Ronda Rousey to WWE?

I'm surprised at how many people are reacting as if Rousey's career as a UFC fighter is over just because of one loss. She can bounce back from this if she wants to. She's been doing so many other things aside from fighting in the past year such as filming movies, doing modeling work and making guest appearances. Maybe this loss will cause her to step back and help her regain her focus again. At the same time, it opens up the door for other challengers to step up and make the UFC womens division more competitive.

No one is saying her career in UFC is over. But to say she didn't hit a brick wall last night would be an understatement. She had her ass handed to her by a fighter who was focused and looked determine to win.

If Rousey's career in movies, modeling and part time WWE attraction is taking away from her being a UFC champion, then who is too blame. It's not the fans, it's her. When you have too many irons in the fire something has to give and in this case it was the thing that brought her everything else, her UFC unbeaten streak.

I do agree she has to step back and re-evaluate what she wants to do. A couple more losses and she won't be so in demand. Let's face it Vince likes to get new eyes on his product, and his hope was probably to bring Rousey in for limited appearances and she would bring the UFC fans with her. If she can't bounce back and someone takes over her spot, then a lot of those fans won't give a damm that she's a WWE wrestler now. She will have lost the magic and while the WWE would still take her, she wouldn't be the draw she was before.

It's a shame. I would have loved to see her retire from UFC with her unbeaten streak intact. Then she could have written her own ticket to do whatever she wanted, now she has slipped down a few pegs. She's still a draw but to stay on top you have to be the best. Last night she showed she wasn't.
I would love to see her compete in the WWE but maybe only as a part time special attraction, To join the division full time and win the divas title straight away unless the WWE plans on her completely dominating the whole divas roster which could only make the WWE look bad, If she was full time how long would it be before she's jobbing to the latest swimsuit model that they have brought in which wouldn't look very believable.
Whatever happens; I really hope that Ms. Rousey learns some manners because of this.

Ms. Rousey is a great fighter, even with this loss on her record. Hell, Cain Velasquez took a loss and bounced right back. She would still be an awesome presence for any future WrestleMania.

I was pretty disappointed when I read Ms. Rousey's comments on instagram (via In case you missed it:

"Fake ass cheap shotting fake respect fake humility bitch - "preacher's daughter" my ass - I see through your fake sweet act now - you're getting your ass kicked tomorrow, and I'm really going to enjoy the beating I give you #andSTILL"

In today's day in age, we have the luxury of looking over our comments before posting them onto the internet. It's not dishonest to edit yourself, I proofread petty comments I make on Youtube all the time. I'll mess up a homonym, or commit the classic "the" instead of "they" all the time.

Ms. Rousey -- possibly intoxicated -- went on the record to declare Ms. Holm as being so fake that it had to be addressed four times, without expressing exactly what that "sweet act" consisted of that was apparently a means of hiding the overwhelming fakeness. The "sweet act" was so egregious that it inspired Ms. Rousey to take sadistic glee in the beating she was going to give to Ms. Holm, prior to the inevitable win she would enjoy afterward.

This is what I feel is most embarrassing for Ms. Rousey. Everybody loses, fails and hits rock bottom. It's the biggest losers that do so after going on the record as being so confident in their eventual success that they'll happily assassinate the character of the person they're up against. A contemptuous winner is just as big a poor sport as a sore loser.

For now; Ms. Rousey is taking some well deserved time off. Which really doesn't mean a whole lot considering that UFC fighters only fight about twice every year. Hopefully she'll take an etiquette class while she's contemplating fake Ms. Holm's fake foot fake smashing into her real jaw.
No one is saying her career in UFC is over.

True, but it will be interesting to see if she thinks it. Earlier, I was speculating that Dana White, WWE, UFC fans and other commercial entities may feel her value is diminished now that she's lost, since so much of her mystique was tied up in being undefeated and seemingly unbeatable.

But what about Ronda herself? Hopefully, she will want to continue her mixed martial arts career and recapture all she lost in a single fight. But what if she doesn't want to? Or can't? What if her image of herself as an international star has been shattered?

