a frontrunner..

YOU'RE "Becker"??

I didn't know that... otherwise my choices may have been different. But what you're doing is fair. I totally understand.

This is why names should never be changed or "nicknamed" during the game. Noobs like me could easily mess it up.
Team Irish-Canadian
4 IrishCanadian25
0 D-Man
3 Tastycles


The Job Squad
8 Miko

+ Miko
1 The Shut Up-Man
Alas, I've been defeated. Thanks to all that posted for me. Now, we need to support my remaining teammates. Go Team Gelgarian-Canadian!!
Team Irish-Canadian
5 IrishCanadian25
3 Tastycles


The Job Squad
7 Miko

- Tasty
+ My man Miko
Team Irish-Canadian
6 IrishCanadian25
3 Tastycles


The Job Squad
6 Miko

+ IC25
- Miko
Team Irish-Canadian
6 IrishCanadian25
2 Tastycles


The Job Squad
7 Miko

+1 Miko
-1 Tastycles

Miko gets one vote from me, since he saved my team in this game once.
Team Irish-Canadian
5 IrishCanadian25
2 Tastycles


The Job Squad
8 Miko

My King+
That ****-

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