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Robbie E is the *NEW* X Division Champion, My Dude

At first I wasn't going to say anything but after reading all of the posts. I just got to say something now.! Lets face it Robbie E and Cookie should of been like a one time thing or at least on Impact. Let his character build up on Xplosion and if things go well move him back to Impact then bring in JWooW or whatever. Then let him have matches on Impact for a few weeks and then and only then give him a damn PPV match. If things were going really well then give a title shot for the X Division or TV Title. If this guy had to go against a guy like Kaz or Doug Williams or Jeff Jarrett or Samoa Joe or Pope or Mr Anderson or Shannon Moore or Kurt Angle or Matt Morgan or even Jeff Hardy he would look horrible and terrible. Any of these guys I've listed can work with just about anybody. Having a guy so green is just terrible for business all together which is what TNA has done the last few years. Its a shame though the way they have been booking things. The funny thing is that I would rather watch Jesse Neal or Prince Iaukea or Lash LuRoux then this guy.

Appareantly this guys started wrestling like 2000 so he has about 10 years of ring experience. He looks like a guy that just started to me. Maybe its the gimmick that making me bash the heck of this guy but his in ring and mic ability aren't that well. So maybe he needs to go back to training school or something.

I've made posts about what TNA needs to do and as of right now still disappointed him them.!! The X Division Roster isn't the same like it was when it first started back in 2002. Heck they were having small wrestlers winning big titles or even main eventing before WWE started doing. I bet if some of these matches were televised the rating would be a lot better then what it's doing right now. The bad thing is that TNA keeps hiring the guys that we need and then firing or letting them go like week or a month after they just got back to TNA. Which is a shame and you wonder why TNA gets so much crap for us fans and other people. Not a good way to do business. I've counted like at 15 guys that can be in the X Division but most of them are in the other 3 division which ultimately leaves about 6 or 7 people for this division. Which isn't bad but TNA aren't using them for these type of matches or let them showcase what X Division is. Lets face it you don't feel like you are about to see the X Division wrestlers go out their and do their thing. Its more like just another short or quick match that nobody cares about.

Lets face Lethat was a good champion which should still be a champion right now. He's already won the dang title like 5 times already. With Joe and Sabin tying for both winning it 4 times and AJ winning it 6 times. Now I really don't want to see Lethal winning it anytime soon now because its too damn sooon. This gives Lethal really nothing to do but float around. The question is who going to win the title NEXT? I say Red or Michael Shane or Doug Williams or Kaz or Kid Kash or Alex Shelley or Homicide or even Eric Young should be the next champion. This whole Robbie E is going to fail and TNA needs to do something quick or have a battle royal type and then I bet you when the new champion is crown everyone will forget about Robbie E. Then again this is what TNA wants is for us to talk about this person. Its all negative and most of the time thats not good at all. Doesn't matter how hard you try. The fans don't like you in a good way or cheer for you then you need to do something or find something new to do with your career.

As far as Cookie goes she needs to go back to her other character then what she's doing now. I get what a manager is supposed to do but we've seen it happen way tooo many times in TNA and we all know whats going to happen. If Lethal would've won but gets a beat down this would help Robbie E but letting him go over on a PPV is a bad thing for sure. I really like what Becky did as a manager and she needs to back like what she did with Deranged, Special K, Reckless Youth, and Simon Diamond/Johnny Swinger.

I gets we just have to wait and see if TNA improves on the X Division and if Robbie E gets any BETTER.!!
Great a guy with little momentum, little build up, and a shitty gimmick wins the X so sad sad. One more nail for a great division and all of it for a stupid tie in to a stupid reality show. Dont get me wrong i wasnt a loving Lethals run either but at least he has been around for a bit and paid his dues in the X division.
I've made posts about what TNA needs to do and as of right now still disappointed him them.!! The X Division Roster isn't the same like it was when it first started back in 2002. Heck they were having small wrestlers winning big titles or even main eventing before WWE started doing. I bet if some of these matches were televised the rating would be a lot better then what it's doing right now. The bad thing is that TNA keeps hiring the guys that we need and then firing or letting them go like week or a month after they just got back to TNA. Which is a shame and you wonder why TNA gets so much crap for us fans and other people. Not a good way to do business. I've counted like at 15 guys that can be in the X Division but most of them are in the other 3 division which ultimately leaves about 6 or 7 people for this division. Which isn't bad but TNA aren't using them for these type of matches or let them showcase what X Division is. Lets face it you don't feel like you are about to see the X Division wrestlers go out their and do their thing. Its more like just another short or quick match that nobody cares about.

