Roman Reigns' Next Feud Pushed Up?


A report via states that Roman Reigns' next scheduled feud is against the Miz and that the program is being pushed forward since Braun Strowman is out injured. According to the report, the original plans called for Reigns to take on Strowman at Extreme Rules in an Ambulance Match with Strowman picking up the win before moving onward to a program with Brock Lesnar over the Universal Championship. The report also mentions that there's no confirmed word one way or the other as to if this feud will involve the Intercontinental Championship; Miz is set to face Dean Ambrose for the title on Raw this Monday and it will be his 7th title IC title run if he's victorious. There's talk, of course, of possibly putting the title on Reigns to help with his build towards his projected Universal Championship clash with Brock Lesnar next year as winning the Intercontinental Championship would make the Universal Championship the only title Reigns hasn't captured, minus the Cruiserweight Championship, of course, but that's not really an issue for the simple fact that Reigns isn't dropping 50 lbs. to go for it.

Reigns and Miz could have a strong feud, Miz has been doing the best work of his career over the last 16 months or so and his time as IC champ last year was the most entertaining title in the title's history over the past several years. One potential flaw is that Reigns may be perceived as simply being too big of a challenge for Miz immediately, but that's something that could be changed if Miz manages to win at least one match during their feud. I wouldn't mind seeing Miz win the Intercontinental Championship again, though I'm not sure if I'd prefer someone like Rollins or Balor to win the title instead of Reigns. I think Rollins or Balor would be treated well as champion but, then again, so would Reigns. While Roman Reigns as Intercontinental Champion would almost certainly result in a strong reign, you'd have to wonder if WWE would go for an "Ultimate Challenge" sort of scenario regarding Lesnar & Reigns for WrestleMania next year. For WrestleMania VI, we had Hogan vs. the Ultimate Warrior for the WWE Championship while Warrior was still Intercontinental Champion and, as we all know, Warrior became the first simultaneous WWE World and Intercontinental Champion. I could see them going that same route with Roman Reigns. If the report is true in regards to Reigns ultimately losing to Braun Strowman before Strowman's injury, then it gives me a bit of comfort really in that it suggests that Reigns may not just simply steamroll everyone he's up against between now at WrestleMania 34.
Eh, what? The Miz? He's had a great year and even though he's not long come off a feud with Cena, he is not a credible opponent for Reigns. The Miz isn't somebody who needs the rub.

If the idea is to just give Reigns something to do at Extreme Rules then fine, but this should be a one show feud and he should win fairly quickly and easily.
To be honest I think this is a feud I can get behind. The problem is, it might be counter-productive to what WWE is trying to do. Putting the Intercontinental Championship on Roman Reigns would be interesting, but can you imagine the promos that Miz would deliver on Reigns? Nobody would be cheering Reigns, surely not. Just like Miz was able to do with Cena, this could very much go in the way of The Miz, but then ultimately, I presume, Miz would lose the overall feud. Not that Miz needs the rub, but a victory of some sort over Reigns would benefit his overall win/loss record against the much bigger stars.

If it's just a place filler until Braun Strowman returns, that is also fine. Miz and Reigns would be unexpected and should be quite entertaining, but we shall see. I agree with you in that, if the original plans were for Strowman to go over Reigns, then we won't get the big build into WrestleMania that we all fear.

On a side note, the whole "ultimate challenge" thing for WrestleMania 34 is certainly plausible. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. My only real issue with including the Intercontinental Championship there would be that, like with when Reigns was United States Champion, would it be forgotten? I certainly hope not. But that isn't relevant until he does or does not become champion.
A long feud with Miz and Reigns would not be good for Reigns. The biggest weakness in his game is mic work and putting him against someone who is fairly good on the stick in the Miz would only further expose that weakness.

As others have said, a quick (perhaps one-off) match to fill in at a show would likely be fine. But a long feud would be hard on him.
Let the feud between Miz and Ambrose fisrt start.. Let it end naturally at Extreme Rules, like it was supposed to end. Until Miz is free, give Reigns a filler feud.

Rhyno is on RAW as well. Rhyno vs Reigns in a Falls Count Anywhere match could work for now. Mark Henry is also on RAW. Why do they need to push the Miz into Reigns so fast?

