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Robert Roode: It Should Be His Time


I've watched Robert Roode in TNA for a long time and I don't know what TNA's waiting for. Robert Roode has got everything going for him to be a main event caliber wrestler. He's got the look, he's got the in-ring ability, he's got the promo skills, he's got the ability to get the crowd behind him.

Robert Roode has done everything he can possibly do as a tag team wrestler in TNA. He's currently on his 6th run as a World Tag Team Champion in the company and it's past time for him to move into the singles ranks.

There's absolutely nothing that Anderson, Hardy, Samoa Joe, RVD, Matt Morgan and others bring to the table that Roode doesn't. In some cases, I think he brings more to the table.

TNA has cast itself in the eyes of a lot of fans, myself included, as a company that's built itself primarily around former WWE and/or WCW talent rather than really building legit stars on their own for many years now. It's part of what gives them the image of a second class company. Robert Roode, in my opinion, might be the purest example of untapped potential on the TNA roster right now. Beer Money has been a great tag team but they've done all they can. It's just a shame to let Roode's talent languish in a division in which he's already done all that can be done multiple times.
Well, even though Roode may have some potential. He's not a former WWE/WCW/or ECW star.

I he was in WWE, he probably would be a top player in the company. If Anderson and Roode were switched places in 2007 and it was Roode who jumped to TNA, Roode would've probably be a big time player in TNA right now, becuase he would be a former WWE star.

I feel sorry for the young talent in TNA. Many of them probably have load's of potential, personality and talent, but thier not being used because their not from WWE. If Matt Hardy was never a WWE superstar, he would'nt be on television. Like, Jay Lethal, who has a fued with Flair, to losing his X-divison Title to Robbie E, then he disappear's off television.

Roode should just leave TNA and go to somewhere where has a chance to actually be a big time player.
Anyone with any wrestling acumen can really pick out Roode to be something special. He was one of the wrestlers I picked some months ago as someone WWE should look to swipe from TNA and build. The man has the look, build, can wrestle good matches and is fine on the mic.

The only thing is he needs a great feud. The Elevation. He is there to be made and is the definitely of the greatest potential.

Also, I see a little Terra Ryzing in him everytime.
TNA is run by a bunch of idiots that can't see what they have. They want to use the top stars of former WWE so that they can pump up ratings and get some exposure. Robert Roode has been stuck in the Tag team for a very long time and they don't want to break the team up any time soon, but why not have him doing singles' matches while he still with Bear Money.

I am still waiting for them to put a title on that guy, maybe television title to begin with and see how he carries the title, but TNA wants to rely on wrestlers like Matt hardy, RVD and Anderson. I think he would have a great match against Sting if its done the right way, but of course TNA always known for putting 3 to 5 minute matches on Impact shows

@itssoeasy123 I am very curious where is jay Lethal, they wasting talent on that guy. It's messed up that he not even feuding with anybody right now or have someone to work with
I do not get this.

I've watched him since he debuted and I've never seen this epic guy that everyone is saying they just need to push him now. I've heard about this for years now and I do not see it whatsoever. Maybe I'm missing something, but for the life of me I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with Robert Roode. He's ok but I don't see a superstar in him at all. He's in his mid 30s now and has been in TNA almost since the beginning. He got one singles push as the DiBiase/JBL ripoff and it went nowhere at all, even against Booker T. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see Roode as a star at all.
I do not get this.

I've watched him since he debuted and I've never seen this epic guy that everyone is saying they just need to push him now. I've heard about this for years now and I do not see it whatsoever. Maybe I'm missing something, but for the life of me I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with Robert Roode. He's ok but I don't see a superstar in him at all. He's in his mid 30s now and has been in TNA almost since the beginning. He got one singles push as the DiBiase/JBL ripoff and it went nowhere at all, even against Booker T. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see Roode as a star at all.

I dunno if a feud with Booker has to make him an instant star, but the abilities that I have liked in him is that he is not a boring talker and has scope for good promos, man's single matches are watchable. He has the build for a credible main-event guy, but he needs a good chance to shine on top. Him and Drew I had picked as Finally-They-Do-Something-In-2011 Breakout-Stars.
Robert Roode is World Title material, yes he is; but let's think about this for a minute.

#1 We go from MCMG, Beer Money, Gen Me and Ink Inc to MCMG being out, Beer Money (they can't do it by themselves), Gen Me (excellent, EXCELLENT workers but a teased split up), Ink Inc (Shannon Moore teased heel turn, even though they are another good team), Gunner and Murphy (These guys suck to begin with, now Gunner is a singles champ) and Eric Young and O.J. (uh, seriously?) TNA's tag team division is looking more and more like WWE's. It can't afford to go more depleted now.