Let's face it. The X division isn't relevant anymore. It's not viable for a company TNA's size to have three major men's singles championships. Get rid of the X-Division Title, it's not needed.

There should be a mandate written into the show that the TV Title be defended on Impact! every week in ten-minute time limit matches. The person with the TV Title should be your best "worker" (The TNA Champ should be the best "draw") and someone who can go with anyone in the company. Your TV Champ should be someone people want to see every week bust their ass on TV.

Just my opinion.
This was extremely disappointing for me. I was really hoping they'd hold off on giving him the belt until he got a bit better in the ring. If Robbie E. knows more moves he should certainly start using them. I thought Jay Lethal was a for sure winner last night. And honestly, Robbie E.'s finisher is a simple neckbreaker, that just doesn't seem to cut it to me, especially when all Lethal did was get tripped up on the turnbuckle. Hopefully they get the belt off of him quick because I can't see this being entertaining.
Does anyone really care about the X division belt anymore?
It hasn't meant much in a while.

As shattered dreams mentioned already, the move to put the belt on Rob was designed to piss people off and its working.

This guy's ring work and mic skills aren't great, but when people hate you just by looking at you, who cares. And as long as that chick is with him no one's going to be changing the channel.

I say let him run with it for a while, its not like the X division can get any worse.
I am probably one of maybe 5 people that actually have something good to say about this. So here it goes.

1. Many people want to make this argument about good and bad heat. It seems to me that during the ppv last night the only bad heat Robbie E got was after the match. During the match he was actually getting booed. Maybe the ppv audiences actually know how to act as opposed to the television taping audiences.

2. Title belts have always been used to get someone over and the fact of the matter is Jay Lethal is very over without the belt. He is a guy that mostly every tna fan loves in some way or another. Robbie E how ever is a new guy that needs a push past this bad heat stage and the belt will garner him good heat.

3. Jay Lethal could now chase after the belt which in my opinion is way better then him having it. Plus i could see Lethal doing some very funny impersonations of Robbie that he wouldn't need to do if he held on to the belt.

4. Like it or not TNA put a lot of money into this angle with including J woww. In return it has garnered the most media attention for the company since hogan and bischoff signing. Having him lose and fall into lower mid card hell would be an awful decision. Plus who knows maybe J woww's payday came with the agreement of more than one appearance.

In conclusion Robbie E, my dude won a title that doesn't really mean anything at the moment. So I don't really see why people are making this out to be such a big deal. If all else fails the belt will definitely get him good heat like it has with any belt that has ever been in existence.
I dont know why everyone is shitting on Robbie E. The title change just happened last night give it time and you will probably like it. He draws heat which is what he is supposed to do.

This might be the chance for Jay Lethal to move up the card a bit while Robbie wrestles in the X division. There are some very interesting feuds that can come about from Robbie E being the camp based simply on his Jersey Shore gimmick. Sure he is not the best Wrestler but he is far from the worst and can be carried to good matches by the other wrestlers.

Just give it a chance. I'm sure TNA has something in store with this
I personally am a massive fan of the change.

1. The increased attention with J-WOW coming to TNA for an appearance was not a one time thing. She will come back and if that attention returns and viewers see Robbie E as champion, it may spark a permanent interest. It also may not but whats there to lose?

2. Anyone who says he is average in the ring is very much kidding themselves. He might not have shown much yet in his short TNA stint, but the dude is a dynamo! People who are only judgind him on three matches or so, shouldn't comment.

3. GIVE IT TIME! Everyone wants this done with in two weeks! Give something DIFFERENT a chance for once. It may totally rock your world! Everyone complains when old storylines are used and when something different is thrown at us, we all want it scrapped. NO ONE and i repeat NO ONE liked the Disco Inferno at first and it turned him into a WCW star.