EDIT: Those saying that Reigns shouldn't face the Miz because of his mic work. Just, don't. Reigns has been pushed as the face of the company for 2 years now. I say it's about time he stops getting protected. If he can't hang with the Miz then it's his fault.
EDIT: Those saying that Reigns shouldn't face the Miz because of his mic work. Just, don't. Reigns has been pushed as the face of the company for 2 years now. I say it's about time he stops getting protected. If he can't hang with the Miz then it's his fault.
Why do you think the WWE cares about whose fault it is? The WWE cares about money and Roman Reigns is bringing it in. Exposing weaknesses in his game costs the WWE money.

So, those saying voicing concerns about mic work should stop...Just, don't. You clearly don't seem to understand the point of pro wrestling.
I'm interested.

Just to see how Roman Reigns fares on the mic with The Miz. The Miz is one of the best mic workers in the current roster and Reigns "talking" with him will showcase if Reigns has improved or not. He has improved but how much? That'll be proven if Reigns actually has a promo battle with The Miz. And if he doesn't fare well, then it's indeed his fault. He's gotten a lot of exposure, time and opportunities to improve. So if he's good then it's his accomplishment but if he isn't then also it's his own fault.
I am really intrigued by this. The Miz has been by far the most entertaining part of WWE, for me at least. Roman Reigns has been one of the most consistent workers (Top 3 at least) and it's rare a Reigns's match that bores me. In that aspect, I believe that this feud has a lot of potential.

I agree with Slyfox about Reigns's weakness being more exposed in a promo battle against The Awesome One. Finn Balor is proof of that. As much as the guy is good in the ring and is being pushed to go over Miz easily, the truth is that The Miz was the one who gained something with their mini-feud. While Balor really lost some supporters who were trying to give him a chance.

However, I can see Miz and Reigns having a long feud. Reigns is no Cena on the mic, but he is no Finn Balor either. He's alright now and his attitude more than makes up for what he lacks in his delivery. All in all, I just know that I really want to see this. It may be shit and forgetfull or it may be really good.
Not sure this feud makes sense??? Crowd will be probably way over with Miz as seen with his recent feud with Cena. I think it would've made sense to work him with Samoa Joe more so then Miz. It just makes more sense. Have Joe defeat Rollins to put an end to that feud and then go forward with Joe vs. Reigns that would make more sense. Miz will kill Reigns in the promos!!!
If they use Reigns properly on the mic, it'll go fine. He's more of a power guy and billed as such. It makes no sense, character-wise, for him to be cutting long-winded promos. Miz, Jericho, Punk, etc. Those are the kinds of characters who fit long promos. Let Miz do most of the talking. Reigns can pretty much say "I'll kick your butt if you try anything." The end.

There are obvious exceptions, but they should be few and far between.
Why do you think the WWE cares about whose fault it is? The WWE cares about money and Roman Reigns is bringing it in. Exposing weaknesses in his game costs the WWE money.

So, those saying voicing concerns about mic work should stop...Just, don't. You clearly don't seem to understand the point of pro wrestling.

Sorry, I just can't accept the fact that the guy they are pushing as #1 needs to be protected. Everyone before him wasn't.

I think that is was those weaknesses, that split the crowd in the first place. He's definately a man of few words. Why change that? Keep it simple. His actions speak louder.

But, if there are worries that the Miz might expose this guy, then this guy shouldn't have the position he has. He should be ready to tangle with anyone on the roster. He is, for me. So stop your concerns.
Seems totally out of left field but that is what happens when you have injuries. While Miz is clearly important to WWE, he has not been pushed as someone who is the slightest threat to Reigns. He competes with some of the best but he barely ever beats anyone legitimately. Sure Maryse gets involved or he gets a cheapish multi man win but he hasn't been pushed as someone who is a threat to Reigns. At least Jinder has the Bollywood Boys to get him a title, Maryse's perfume getting Miz a win doesn't feel like it matters. Oh well, maybe he will get the best of Ambrose and take it far enough that Reigns needs to avenge his 'brother'. Plus it is May/June so expectations should be low.

