Rock/Cena - Kane/Orton

George Steele's Barber

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The common conception is that due to injuries and lack of creativity WWE threw Kane and Orton were thrown in to a feud. This is what I believe and may be true but what if there was more to it? What if there was some sort of parallel to these feuds that could somehow bring them together?

Would it be compelling segment for Cena and Orton to meet face to face and discuss their current feuds (locker room, backstage, empty arena)? Cena is coming off a feud with Kane and Orton is probably the only guy that could set Cena straight. Orton tells him that he needs to stop worrying about connecting with the fans and should focus on showing Rock that he is going to get really hurt at WM. Something Rock hasn't had to worry about for the last 8 years as an actor. I think coming from a guy like Orton works a lot better than Cena's jokes or talk about "Never Leaving".

I don't feel like Cena can win these stupid promo battles with the paying audience (yes, I know some people think Cena has been winning but the audience's reactions argue otherwise). I think Orton can give Cena the rub he needs to appeal to the fans sense of remembering that professional wrestling is about being better than the other guy by beating the crap out of him. This could be the catalyst for Cena to drop the talk and get physical with Rocky (God knows we've waited long enough).

Could this work? Does Kane getting thrown together with Orton have more purpose than we think? Could Orton pull off this much dialogue? Would this appeal to the fans in the way I described? We have two more Raws until WM, are we going to just get more promos or will we see any action from Rock and Cena? Should we see some action? How would you like to see the next two weeks go down? What is the consecutive streak on WZF for number of questions asked?
Your desperation and blood-lust has reached a certain zenith of restlessness. Its good that one of your ideas lead to Orton encouraging Cena to embrace the hate and now play the DeFacto Kane, while feuding with Kane.

At this point there is more chance of Pete the sexual harassment Panda being referenced than a Orton rub for Cena. I can see them meeting backstage or something but don't think anyone else will be involved this close to Mania. Except for Cena's momma again.
Na mate, sorry.

Kane and Orton isn't going to be anything special, just a 15 minute, middle-of-the-card, keep-the-fans-happy scrap. It should be completely divorced from the main event.

Furthermore, the longer Orton and Cena are kept away from each other, the better. You just know that they're going to meet again in the ring, probably headlining a future Wrestlemania. Give them the chance to miss each other.
You remember Unforgiven 2002? You know how Undertaker was sitting there and then Kane came in and went, "So. How's your week been?"

Yeah. Do that. But, you know, with Cena and Orton.
You remember Unforgiven 2002? You know how Undertaker was sitting there and then Kane came in and went, "So. How's your week been?"

Yeah. Do that. But, you know, with Cena and Orton.

I REALLY liked that segment.

MTFO? Why yes, yes I did.

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