Favorite Family Guy Cut-Away Gags


That's all folks.
Cutaway gags are commonly used in all Family Guy episodes and normally do not have anything to do with the storyline. They are used after a sentence or conversation (usually starting with "This is even worse/better than the time...") and are the comedy part of Family Guy. It is implied that these gags are simply stories made up by the characters that set up the gag, and that the incidents shown did no really happen. This is particularly obvious when it comes to parodies of movies and television shows, or incidents that show a major character dying. Now that I've written a terrible opening paragraph, let me propose the question, What is your favorite Family Guy Cutt-Away Gag?. The only rules, they have to be funny and no songs please.

Here are mine-

"Now Let Me Clear My Throat"
Now, whatever video you may find, whatever Family Guy cut-away you can think of, will never out do this Family Guy Cut Away. Nothing at all. The London Gentlemen's Club is a club mentioned by Peter Griffin in 'Jerome is the New Black' episode when his friends start talking about the absence of Cleveland. Peter says that without a black guy, they're as boring as the London Gentlemen's Club. During the drawn out cutaway showing the club's actions, all they do is read newspapers and clear their throats, getting louder and louder. WARNING: This will make you fucking cry!
"George Jetson Grows a Pair"
Episode 'Meet the Quagmires', Brian tells Peter that they didn't have flying cars that ran on vegetable oil when George Bush was President. The scene then cuts to the opening sequence of The Jetsons, and when George Jetson gives Jane a dollar, Jane steals George Jetson's wallet to buy groceries. As she tries to leave, George Grabs her by the wrist and yells at her. Ha!
"Dick Cheney is a Dick"
This one is the cutaway that needs no explaination. America's former Vice President accidently shot a guy while hunting once and they make fun of it here. My second favorite I've listed.
"Peter Narrates his own Life"
In the episode 'Saturday Knight'. I always seem to think, who the hell could think of this shit? "I awoke several hours later in a daze" hahahahahaha! Just Watch!
Obviously there are others. Please post videos. Go GO GO!
I thought about making this after you made the Favorite Family Guy Fight Scene thread, but figured you'd get to it.

Family Guy's humor is based around these cutaway gags, so there's so many to choose from. As many as there are, my favorite is bizarrely simple. I've just always found it so hilarious. It's in the episode "North By North Quahog"

I've used the line many times in real life, even after I landed from my first skydiving jump.

Ugh. For some reason I can't post a video, so I'll post the damn link :banghead:

Since I don't watch Family Guy all that often (and because there are like 37 of these scenes in each episode), I can't remember each little cut-away they do. However, I will post this one since it was recently sent to me by a friend and made me laugh:

My favorite of all time is EASILY Mickey Rooney's crazy pills! I don't remember the exact cut-away, but Peter says something along the lines of "He's crazier than Mickey Rooney!" And then...


My favorite part is when he rips off the scab and runs away. The animation is just so hilarious.
Here's some of my favorite gags. This one, to me, is pretty hilarious.


And of course, you gotta have a Quagmire gag lol.


And another funny one with Peter.

Oh my god, you honestly want me to narrow it down, theres so many! Okay, well heres just a few:


Honestly just makes me laugh everytime. It has to be the dude's over the top reaction to the Hippos joke that does it for me.


Just the idea of anything like this happening makes me piss myself. It's just beyond random which is what I love about it.


"Hey hey good looking, where have you been all my life?!" Sheer brilliance, plus The Rock's involvement is just classic, especially his facial expression.
There are some cutaway gags that I just find completely annoying. In fact, a lot of the time that is what Family Guy will rely on for its humor. Which is a bad idea, in my opinion, because when they try they really can be funny without random, unneccessary cutaway gags. However, I do like the show and my favorite cutaway gag is the one where Dick Cheney goes crazy with his gun and shoots Peter, and then seconds later calmly says he thought Peter was a deer.

The video was posted in the OP.
A few of my favourites:

"I have to draw you" - Not a cutscene as such, well maybe the 2nd part is. But I love how this starts related to the plot, then Peter makes a random, off the cuff insult, as only Peter would, that happens to be true. Then when you think it's going to be a normal drawing... well Peter does this...


"Ronald McDonald's daughter" - Simply hilarious because of the unexpected line that comes from Ron's mouth


"Damn nature you scary" - Whilst it reminds me of Booker T on commentary, I love this one, purely because of the guy's voice.


"Swedish Bakery" - Just because they sound silly and the guy says cock...


Completely forgot about this one, but it happens to be one of the funniest Cut-Away gags of the lot. Just so random, using the cheese-power from the crisps as a replacement for Cocaine and smashing the table afterwards is just brilliant. But the best part has to be the way he says "It ain't easy being cheesy!"... just brilliant. :)
There are alot of great cut Away scenes but I suppose that my all time favorite is the Wilford Brimley one.


Sorry about having to have a link.
This is hilarious though so it is worth clicking!

I've always hate that dude. His diabetes commercials always get on my damn nevers. I totally forgot about this one.

This reminds me a bit of Bob Ross' cuttaway. This is just totally random with Peter sitting on the couch. Everyone knows Bob Ross that always painted on PBS, and he would always have his little secret bushes and what not. I actually find it interesting sometimes. But this cutaway is totally hilarious. "I will cut you". :lmao:


I know its a shitty video.
Eight is Enough
Easily my favorite cut away of ALL time. Not cause of the fact that the guy beats his daughter, but the reason why she gets beat... it's just like out of nowhere he starts beating her like crazy, and the other daughter comes in and is like "DAD! DAD!" "WHAT?!" "Eight is enough!" and then they ALLL start laughing about it and almost the whole Griffin family's reaction is completely shocked while Stewie's just sitting there with an evil grin.

Edit: An honorable mention, which I can't find right now, would definitely have to be "This is my house!" where Stewie's playing basketball, trips a guy, and he gets mad... Stewie then proceeds to make the guy look foolish and as he walks away he says the greatest line ever... "Bringing that trash around here... THIS IS MY HOUSE!" xD

This is my second favourite behind the Cheetos cheetah one. Just a little politically incorrect. I love how they nail their Asian jokes.
The cut away that made me laugh the most is easily Thundercats

Probably because I was a big Thundercats fan when I was a kid. They did get a a but of dialogue wrong though, as Liono would have said "Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight" but I won't be too harsh on them.

Also Liono looks like he is a coke fiend as he has a massive 5 o'clock shadow, scruffy hair and massive bags under his eyes
Recently I took my Godson to see the Yogi Bear movie and it made me think of this.


Another favourite of mine is this.


I hope those videos came out right because it's my first time trying to post youtube videos.

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