As far as the mic work issue. Don't worry about it. Reigns has already been exposed, WWE knows what they have and they don't care. Miz is also a professional that will do what he's told.

The most interesting thing about this feud is the crowd. Miz will get cheered for anything he does to Reigns much like Strowman. Then again, the fans have become so predictable with Reigns that they are not that interesting anymore.

My apathy meter is at 8.5 out of 10.
Sorry, I just can't accept the fact that the guy they are pushing as #1 needs to be protected. Everyone before him wasn't.
Well, that's just blatantly false. All top draws are protected. Always have been and always will be. Why does Lesnar have Heyman? When did you see Hogan do a scaffold match or work with more aerial based wrestlers? Why did almost no one in the WWE use a side kick when HBK was active?

Top draws are protected all the time. The way they get protected may not always be similar, but care is always taken to protect the money coming in.

Again, this is pro wrestling 101.

I think that is was those weaknesses, that split the crowd in the first place.
The WWE doesn't care if people boo him or not (and if mic skills are what causes a person to boo, then explain the years worth of mediocre Ambrose promos we had to sit through and how he's still cheered).

He's definately a man of few words. Why change that? Keep it simple. His actions speak louder.
Well, the WWE isn't going to change that. That's the point.

I feel like you don't understand what I'm saying.

But, if there are worries that the Miz might expose this guy, then this guy shouldn't have the position he has.
You are seemingly confusing two separate issues.

No one is saying Reigns isn't a top star or that working with the Miz will expose a pro wrestling version of a paper tiger. What I'm saying is that the Reigns character, as you said, works best by being a man of action, not dueling microphones, but Miz gets over in the exact opposite way. And when you're talking about main-event feuds, you try to limit the contact between your main-eventers as much as possible, to get people to pay to watch them wrestle. Which means, for a feud between Miz and Reigns, Miz is going to do a lot of talking, because that's what he does well to build heat, both for himself and the match. Which leaves Reigns to do...what, exactly?

Do you get it yet or do I need to provide a more basic lesson regarding the concepts of pro wrestling? And I don't say that to sound like an ass, I'm genuinely asking.
If they use Reigns properly on the mic, it'll go fine. He's more of a power guy and billed as such. It makes no sense, character-wise, for him to be cutting long-winded promos. Miz, Jericho, Punk, etc. Those are the kinds of characters who fit long promos. Let Miz do most of the talking. Reigns can pretty much say "I'll kick your butt if you try anything." The end.

There are obvious exceptions, but they should be few and far between.

I agree that this is entirely doable. It's true that Reigns isn't cut out for long promos, that's just simply how it is. The longer he tries to talk on the mic, the more painful it becomes. This isn't really a feud that has to rely on 15-20 minute promos.

Here's what I'd consider doing. Miz interrupts Roman Reigns after he comes out to the ring. Reigns has only been out there for a couple of minutes, maybe not even that long, and says something to the effect that he's not done with Braun Strowman and that he's more than ready for him whenever the boo boo on his elbow gets better. Miz's music hits, he comes down to the ring with Maryse and does his thing for a few minutes. If he's Intercontinental Champion at the time, you know he'll talk about that for a bit and how great he is, yadda yadda. Reigns interrupts him with this sort of cocky smirk on his face and shakes his head slightly when he says that "Daniel Bryan was right about you." That immediately gets Miz's undivided attention as we all know the great verbal spats they had on Talking Smack. Reigns states that Miz really is a coward and for a long time, Reigns just genuinely thought he was cagey and crafty but he's really just a whiny little bitch who hides behind his wife's skirt. And yes, Reigns is probably high enough up the ladder that Vince will permit him to use the word "bitch." Before Miz can reply, Reigns says something to the effect that a real champion doesn't have to use his woman to win matches; he walks up to Maryse as he says it and then just sorta cups her chin in his hand so he can look into her eyes before saying something to the effects of there are much better uses for a woman like this than winning matches. Maryse blushes and smiles a little, maybe shyly lowering her eyes as Reigns starts to leave. Miz goes off, as you'd expect, and jumps Reigns from behind. The two of them brawl around ringside for a few minutes before the refs break them up while Miz is basically frothing at the mouth.

