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Roddy Piper passes at age 61

My sister saw it on facebook and told me about then I saw it on Yahoo. Roddy was huge but I only remember watching him for his second run with WWE, winning the IC title. Thankfully his earlier work lives on the net.

RIP, Hot Rod.
Roddy was a legend long before he got to the WWF. He solidified that during his time feuding with the Guerreros in LA, Buddy Rose in Portland and Flair and Valentine in Mid Atlantic.
RIP legend. :(

One of the best heels and maybe best wrestler in movie roll because he was the star of great movie "They Live".

Are WWE going to re-activate Piper's Legend contract, which they dropped him from for no reason.

Tearing up Hogan's contract doesn't have the same desired impact, when you consider that Piper also lost his Legends contract, because he offended SCSA.

So, let's establish this in WWE. You lose your Legends contract if you make a racist comment, or you mention SCSA as a wife-beater.

R.I.P. Roddy Piper, one of the greats.

PS:- When someone has all the answers, who is now going to change the questions.
Are WWE going to re-activate Piper's Legend contract, which they dropped him from for no reason.

Tearing up Hogan's contract doesn't have the same desired impact, when you consider that Piper also lost his Legends contract, because he offended SCSA.

So, let's establish this in WWE. You lose your Legends contract if you make a racist comment, or you mention SCSA as a wife-beater.

R.I.P. Roddy Piper, one of the greats.

PS:- When someone has all the answers, who is now going to change the questions.

Not the time or the thread for your dog and pony show. So with all due respect take it somewhere else.

The rest of us will remember a wonderful wrestler who is no longer with us.

Would like to see Ronda Rousey use her idol's theme music tomorrow night when she makes that walk to the octagon
As a child in the 80s, I absolutely hated Roddy Piper. I didn't know then that he was a character that I was supposed to hate.

As I grew older I respected him much more, and actually appreciated and even idolized him as one of the greatest ever.

Earlier this year I became a kid again. Roddy Piper retweeted one of my tweets on Twitter. I instantly fell in love with Hot Rod again.

Thanks for the memories. This is a really hard one to take in. I'll miss you Rowdy Roddy Piper, and thank you for your part in making me a fan of wrestling

R.I.P. Hot Rod
I hate that this happened but I'm going to Raw Monday so I'm glad that I'm gonna be there for the 10 bell. I might pour a 40 out for him in front of the arena.
A very soft corner in my heart for this man. Absolutely loved his work to bits. For me, the BEST on the mic. How he had those one liners at the right moment, that sarcasm in his joyous demeanour. Loved the persona.

Goodbye Rowdy, thank you for the memories. RIP.
Man. This fucked up my afternoon a little bit. I didn't grow up with Piper. I saw him in WCW, and I saw his feud with Goldust. But short of that, the memories I have of Piper are modern ones, where he came in to help someone along, and do Piper's Pit. And some of those included some of the best damn mic work of the night. I watched his documentary, so I got a crash course on all the fine work he's done for wrestling over the years. He always seemed so full of energy. It's a shame to hear it. All the same though, he had one hell of a life. And that's about all you can ask for.
It's shocking to me because unlike Dusty when he passed away, I kept hearing about Roddy, whether it was about his issues with Austin or his defense of Hogan. And then he just dies. Death is an unpredictable bastard.

But major RIP. He was awesome.
May his soul rest in peace.

I was saddened really by this news. I'm not a old school guy. I just crossed my teen and I've known the likes of Dusty Rhodes, Rowdy Roddy Piper among the many others only through reading about them and watching some old videos. But the unforgettable moment of Rowdy for me is, when he confronted The Shield about the crack growing in the shield. I just savour those moments.

A person's true legacy is known only when people around him pay homage for his death. In that context, Dusty was loved by everyone Rowdy Roddy Piper was an inspiration to many just like Dusty.

R.I.P. Rowdy Roddy Piper
So now WWE have to reinstate Hogan to give Piper his proper due... #awkward.

Gutted to hear about this, it's important to remember we could have lost him a decade ago to Hodgkins Lymphoma so this isn't you're average "wrestler dies younger than should have" scenario. He'd been very sick in the past, beaten it so it was perhaps inevitable he'd go younger than he should.

It's sad that the last weeks of his life were marred by political wrestling BS... first the Austin stuff (I hope Steve takes a BIG look at himself today, did the Sasso impression stuff REALLY matter in the end?) him losing his podcast and then the Hogan stuff. Hell I was even guilty of sharing the "Roddy Piper is half offended" meme cos it was damn funny and now thanks to Hulkster there's a chance WWE won't give Piper the proper respect, cos too much is bound up in Hogan.

