Pre-Show Stalwart
The fans turned on Reigns because he is another corporate cutout champion manufactured and shoved down the audience's throat. What has Reigns done to deserve his spot? Play Football for a minute, be Sika's son, and have a good look/build? It may be ENTERTAINMENT but there is still a hardcore WRESTLING fan base that watched ECW, WCW, the attitude era, watched the good years of TNA, watches the indies, new Japan, and Ring of Honor, is very rabid, and not afraid to voice their opinion when they see bullsh*t.
Bryan isn't just over with this rabid crowd, though, he is over "UNIVERSALLY" with WWE's ENTIRE fanbase. His chants are repeated in High School and NBA games, he's probably the most recent wrestler to be recognized by nearly everyone, yet Reigns is supposed to be "the one?" Get the f*ck out of here. Reigns reeks of Drew Galloway.
Bryan is not only organically over, he EARNED it by wrestling years in the indies, in Japan, slowly building respect from not only his peers but anyone with access to a computer who will look him up on google, while Reigns comes in and is supposed to take his spot even though he's red hot and in his prime? That's like Vince in 98 ignoring the crowd and hot shooting The Rock in front of Austin to Wrestlemania 14 against Michaels because Rock was younger, and has a look he liked while Austin was over organically but didn't look as good as The Rock.
The Rock would have crashed and burned, badly, and would have never found his identity while Austin wasted away in the mid-card with an Intercontinental title. WWE is LUCKY it monopolized professional wrestling because if they were still in competition, the crap with Bryan/Reigns this year wouldn't have flown. Fans would have called BS and switched over to the alternative if there was one (no, TNA is not an alternative, it is a pitiful nuisance that is even on less homes than before and I say that with no reflection whatsoever on their roster--they're run by idiots.)
Rollins was the wild card. WWE's number one full time heel. They didn't want the title on Bryan, but also couldn't put it on Reigns without disastrous results, so he was their ace in the hole, their "Edge" to save face.
And this is exactly why I HATE NEW AGE FANS....
The condescending Know it alls who think because they watch some obscure federation that has a fan base of 400 that they are SO COOL AND INTELLIGENT!
How about letting the guy get his shot and see what he can do?
Their was a 6 round draft pick QB from Michigan who got his start because the star QB of the Patriots got injured....
He got his shot and now he is HALL OF FAMER AND 4 TIME CHAMPION TOM BRADY!!!
There was a loud mouth kid from KY about to fight the vicious Sonny Liston and everyone said the kid was crazy and too young.... He went on to be Muhammad Ali.
There was a young muscular wrestler who didn't have good mic skills, had a limited arsenal, was only in the E for barely a year and had never won a single title who beat Hulkamania for the Title....
That guy was the UNDERTAKER.
I am sick of you guys saying stuff is getting shoved down your throats when you guys do the same thing.
Yes I would much rather see the Rock and BROCK fight in the Main event then Tyson Kidd or Daniel Bryan and it's ridiculous that if I do U BYTCH ASS NO PU$$y getting Nerds fuk up the whole match by chant for a guy who left the E over a year ago or for some stupid nobody from INDY wrestling dot com.
Not everybody has to watch and like the same guys but to ruin this Mans push was a BYTCH MOVE and uncalled for. Give him a shot if it doesn't work.... FINE....
But to just label him the next Cena and hate on him was CORNY!!!