Rock and John Cena Teaming At Survivor Series?

The Man They Call WMD

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I will be in attendance.

Not surprised that this is how they're gonna get him to fight. Wouldn't want to spoil a Cena/Rock match you've been hyping for Mania at Survivor Series, so I figured they'd get him involved in a tag match. Can't do a Cena VS. Rock team match though because imminently both would end up involved against one another.

Would have been interesting to see him get back in a program with The Miz. They teased some good stuff between them. Perhaps this will play into the conspiracy idea? Who knows. We'll see.

All we know is, one will lay out the other by the end of that match.
I saw this coming, it's typical of WWE to hype a match by having the two men in that match team. I'm interested to see why Cena and Rock join forces, my guess is that Cena will be getting beat down by Miz and Truth and then Rock comes to save him, I think this will happen because it'll be the conspiracy against two of the biggest names in WWE history. But if it's at SS won't it be a traditional SS elimination tag match???? So my guess probably isn't the best guess in the world due to them coming together at SS, but I still stand by it.
I think this will be Foley's return too... Rock & Sock would add a good direction to the fued and give Rock someone else fill in for him in the angle while he is filming GI Joe...

If it's a five man Survivor Match then it would give Rock and Foley a run out and allow others some time with them... I see Rock, Foley, Cena and Air Boom v Punk, Del Rio, Miz, Truth and Ziggler.
Don't call me crazy, but Nash comes back at NoC, screws over Punk, HHH goes Heel, brings in a cronie or two (Waltman? HBK?), all to hype the shit out of Survivor Series (remember, Vince wants a huge corporate sponsor and what better way to do this than to include Rock and HBK on the card)...Rock comes back to battle the new faction (an NWO type deal), could play off the last NWO feud Nash had with Rock, as well as HHH-Rock feuds from way back in the day (remember the epic fights when Rock was coming up)....

Cena could easily team up with Punk (they have shown mutual respect) and decide its for the best of WWE universe (right up his gimmick alley), Rock/Punk/Cena all jabbing at each other while going at it with HHH/NASH could be unreal telivision leading into the event (again i repeat, vince wants huge sponsorship and success for this event)...

perfect reason to throw the two on the same side. Also perfect chance to flip Cena heel and join Nash/HHH (ala Hogan flipping in 1996)...this sets up a true Cena heel vs the Rock who will be back in WWE more regularly (albeit still part time) for a run up to Mania in Miami (where Rock will be so far over its a joke how bad Cena will be booed). Punk stays involved with Nash/HHH...potentialy throw in Miz and Truth and allow Rock to elavate these two as there is plenty of dialouge to go around the elevate these guys in a main stage feud as secondary players (ala Miz last Mania)

It will be interesting to see who their opponents are. It will probably be for the Tag Team titles which leads me to believe it will be Rock and Cena vs. The Awesome Truth for the belts. Obviously, the match will end like this: Rock and Cena are about to win the belts but: a) Right when Cena is about to do the 5 knuckle shuffle on Truth, the Rock comes into the ring and Rock bottoms Cena then does the People's Elbow allowing Awesome Truth to retain OR b) when the Rock is about to go for the People's elbow on Miz, Cena runs in and hits the AA on the Rock and then gets counted out (no way would they let Miz or Truth pin the Rock).

This builds up the feud perfectly for 'Mania.
It would be awesome if Cena turned on Rock and finally went heel at Survivor Series. Don't think it will happen though

I agree with you but the problem is Cena wouldn't be a full-blown heel like that. All the Little Jimmys see The Rock as the villain in this feud so if Cena were to attack or even cheapshot the Rock, he'd be more over as a face with the little Jimmys. Only way he'd ever go over as a heel would be if he took out Rock in a cheap way (with a chair or weapon or something) and then taunted the fans like "here's your people's champion" or something like that or the typical "you people respect this guy but not me" or whatever.
Look on the bright side Cena haters. I guess this confirms the belt wont be on Cena and will remain with Del Rio. Even though Del Rio is a lackluster champ.
This should be interesting. I think they should face off against either Awesome Truth or.. there I say it.. ZigSwag. I think this is a great opportunity to put over a young tag team and build up the Rock/Cena feud. Just let Rock abandon Cena at the end and with the odds stacked against him the young tag team pins Cena giving them a victory against two of the biggest names in wrestling history. It's an opportunity that the WWE should totally capitalize on. I think it would be interesting if they put them against ZigSwag considering both teams wouldn't be on the same page. But then again a lot can change from now and Survivor Series.
To be honest, I really wish they would hold off The Rock's return to the ring to be at WrestleMania XXVIII this whole business of him teaming with Cena just does nothing for me. In fact I really think they announced the whole damn Cena-Rock thing way too early in the first place. I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but in all honesty, I am not excited for this by any means.