What should happen, what Piper deserves and is appropriate is WWE actually gets over the Hogan stuff and lets this be the way back for Hulk. Sure he said some stupid stuff and never let him forget it... but it's not THAT bad when 2 legends a month are dying off.

As to Piper himself, total legend... will be much missed, I even watched They Live last week on a whim... glad I did... Kick ass up there bro, they sure as shit don't have any bubblegum!
He was a cool heel before it was cool to be a heel. Roddy Piper, you were in class by yourself. I started watching in the fall of 91. By the end of 92, I cared about the IC title more then the world title, Piper/Bret at wM8 was a huge contributor to that. Going back and watching Roddys heel run with Hogan was the best, Piper really was the original rebel. RIP Roddy.
It's ridiculous to think about all these wrestlers claim Piper influenced them because none of them can hold a candle to the man's wit and nastiness. He was a pasty brawler who seemed completely out of place with the Hogans of the world but could still make the feuds and matches work because he was so good at making the world hate him. The kilt played on Americans discomfort with homosexuality, the bagpipes played on our ethnocentricity, him being a bad guy that brilliantly hosted his own mini-talk show made no sense and seemed so unfair, he put it all together and really did what wrestlers are supposed to do. He made us feel, and he was great at it.

This one saddens me. He still could entertain and he clearly still had a lot of to give to his family. I'm usually pretty numb to wrestler deaths. It is too common for me not to be, but this one stings. Thank you Roddy.
I grew up in the time where Piper was at his peak in the WWF. He was one of those wrestlers who you didn't need to give a world title to in order to get them a fan reaction because Roddy ALWAYS got a fan reaction.

I want to say Piper and Greg Valentine are the only 2 wrestlers ever to be in the first Starrcade and Wrestlemania, but I could be wrong.

He was the first rubber action figure in my collection. Like people have said, he made being heel cool.

Lost a piece of my childhood today. RIP Hot Rod.
Roddy Piper is in a class by himself. No one can touch or will ever be able to touch his promos when he was on fire. The passion and emotion he showed when verbally assaulting Hogan, MR. T, Andre, Valentine, Shiek, Godust, Orndorff, Orton, Muraco, Bret, Flair, Snuka, and the list goes on and on. Piper had something special to say every time he was building a match no matter who it was against. The man was money every time a microphone was in front of him for 30 years. In addition to being so spectacular a promo, no one every doubted his toughness. His style was a brawling style and he could climb in the ring and give 20 minutes of believable action any night of the week. He didn't necessarily look like the biggest guy, but you knew he was going to bring a fight with anyone.

No will touch The Hot Rod ever. Simply the greatest of all time. Piper is not just one of the top 5 greatest pro wrestling personalities of all time, he is one of the greatest entertainers of all time period.
Piper was a legend, no doubt about it. He is all over the news right now and rightfully so. Will watch his DVD later today. Very sad :-(

RIP Rowdy Roddy.
2 greats in space of a couple months..his promos were jaw dropping and always entertained in the ring ha..another sad day for the wrestling world..
RIP HotRod
A lot of people are asked which death hits them the hardest. Up until now I didn't know the answer for me personally. This death hits me the hardest. I've met Piper 3 times and each time he has treated me like I'm an old friend. That's how he is when you meet him at personal appearances. You always got your money's worth when you met Piper at one of those. When of the best MIC men of all time. He was one of the reasons wrestling became popular in the mid 80s. There will never be anyone like him.

RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper!
Always been a big fan of the Bloodstained Memoirs team and the director David Sinnott just proved he is a class act:

Still rocked by the news of the passing of Roddy Piper. I've decided to upload his entire scene from Bloodstained Memoirs for everybody to enjoy for free. Sales of related products tend to rise following the passing of a celebrity and I have no desire to profiteer from this awful news. Perhaps just do me a favour and give a little something to your favourite charity in return for this. Failing that just tell somebody close to you that you love them. As we are too often reminded, tomorrow is never a guarantee. I had the pleasure of meeting Piper's daughter at this film shoot and I can't begin to imagine what she and her siblings are feeling right now. My thoughts go out to them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd8-BiVTxxc
I didn't think this would be so hard but it is.

He was the cool heel before there was the cool heel. People remember Hogan and WM1 but Piper and his cockiness and heel antics did just as much to get it over. He was the first heel that I ever cheered. Easily one of the best on the MIC, IMO.

Another part of my childhood just died. RIP Piper. You will always be missed but never forgotten.
And one of my childhood heroes is gone:icon_cry: R.I.P.
Thank you for all the memories Hot Rod. He is now in a better place with Hennig, Rude, Warrior, Eddie and the rest of my childhood heroes. We will miss you

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