You just never know my dudes!
I actually think robbie can go. His match with lethal was strong and for me he looked the part during it. I see this kid doing an excellent job with the strap but lets wait n see. Lethal being himself has been a little stale lately. He needs a new gimmick fast.
I gotta admit I like Robbie E as the X Division champion.

I hear the crowd often chanting he sucks (and I have a feeling they are being sincere) but Robbie E brings something new and different to the X Division (and this is coming from a guy who absolutely despises the Jersey Shore). I like his character as it is very easy to hate him and I gotta say I've been impressed with his in ring work as well. He definitely has more character than anyone in the X-Division and does a great job at getting heat. On top of that Cookie is a good manager for him as well, it almost looks like they came right from the show. Cookie adds another element to the character and has played the manager role pretty decent so far. For me, Robbie E is one of the bright spots in the X-Division at the current time and I sincerely hope he is given the chance to have a good title run.

In alot of cases TNA does what the iMPACT crowd wants, but this is one of those times I hope they don't listen to the crowd and they actually keep the character (and performer)
One interesting thing about this win is that it accomplished almost immediately on a larger scale what it took Doug William's reign months to do. Eventually the smarks somewhat turned on William's title reign for not being classic X, even though that is what he always talked about. Immediately everyone was legit mad at Robbie for the "obvious" death of the X style without him saying a word. Williams not having much heat is one of a few reasons it did not mean that much when Lethal won and the Lethal run suffered from that. TNA could tap into this hate as a way to have someone take back the X-division from "what it has become."
Wow. Did you really just do that? Let's analyse shall we? Is Sheamus over with the crowd and was he over when he won the strap? Yes because he stood out, Did Sheamus prove at this point that he was fully capable of having a good match? Yes he had great matches with the likes of Goldust and Shelton Benjamin. Does he have good mic skills? Yes. Those are all good traits that if someone has then they deserve a main event level push. Now let's take a look at Robbie E: Is he over with the crowd? If you count the fans chanting "Boring" anytime he wrestles or gets on the mic then yes. Did Robbie prove at this point that he was fully capable of having a good match? No, I have yet to see anything good out of this kid. Does Robbie have good mic skills? No, just because you talk like that and have your valet scream "Jersey's in the house bitches!" does not make a good mic skills or get you over. He holds nothing good enough to give him the title other than the fact that he plays to a gimmick of a very popular tv show. Hell if that was a woring formula then the Goon would've been WWF champ back in the 90's

Yes and the fans don't respond to it.

No. He doesn't and if it is clear then you must have examined him thoroughly. He is just a bad attempt at getting some publicity. Hell 15,000 went to someone for these two?

The same could be said for Tyler Reks.

Like Ted Dibiase and Maryse of course :rolleyes:

If you mean "Boring" chants then yes he will get alot of those. If you think that counts for Heat.

:lol: Yes rob him of the one thing that makes him slightly interesting. Then we will see him flounder for something to do in TNA to make him interesting.

Except he is not a good wrestler. He has shown nothing so far that shows his in-ring work to be at all interesting.

Are you serious Sheamus had great matches with GOLDUST and SHELTON BENJAMIN and then went over JOHN CENA read that sentence a couple of times and maybe u can realize how dumb you sound. Sheamus went over two lifetime mid carders(granted goldust is a groundbreaking midcarder but that was many years ago) neither one of which had great mic skills. Sheamus has good mic skills.... the only time Sheamus is good on the mic is when someone is making fun of his skin complexion. Sheamus was no were near over and his first title gave off the image of a fluke, hell no one looked at Sheamus with legit lasting power till mania when he went against Triple H

Now back to Robbie E he went over JAY LETHAL big F'n deal you are making it seem like he is something special. Prior to Robbie E you know what jay lethal was doing trading the title with amazing red at house shows, and showing us his house in Elizabeth, NJ!!!!

