Rolling Stone: WWE Best Of The Half-Year Awards


I don't know if this is something that's been going on for a while or if it's something that's only been done lately but Rolling Stone, the music trade magazine, has compiled "awards" for their view of the overall best and worst goings on in WWE for the first half of 2015 and they read as follows:

Wrestler of the Year - Kevin Owens
Runner-Up Wrestler - Roman Reigns
Second Best Heels - The New Day
Most Unavoidable Face Turn - Brock Lesnar
Most Welcome Heel Turn - Tie for Sheamus and Naomi
Least Exciting Heel Turn - Adam Rose
Most Improved Wrestler - Nikki Bella
Silliest Promos - Bray Wyatt
Best Promos - Tie for John Cena and Kevin Owens
Most Improved Promos - Ryback
Worst Entrance Gimmick on Great New Main-Roster Wrestler: Neville
Most Puzzling New Finisher: Seth Rollins, Pedigree
Most Jaw-Dropping Finisher: Neville, Red Arrow
Most Deserved Push: Prime Time Players
Least Compelling Title Challenger: Big Show
Most Stagnated Storyline: Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler/Lana
Best Briefly Resuscitated Storyline: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
Most Unfortunate Injury: Tie: Daniel Bryan/Tyson Kidd
Best PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: WrestleMania
Worst PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: Tie: Payback/Royal Rumble
Most Gratefully Non-Future-Endeavored: Woo woo woo! Zack Ryder

Even though Rolling Stone isn't a wrestling publication, though everyone's entitled to his/her opinions on the various "awards", I agree with a lot of the choices made. I don't buy into the "Silliest Promos" thing as being wild and out there is part of Wyatt's schtick. I definitely don't agree with Roman Reigns as the second best wrestler of the year so far. As far as Neville's entrance, I don't see what the issue is; so the guy's wearing a cape, big friggin' deal. :shrug: The "Most Puzzling New Finisher" strikes me as whomever decided on these "awards" isn't able to read between then lines. Rusev vs. Ziggler is stagnant with the whole soap opera type melodrama, a distinct lack of chemistry between Ziggler & Lana and the fact that Rusev can't wrestle right now. Daniel Bryan & Tyson Kidd being tied for "Most Unfortunate Injury" is pretty much a given. Big Show is definitely the "Least Compelling Title Challenger" at this point, at least for me.
If you don't mind, I think I'll comment on a few of these:

I also think that many of these are tongue in cheek/loaded with IWC smark lingo, but this is sorta fun.
Wrestler of the Year - Kevin Owens
I can get behind this. Some really strong showings in NXT, and then two 4+ star matches with Cena at PPV will really raise your stake in the company. I don't know if he's been the BEST wrestler, but he's certain the guy that's the most interesting on the roster.

Runner-Up Wrestler - Roman Reigns
I actually would have given Roman the Wrestler of the year. He hasn't had a bad performance this year (excluding the Rumble when the shitty fans dumped all over him). He went with DB, he went with Brock, he slid in and out of the main even and the midcard several times, adjusting as necessary. He's had a phenomenal year.

Second Best Heels - The New Day
Yeah, why not. They're a really good old school heel team. Dirty tactics, appearing to be oblivious to their own bad actions. Good for me.

Most Unavoidable Face Turn - Brock Lesnar
Gonna go with smark on this one. This face turn was VERY avoidable, but they were insistent on putting him against Seth, which is fine. But in March, Brock was the top heel in the company.

Most Welcome Heel Turn - Tie for Sheamus and Naomi
Sure. I can't really argue this. Sheamus has that heel face, and Naomi wasn't getting anywhere as a face.

Least Exciting Heel Turn - Adam Rose
That Adam Rose is on the main roster and Finn Balor is competing in NXT seems like a REAL bad decision.

Most Improved Wrestler - Nikki Bella
Most improved in every aspect. Great for her. She's EASILY better than AJ was in her prime, both on the mic and in the ring.

Silliest Promos - Bray Wyatt
Silliest, dumbest, most useless, most confusing, most unnecessary. We can go on and on. Bray Wyatt needs to REALLY start evaluating what his gimmick is.

Best Promos - Tie for John Cena and Kevin Owens
Cena being picked for this seems too obvious. I like Owens getting this nod, too.

Most Improved Promos - Ryback
Several times he's impressed us with his vulnerability and openness on the mic.

Worst Entrance Gimmick on Great New Main-Roster Wrestler: Neville
It's pretty silly, but at least it's not a coke-snorting supermouse.

Most Puzzling New Finisher: Seth Rollins, Pedigree
Not puzzling at all, if you understand that the booking is an obvious Seth v. HHH match.

