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Rosa and Del Rio, sitting in a tree....

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
...k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Or whatever else it is Latino lovers do in their spare time.

In case you haven't been paying attention to the finer things in life - Rosa's many assets, if you will - WWE has been teasing a union between Alberto del Rio and the lovely Rosa Mendes. There hasn't been any news or rumors on current WWE creative plans; all we know is what we see on TV. Here is a more subtle prod at the idea:


And here she is screaming about feta cheese. I think. I never was very good at Spanish:


Following a win as part of Team Ziggler at Survivor Series, but a loss to Randy Orton on Monday Night Raw in their 2/3 Falls match, del Rio needs something to do. I personally feel that Rosa Mendes could bring out some good heat for ADR, and make his angles a bit more interesting. A good heel should surround himself with easy "outs" and multiple ways to cheat his way to victory. Maybe not ALL heels, but the kinda del Rio is trying to play? Definitely. But a potential union with Rosa begs the question: will he also keep Ricardo Rodriguez on as his personal ring announcer? Will Rosa go out with del Rio, and continue managing Epico and Primo?

1. Can Rosa help Alberto del Rio?

2. What's next for Ricardo Rodriguez? '

3. What does this mean for Epico and Primo?

What I would ideally like to see happen, is del Rio form his own "familia" with Rosa as his girlfriend, Epico & Primo as his proteges and Ricardo as their personal ring announcer. Alberto is the kind of heel that could benefit from having goons to do his dirty work. To interfere in matches and take guys out backstage. JBL had the Basham Brothers, Orlando Jordan and the one chick who got fired. Edge had Vickie Guerrero and Hawkins/Ryder. I'm a big fan of Alberto del Rio, and I think surrounding himself with talented workers is a really good way to continue building him as a dominant heel, and also get over E&P as a tag team. They are all very, very talented. They just need some focus and a bit of direction. In my eyes, this is a good move for all of them.

Will it last forever? No. Eventually the young boys will get sick of del Rio bossing them around. They'll get jealous that Rosa picked him over them. Blah blah blah, standard faction break-up drama. But while it lasts, and for as long as it continues to be fun, I say let them all try. It's better than probably anything else creative is going to come up with with any of them, right?
Seeing Rosa in Del Rio's car make the Entrance that much nicer. :)

Epico & Primo are good just need some promo time, not sure Rosa is helping them any. A sable with Del Rio will tho. Then again WWE didn't follow though with Hunico, Epico & Primo so don't think that WWE cares too much for them.

Great Idea hope it happens and not a feud over Rosa or something.
Can Rosa help Alberto del Rio?

Probably. He's not doing anything relevant at the moment and a relationship angle with her could help make him more interesting again. It gives Rosa herself something to do too other than standing around the ring for Primo & Epico's matches.

What's next for Ricardo Rodriguez?

I couldn't care less honestly.

What does this mean for Epico and Primo?

If Rosa leaves them for Alberto? Likely their inevitable split unless they are going to stick around as jobbers for other teams within the division.

What I would ideally like to see happen, is del Rio form his own "familia" with Rosa as his girlfriend, Epico & Primo as his proteges and Ricardo as their personal ring announcer. Alberto is the kind of heel that could benefit from having goons to do his dirty work.

I thought this was a bad idea at first, but after taking a moment to think about it, I would support it. Anyone remember La Familia? Pretty much exactly what this would be, only this time around it would have more potential. Edge never needed La Familia and no one else involved in it benefited from it. Alberto needs something like this. They could make it to where they all win titles together too. Del Rio as World Champion, Rosa wins the Divas Championship, and Epico/Primo would be Tag Team Champions. Something along those lines. It would be good for all of them and I guarantee it would be a lot better than Edge's version of La Familia since with the original none of them really even need it and it resulted in them all just kind of being there, with this one they could all potentially benefit from it.
Then again WWE didn't follow though with Hunico, Epico & Primo so don't think that WWE cares too much for them.