#2 This is a good thing they are waiting long. I mean think about it. I've wanted Kennedy/Anderson as champ for the longest time. I waited five years. He unsuccessfully challenged at Royal Rumble 2007, he won then lost MITB and then a lot of fuckups resulted in failed pushes. Then he got a lot of title shots prior to actually winning at Genesis and it was a special win. It was emotional for me. It happened in WWF/E too- Michaels and Austin. HHH. Benoit. If/when Christian and JoMo win a World Title, do you know how much the wait will have been worth? Same thing for Robert Roode. It's gonna be so fucking special if and when he wins it.

Don't worry. His time is coming. But look at the two things above and I think when he finally wins it, hopefully the tag division will be better than now and that special moment will come.
CelticCorey, exactly what i was thinking. Yes Robert Roode can be a singles star, but the problem is that TNA needs more tag-teams or else the TNA tag-team division is going to be like WWE's.
I'd hate to see Beer Money split up, as I really do enjoy Roode and Storm as a team. But yes, Roode is definitely main event material, and TNA would be foolish not to capitalize on this. Yet, I have a lot of doubt in their ability to do so. TNA just didn't show much commitment to pushing Roode last time around, and the gimmick they saddled him with was less than original. Other than AJ Styles, I really don't believe that TNA has shown much success in getting their (more or less) original talent to the main event. Samoa Joe debuted strong, but his momentum largely went with his win streak. Pope, Morgan, and Wolfe have all been on the verge at times, but TNA has either been unable or unwilling to push them to the top (I guess because they have to make room in the main event for former champions from other companies).

If TNA were to actually commit to a Robert Roode main event push - meaning not having him play second fiddle to a former WWE star, not removing him from the title picture the minute a more famous champion from another company wants the title, and not sticking him in the middle of some stupid giant faction plot - than I'd be all for it. If they are just going to half-ass it, on the other hand, I'd rather that he stay with Beer Money for the time being and keep contributing to the tag division (than get out of TNA and into the WWE at the first available opportunity).
Robert Roode is 34 yrs old been in TNA 7yrs, the guy has talent to be more than a tag team wrestler, at the worst he should be a high mid-card champion. So why is he still a tag wrestler: The Top 5 Reason Robert Roode is not a Main Event Guy Yet.
5. TNA has to many guys at the main event level.
4. He is not a former WWE,WCW or ECW guy.
3. TNA doesn't have a true credible mid-card title. ( X-Division is like a Cruiserweight title and the Legend, I mean Global, sorry meant the TV title I think, doesn't matter.)
2. He is not 40 yrs old or over. ( Page 1 of the TNA rule book qualification for being added to the main event level.)
1. Plain and Simple the poor guy is working for TNA. ( Robert turn back the clock and cross the line to WWE, Brother. )
Roode is a solid talent who's more than capable of giving us great in-ring work, but it'd be a shame to break up one of the world's best current tag teams. I hate to say that I want Roode to be held down, but I REALLY like Beer Money.

I think Storm would be a good singles competitor as well. I don't see him as a main event guy, but he's no doubt solid.

I'm torn on this one...
Robert Roode is too good for TNA. It's a shame because I don't know if he will ever get his chance to shine. But if you can't see that Roode has IT your blind. This kid is money and TNA doesn't even know it. Idiots.
Robert Roode is just another wrestler in TNA who deserves way more recognition but doesnt get it. I like watching TNA for the simple fact that its not the WWE. I am true wrestling fan and I watch all companies good or bad. However, I wish I could just shake TNA to realize what they got. They could take wrestlers like Wolfe, Roode, Pope, Styles, Anderson, even Matt Morgan and build a decent program around these guys. You can supplement these older wrestlers in there but dont let them be the main eventers. Let them be guys that lead the stables or managers. As for the new talent that comes from the WWE you could easily slide them into fueds but they got to learn how to do it the right way. They never stick to the storylines they are always changing so much you never get a feel for the competition. IDK...TNA could have rode the rebranding wave way longer and turned this company around but it didnt happen. NOW WHAT!? I honestly think they need to try and get Jim Ross.
My idea would be for Roode to have a match for lets say the tv title and win it. Then Storm gets jealous leading to a fued between them which obviously Roode wins. This will put him in singles comp. and show him as a top wrestler. He then pursue the TNA championship. He's got the look and style.
I cant believe im reading this bull. Guys, Robert Roode has gotten push after push. First with finding out who his manager would be, then going over a returning face jarrett, then a debuting face booker t. nothing can get the guy over as a singles competitor. the one thing that i give tna over the wwe is their tag division. it is great. maybe a bit lack luster with some of the break ups, but they should not split up beer money. roode cant make it in singles, but as a tag team the guy is one of the best. splitting up beer money would make as much sense as splitting up team 3d. dont ruin a perfect thing.
First off, Team 3d is burnt out. To compare the dudleys boys fued to what a beer money feud would be like is not right. Secondly, JARRET is another person who needs to be removed from tv. Jarret is just annoying. Third, TNA is different now from when booker was there. If they pushed Roode to be the bad ass type who loves fighting. I think the crowd would take to him. Its not about being FACE or HEEL its about what gets him over. The crowd already loves him and if they actually knew how to put a show together it could work phenomenally.
It's been his time for a while now. Years ago when he was in the main event with Ms Brooks as his manager was his time; shame he got demoted to (another) tag team, albeit a great one that gave us superb matches as TNA fans.