Robbie E will be on TNA Impact EVERY WEEK, so I am completly fine with him being the champ, more exposure for the X division title, more exposure for the division period, its not like the X-divison title is some prestigious title in TNA's current state, he is decent in the ring and gets a reaction thats all that matters, Michael cole is boring as shyt gets boos, the raw gm gets boos everytime, if you get a reaction you are doing your job, if people just dat down, or went to take a piss when Robbie E music hits then that would be a different story. a heel champ who gets a reaction for a dying divison im all for it, Doug williams got no reaction as champ.

If it wasn't Robbie E then who would it be, any legit X division guy has moved on to bigger things, Kaz(fortune), Joe(feud Immortal), Aj (worthless TV title leader of fortune). Whether you like Robbie E or not he is one of the few x division guys who atleast runs promos which seems to be necessary if you want tv time in TNA.
The whole "well people boo him so that's good" is a crock of shit. There's a difference between getting legit heel heat and getting heat because the crowd thinks it sucks, and Robbie E is getting the latter. This is just another shitty attempt by TNA to get some mainstream publicity. I don't really care that he's in the X Division, but the fact that he's champ and has already gone over TNA veterans in Amazing Red and Jay Lethal is just ridiculous. Not to mention he's terribly green in the ring and as generic as can be on the mic.

I don't mind pushing new guys, but Robbie E and all this Jersey Shore crap is just being forced down our throats by TNA.
Like others have said, Robbie E gets go away heat not good heel heat. I fastforward when he's on not because he's a good heel who does his job but because I find him annoying and living in the North-East of England have zero interest in Jersey Shore derivitives.

I could accept that he still needs to be given a chance...but his title win is the final nail in the X-Division coffin. Going over Red was bad. Winning the title was worse. Lethal's a guy who had great matches with Angle, Daniels etc. Robbie E doesn't hold a candle to guys like that.

I hope this does build up to someone stepping up to bring back everything the X-Division stood for. I didn't mind Williams run because I liked the guy but the X Division was the cornerstone of TNA for so long and it should remain to be. I think Angle, once he's finished with Immortal and if he's not involved in the title run, should root for the old X Division to come back...he wanted to work a programme with Red that was nixed...I wouldn't mind seeing Angle serving as a mentor to someone like that as I think Kurt respects those guys a hell of a lot.

The X-Division CAN draw...I know others have said otherwise but it can still showcase the 'no limit' style without resorting to spotfests/gimmick matches and without being shoved in the opening slot as a warm-up on PPVs. If there's a decent feud and story behind it the division has the potential to be a big draw.
What exactly is good heel heat? I hope it is not lots of cheap heat. That is just as bad if not worse to me. Smark crowds are not like larger crowds. TNA has a lot of smark fans. Smarks identify with heels that are good at playing the role. To get over as a heel in such an environment most of the time a wrestler needs to have something for them to legitimately hate on him about. If you hate Robbie, find him annoying, hate him having the title etc. that sure seems like the right type of reaction. One of the more amusing things I find about IWC/smarks is that when they actually dislike a heel, or something about a heel wrestler, they think there is something wrong with this. That is kind of the whole point of being a heel.
I absolutely hate the title change, and I'll explan why by countering everyone's points separately:

1. The Sheamus point - a new guy comes in and immediately wins the title: it doesn't fly. Remember that people were exposed to Sheamus in ECW. Then he retired Jamie Noble, who yes, isn't anybody special, but Sheamus masscred him. Then he stayed dominant for months, beating up random people and looking vicious in the ring, and in the newcomers' battle royal earned his title shot in a battle royal and even as champion looked dominant in several matches and never got pinned until the Elimination Chamber. He was a rare Irish powerhouse. Robbie E. is jersey trash who can't decide if he wants to use the RKO or the Rude Awakening as a finisher. He's had three matches total, two against the same guy, and needed help both times to beat him. We criticize because our X-division champion is 3-0 with only one dominant victory over a falling-in-stock Amazing Red. And as for other guys debuting faster and winning titles, I'll name them:

A. Santino Murella - I wasn't a fan of it and the fans turned on him. Now he's a full-fledged comedy guy.

B. Carlito - Had loads of potential that never materialized

C. Christian - Surprise member of the Brood won the Light-Heavyweight Title with help, but the belt wasn't doing much anyway.

