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Robert Roode!


Occasional Pre-Show
I have no idea what everyone else thinks about Robert Roode but i think hes ready. He does amazing matches with his partner and beer money but when will his solo time come.

Robert Roode is a great athlete and looks like hes in really good shape. Tag Teams never last forever and a tag team this good should go on a long time but after this i believe he should be a contender for the TNA WHC.

In the best of five series he took most of the punishment from MCMG and busted open. I never seen a spinebuster performed so good since early HHH maybe Roode's is even better.

The crowd respects Beer Money more lately after some good matches and i believe Roode can do it solo.

What do you think is Roode good enough to contend the TNA Title?
Do you Like Beer Money? (Who Doesnt)
After this storyline with TNA vs ECW could he go Solo?

Please give some thoughts.

I have always thouht Roode was good enough to be tna world champ but i dont think he will anytime soon since he is in fortune and they are about to start a long fued with the ecw guys. But when that fued is over i think he will go solo because the tna title is getting boring with rvd and a guy like roode could make the tna title picture interesting again. And since rvd and roode are both good on the mic we might get some epic promos which you barley ever see in tna.
Roode is one of the few shining stars in TNA, he has everything going for him and obviously TNA booking thinks enough of Beer Money to keep them relevant unlike countless other people.

Being part of Fortune doesn't mean he can't get a change to shine in a singles capactiy, though they brought Beer Money in for the "Tag" notoriety.

I say give him singles gold in the next year, Beer money can't disband as they have bugger all other teams.

Thats something that erks me, they claim TNA has the best Tag Division and puts the most emphasis on it, yet they have only 4 dedicated teams 1 of which can't decide if they are fighting or not. For this reason i think Beer Money aren't disbanding anytime soon but they could still have singles success aswell.
i really like him .. he remind me Hunter and Double A . he's good heel and i think 2 years or so he will be TNA World heavy Wieght Champion .
As soon as the current feud is over, then I think so..he is one of TNA's wrestlers that I hope goes to WWE, but I like this dude a lot in TNA and I think a solo run can get him the TNA World title..

He is more than good enough to be contending, maybe a manager on his side, (im not too sure about his promos), and he should be at the top in no time..
As much as i would like to see Robert Roode go for a singles run, because he is damn good, he has a good look can wrestle and is pretty good with the stick. But man Beer Money is tag team gold, and the one thing that hasn't got boring or stale for the amount of time they have been together which is amazing in this day and age. This concept has really kept the cracked pieces of the tag division together in place for a little while now and to be quite frank i dont want it to end.

Robert Roode has the right formula, but just not right now.
Robert Roode did have a great singles career before Beer Money. I love Beer Money with all of my heart, and he does deserve the TNA world championship. But then what about James Storm? Where will he go? In my opinion, James Storm deserves it more. I see him as a better main-eventer than Robert Roode(sorry to any Roode fans). I could probably seeboth of them in a feud for the championship. That will be something that i will be glad to see.
Robert Roode was supposed to become NWA-TNA champion back in around 2004 during his team Canada Days. In fact, TNA wanted all of Team Canada to hold all of the belts in TNA. Roode was supposed to be world champ, Petey was supposed to be X-div champ and Eric Young & Devine were supposed to be tag champs but one of the team Canada members, Johnny Devine got injured around that time and it put a stop to those plans. My reasoning for telling you that is to show you how high TNA thinks of Roode since way back. They know they have a diamond on their hand

In all, Robert Roode is definitely ready to take it to the next step and possibly carry TNA as a top heel or something. The problem is there are lots of guys in TNA that are ready and can be debated for as next world champion. Also it's not really a necessity right now being that Roode is in a very over tag team so it's a good way for TNA to keep him tied up for the mean time with Beer Money. So the question is how does TNA go about pushing the right guys when there are so many great talents in that company all at once who can all carry the ball.

In TNA, guys that are ready are to take it to the next level or should be given a chance are:

The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Matt Morgan
SuperMex Hernandez
Samoa Joe
AJ Styles
Robert Roode
Jeff Hardy
I agree with GameOver in that Robert Roode is one of the few true shining stars in TNA. Beer Money & The MCMGs are the only reason I've watched iMPACT! over the course of the past 5 weeks and, for almost the entire time of those 5 weeks, they've also been the only four guys worth watching on the show.

I think Robert Roode has what it takes to be a legitimate singles star. He's got the look, he's pretty good inside the ring and on the mic. I think if Roode is ever going to attempt to be a force in the singles ranks, he might need to do it before too long because he's running the risk of being labled a tag team wrestler for life. I think James Storm is already there, as he's a 10 time World Tag Team Champion and the high points of his 13 year career have been in the tag team ranks. It's similar with Roode as of right now, as he's a 5 time World Tag Team Champion and his highest points have been within the tag team ranks.