Beer Money should've had a split up angle after they lost to the Guns in the Best of 5 series. Both James and Robert could be main eventing right now, as both men are singles main event material - both great wrestlers and stickmen.
Going forward, I think Robert Roode is in for a tough time. He has the talent, that's not an issue. However, I see several things/people standing in his way.

1. Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and/or Vince Russo. Hogan and Eric like pushing guys who have drawn money in the past, on a large scale, end of story. Robert Roode isn't one of those guys. He doesn't have the name-power of guys like Sting, RVD, Jeff Hardy, and Ken Anderson. Hell, I'm betting they think guys like Bubba Dudley and Tommy Dreamer are still bigger draws. If it hasn't caused problems for Roode already, and I think it has, it will eventually.

2. He's no spring chicken. He's 34 years old, and he's not getting any younger. I haven't seen a drop-off in his abilities, but that's not really what I'm getting at. Look at Bubba Dudley. He's been a tag-team wrestler since 1996, and he's just now getting a shot at singles action. Might be too little, too late. If something doesn't happen for Roode soon, he could be headed in that same direction--labeled a tag wrestler, and nothing more. I hope this isn't the case.

3. TNA doesn't seem to be interested in Roode as a singles star. I'm not talking about Hogan/Bischoff, I've felt this way longer than they have been around TNA. I have a feeling if it were in the works, it would have already happened.

I hope Roode can get past these issues. He's a great talent, and I think he could be great in singles action. Good mic skills, can work one hell of a match, etc. However, the clock is ticking, and I'm not sure anyone in TNA cares.
I guess age shouldn't be a HUGE factor to consider. I mean, wasn't Batista 35 when he started to get his push?
I think Roode's problem is the there is nothing distinguishable about him compared to the typical generic wrestler 101. He has yet to find a persona that fans can immediately recognize as Robert Roode. Anderson is the asshole, Hardy is the crazy risk taker, Abyss is the monster, Styles is the 'phenomenal one'. Even with the moneybag gimmick on him, he still displayed a generic muscle for hire aura. That just won't cut it unless you are folder for the the main event faces.
I've watched Robert Roode in TNA for a long time and I don't know what TNA's waiting for. Robert Roode has got everything going for him to be a main event caliber wrestler. He's got the look, he's got the in-ring ability, he's got the promo skills, he's got the ability to get the crowd behind him.

Robert Roode has done everything he can possibly do as a tag team wrestler in TNA. He's currently on his 6th run as a World Tag Team Champion in the company and it's past time for him to move into the singles ranks.

There's absolutely nothing that Anderson, Hardy, Samoa Joe, RVD, Matt Morgan and others bring to the table that Roode doesn't. In some cases, I think he brings more to the table.

TNA has cast itself in the eyes of a lot of fans, myself included, as a company that's built itself primarily around former WWE and/or WCW talent rather than really building legit stars on their own for many years now. It's part of what gives them the image of a second class company. Robert Roode, in my opinion, might be the purest example of untapped potential on the TNA roster right now. Beer Money has been a great tag team but they've done all they can. It's just a shame to let Roode's talent languish in a division in which he's already done all that can be done multiple times.

I 100% agree. Robert Roode is quite easily the wrestler in TNA with the most potential to become a genuine superstar.

Both Hardy's and RVD are past their prime, Anderson and Abyss do not have the look or in-ring skills to become a mega star and Samoa Joe is declining more every year.