Are you talking about the short-lived tag team of Epico and Hunico? They wrestled in FCW together, and I think WWE gave up on that right away because Primo was a much more logical decision for his partner. I don't think WWE dislikes them; if anything Carlito left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.

In less than one year together as a team they have been gifted a manager, given the tag belts for a decent amount of time, gone over some other gifted wrestlers, and were involved in that excellent A.W. turn when he aligned himself with the Prime Time Players. That was the first real tag team feud of 2012, and something that started a good chain of tag team angles that is now red hot. 7 teams wrestled at Survivor Series, if you include the pre-show. SO I don't think WWE dislikes either Epico and Primo. I just think a lot of the time they get lost in the shuffle.
I couldn't care less honestly.
Come on man, Ricardo is awesome! He's half the reason I care about del Rio, and it really separates him from the rest of the heels. I love when JBL talks about how del Rio is such a great bad guy, because he's got his own personal ring announcer.

If Rosa leaves them for Alberto? Likely their inevitable split unless they are going to stick around as jobbers for other teams within the division.
I really hope not. I'd rather have them around in the tag division, even if it was just to pad the count, than have two guys nobody cares about floating around on the payroll. Although with rumors of NXT guys getting brought up and budget cuts being made soon, that doesn't sound good for two guys who's manager is about to get involved with another man... You can't cut budgets AND brings in more talent without somebody getting the ax. It's like the government trying to cut spending but increase aid to the military; not possible.

I thought this was a bad idea at first, but after taking a moment to think about it, I would support it. Anyone remember La Familia? Pretty much exactly what this would be, only this time around it would have more potential. Edge never needed La Familia and no one else involved in it benefited from it. Alberto needs something like this. They could make it to where they all win titles together too. Del Rio as World Champion, Rosa wins the Divas Championship, and Epico/Primo would be Tag Team Champions. Something along those lines. It would be good for all of them and I guarantee it would be a lot better than Edge's version of La Familia.

Every time WWE flirst with another faction angle I want them all to win titles. I think it's because Evolution did it once, and I marked out all over the place. It's just such a great symbol of dominance when a whole team of guys comes out and they're all wearing gold. Will del Rio's familia be the Four Horseman? Hell no, but a little effort by the creative team goes a long way in my book.

Alas, it will probably never happen. Kane and Bryan will hold on to the belts for a while longer, and I doubt very much that Epico and Primo are next in line. And with Dolph Ziggler still holding Money in the Bank, I also don't see del Rio as a guy who is next in line to the World Title either. After all, he just spend the entire summer going after it, only to lose on every single occasion.

What I would LOVE to see is Alberto del Rio vs. The Miz, now that Mizanin is a face. They hate each other. I mean, real life hatred. Alberto del Rio cannot stand the Miz, and I know it's come to some pretty serious backstage altercations on more than one occasion. And as history will tell us, real life bleeds into the stage. Anything with a real life inspiration is going to make a feud that much better; look at Rock and Cena if you really need to question it. Look how good Heyman is any time he's anywhere near the McMahon family. People who hate ecah other play off really well when their characters are supposed to hate each other.

I think it could take Miz a long way as a face, if he had to beat both Epico and Primo on his road to beating del Rio. And that's what having a faction at his disposal can do for ADR: it gives creative more to work with. It doesn't have to be Wrestler A vs. Wrestler B every single week. We don't have to sit through Kofi Kingston tapping to the Cross Armbreaker for the 73rd time on Raw. If he had goonies to do his dirty work, things wouldn't always be the same. Maybe people would start to come around on del Rio again. I remember not long after his debut when the entirety of the IWC was on this guy's jock, predicting him as the next big thing in pro wrestling. Took all of one loss at WrestleMania and a failed feud with CM Punk to knock the wind out of those sails.

TheMexican Mafia ,I want Alberto to change his character he should attack some stars without revealing his identity and must leave an Ace Card on the assault scene.Then he should reveal himself as mask character like shinobodi (dnt knw correct name). this character cn work as face n heel as well.woud be cool change.or he shud say his mexican heritage was taken away by wwe now he bringing his mask again.