Survivor Series is a joke of what it used to be in the way of a PPV and this teaming up of Rock and Cena is doing very little to give me any confidence that this will be an awesome occurrence.
This should be interesting. I think they should face off against either Awesome Truth or.. there I say it.. ZigSwag. I think this is a great opportunity to put over a young tag team and build up the Rock/Cena feud. Just let Rock abandon Cena at the end and with the odds stacked against him the young tag team pins Cena giving them a victory against two of the biggest names in wrestling history. It's an opportunity that the WWE should totally capitalize on. I think it would be interesting if they put them against ZigSwag considering both teams wouldn't be on the same page. But then again a lot can change from now and Survivor Series.

Good idea but here's a little twist on it. Have The Rock abandon Cena after like 2 minutes into the match. Then right before the end when Miz or Truth is about to pin Cena, have The Rock run back down to the ring, deliver Rock Bottom and People's Elbow to Truth or Miz then let Cena get the pin. Then the two men have a stare down to end the show. That's more WWE-ish if you ask me.
Unless they do something like Cena (c) and Rock vs. Mark Henry (c) & <insert random Smackdown heel here>

What sort of a PPV doesn't have a championship match? and Survivor Series of all places? Doesn't Vince wanna use this PPV as a showcase of awesomeness to get corporate sponsorship? That match is highly doubtful. IMO this match was leaked by The Rock way too soon. We haven't even seen the build yet! Thanks Dwayne, for making the next 4 weeks predictable, once the NoC dust settles...
well whoever is used, if it is a tag team format, the opponents will just be an afterthought and 'bit-parts' for the rock cena feud.
so honestly i wouldnt want any of my favorite guys (like ZigSwag or Miz) used just to further rock-cena's feud and pushed back down afterwards. especially considering they will likely get steamrolled in the match, win or lose.
i doubt miz is even willing to be an afterthought or take a backseat again.
For the love of God please WWE have this in a traditional survivor series match, gives Rock a warm up and allows him and Cena's team to be wittled down 2-5 or whatever and Rock/Cena out-do one another getting the win for the team.
That's more WWE-ish if you ask me.

I wouldn't want to see something so WWE-ish. They need to do something new and different for once. And I don't think the fans would be too happy seeing The Rock walk away from the match and not entertaining them just to make Cena suffer.
I saw this on Facebook, and then came here to see what people were saying about it. Actually I wish The Rock hadn't spoiled this. I would rather see this first on WWE TV than on Facebook.

I haven't missed a week of MNR since I saw Dwayne Johnson change his facebook name to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, changed his profile picture to one of him posing in the ring, and updated his status to "Finally..." That wasn't a spoiler by any means though, it was a teaser. This however leaves me going, "Why?"

The team of John Cena & The Rock doesn't really make sense. Not yet at least, I'm sure after watching the next Raw it will makes sense, but right now, not so much.

That aside, however, I am really looking forward to finally seeing more of The Rock on Monday Night Raw again, even if it is via satellite.
Are you kidding me?? The Miz jobbing to The Rock in a tag team match is an honor!!

of course jobbing to the rock would be an honor for any wrestler, but look at it from miz's point of view:
he was wwe champion for a long time, built towards a MAIN EVENT match at WM with the top guy in the biz, only to become a pawn in said top guy's feud with the top guy from 10 years ago.
the match was largely a dud, it was just an advertisement for NEXT YEARS wrestlemania, the crowd sat on its hands not caring about the match, because they were just waiting for the rock to show up!!!!
i wouldnt blame miz one bit if he were a little ********* about his big moment getting shit on just for a match that is a year away, and i wouldnt blame him one bit if he wanted nothing to do with the remaining few months of build-up for this feud, largely survivor series.
that is all im saying.
Maybe Jericho would be the guy to make it all work... but I see him going after Orton as a face... but he and Big Show would be good opponents for Rock/Cena as a straight tag match...

Miz will do whatever Vince wants cos he knows how its played out for Cena and ultimately Punk... He will wait his turn and his time will come... just as Punk had to...
of course jobbing to the rock would be an honor for any wrestler, but look at it from miz's point of view:
he was wwe champion for a long time, built towards a MAIN EVENT match at WM with the top guy in the biz, only to become a pawn in said top guy's feud with the top guy from 10 years ago.
the match was largely a dud, it was just an advertisement for NEXT YEARS wrestlemania, the crowd sat on its hands not caring about the match, because they were just waiting for the rock to show up!!!!
i wouldnt blame miz one bit if he were a little ********* about his big moment getting shit on just for a match that is a year away, and i wouldnt blame him one bit if he wanted nothing to do with the remaining few months of build-up for this feud, largely survivor series.
that is all im saying.

I see what you're saying and I agree. I just think if the choice is for the Miz to job to Cena and Rock or fight some schlub in a meaningless match/feud, he'd rather be on the backburner in the main feud.

WWE has a problem with the main feuds going on right now Cena/Rock and Punk/HHH because they don't really have anything for the Miz to do.