Most Jaw-Dropping Finisher: Neville, Red Arrow

Most Deserved Push: Prime Time Players
100% agree. I've been a fan of theirs all along. Darren Young is someone to watch.

Least Compelling Title Challenger: Big Show
Meh, there could be worse. Dolph Ziggler could be in the title picture AGAIN.

Most Stagnated Storyline: Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler/Lana
Rusev getting hurt literally ruined his entire push. Talk about shit. Even after his final match with Cena, I was thinking, this guy is going to take over the WWE as the heel when Brock isn't around. Nope. He's crying and kissing Dolph's seconds.

Best Briefly Resuscitated Storyline: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
These two guys will always be able to go, and the Shield history will ALWAYS be JUST enough storyline to defend any questions as to why they're fighting.

Most Unfortunate Injury: Tie: Daniel Bryan/Tyson Kidd
Definitely Tyson Kidd. Daniel Bryan should have never come back. Sometimes, some humility can go a long way. I just hope it isn't career ending.

Best PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: WrestleMania
In terms of showmanship, sure. In terms of matches, I think that I preferred both EC and MitB more.

Worst PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: Tie: Payback/Royal Rumble
Payback, certainly.

Most Gratefully Non-Future-Endeavored: Woo woo woo! Zack Ryder
I'll go with Adam Rose
Best wrestler of the year is Cena, elevating US belt , having great matches every week and making US open challenge segment best part of Raw and all this thing while being in a mid card position and now nobody can whine that he is hogging the spot light .
Biggest letdown is Rollins and why the fuck wwe is not pushing Ambrose who is most over face, he lost to Wyatt when he should have decimated him.
WWE logic Ambrose is most over so Reign should be paired with him to make Reign look good and Ambrose should loose all the matches so he can give rub to Reign and Rollins.
Best wrestler of the year is Cena, elevating US belt , having great matches every week and making US open challenge segment best part of Raw and all this thing while being in a mid card position and now nobody can whine that he is hogging the spot light .
Biggest letdown is Rollins and why the fuck wwe is not pushing Ambrose who is most over face, he lost to Wyatt when he should have decimated him.
WWE logic Ambrose is most over so Reign should be paired with him to make Reign look good and Ambrose should loose all the matches so he can give rub to Reign and Rollins.

Roman Reigns is the most over babyface, by far.. Ambrose is not even close to his popularity.
Wrestler - Seth Rollins

He has done the most. A MOTY candidate with John Cena and Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble. Show-stealer at WM31 with Orton. Most shocking moment when he cashed in MITB to defeat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. Title defense against Orton, Reigns, and Ambrose at the next few PPVs. Plus his upcoming rematch with Lesnar at Battleground. Kevin Owens spent most of the half-year in a development territory, so I don't want to give it to him.

2nd Wrestler - Dean Ambrose

He had a pretty decent showing in the Rumble. He had a forgettable match with Bad News Barrett at Fastlane but competed in the Ladder match for the IC Title at WM31. Defeated Harper in a Street Fight at Payback. He followed that up with unsuccessful title defenses against Seth Rollins, but he is the most over full-time face on the roster and is always entertaining.

Unavoidable Face Turn - Brock Lesnar

When someone gets the pops Lesnar got, you must turn face.

2nd Heels - New Day

#1 best heel goes to Seth Rollins. The competition for 2nd best is not a lot. It's really between Sheamus, The Miz, and New Day. New Day wins.

Most Welcome Heel Turn - Sheamus

Pretty easy choice because he was bland as a face.

Least Exciting Heel Turn - Adam Rose

Who even cares?

Most Improved Wrestler - Roman Reigns

He's definitely better in the ring since last year.

Silliest Promos - Roman Reigns

However, his promo skills have not improved.

Best Promos - Bray Wyatt, Paul Heyman - Tie

They speak for themselves, literally.

Most Improved Promos - Seth Rollins

He went from average to some of the best on the roster.

Worst Entrance Gimmick on Great New Main-Roster Wrestler - Irrelevant

Most Puzzling New Finisher - None

Most Jaw-Dropping Finisher - Neville, Red Arrow

This is pretty obvious, and no other finisher comes close.

Most Deserved Push - Kevin Owens

He went from being on the developmental roster to feuding with John Cena on the main roster, and he 100% deserved it.

Least Compelling Title Challenger - Big Show

I and almost no one else care about Big Show.

Most Stagnated Storyline - Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler/Lana

Monday's night promo is a pretty good indication of this.

Best Briefly Resuscitated Storyline - Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Anything works between the former Shield members.