TheMexican Mafia ,I want Alberto to change his character he should attack some stars without revealing his identity and must leave an Ace Card on the assault scene.Then he should reveal himself as mask character like shinobodi (dnt knw correct name). this character cn work as face n heel as well.woud be cool change.or he shud say his mexican heritage was taken away by wwe now he bringing his mask again.

This is a really weird, off-the-wall idea. One of those things you'd see in a Book This! or fantasy thread, just for fun. I'm not making fun of you, I like the idea and I think with a different character that could be really interesting. Problem is, WWE fans these days don't have the blessing of being able to forget gimmicks. Mark Madden wrote a half-way decent article months back on the issue with having no territories: wrestlers can't go somewhere else and change their gimmick to get over. We know who he is, and we would know no matter how they tried to re-package him, who he used to be. That's not to say it can't be done, but it would take a level of dedication I don't think WWE creative is capable of, and a level of confidence and mic ability that I'm not sure del Rio has.

That being said...it's still a cool idea. Drop the Ace playing card, and just make him a heel that wears pin-stripped suits and doesn't get his hands dirty. Have E&P do all his dirty work; all del Rio has to do is the talking. Again, that'd be the problem. But he's surprised me from time to time. As Mark Henry has shown me, you can never be totally sure what anybody is capable of. I could just see him circling a bloodied up face who's been strapped to a chair by ADR's goons, spotlight in the middle of the room and cigar smoke swirling around everywhere. Very Godfather-esk.
I'm for it, anything to make ADR more interesting outside of the ring.
He desperately needs a refresh in the valet department, since he just fails time and again to succeed in getting over solo.
Rosa would be a proper change of pace to Ricardo Rodriguez, who was a great character for a bit but has really run his course now.
I've not much interest in Del Rio and Rosa as a pair. However, the Latino stable could work. It'd benefit Del Rio's character to have the others do his bidding, while can also give more air time to Epico and Primo. Could also give them credibility down the line if either or both were to turn on Alberto further down the line. I'm a fan of tag teams and stables as a way of letting talent develop and mould themselves instead of the sink or swim singles careers the E has favoured over the last few years. That only works for the few.
Seeing Rosa in Del Rio's car make the Entrance that much nicer. :)

Epico & Primo are good just need some promo time, not sure Rosa is helping them any. A sable with Del Rio will tho. Then again WWE didn't follow though with Hunico, Epico & Primo so don't think that WWE cares too much for them.

Great Idea hope it happens and not a feud over Rosa or something.

This is actually a good idea and very much could help bring interest into Del Rio. A stable of Del Rio, Ricardo, Epico, Primo and Rosa could work for everyone intrest and a new storyline for Del Rio to bring his character up again. Actually make Epico and Primo mean something since losing the tag titles they have ment nothing to anyone a stable with Alberto Del Rio could be what they need.
Like many have previously stated & I have been thinking for years; Alberto, Rosa, Ricardo, Epico & Primo should all form a stable. It makes sense now more than ever, they all need something fresh right now, Alberto has all the tools to be a top heel & could not only be a great leader but a stable could propel his career, as well as the fact that WWE is just sorely lacking stables & factions these days.

Alberto wants the title & the two top contenders are Sheamus (a guy he lost to, what? 4 times on PPV?) & Big Show (the world's largest athlete & the "master" of the WMD) why wouldn't he hired a team like Epico & Primo or maybe even Hunico & Camacho as well to help him destroy these giants for the WHC. Then he also has Ricardo as his announcer & Rosa as his "Valet", along with his posse following him at all times, that seems like a legit heel stable & character progression for Alberto.
What does this mean for Epico and Primo?

I think their descent to jobber status was cemented by the handicap loss to Ryback, although they've essentially been going nowhere for quite some time now. Jobbers don't need a valet, female or otherwise, so a woman as attractive as Rosa can be used better elsewhere. The chief reason I liked her with these guys is that it kept her away from ring competition.....she was terrible as wrestler, even for a diva.

