Round 1: Light Yagami vs. Scott Pilgrim

Who wins?

  • Light Yagami

  • Scott Pilgrim

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Round One


Light Yagami is one of the most intelligent criminal masterminds the world has ever seen. Armed with his book of death, the Death Note, Light can think several steps ahead of just about everyone and devise a plan to write down their name in the book, killing them. However, all of his brains are no help if the greatest fighter in Canada, Scott Pilgrim, can get to him. Scott Pilgrim has lightning quick fists and a sword made from his love of Ramona Flowers, along with the passion of the burning sun. Can his fists outmatch Light's wits? It's a classic battle of brains versus brawn in this exciting first round match!

This match is tearing me apart!

All right, a bit dramatic, but I am finding it hard to vote. I love both series' and I think both characters really could win this round.

On one side, you have Light Yagami. Light is not a fighter, but he is definitely a thinker. If he writes your name in the Death Note, you're dead. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Thirty seconds after your name is written you're felled with a fatal heart attack (or something nastier if Light is feeling playful). The Death Note can be used to conjure up ingenious plans, getting others to do the killing for Light, or even making deaths look like an accident. It's one of the most powerful magical artifacts in existence, coming straight from a god of Death himself...

...but if Scott Pilgrim can knock the book out of Light's hand before he's finished writing, Light is done for. Scott Pilgrim, despite his looks and attitude, is a highly, HIGHLY competent fighter. Just because he's a bit of a loser in real life doesn't mean he's poor at combat. Scott can trap you in a huge aerial combo, landing 60 hits on you before you can say "Just as planned". On top of that, he has a sword that can take down the toughest bosses, as seen in the comic and game where he faces Gideon's final form in an epic battle at the center of Ramona's mind.

The thing is, though, Scott isn't very smart, or quick to warm up. He would probably stand there, mouth agape, wondering what Light was doing by writing in a notebook when there's a fight going on. By the time he realizes what's going down, it'd be too late. Scott doesn't have an alter-ego or secret identity, so no trickery would be necessary for Light to get him to reveal his real name.

It all comes down to whether Scott just gets up and fights or if he stands there wondering what to do first when confronted by a high schooler who is most definitely not a fighter, writing in a notebook.
I haven't read the Scott Pilgram manga, but I have seen the movie, and the fact is... the kid is a blabbermouth. He just can't fight, he wants to talk first to see exactly who it is he is fighting, especially if it were against a normal, handsome looking guy like Light Yagami, who would have probably fuck Ramona Flowers the night before the tournament to get an edge over Pilgram from the start. And let's be honest, no girl can resist Light Yagami.

Also, Pilgram's an idiot. Light is a genius. Light would come into this tournament fully prepared, knowing his opponents strengths and weaknesses, while Pilgram would keep himself ignorant for the element of surprise and the fact that 'fighting' and 'survival' ranks very low on his radar. He cares more about Ramona and his stupid band than he would this tournament, and because of that... he would have no idea about Light's Death Note, which makes this a very easy win for Light Yagami, since he would conveniently write Scott Pilgram's name down in his note while Scott is trying to figure out who this kid is and why Ramona had sex with him the night before.
Light should have this in the bag, but apparently people overestimate Scott Pilgrim's abilities.

Let's face it, Scott Pilgrim is a guy who bases all his moves on video games, and his fights consist mostly of talking instead of, you know, fighting. He's also a fucking idiot, as evidenced by ANY CONVERSATION HE'S EVER HAD WITH ANYONE EVER.

Now look at Light Yagami. He's smart, athletic, clever, and he's got a notebook with the names of dead people in it, and if he writes Scott Pilgrim's name down, Scott will be dead within 30 seconds.

If Scott Pilgrim ran right in for the kill, sure, Light Yagami would be fucked. Scott would smack the pen out of Light's hand, and then the teeth out of his mouth. Fortunately for Light, that would never happen. Scott would first say something that makes me want to punch myself in the nuts to distract me from the painful awkward hipsterness of Scott Pilgrim. Then, he'd probably ask Light Yagami why they're fighting.

If Light hasn't started to write Scott's name down yet, he can answer this question a number of ways that will distract Scott enough to allow Light to finish writing the name. He could go with the old, "Look over there! Ramona is showing a homeless guy her tits!" trick, he could tell Scott, "We're not fighting, we're having a guitar battle." Or he could say, "I'm interviewing you, Scott Pilgrim! And I'm writing my answers here in this handy dandy notebook!"

Poor Scott Pilgrim will learn first hand why the best fighters are often the smartest ones... or at least the ones that aren't painfully stupid.

Chalk this one up for Light.
Yagami takes this one, simply due to the fact that I really really don't like Scott Pilgrim because of his big mouth and the fact that the worst actor ever played him in the Scott Pilgrim movie. Light will outsmart Pilgrim and take him out while he's boosting his ego, Light Yagami wins!
I dunno, Doc. Light has been depicted in the anime and manga as somewhat of a skilled fighter. It's no secret that Light is very athletic and if provoked, he will punch back and punch hard (as depicted in his brawl with L). Though yes, I do agree that if Pilgrim made a straight beeline for Light, he could knock the pen out of his hand and fuck him over but Light is smart and would have a back up plan. Though it failed in the anime (I can't remember if he did this in the manga or not), Light will even use his own blood to write in the notebook. However, for that to work he'll have to be sneaky because when he attempted to kill Near in that way, his bluff was called and Matsuda absolutely destroyed him. In addition, Light wouldn't even have to fight Scott straight up. As long as Light knows Scott's name and face (which I'm assuming is the case here), he could easily kill him without even having a physical confrontation. Light could easily win if he plays his cards right and keeps his guard up which I believe he is very capable of doing.
I love Scott Pilgrim, but as stated before, the guy's an idiot. Unless Light directly threatens Ramona in some way, Scott will most likely dick around and allow Light to get in his head and manipulate him. Scott's known to break down whenever he faces someone with a high intellect i.e. Gideon Graves.

Light's no dummy. He knows he's fucked without that notebook and would likely have a plan in place for such an occurrence. His only weakness is his massive ego, and I highly doubt Scott would have foresight, at least immediately, to take advantage of that.

Hell, Scott's likely to write his own name in the Death Note before lifting a finger to stop Light in any way.
In the battle of characters that Doc has turned half of us on to, I have to give Light Yagami the win. The second they start, writes down Pilgrim's name. Brings us the topic of some random video game, Pilgrim will talk about those for 30 seconds. All of a sudden he collapses. Light walks away without a scratch.
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