Most Unfortunate Injury - Daniel Bryan

He was THE most over guy on the main roster.

Best PPV - WrestleMania 31

It had an 7-man ladder match with a TON of talent, Rollins vs. Orton, HHH vs. Sting, Lesnar vs. Reigns, and Rollins' cash-in.

Worst PPV - Royal Rumble

See the crowd reaction. Nothing else to say.
How dare they insult the legend that is Big Show. He wins all positive categories.

Wrestler of the Year - Big Show
Runner-Up Wrestler - Big Show when he was booked at 425
Second Best Heels - Big Show on Smackdown. He's best on Raw.
Most Unavoidable Face Turn - If Show doesn't turn face by the end of the year I'll be shocked.
Most Welcome Heel Turn - I'm gonna go ahead and count last November as part of this year. Because screw logic, this is Big Show we're talking about here.
Least Exciting Heel Turn - Adam Rose
Most Improved Wrestler - Did you guys see Show do those sunset flips earlier in the year? That's hella impressive.
Silliest Promos - Silly once tried to approach Show, but Show knocked silly silly.
Best Promos - Obviously the promo before he chokeslammed Reigns through a car.
Most Improved Promos - He isn't crying this year. Huge improvement.
Worst Entrance Gimmick on Great New Main-Roster Wrestler: There haven't been many debuts this year, and the ones that have come up have been terrific. Why is this even a category?
Most Puzzling New Finisher: Why is Show still trying to win matches with the chokeslam? He has a right hand that does way more damage.
Most Jaw-Dropping Finisher: The KO Punch will literally make your jaw drop. Duh.
Most Deserved Push: Show deserved the win at Wrestlemania way more than anyone else in that battle royal. He's a giant. He needs a giant trophy with another giant on it.
Least Compelling Title Challenger: Anyone who took the contender spot that Big Show rightfully deserves.
Most Stagnated Storyline: Every other storyline is stagnant because no feud is complete without a surprise knockout punch to somebody.
Best Briefly Resuscitated Storyline: Big Show vs Brock Lesnar. I consider 1 month to be brief, especially since you can barely fit Show into one month without renting extra time. I know I am improperly comparing time to size, but screw logic because Big Show.
Most Unfortunate Injury: I'm sure he got injured somehow during the match with Lesnar.
Best PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: Extreme Rules. Show/Reigns was match of the night (and the year, as far as I'm concerned).
Worst PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: Any PPV that didn't have Show on the card.
Most Gratefully Non-Future-Endeavored: Don't ever leave.
Roman Reigns is the most over babyface, by far.. Ambrose is not even close to his popularity.

I really hope you're being sarcastic here. Ambrose is much more over than Reigns is, all you have to do is listen to the fans. Why do you think they stuck him with Reigns to begin with. Yes they were part of the Shield, but the WWE has used everyone from Daniel Bryan to Paul Heyman to put Reigns over since the Rumble.

I'm a Reigns fan, but I'm not blind to the crowd reactions. It's true he does get cheered now, but I watched him climb that ladder at MITB and heard the booing start. I also heard the cheers when Bray Wyatt showed up and knocked the ladder over.

Something tells me that if Ambrose had been on that ladder, there would have been no boo's for him, and plenty for Wyatt. Listen Reigns has come a long way since the Rumble, but it's clear fans don't want him with the title yet. I said a long time ago on this forum that if they push him too hard or too fast he could be damaged by it. He's made strides but he's not where he needs to be.

On topic I would have put Ambrose or Rollins as the second best wrestler. It's a toss up.
Wrestler of the year thus far ? How can it not be John Cena ?

Since Cena started the U.S Open Challenge, the guy has been putting on great matches every week defending the title. Compare Cena to his earlier days ( a reason why there's a lot of Cena haters is partially because he really sucked at wrestling in his early days but still got his big pushes ). To now, he's been in two MOTY candidates with Owens and another MOTY with Cesaro.

Every time Cena gets in the ring with whomever, the crowd is energized. It has a big match feel and usually his matches overshadow the main event. So its Cena for me hands down, and I'm not even a big fan of Cena.
Wrestler of the year thus far ? How can it not be John Cena ?

Since Cena started the U.S Open Challenge, the guy has been putting on great matches every week defending the title. Compare Cena to his earlier days ( a reason why there's a lot of Cena haters is partially because he really sucked at wrestling in his early days but still got his big pushes ). To now, he's been in two MOTY candidates with Owens and another MOTY with Cesaro.

Every time Cena gets in the ring with whomever, the crowd is energized. It has a big match feel and usually his matches overshadow the main event. So its Cena for me hands down, and I'm not even a big fan of Cena.