The fact she was involved in so many projects outside of her UFC fighting career could have been the cause of what happened against Holly Holm. Perhaps if she were totally focused only on fighting, she would have done better.

In other words, is she sad because she lost a fight......or lost a bunch of commercial, money-making opportunities?

Face it, guys, if she never regains her UFC status and the consolation prize in all this is that she comes to perform for WWE......
Ronda to WWE is actually the best possible move for her at this moment... it's now not such a good deal for WWE however, but still worth the shot.

For all the "She'd kick everyone's ass" brigade... yes... she would be the Diva's version of Brock... but that in itself is an opportunity to bring back the Womens belt as opposed to the Divas title...

There's an element of Mike Tyson in 1990 here, he was gonna be at Summerslam and Buster knocked him out - so they used him instead... I always felt that was a mistake, that had they kept faith with Tyson they could have had a massive boost that they got eventually in 98... Ronda is still a mainstream star, and how she handles defeat may impact that - but the reality is had she beaten Holm she'd have had one, two more fights tops before retiring anyway. Going to WWE sans streak isn't a bad thing in a world where Taker has a one in his record.

In Ronda WWE gets a guaranteed mainstream interest for Mania next year and possibly for Summerslam and Survivor Series... Hell, if they could train her in time, could you imagine her entering the Rumble at #30? The place would go ballistic and so would the mainstream media if she got to the final 2 only for Steph or someone to screw her over.

For Ronda, the reality is she isn't going to be Captain Marvel... she wasn't before the loss and she isn't now... her Roadhouse remake might still work, but if she wants to improve her acting craft, then there are few better places to do it than a year or two with WWE... Dwayne will be around on occasion to help her, guys like Chris Jericho will occasionally be around to help her on the mic... The reason wrestlers can cross into acting with just a little outside coaching is cos they act all the damn time in a TV show...

It's arguable Ronda could end up in some TV show anyway if the movie thing doesn't quite work, so why not WWE RAW for a year? Unless they're gonna make her She-Hulk in Agents of SHIELD, which would be the perfect thing for her.

UFC-wise, Ronda may have just done WWE a favour, she'll be worth less to Dana now and Holly is someone he can market instead of her. Also it now puts more pressure on Punk to deliver, as he is Dana's other "pet project"... Ronda losing could cause Dana to put more pressure on Punk and if she goes to WWE, it's potential bridge for WWE getting him back in some capacity, even if was to be in her corner. The only thing bigger than Ronda and Dwayne at Mania is Ronda with Punk in her corner against the McMahons...

Silver Linings...
Whatever happens; I really hope that Ms. Rousey learns some manners because of this.

Ms. Rousey is a great fighter, even with this loss on her record. Hell, Cain Velasquez took a loss and bounced right back. She would still be an awesome presence for any future WrestleMania.

I was pretty disappointed when I read Ms. Rousey's comments on instagram (via In case you missed it:

"Fake ass cheap shotting fake respect fake humility bitch - "preacher's daughter" my ass - I see through your fake sweet act now - you're getting your ass kicked tomorrow, and I'm really going to enjoy the beating I give you #andSTILL"

In today's day in age, we have the luxury of looking over our comments before posting them onto the internet. It's not dishonest to edit yourself, I proofread petty comments I make on Youtube all the time. I'll mess up a homonym, or commit the classic "the" instead of "they" all the time.

Ms. Rousey -- possibly intoxicated -- went on the record to declare Ms. Holm as being so fake that it had to be addressed four times, without expressing exactly what that "sweet act" consisted of that was apparently a means of hiding the overwhelming fakeness. The "sweet act" was so egregious that it inspired Ms. Rousey to take sadistic glee in the beating she was going to give to Ms. Holm, prior to the inevitable win she would enjoy afterward.

This is what I feel is most embarrassing for Ms. Rousey. Everybody loses, fails and hits rock bottom. It's the biggest losers that do so after going on the record as being so confident in their eventual success that they'll happily assassinate the character of the person they're up against. A contemptuous winner is just as big a poor sport as a sore loser.