Now is it out of character for Miz to be so aggressive? Sure it is but you also have to take into account that this'd be the first time his opponent literally made a pass at his wife right in front of him and, to his horror, she seemed rather flattered that he did. This might also make Miz look sympathetic and that'd be the wrong path to choose if it were most other wrestlers on the roster, but not with Roman Reigns because there'll be more fans who'll cheer Miz over Reigns no matter what. In a feud with Roman Reigns, Miz could punt kick a one eyed, three legged puppy over the top rope into the third row and fans would still cheer for him over Reigns. During the course of their feud, Miz could occasionally jump Reigns as he's coming to the ring to deliver a promo or to wrestle a match, maybe Miz even does something to help cost him an important match. Keep Miz aggressive and fuming on the mic, but keep his promos generally brief but don't turn it into some sort of drama between him and Maryse, don't have her give an explanation as to why she smiled, just run with it and keep the impression that there's trouble in paradise between them.

WWE could easily stretch this out over a 2 to 3 month time period if they're smart about it. Reigns doesn't have to say much on the mic, he doesn't even have to talk all that often, just keep what he says short, sweet and to the point. Don't have him trade jabs with Miz on the mic, let him say what he has to say with that whole alpha male swagger of his.
I agree that this is entirely doable. It's true that Reigns isn't cut out for long promos, that's just simply how it is. The longer he tries to talk on the mic, the more painful it becomes. This isn't really a feud that has to rely on 15-20 minute promos.

You missed my point. The point is that the character Roman Reigns is a power guy who does most of his talking in the ring. For him to cut long, articulate promos just doesn't make any sense. It's something too many people don't understand. Sure, he's not great on the mic right now, but that's just coincidence that it works out. Guys like Kane, Big Show and Undertaker were very good on the stick, but they rarely cut long promos because their characters don't dictate it.

One of my favorite heel runs in recent memory was the Hall of Pain. Mark Henry basically just told people he was going to destroy them and then he went out and did it. Simple as that.

Here's what I'd consider doing. Miz interrupts Roman Reigns after he comes out to the ring. Reigns has only been out there for a couple of minutes, maybe not even that long, and says something to the effect that he's not done with Braun Strowman and that he's more than ready for him whenever the boo boo on his elbow gets better. Miz's music hits, he comes down to the ring with Maryse and does his thing for a few minutes. If he's Intercontinental Champion at the time, you know he'll talk about that for a bit and how great he is, yadda yadda. Reigns interrupts him with this sort of cocky smirk on his face and shakes his head slightly when he says that "Daniel Bryan was right about you." That immediately gets Miz's undivided attention as we all know the great verbal spats they had on Talking Smack. Reigns states that Miz really is a coward and for a long time, Reigns just genuinely thought he was cagey and crafty but he's really just a whiny little bitch who hides behind his wife's skirt. And yes, Reigns is probably high enough up the ladder that Vince will permit him to use the word "bitch." Before Miz can reply, Reigns says something to the effect that a real champion doesn't have to use his woman to win matches; he walks up to Maryse as he says it and then just sorta cups her chin in his hand so he can look into her eyes before saying something to the effects of there are much better uses for a woman like this than winning matches. Maryse blushes and smiles a little, maybe shyly lowering her eyes as Reigns starts to leave. Miz goes off, as you'd expect, and jumps Reigns from behind. The two of them brawl around ringside for a few minutes before the refs break them up while Miz is basically frothing at the mouth.

Now is it out of character for Miz to be so aggressive? Sure it is but you also have to take into account that this'd be the first time his opponent literally made a pass at his wife right in front of him and, to his horror, she seemed rather flattered that he did. This might also make Miz look sympathetic and that'd be the wrong path to choose if it were most other wrestlers on the roster, but not with Roman Reigns because there'll be more fans who'll cheer Miz over Reigns no matter what. In a feud with Roman Reigns, Miz could punt kick a one eyed, three legged puppy over the top rope into the third row and fans would still cheer for him over Reigns. During the course of their feud, Miz could occasionally jump Reigns as he's coming to the ring to deliver a promo or to wrestle a match, maybe Miz even does something to help cost him an important match. Keep Miz aggressive and fuming on the mic, but keep his promos generally brief but don't turn it into some sort of drama between him and Maryse, don't have her give an explanation as to why she smiled, just run with it and keep the impression that there's trouble in paradise between them.