They built up the Miz as you said and then kinda pushed him off to the side. I still think though, being on the backburner in the Cena-Rock feud is better than doing basically "nothing" which is what he'd be doing since they haven't built any main event storylines around him moving forward.
I suppose WrestleMania always draws massive numbers and Cena vs. Rock will still do that. I still think its a bit of a waste having The Rocks first match in nearly 8 years at Survivor Series in a tag match. A special ref slot would be equally effective.

WWE can could get away with having Cena & Rock face off against anybody and I wouldn't be surprised if they did. The strongest match they could probably do is vs. Punk & Triple H which would work well for both feuds. But I'd expect maybe them vs. Henry and Del Rio, the top heels on each brand. Or even a lame team like Miz & Truth. Its not like Cena & The Rock aren't just going to steamroll through whoever they are anyway.
I could see it play out as Punk & Miz vs Cena & Rock.

All four have heat with each other this year. Miz has been bitching @ Punk, Punk has been taking shots @ The Rock, The Miz was taking shots @ The Rock before Wrestlemania & The Rock was taking shots at The Miz too. The only missing element is to see The Rock take a shot or two at Punk, which he did do back on Smackdown's 10th anniversary episode when he called him BM Punk, because every time he saw Punk wrestle, Rock was reminded that he needed to take a bowel movement. None of these guys like each other. Not saying that's what's going to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least. What would be better is if this was billed as the main event of survivor series, but the week before they decided to switch it up to a fatal fourway.
I see what you're saying and I agree. I just think if the choice is for the Miz to job to Cena and Rock or fight some schlub in a meaningless match/feud, he'd rather be on the backburner in the main feud.

WWE has a problem with the main feuds going on right now Cena/Rock and Punk/HHH because they don't really have anything for the Miz to do.

They built up the Miz as you said and then kinda pushed him off to the side. I still think though, being on the backburner in the Cena-Rock feud is better than doing basically "nothing" which is what he'd be doing since they haven't built any main event storylines around him moving forward.

thats quite possibly true but at the end of the day IMO the rock and cena are two larger than life characters, they should be able to get this match over themselves without having to rely on a fifteen year old formula of: "oh god!! these two guys hate each other but they gotta team up and work together!!!! wonder whats gonna happen??!!"
it stinks of lazy booking just to make a few extra bucks to me.
It almost certain this will be a Survivor Series style match ... and I could see this work we could have

The Rock, John Cena, John Morrison, Sheamus, and Zack Ryder vs. The Miz, R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio, Christian, and Wade Barrett

This would be great it helps the heel team get more exposure by working with The Rock and the faces teaming up with Cena/Rock.
Don't call me crazy, but Nash comes back at NoC, screws over Punk, HHH goes Heel, brings in a cronie or two (Waltman? HBK?), all to hype the shit out of Survivor Series (remember, Vince wants a huge corporate sponsor and what better way to do this than to include Rock and HBK on the card)...Rock comes back to battle the new faction (an NWO type deal), could play off the last NWO feud Nash had with Rock, as well as HHH-Rock feuds from way back in the day (remember the epic fights when Rock was coming up)....

Cena could easily team up with Punk (they have shown mutual respect) and decide its for the best of WWE universe (right up his gimmick alley), Rock/Punk/Cena all jabbing at each other while going at it with HHH/NASH could be unreal telivision leading into the event (again i repeat, vince wants huge sponsorship and success for this event)...

perfect reason to throw the two on the same side. Also perfect chance to flip Cena heel and join Nash/HHH (ala Hogan flipping in 1996)...this sets up a true Cena heel vs the Rock who will be back in WWE more regularly (albeit still part time) for a run up to Mania in Miami (where Rock will be so far over its a joke how bad Cena will be booed). Punk stays involved with Nash/HHH...potentialy throw in Miz and Truth and allow Rock to elavate these two as there is plenty of dialouge to go around the elevate these guys in a main stage feud as secondary players (ala Miz last Mania)

The whole Cena turning heel thing I would have never thought was ready to happen for years yet. I figured atleast until Miz could possibly turn to a main face and lead player but...

With Punk as a face now he could have that top spot and what better way to have Cena turn heel than to follow the Hogan formula, it clearly worked great. Now I would still find this too far fetched except...

A few days back I read on Nash's tweet/twit/whatever for his "future endeavor" response that it was 'nice to have met John Cena' or some (very similar) shit. It made NO SENSE at the time AT ALL but with this theory....

hmm makes you wonder
this is a curve ball thats for sure. i though rock and cena were suposed to be enemies?? or did i miss something? this could be interesting, they have their match, then afterwards either rock or cena go and attack the other, i supose they could rejoin rock and sock? though i dont personally believe that mick foley should be stepping into the ring again simply for the sake of his health, but that could further rock and cenas feud. should be pretty interesting so i personally cant wait to see the outcome of this.

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