People do not dislike John Cena for his wrestling skills. At least not those with any common sense. People dislike Cena because his gimmick is stale and meant for kids. He always does the right thing and is made to look really strong. That's why people dislike Cena.
I really don't think Roman Reigns would make it to the Second Wrestler of the Year category. Because in the recent months after the Awful outing at the Royal Rumble, he was scripted off from two PPVs. So in my personal verdict the obvious choice would be John Cena. Because he had a great triple threat match at the Royal Rumble PPV and winning back the title which he once had worn on his shoulder the United States title and after winning that title, he's been issuing open challenge every week in and out and putting up good matches amid the feud with Kevin Owens. Its an obvious and easy choice to pick Cena as the Second best wrestler of the Year.

Wrestler of the Year - Kevin Owens

Many of the choices are pretty good but in selecting Owens for the above honor, I wonder if the magazine is basing it only on his two matches with John Cena.....or have they actually followed his accomplishments in NXT?

Personally, when it comes to Wrestler of the Year, I would count only doings on the main roster......and two matches, no matter how high profile they might be, aren't enough to qualify a performer for an annual award.

Nothing against Owens. He might very well be next year's WOTY.
Cena is without a doubt the mid year wrestler of the year. Kevin Owens did have awesome matches but they were all with Cena (on main roster). I don't know how you can give it to anyone but Cena. He's been in 4/5 top of the top matches in 2015. Rollins would be 2nd but IMO a distant second.
People do not dislike John Cena for his wrestling skills. At least not those with any common sense. People dislike Cena because his gimmick is stale and meant for kids. He always does the right thing and is made to look really strong. That's why people dislike Cena.

I agree with that, but the - you can't wrestle - chants of his earlier days spoke volumes. He didn't deserve the earlier pushes because he was a complete, awkward dud in the ring. I think that carried over to now. But you're most likely right.
Wrestler of the year, Kevin Owens, Really? No, rookie of the year, newcomer of the year, for sure, bright future no doubt. But Lesnar not Wrestler of the year, come on.

On the silly promos, I don't think they quite get it. I wonder if they think he's joking, or they are just poking fun at his gimmick because a silly promo is when Santino brings out the cobra trumbone walks around the ring and tells a joke.

Best promos, yeah gotta give to Cena, he comes out every week and delivers a fresh old school promo, and makes you a fan again. And Owens answers with the same.

Prime Time players have been good, and do deserve the push. Have been a good tag team, and I'm glad they stopped doing those dumb promos where they acted like other people.

I'm not big on Neville's entrance either. A video of an asteroid and a dude in a purple cape, wtf.

Most welcome heel turn. I don't know about this one I mean Sheamus is out there every week practically begging to be made fun of and doesn't get it much. He's done all that stupid stuff with his hair and facial hair, and the dude can't buy a you look stupid chant. He asks every week 'are you not entertained' and nobody says no.

On the Rusev Lana Ziggler thing, is it just me or does it seem like one of those old school arranged marriages? Dolph and Lana are definitely not suspending dis-belief
LOL @ Zack Ryder's award. I remember when he was Edge's sidekick back when Edge lost to Undertaker in the WM main event in....i want to say 2007? 2008?
Wrestler of the Year - Kevin Owens
He's been pretty awesome, so I'm not arguing this one. Two fantastic matches with Cena and he's had an amazing NXT Championship run.

Runner-Up Wrestler - Roman Reigns
While Reigns has improved, I'd argue Rollins or Ambrose should get this over him.

Second Best Heels - The New Day
Sounds about right. They so much better as heels.

Most Unavoidable Face Turn - Brock Lesnar
Unavoidable perhaps, but I will not cheer for Lesnar. His lack of title defenses as World Heavyweight Champion made me lose a lot of respect for him.

Most Welcome Heel Turn - Tie for Sheamus and Naomi
Sheamus yes, absolutely. Naomi's was stupid.

Least Exciting Heel Turn - Adam Rose
Agreed here. Rose should have kept his partying gimmick. They need comedic characters and I always enjoyed seeing all the weird partiers who followed him. That was entertaining. This thing with Rosa Mendes is stupid.

Most Improved Wrestler - Nikki Bella


No. While I do acknowledge her improvement, she is hardly the most improved overall. I give that to Roman Reigns.

Silliest Promos - Bray Wyatt
Sure. Calling yourself The New Face Of Fear then doing all those promos that are meant to intimidate, but you keep losing big PPV matches? Yep, that comes off as silly rather than scary. Spot on here. That being said, I do like the guy's promos.