While WWE has certainly towed the line between face and heel with Reigns, this is just straight up heel. I don't think there's a way where Miz doesn't come out the face with Reigns doing that. You can argue the whole Reigns dynamic all you want, but despite what people like to type around here, Reigns almost always gets cheers from parts of the arena. Blatantly audible cheers, even if it's not even 50% of the crowd.
Why do you think the WWE cares about whose fault it is? The WWE cares about money and Roman Reigns is bringing it in.

Gotta stop you right there. Myth. Reigns isn't bringing in all this supposed money. The WWE machine is bringing in money....for now. He's the current top cog in that machine, no more no less.

That said, if they're gonna go with the idea that RR is somehow a babyface, Miz might be a good opponent for him. Miz will go for pure heat with no reservations about trying to get cool guy heat. He won't brutalize Reigns like Strowman and get cheered either. Then again, what might happen is the worst case scenario for WWE: apathy. They've gotten away with Reigns at the top under the guise of "any noise is good noise". That's because he's been in scenarios where the crowd was hyped enough about other things that they could get into the match, get into the other guy, or get into the story.

Miz makes that difficult. If Miz goes into one of his shoot promos, it's gonna cut too close to the bone. Imagine Miz talking about how WWE has pushed him for 2 years and the crowd still hates him. Ouch. They won't let him say that.

If he plays pure heel, nobody's gonna care because nobody likes Roman. If he does his heel antics and blasts him with the belt, people may cheer, but if he runs out of the ring like a coward, people will sit on their hands. When you don't give people at least one person to root for, you're going to create a real problem.
Well, that's just blatantly false. All top draws are protected. Always have been and always will be. Why does Lesnar have Heyman? When did you see Hogan do a scaffold match or work with more aerial based wrestlers? Why did almost no one in the WWE use a side kick when HBK was active?

Top draws are protected all the time. The way they get protected may not always be similar, but care is always taken to protect the money coming in.

Again, this is pro wrestling 101.

The WWE doesn't care if people boo him or not (and if mic skills are what causes a person to boo, then explain the years worth of mediocre Ambrose promos we had to sit through and how he's still cheered).

Well, the WWE isn't going to change that. That's the point.

I feel like you don't understand what I'm saying.

You are seemingly confusing two separate issues.

No one is saying Reigns isn't a top star or that working with the Miz will expose a pro wrestling version of a paper tiger. What I'm saying is that the Reigns character, as you said, works best by being a man of action, not dueling microphones, but Miz gets over in the exact opposite way. And when you're talking about main-event feuds, you try to limit the contact between your main-eventers as much as possible, to get people to pay to watch them wrestle. Which means, for a feud between Miz and Reigns, Miz is going to do a lot of talking, because that's what he does well to build heat, both for himself and the match. Which leaves Reigns to do...what, exactly?

Do you get it yet or do I need to provide a more basic lesson regarding the concepts of pro wrestling? And I don't say that to sound like an ass, I'm genuinely asking.

Yeah, you do sound like an ass, but you speak the truth. That's something. I get what you're saying. I remember reading stories about how Hogan didn't start a feud with Jake the Snake, because Jake was being cheered over Hogan. That's protection right there.
Still, who else is there for Reigns to face on RAW?

The way I see things? If Miz gets the upper hand in the build-up, Reigns will crash him, in order for the fans to keep buying Reigns as the Big Dog. If Reigns manages to fire back at the Miz, then there's a chance this feud lasts. I don't really know what Reigns will do, though. He didn't do much against KO. He definately lacks against strong talkers like HHH, KO and Heyman.
Now that I think of it, these are the only strong talkers Reigns feuded against these past 3 years.

Anyways, it'd be interesting to see how Reigns fights back against the Miz.
Well the way I see it is this. If the plan is to have him take the title off of Lesnar at Mania next year, then you can't have him sitting around doing nothing. Sure the fued with Strowman is interesting, and hopefully Strowman will come off looking good out of it, but Reigns has to look like a viable contender for Lesnar.