And yes, Del Rio can incorporate her into his act with no difficulty, even as he keeps Rodriguez in his same role. Del Rio doesn't show the same disdain for his ring announcer that he can display for a woman; really, he doesn't acknowledge Ricardo much at all; just lets him act as a flunky, running around like a chicken with his head cut off as he takes bumps for his boss.

With Rosa, ADR can have an assistant he's forced to deal with as a human being, although feminists probably won't enjoy the way he'll treat her. But he's an old-style, Lord of the Hacienda-type and it's hard to believe he'd put her on a pedestal.

She's attractive, she gyrates fetchingly and seems to possess enough fire to face down the guy when she needs to. I hope WWE follows through on what they've been teasing.
1. Can Rosa help Alberto del Rio?

I think Rosa can absolutely help ADR. ADR is really not doing anything at the moment and i think this could be a breath of fresh air for him and Rosa. Rosa is hot as hell IMHO and seeing her in ADRs car coming out makes her that much hotter. I am going to go as far as to say Rosa can help ADR get back in the title picture in the near future.

2. What's next for Ricardo Rodriguez?

I still think Ricardo can factor in and i enjoy him! Hes funny and a slimy character just the way a heel manager should be or whatever you call Ricardo. I think Ricardo and Rosa can work well together with ADR why not?

3. What does this mean for Epico and Primo?

What is next for these two? Back to Irrelevancy i guess. The only thing and i am being honest that made me watch these two was Rosa. If Rosa leaves them,then Primo and Epico become non-existent IMO.
Honestly, it shouldn't be this hard for Del Rio to get over. His character is a snobby rich guy. People generally dislike those type of people. He never recovered from the loss to Edge at WM. After winning the rumble and going on for months about how its his destiny to become champion, he needed to win that match.

I agree, Del Rio forming a stable would be a good idea. Epico and Primo need to work for ADR. They should be attacking Orton for him. Adding Rosa has his valet could help him too.
1. Can Rosa help Alberto del Rio?

I think she can help Del Rio. He isn't doing much right now, and at the very least Rosa could join Del Rio, and her and Ricardo could have some interesting tv trying to one up each other for Del Rio's attention. I do like the stable idea though.

2. What's next for Ricardo Rodriguez? '

I have heard he is a decent wrestle, and would like to see him used that way more. He is a guy that actually makes me care a little bit about Del Rio, and I still think he should be used the way he is with the addition of him wrestling some matches.

3. What does this mean for Epico and Primo?

Again I like the faction idea, and I think they could also help Del Rio, and maybe use the stable to get themselves over a bit more. If not then i imagine they will just continue being the jobbers for the tag division with the occasional title shot thrown in there.
I believe that we might be looking at a new stable brewing. Del Rio the leader, Rose the eye candy, Ricardo the team's announcer, and Epico & Primo as the lackies and tag team. It's a bit racist, but that's how wrestling works to be honest. Who knows, maybe even adding a returning Hunico to the group could do wonders...

I find this to be quite interesting because, as it has been said, Del Rio needs something to do. Maybe he can use this and the lingering Orton feud to help tie in with each other. Rosa could use Primo & Epico to return the favor Del Rio extended on Raw, via using them to help in a feud against Orton. From there, Del Rio can engage in a feud against R-Truth over the US title and find success.

I realize that people might not be too happy with putting the US title on Del Rio, but I think it makes sense. Face it, Antonio Cesaro is a bust and it's time that his reign comes to an end. He could probably be repackaged as a tag wrestler if need be, hell I wouldn't mind seeing Sweenie's old tag team of Bourne and Cesaro being reunited with a heel Bourne. But the US title doesn't work with Cesaro.

Ironically, putting the US title on Del Rio will open up pretty much the same storyline Cesaro has only better. Why? Because it would be a sort of Un-American type deal and could lead to a great program. Plus, Del Rio's very talented on the microphone and in the ring. So giving him a stable could work wonders. Who knows, maybe they can find a way to in corporate Vickie into the angle.

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