For now; Ms. Rousey is taking some well deserved time off. Which really doesn't mean a whole lot considering that UFC fighters only fight about twice every year. Hopefully she'll take an etiquette class while she's contemplating fake Ms. Holm's fake foot fake smashing into her real jaw.

The post above describes the problem that Ronda Rousey now must address. When one is an undefeated badass, it is much easier to get away with questionable behavior. However, this makes her loss that much more satisfying for her detractors. There are not many people willing to follow a trash talker after they get their comeuppance. Fair or not, Ms. Rousey has now backed herself into a corner. She must get the belt back and establish that Holly Holm is a rival who happened to be better than her on one night.

If Rousey can regain the title, this moment can be looked at as her wakeup call. If she cannot, her legacy in women's MMA takes a sizable hit.

As for the question of being a regular on WWE television, that would be the worst thing she could do right now. Nobody benefits from Ronda Rousey working house shows, especially Rousey herself.

If, and this is a big if, she can defeat Holly Holm in a rematch with an armbar, she will get most of her mystique back. If she sets foot in a WWE ring before then, she will kill at least a portion of her UFC drawing power. Besides, the only match that makes sense for Rousey is Stephanie McMahon. Such a match would need to be booked very carefully if it ever comes to fruition.
I've been thinking IF Ronda ever joins wwe, she should have matches with the men. Seriously! That's WAY more believable than her facing the Bella Twins(unless she faces them in a handicap match). It's too unreal to have her lose to any of today's women. In fact I wouldn't mind seeing her win the wwe world heavyweight title. Yes I'm serious. She would be a more believable champion than Rey Mysterio! Don't anyone say that would be like David Arquette winning the wcw title!
I doubt Rousey would want to do it full time given Lesnar is doing a stellar contract loaded with only a handful of dates. She will know of the impact of Lesnar's schedule which has totally raised his star-power. If she takes solace in this, I'd doubt she will work every week.

If she joins WWE, she'll be hot from the get-go. Even though she took a loss, as soon as she jumps ship, people will talk. The word will spread. She'll start to catch fire and Vince will want her star to burn it's brightest inside his own empire first. She's an established celebrity as well as an athlete.

If she steps into the current Divas division, she could well be the 'Lesnar' of the females. She's a hard ass who doesn't give a hoot about anyone but herself. That's a ready made character for WWE's needs so she will fit in perfectly. Her inclusion will add a much needed boost to the company and Stephanie probably wouldn't mind.

It would be compelling to see how she interacts with other Diva's on the roster.

If she does comeback into WWE's circle in 2016 for a program, I hope it's not with Stephanie. I just don't see the believability in a program such as that and any degree of kayfabe won't be able to fix that.
The post above describes the problem that Ronda Rousey now must address. When one is an undefeated badass, it is much easier to get away with questionable behavior. However, this makes her loss that much more satisfying for her detractors. There are not many people willing to follow a trash talker after they get their comeuppance. Fair or not, Ms. Rousey has now backed herself into a corner. She must get the belt back and establish that Holly Holm is a rival who happened to be better than her on one night.

If Rousey can regain the title, this moment can be looked at as her wakeup call. If she cannot, her legacy in women's MMA takes a sizable hit.

As for the question of being a regular on WWE television, that would be the worst thing she could do right now. Nobody benefits from Ronda Rousey working house shows, especially Rousey herself.

If, and this is a big if, she can defeat Holly Holm in a rematch with an armbar, she will get most of her mystique back. If she sets foot in a WWE ring before then, she will kill at least a portion of her UFC drawing power. Besides, the only match that makes sense for Rousey is Stephanie McMahon. Such a match would need to be booked very carefully if it ever comes to fruition.

Wrong... Ronda doesn't have to PRIOVE anything... she is a fighting champion who lost... loads before her, Connor McGregor will get his ass kicked, Punk, and let's face it she STILL did better than Brock!

Ronda knew what she wanted, she wanted out of the "real" consequences... her jaw/nose being bust will cement it... She can be just as badass, just as respected in WWE and she knows it... she was never gonna rule Hollywood in they way Dwayne did...without some of the bootcamp he went through.. she'll do 2 years of a Brock schedule for Vince... and it will likely make her...

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