So he has to some some feuds with meat on them will he's waiting for Mania. The problem is, how many contenders is there for him on RAW other than the Miz or Samoa Joe. Joe seems to be tied up with Rollins right now, though I thought that one was done and dusted. The other option would be Wyatt but he and Reigns already had a feud which Reigns came away the winner of.

It's fine to have long term plans and goals, issue is you have to keep the guy involved till they come to fruition. The lack of dominant heels on RAW is a problem, considering the biggest one, that being Lesnar is a part timer.

Miz is doing some of his best work lately and it would be a shame to take the title off him now. Reigns did nothing for the US title when he held it, and the IC title is really the only one on RAW at the moment with the WWE Universal title being scare.
Not a bad feud at all, and it would be a good feud until Strowman returns.

The only problem is Miz is absolutely going to destroy Reigns on the mic.

Also I don't want to see Miz lose, but it wouldn't be the worst thing ever.

Also Slyfox, you think Ambrose had mediocre promos? That's just laughable. Ambrose is one of the best on the mic.
Gotta stop you right there. Myth.
Ya think?

It was noted in the latest edition of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter that with John Cena now being a part-time wrestler, Reigns has been the top merchandise seller of all the full time talent and "there's nobody ready to take his place."


"People can look at Roman Reigns and say, 'The failed attempt that is Roman Reigns,' but Roman Reigns sells tickets," said Triple H.

You probably ought to let Triple H know he doesn't know what he's talking about. Or acknowledge you don't. Either way.

Reigns isn't bringing in all this supposed money. The WWE machine is bringing in money....for now. He's the current top cog in that machine, no more no less.
And the Reigns cog is bringing in more money than any other cog. You're trying to play word games and it's going poorly for you.
Yeah, you do sound like an ass
In my defense, I've been working to educate people on Internet forums about how wrestling works for over a decade.

Though, in fairness, I used to be much more of an ass about it...hmm...

but you speak the truth.
Always. ;)

That's something. I get what you're saying. I remember reading stories about how Hogan didn't start a feud with Jake the Snake, because Jake was being cheered over Hogan. That's protection right there.
Still, who else is there for Reigns to face on RAW?
There's many things they could do on Raw to provide a better opponent for Reigns. The problem isn't that Miz is too good for Reigns, or even that Miz has great mic skills, but the fact that Miz only gets heat with his mic skills and Reigns is not good at doing that. It would not be a good fit right now for a long-term feud.

That doesn't mean we throw out anyone who is good on the mic, it just means we throw out those who are only good at drawing heat by using the mic.
Also Slyfox, you think Ambrose had mediocre promos? That's just laughable.
Everything Ambrose does is mediocre. Has been for years.

Ambrose is one of the best on the mic.
No, not even close. Ambrose in 2017 has, in fact, shown tremendous improvement in promos, but before the turn of 2017, Ambrose promos were just wretched. They were over-acted, over-scripted and poorly delivered. Sure, every once in a great while he had a decent one (some of his antics during the Styles/Ellsworth program come to mind), but overall his mic work was just atrocious and lacked any realism. He sounded like a 12 year old who thought he was super cool and a badass, but was really just someone living in their own fantasy world that everyone else laughed at.

Again, Ambrose has shown tremendous improvement (and consistency) in 2017. But before this year? Absolutely not. And one of the best on the mic? Not even close.
And the Reigns cog is bringing in more money than any other cog.

But is that enough money for a guy who is given so much in regards to booking, protection, and exposure? Making the most money and making enough money are two very different things.

There's many things they could do on Raw to provide a better opponent for Reigns. The problem isn't that Miz is too good for Reigns, or even that Miz has great mic skills, but the fact that Miz only gets heat with his mic skills and Reigns is not good at doing that. It would not be a good fit right now for a long-term feud.

Not true. Miz has a "dangerous valet" and can turn up the aggression if he needs too. He can also turn his mic skills against the fans. He can be a whiney cunt. He can also act like a complete pussy to draw heat. He is not limited to saying mean things to Reigns.

