Round 2; 28 Virtua Fighter 4 v 92 Assassin's Creed


  • VF4

  • Asassins creed

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I'm gonna go with Virtua Fighter 4 here. Assassin's Creed was a fun game with a very intriguing storyline that I certainly enjoyed, but I spent quite a bit more time playing VF4, and I'm notoriously not a very big fan of fighting games (or racing). The VF series pioneered the fighting game though, so it gets my vote here.
I don't want to vote against Assassin's Creed, but it's going against one of the best fighting games to come out, so I'm going with VF4 here. Creed was a good game, but it was extremely repetitive after awhile. Virtua Fighter 4 on the other hand never got old in my book, especially when you had multi player rocking on it. So repetitive solo game, or addicting multi player fighting game? I go with the fighting game.
Wow im impressed to see the opposite of what I expecting, Assassins Creed was ok, but it got repetitive, and the game in general felt dissapointing, like it could have been so much more.

Virtua Fighter 4 is easily the best fighting game of the past console era, and it was replaced with Virtua Fighter 5 in the next era.
Im saying the Virtua Fighter series is better then Street Fighter, which is a big comment but I stand by it.

The best fighting game we have, or an above average letdown.
Assassin's Creed was one of the most hyped games of the last 5 years. People were drooling at the thought of a game that mixed Hitman with Prince of Persia. But then it came out. And it turned out to be a repetitive, overly open, clusterfuck of a game with a storyline that was hard to follow. Hitman crossed with PoP. That's all they had to give us. Not galloping on a horse for 20 minutes to find the next mission. I'm so glad I didn't spend my money on this game...

Now, Virtua Fighter 4 is a really good game. While it was overshadowed when it came out by Soul Calibur 2 and Tekken whatever, it still deserves recognition. The gameplay is very technical and requires you to think rathe than just tap button combinations. It reminds of alot of the hidden classic Fighter's Destiny on the N64. Slow paced, but not in a bad way.
Virtual Fighter 4, slightly. Iv'e played both games extensively, from dusk till' dawn, and they're both amazingly well done games. They both have great qualities; graphics in both are superb, the gameplay is good, etc.

VF4 is addictive, non-stop action, that is refreshingly original and fresh each time, and is the ideal fighting game. Whereas AC gets awfully stale over said time in regards to little missions and the storyline. the storyline was engaging, but ran out of steam fairly early.

Pretty hard choice to me, but VF4 seems to me the best as it has great replay value and innovation whilst AC can get quite old over a selective amount of time. Both are really great games, though.
I love a good fighting game, But VF4 won't be one i'll vote for, If it was MKIII, Or SFII, It would get my vote, But I couldn't get into VF4 like I could the other mentioned.

Assassin's creed is slated for being repeative, But I couldn't disagree more, It gave a quite realistic view of being an assassin around 1000 years ago, It gave us a great free running system too, Beautiful graphics. It also let us view cut scenes from different angles, I can't remember another game that let us do that. As with so many other 1st games, They usually bluid upto something bigger, In this case its a trilogy, With the ending obviously being in the 3rd game.

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