On the other hand, Beer Money is one of the few teams in wrestling today that keeps tag team wrestling relevant. I know that most wrestlers dream of being major singles stars and that's understandable. But, Beer Money is gold overall. I was kind of stale on them for a while, but my interest in them has been rekindled. So, overall, I guess I'm kind of torn on it. I think Roode could be good as a singles competitor but it'd also be a shame to see such a great team break up.
I've said it a billion times before and I'll say it again... Although they're the best tag team in the world, I believe that Robert Roode is being WASTED in Beer Money. This man has everything a pro-wrestler should be... an incredible look, great mic skills, good in-ring experience... I can go on forever. I was very disappointed when he was stuck with Mr. I-can't-wrestle-unless-I-have-a-tag-team-partner James Storm. Obviously I'm not a fan of Storm and I never felt that the two were a great match. Even though they proven me wrong in that sense, I owe that to Robert Roode. I honestly feel that if a pro-wrestler is good, then he's GOOD. That means you could stick him in the shittiest of situations and he'll somehow come out looking like gold. It was just a testament to Roode's skill when Beer Money began to elevate to where they are now.

Besides AJ Styles, I think Roode is the best wrestler on the TNA roster. I would really like to see Roode finish this stint in Beer Money and go after a world title. He's made me a believer... I think he could carry it.
As with all tag teams, there comes a point where splitting them is an option, but I'm not entirely sure that Beer Money, Inc. needs that (yet) – at least not for the foreseeable future.

The team themselves have done wonders for TNA's tag division since forming in 2008, and considering they've only been a legitimate tag-team for two years, I'd think it's not exactly in the near future plans for TNA to be splitting them if the case of AMW is anything to base this on. AMW, afterall, lasted for four years before their brutal split.

Roode certainly has the "it" factor to carry a singles career, as does Storm, and both have already had moderately successful singles runs earlier in their TNA careers, but as for the moment they work too well as a tag-team to consider the singles side of things. You have to remember here, folks – TNA doesn't only gain two singles stars in the event they split them, they lose, arguably, their best tag team in the process.
You have to remember that Arn Anderson ruled both the Tag Team Division with both Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard as well as the mid card in the 90's as the Television Champ. Also he held both the TV and Tag belts right after the Horsemen were formed.

I think Roode is that type of performer that can hold and defend two sets of belts at once.
Although I truly believe Roode would be a phenomenal singles competitor, the series of matches between the Guns and Beer Money left me wanting more. A 5 match series...I'm in favor of a 5 month series! Absolutely amazing to watch! Anyway, Beer Money, even though they lost the series come out looking like gold. They need to stay together for the foreseeable future. Let them go at it with the 'Guns one more time! Incredible!:)
If and when the time comes for fourtune to turn on AJ and he makes he return to the face side of things, then I believe Robert Roode should be put in to the leadership role of fourtune. I would make Storm and Kaz the tag team for the group. Or even better, bring back Chris Harris and re-unite AMW.

Honestly, I think Robert Roode could be Fourtune's version of Flair, and Storm as the Anderson.
If and when the time comes for fourtune to turn on AJ and he makes he return to the face side of things, then I believe Robert Roode should be put in to the leadership role of fourtune. I would make Storm and Kaz the tag team for the group. Or even better, bring back Chris Harris and re-unite AMW.

Honestly, I think Robert Roode could be Fourtune's version of Flair, and Storm as the Anderson.

Man..I think that's a good idea when the time comes. I especially like the idea of Harris coming back and reforming AMW. With Roode the leader (Flair) Kaz could be the AA, then you would AMW as the tag team...wow..that makes a pretty impressive group...but I have to say I like the way things are going now. It is inevitable for the group to turn on AJ because I don't see his heel run lasting too much longer. His match with Angle on IMPACT last thursday..the crowd was split and even had dueling chants at a couple different moments. Robert Roode is the future champ in TNA..we can all agree on that!
i think robert roode is one hell of a wrestler. i think hes a hybrid of hhh, randy orton, and his father rick. unfortunatly i dont think hes going to be used the right way in tna. i agree that he is in one of the best tag teams in the world but i think he can do so much more as a singles star. i honestly think that robert roode's style and skills would be used the right way in the wwe. hes got the look, the in ring ability and the mic skills that can shoot him to the top. tna has to many main eventers already roode is just gonna be burried. look who tna has abyss, aj styles, the pope, desmond wolfe, hernandez, jeff hardy, jay lethal, kurt angle, matt morgan, mr anderson, rvd, samoa joe, and stings. theres no way roode is gonna be taken away from beer money. take away beer money and there goes a huge part of tna's tag team division. wwe is in the process of giving the younger guys a shot. besides i think he would have great fueds with orton, bryan danielson, the miz, and now the newly signed tyler black. i just think he needs to look into the future and realize he needs to jump ship if he wants to become a big singles star.
This guy was ready when He left Team Canada. For me he was the next Triple H. He need to lead a heel faction. I actually was sad when he joined James Storm. But for God's Sake, aren't they too good to break up for now. I used to say He was the "shawn michals" and James storm was "Jannetty", but they are both great. Even though Wild cat can't be brilliant strong single competitor, as a tag team he is great. They deserve to call themselves the best team in the Industry. Sure, One day Robert Rhoode will turn on storms, but who is bored of Beer Money after I dk 3 years now? Not even close for me.