That doesn't mean we throw out anyone who is good on the mic, it just means we throw out those who are only good at drawing heat by using the mic.

Miz's limits are in the fact that he has been booked as no physical threat in the ring to someone who has been booked as strong as Reigns and someone who clearly has bigger things planned in the future (Lesnar, Strowman, maybe Cena).

Much like Jericho, Miz can be any type of heel you want him to be. He is going to have to be taken as a much stronger threat to be taken seriously with a guy like Reigns.

Everything Ambrose does is mediocre. Has been for years.

I assume that is just your opinion because his pay check would argue otherwise. They are certainly not paying Ambrose for his appearance or in-ring prowess. He gets paid to be a work horse who gets attention due to his mic work and antics.
Ambrose's "wretched, over-acted, overscripted, poorly delivered, atrocious and all bad adjectives in the world" were still better than "Suffering Succotash".

He didn't sound like a kid but he sounded like a lunatic. And that's what his character is all about. But continue to state your "opinion" as facts because you can. Everyone laughing at him? I don't think that everyone laughed at that. But you can always post using hyperbole. A wrestler doing atrocious won't be in the position he's as of now.
Whatever Ambrose does, his hair looks stupid. Appearence matters and quite frankly, Ambrose looks like he has an emo phase right now. His shield hair were better, just like CM Punk looked better in 2011 than he did in 2014.

Also, I don't get it with Ambrose. People call him lazy, but the guy carried two shows on his back at the start of the brand split. He has ideas that fit his character. At the end of the day, it's not his fault those ideas don't go through Vince. Looks like it will be a while before he becomes world champion again. But still, they have him beat Cena clean on SD and then put him on the pre-show. I don't get it. And now he wil be 4th tier on RAW, behind Lesnar, Reigns and Rollins. One would think that he paid his dues on SD, but he's back in the upper midcard pond, fighting agaist Miz, Wyatt, Balor, Joe and others, to prove himself once again.

That's off topic though.
Everything Ambrose does is mediocre. Has been for years.

No, not even close. Ambrose in 2017 has, in fact, shown tremendous improvement in promos, but before the turn of 2017, Ambrose promos were just wretched. They were over-acted, over-scripted and poorly delivered. Sure, every once in a great while he had a decent one (some of his antics during the Styles/Ellsworth program come to mind), but overall his mic work was just atrocious and lacked any realism. He sounded like a 12 year old who thought he was super cool and a badass, but was really just someone living in their own fantasy world that everyone else laughed at.

Again, Ambrose has shown tremendous improvement (and consistency) in 2017. But before this year? Absolutely not. And one of the best on the mic? Not even close.

Here's some of Ambrose's promos.

You think all of that is 'mediocre'?

As for his matches:

vs. Rollins - SummerSlam 2014, Hell in a Cell 2014, Elimination Chamber 2015, Money in the Bank 2015

vs. Owens - Survivor Series 2015, TLC 2015, Royal Rumble 2016

vs. Reigns and Lesnar - Fastlane 2016

vs. HHH - Roadblock 2016

vs. Cena - Raw After WM 32

Don't forget his matches with The Shield.

But hey he's just mediocre, right?

EDIT - But, but Roman Reigns draws more than Ambrose!! Of course he does. Push anyone that hard and they'll draw. Fact.
My main "beef" with Ambrose is that he just doesnt have enough of, lets call it "it factor". Look at Reigns, Rollins, heck look at Strowman. They are guys for who WWE can say "There is your Champion, he is bigger then life" and you can buy that. For Ambrose there is just "Hey, its "lunatic fringe", hey". Plus his ring work was always mediocre. But lets stick to the theme:

Would have no problem buying the feud. Miz would do most ring work, Reigns would keep it short and would be in "Hulk smash" mode like when he feud with Rusev and would be fine. Just cant see what any of them would get from it. Reigns doesnt need another Owens(plus Miz is not Owens in terms of ring work) to keep him occupied until Strowman or Lesnar get there. He would destroy Miz and would go on to Strowman. And Miz after Cena doesnt need "Cena no2" to lose for. Kinda would do both guys no favor.

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