Best Promos - Tie for John Cena and Kevin Owens
Not fully sure if I'd have gone with them, but this is an ok pick. Rollins has also been good, he might be the only other option.

Most Improved Promos - Ryback
Absolutely not. His promos are still cringeworthy. Look at his MizTV segment with Big Show and tell me he is deserving of this award. The correct answer would be NO. He's not.

Worst Entrance Gimmick on Great New Main-Roster Wrestler: Neville
Neville's entrance is exciting and great. This is completely incorrect.

Most Puzzling New Finisher: Seth Rollins, Pedigree
Yeah it did kinda come out of nowhere. Give it him and see if he improves after practicing it more.

Most Jaw-Dropping Finisher: Neville, Red Arrow
Yes! Love it! I never get tired of seeing this finisher and it's just as fascinating every single time.

Most Deserved Push: Prime Time Players
Yep. They've deserved a Tag Team Championship run for quite some time.

Least Compelling Title Challenger: Big Show
This has to be the most spot on award on the entire list. NorCal said it best when it comes to Big Show and his underwhelming title shot against Ryback. "What do you have to do to be able to challenge the Intercontinental Champion, know how to make a ham sandwich!?".

Most Stagnated Storyline: Rusev VS Dolph Ziggler/Lana
Ugh this is so awkward. It needs to end NOW. Rusev, please recover soon so you can defeat Ziggler and get Lana back. Definitely agree here.

Best Briefly Resuscitated Storyline: Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins
Good pick here. Ambrose VS Rollins was just as good the second time around.

Most Unfortunate Injury: Tie: Daniel Bryan/Tyson Kidd
Bryan's was worse so I wouldn't say this should be a tie. Tyson Kidd's was indeed unfortunate but the tag team division can survive without Kidd/Cesaro for a bit. Bryan's completely messed up all of the plans for the Intercontinental Championship.

Best PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: Wrestlemania
Yeah, pretty safe to say Wrestlemania 31 will be the best show of the year.

Worst PPV/WWE Network-Exclusive Event: Tie: Payback/Royal Rumble
Disagree. How is Payback tied with the Rumble!? Payback had good matches. Where's Fast Lane???? THAT useless piece of garbage was a sad excuse for a "PPV event" and easily the worst show of the year so far. I'm calling it right now, it will be the worst for the whole year.

Most Gratefully Non-Future-Endeavored: Woo woo woo! Zack Ryder
Yeah, why not. To think he used to be getting chants during THE ROCK's promos. Thank goodness for NXT. He's worth keeping around even as a jobber.
Least Compelling Title Challenger: Big Show
This has to be the most spot on award on the entire list. NorCal said it best when it comes to Big Show and his underwhelming title shot against Ryback. "What do you have to do to be able to challenge the Intercontinental Champion, know how to make a ham sandwich!?".

How DARE you. There's not a soul on this planet that makes a meaner ham sandwich than Big Show. It's like a mark-out in your mouth.

Also, I highly disagree with Cena being in the spot for best promos. His work on the mic has been the exact same routine since he got the title.

*holds up US title* THIS is a symbol of excellence and opportunity. Someday, someone is going to come down that ramp and take this from me, so if *insert current city here* is the place to be, and John Cena is the man to beat, well I say... If you want some, come get some!

Kevin Owens has brought a little bit more out of Cena, but Cena needs to ditch those punchlines and change it up again.
How DARE you. There's not a soul on this planet that makes a meaner ham sandwich than Big Show. It's like a mark-out in your mouth.

Also, I highly disagree with Cena being in the spot for best promos. His work on the mic has been the exact same routine since he got the title.

*holds up US title* THIS is a symbol of excellence and opportunity. Someday, someone is going to come down that ramp and take this from me, so if *insert current city here* is the place to be, and John Cena is the man to beat, well I say... If you want some, come get some!

Kevin Owens has brought a little bit more out of Cena, but Cena needs to ditch those punchlines and change it up again.

I tend to disagree that since he won the title, his promo's have been a tad repetitive, but in saying that, Cena is great on the mic. Doesn't matter where he is or how hostile the crowd is, he manages to get them under his control.

He's not Paul Heyman, but he's pretty damm good.

Oh and I make the best ham sandwiches. I've heard that Big Show is very stingy with the cheese and mayo. So enough said about sandwiches.
Also, I highly disagree with Cena being in the spot for best promos. His work on the mic has been the exact same routine since he got the title.

*holds up US title* THIS is a symbol of excellence and opportunity. Someday, someone is going to come down that ramp and take this from me, so if *insert current city here* is the place to be, and John Cena is the man to beat, well I say... If you want some, come get some!

Exactly, his promo skills are so stale.

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