As ramblyroy said, I wish Rhoode becomes the ric flair of fortune.
I think you are absolutely correct. Robert Roode cut a promo two weeks ago on Impact and I was really impressed. At that point I really liked Beer Money as members of Fortune. But I think Roode is the meat of the tag team (not that Storm is bad), and I think he could be a main event player. I would have Roode be the guy who eventually turns on all of Fortune and costs AJ the WHC or something. It would be awesome. They shouldn't do it exactly how Evolution did it, but they could definitely pull it off with Roode going after AJ's title, and having to take out Storm in the process, leading to a Beer Money feud, and an eventual WHC win for Roode... I think you're on to something here OP
i think robert roode is one hell of a wrestler. i think hes a hybrid of hhh, randy orton, and his father rick. unfortunatly i dont think hes going to be used the right way in tna. i agree that he is in one of the best tag teams in the world but i think he can do so much more as a singles star. i honestly think that robert roode's style and skills would be used the right way in the wwe. hes got the look, the in ring ability and the mic skills that can shoot him to the top. tna has to many main eventers already roode is just gonna be burried. look who tna has abyss, aj styles, the pope, desmond wolfe, hernandez, jeff hardy, jay lethal, kurt angle, matt morgan, mr anderson, rvd, samoa joe, and stings. theres no way roode is gonna be taken away from beer money. take away beer money and there goes a huge part of tna's tag team division. wwe is in the process of giving the younger guys a shot. besides i think he would have great fueds with orton, bryan danielson, the miz, and now the newly signed tyler black. i just think he needs to look into the future and realize he needs to jump ship if he wants to become a big singles star.
I really hope that you don't think that his father is Rick Rude :banghead:(different spellings on their actual last names: Roode vs. Rood). TNA needs all the potential main eventers that they can get. Sting won't be around for too many more years, and Angle, well Angle can stay as long as he wants to, he's just so damn good at putting people over in matches, even when he wins. But really, if the guys you listed for TNA are all in the main event picture, that's one hell of a match list as far as a PPV goes. I damn well rather see any combo of those guys on a "mid card" than what WWE has been throwing out there. And personally I would love to to see Roode in the picture for the TNA world title, he really does have it all as far as I'm concerned. As someone else mentioned (maybe in the Fourtune thread), an AMW reunion would be fantastic to get Roode out of the tag team division, but if you've seen pics of Chris Harris in his WWE tryout/dark matches (and maybe he was on TV too, can't recall right now), he may be too far gone to bring AMW back to what it used to be.
I like him a lot. I think he is a Catch 22.

Breaking up Beer Money hurts the company because they are one of, if not the best tag team in the world. But, I think Roode is ready for the Main Event!

He has all the tools needed, and then some. I think TNA should make a move with him soon. I think he is valuable to the company.

WWE should try it's best and snake him away. Dude is a talent, and I think he is going places. At least if TNA gets their thumb out of their keister and pushes him!
I'm going to agree with most here and say that Roode is ready and would make a GREAT TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He has the look. He has the mic skills. He is incredible in the ring. He is one of the best wrestlers on the TNA roster. On the flip side of the that, Beer Money, Inc. is the best tag team in the world today. They work so well together and right now TNA needs Beer Money to keep teaming together. They are currently in Fortune and have at least one more TNA Tag Team Championship run. Then, after that final run, I would split Beer Money. James Storm would be fine on his own and could compete for the TV Title.

Roode still has quite a bit of years left in his career if he so desires. I would keep MCMG Tag Champions until January, have Beer Money win the titles from them, hold them until April or May and then split. Roode could then go after the TNA WHC. He deserves it.
I see big dollar signs on Robert Roode.
He has the look, the skills, the promos to be huge honestly.

Very very much like Hunter in his demeanor.
I just hope that he can have a fantastic singles career coz he is there to be made!!
I am a big big big fan of Robert Roode. I first became a fan of his when he was fueding with Booker T. He has really come into his own as a 100% all around wrestler since he paired up with Storm. I feel he can be TNA's next breakout star if he can get rid of James im getting a little to soggy around the mid section Storm.
I think that Roode has alot of potential and can be a future star if or when Beer Money is eventually broken up. He definitely has the potential to be a future Tna Heavyweight Champion. He has everything you could want in a Champ he has the look, the charisma, the mic skills and he is also pretty good in the ring. I think that whenever Beer Money breaks up like most tag teams due that can be a breakout star for TNA
aside from the fact that i think rood is a tremendous talent with no ceiling on his potential, but i think that it's still too early in terms of his personality to give him a solo run at the whc, i think that robert rood should stay in beer money a while longer.

it would be difficult and frightening to try for a singles push in his position. he's in the best tag team in the country with james storm, and do not forget what happened to chris harris, when he was in the same position.

everyone decided that chris harris would be the next break out star, and tried to push him. and the audience shat on his push. he has gone nowhere since, except to WWE, where vince got the opportunity to bury him completely, then fire him. where is chris harris today? does anyone know?

has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe james storm is the best tag wrestler in the world, capable of making his teammate look much better than he otherwise would look?
i'm not sure this is true, but were i robert rood, i'd stay put just in case

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