Round 2: Team: IrishCanadian -versus- Team: The Job Squad

8 IrishCanadian25
6 D-Man
7 Gelgarin
3 SavageTaker
10 Tastycles


The Job Squad
5 The Pebble
3 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
6 Miko

- Pebble
+ IC
8 IrishCanadian25
6 D-Man
7 Gelgarin
2 SavageTaker
10 Tastycles


The Job Squad
5 The Pebble
3 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
3 C2X
6 Miko

+ C2X
- SavageTaker
Jesus man, stop this emotional crap and get back to your job. Jobbing. This match is going much more to plan than the last one. I can smell a whitewash as well. Jobbing in the style that would make the Job Squad proud.

Apologies, I just got carried away
8 IrishCanadian25
6 D-Man
7 Gelgarin
1 SavageTaker
10 Tastycles


The Job Squad
5 The Pebble
3 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
3 C2X
7 Miko

- SavageTaker
8 IrishCanadian25
6 D-Man
7 Gelgarin
10 Tastycles


The Job Squad
5 The Pebble
3 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
3 C2X
8 Miko

- Savage Taker (eliminated)
+ Miko
8 IrishCanadian25
6 D-Man
7 Gelgarin
11 Tastycles


The Job Squad
5 The Pebble
3 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
8 Miko

- C2X
+ Tastycles
8 IrishCanadian25
7 D-Man
7 Gelgarin
11 Tastycles


The Job Squad
5 The Pebble
3 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
1 C2X
8 Miko

+ DMan
- C2x
4 IrishCanadian25
4 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
1 C2X
4 Miko

4 IrishCanadian25
3 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
1 C2X
5 Miko

+ Miko
- D-Man
4 IrishCanadian25
2 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
5 Miko

4 IrishCanadian25
1 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
6 Miko

Miko +
D-man -
4 IrishCanadian25
2 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
1 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
6 Miko

+ Dman
- Amazing Red
3 IrishCanadian25
2 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
4 The Pebble
1 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
6 Miko

+ Pebble
- IC
Why am I surprise that I got eliminated early on? I'm gone for a couple of day only to come here and find out I was eliminated. I really thought I would make it further.
If you guys make it through, you will be back. This is a really good tie.
Man, this sucker is close LOL. I'm sweatin' over here...

Cowboyfromhell, keep me alive, buddy!!
3 IrishCanadian25
3 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
4 The Pebble
0 Amazing Red Hoppotamus
2 C2X
6 Miko

+ D-Man
- Amazing
You're from Jersey. I have endless respect :) And I'm not just saying that to win votes, either. HOME TEAM, BABY!!
Team Irish-Canadian
4 IrishCanadian25
3 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 C2X
6 Miko

IC: +
The Pebble: -
Team Irish-Canadian
4 IrishCanadian25
3 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 C2X
7 Miko

Team Irish-Canadian
4 IrishCanadian25
3 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
1 C2X
7 Miko

Gelgarin: +
C2X: -
Team Irish-Canadian
4 IrishCanadian25
2 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles


The Job Squad
3 The Pebble
2 C2X
7 Miko


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