Matt Morgan and The Pope are two other TNA stars who have alot of potential too. Morgan especially, but if I am looking at 1 break out star it has to be Roode

He has the whole package. He looks great, is a top quality in-ring competitor, and has the mic skills required to remain at main event level. He has done it all in the tag-team ranks and is more than deserving of a singles run. It is annoying to see less talented guys come in and get pushed while Roode has to take a back seat. His time is now, and TNA need to make sure they do not miss the boat with him.

Roode is better than many of the wrestlers WWE are pushing the hell out of now, including Rhodes, McIntyre, Barrett, Miz, Sheamus etc. He really does have all the potential in the world, and it would be a shame if he doesnt get a chance to run with the top dogs and prove what he can do.
I agree that Robert Roode has the potential to be a main eventer. But saying that, I'm a much bigger fan of Beer Money than I am of Roode. So I wouldn't like to see the team split up. But if Beer Money had to split to give either member a singles push, I would prefer to see Storm given the push. James Storm is one of the best characters in wrestling, IMO. However with the main event scene as it is, I don't see any room for either Roode or Storm. They're needed much more in the tag division than they are in the main event.
I agree that Robert Roode has the potential to be a main eventer. But saying that, I'm a much bigger fan of Beer Money than I am of Roode. So I wouldn't like to see the team split up. But if Beer Money had to split to give either member a singles push, I would prefer to see Storm given the push. James Storm is one of the best characters in wrestling, IMO. However with the main event scene as it is, I don't see any room for either Roode or Storm. They're needed much more in the tag division than they are in the main event.

I understand where you are coming from.

Beer Money are vital to the TNA tag-team division, which is not as strong right now as it has been in the past. It would be a big blow to the division to have Storm and Roode go their seperate ways, but that time will need to happen sooner or later. Both are very capable in singles as well as being half a tag team.

I know what you mean about the main event scene being crowded, but pushing Roode to the main event would give TNA the chance to build their own star, as they have done with AJ Styles and finally help to get rid of the idea that TNA main eventers are all WWE rejects. That view severely hinders TNA as it is looked upon as 2nd rate, with wrestlers who WWE no longer need or want.

Having Roode, Morgan (I know he is ex-WWE but he did nothing for Vince, he is TNA's own) or Pope (again, ex-WWE but a totally new gimmick created in TNA), as the main eventers would point out that this is a company capable of making its own stars and we could start to see big stars switching companies as happened in the 90s with WWE, WCW and ECW.

TNA need homegrown talent, and Robert Roode should be the one they turn to.
Im sorry Roode to me is more like a Curt Hennig or a Rick Rude i wish they would make his character more like them instead of JBL/Million Dollar Man. Some one who is good on the mic and a good worker but someone who couldn't carry the company with a World Title. I can see him with the TV title to give it more credibility and have a nice run with it for like a year having him defend it all the time.

To those that want him in WWE what will happen to him there. Nothing, name one person who was in TNA that has had a decent push in the E..........(quiet, I hear nothing, oh wait a cricket....) there are none. It's because they have all been buried. Gail Kim should have held that Diva's title before Eve because she is probably the top or at least in the top 3 diva's that they have. Now the only person I see that will get a decent push is Kong.

Roode needs a perfect/narcissist type gimmick not what he has now to be a good singles guy. Come out like Mr. Perfect and go kiss the girls like Rick Rude hell even wear a shirt with abs on it to give to the girls would be cool.
Look at the hart foundation, rockers, harlem heat.. as examples.. these teams had ONE guy from each team turn into a super star.. and what happed to the other? ....Is this what we are all thinking here? that beer money MUST break up to make Roode a star??

Let me add another perspective on this.

Lets look at the Outsiders.. DX.. the Von Erichs, Stiener Bros etc.. these were great tag teams.. but made the fans care about BOTH of the partners equally in singles fueds.. but the tag teams never truly broke up at any time.

I believe Beer Money can be the next in line for this as they don't have to BREAK up.. they can still tag and do their thing.. but they can both be in singles fueds with other people and unite when they need back up.. (hell Hall/Nash & HBK/HHH did that again last year)

This is how you handle this.. Storm AND Roode are capable of doing both.. and both would elevate the singles scene and tag team scene.. you don't have to BREAK UP Beer Money to have a successfull singles career is my point.

I believe Roode and Storm BOTH have what it takes to make this work,.. hey what a novel thought.. Make a guy and a few more stars .. why not? ;)

Its called ELEVATE them to show that they can be the best tag team and more at any time.

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