Roger Smith or Stewie Griffin?


That's all folks.
Roger Smith

Stewie Griffin

So many of you from what I can tell are fans of Family Guy. As you can tell from the avatar, i am too. I also watch a lot of American Dad, also from the Creater of Family Guy. Seth MacFarlene voices both of these characters. Roger is an Alien living in the attic of the Smiths. Stewie is a smart ass baby who's out for world domination. Both play major characters and without these two, the shows just wouldn't be the same.

So I'm asking, who do you think is better overall as a character? Roger Smith or Stewie Griffin? Be sure to explain your answers.
Stewie Griffin is the better character. Roger's disguises are interesting, but in the end he always just ends up being annoying. Stewie is annoying too but even when he's annoying he's still hilarious. He always makes me laugh. Stewie is one of the most important characters on Family Guy. Without him, the show would be nothing like it is now. Whereas, if Roger was not on American Dad then it would stay about the same, except there would not be a weird alien living in the house. Stewie is better because he is funnier than Roger Smith, much less annoying, and more important to his show than Roger is.
It's a difficult one to call but I think I'm leaning more towards Roger.

Stewie started off as a very simple character; He was a Baby, with the voice of Rex Harrison, who wanted to take over the world. That was it for the first three seasons of Family Guy. There were some jokes about his sexuality but they didn't truly surface until Family Guy returned from cancellation. Those jokes have been funny but, much like Family Guy itself, they have gotten quite repetitive & old. The series is at points in desperate need of some newer concepts, and Stewie’s character is defiantly one of them.

Roger on the other hand is different. He's basically the wild card in American Dad and is actually a great character. He's an alien who lives with a very stereotypical right wing American family, and is possibly the most over the top character on television today. He’s actually more entertaining than Stewie has been for a good two or three seasons now and overall is a character whose punch line isn't as repetitive as Stewie's.

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