2. The Gimmick sucks point - No one likes the Jersey Shore gimmick: it reminds me of the WWF days honestly, which is mayb what is striking a cord in people. Today's wrestling's doesn't have the outlandish characters the wway the 90's did. Back then we had wrestling clowns, garbagemen, hockey goons, plumbers, dentists, pimps, voodoo shamans, alligator hunters, snipers and morticians. The closest thing we have now to those kind of characters is a sports athlete (M.V.P.), a burn victim (Kane) and a powerful zombie-like MMA creature (Undertaker). The Jersey Shore is an OBVIOUS outlandish gimmick that people find ridiculous. It offends anyone from Jersey and\or anyone who hates the show. Of the above list, two of those stereotypes actually won gold.

3. The Massive Heat point - No one likes him: Of course they don't! Our first view of the guy is coming out acting like a Jersey asshole on a reality show! His girl, hot as she is, has a shrill, thick, and very fake accent. It was the roll-your-eyes kind of heat, and now he's the possessor of probably the most loved title in TNA. The ony benefit of this is that the belt will get more exposure, but let's face it: it's not like the X-division title will be on TMZ anytime soon. Had Cookie won the Knockouts title and challeneged J-Woww, that might have made it. We're going to be begging for someone to beat Robbie E., which will create another bigtime face should it be someone new.

4. The Give it time point - Give the storyline time to develop: As much as I love TNA, I hate it when TNA fans bring this up. Wrestling is like any other TV show like Lost or 24, or one of my old favorites, Heroes. The storylines lead to a big conclusion that should have it fans shocked, surprised, or at least amazed. Problem is what happened to Heroes: along the way, you have to actually entertain the people during the episodes leading up to the end! Heroes created all these great opportunities to have epic battles and always held them back longer and longer, while letting the middle stories drag on boringly to nothing happening. This is what is going on with TNA: we're all waiting for this epic conclusion to things, and people telling to wait and see how it develops, but we can't throw away 10 Impacts to lead to one epic PPV match. Robbie E. is not liked enough (i.e. - have the right heat) to build a storyline around. People hate the gimmick enough to change the channel when he's on, not stick around to see who kicks him ass.

5. The Jay Lethal point - Robbie winning means Lethal can move up in the ranks: I wish this were true. My main reason for hating the title change is not Robbie E. won, but that Lethal lost. Lethal had done nothing but lose and re-gain to the belt to Amazing Red, and defend the belt against Douglas Williams. He's done next-to-nothing in terms f feuds since Ric Flair, and it's sad because he's probably the most loyal of the TNA wrestlers. He could EASILY lead the storyline to help Dixie get TNA back, but we haven't seen any inkling that he cares or will do anything. Maybe this'll change in the upcoming Impacts, but I highly doubt. More than likely, he'll once again take a backseat role until creative figures out what to do with him again.

OVERALL: This will backfire badly. I wonder what the ratings will be once Robbie E. hits the airwaves tonight. If they drop for his segment (and you know he'll be on), TNA will regret it in the long run. I wouldn't be surprised to see him lose the belt in January 2011 should everything fall apart. I hope for TNA's sake, though, that he starts doing better and the fans warm up to him.
What exactly is good heel heat? I hope it is not lots of cheap heat. That is just as bad if not worse to me. Smark crowds are not like larger crowds. TNA has a lot of smark fans. Smarks identify with heels that are good at playing the role. To get over as a heel in such an environment most of the time a wrestler needs to have something for them to legitimately hate on him about. If you hate Robbie, find him annoying, hate him having the title etc. that sure seems like the right type of reaction. One of the more amusing things I find about IWC/smarks is that when they actually dislike a heel, or something about a heel wrestler, they think there is something wrong with this. That is kind of the whole point of being a heel.

If it makes me change the channel or fast forward when I've recorded the show, it's not good heat. What company wants their fans tuning out?
I might change the channel or fast-forward when Cena comes on, does that mean WWE should take him off of the tv or he sucks? No, it is one person's choice and even if 50 smarks make that choice it still means shit in the long run. Seems pretty clear Jwoww is coming back after Lethal's comments last night and thus I will stand by this as a decent or better business decision.
I might change the channel or fast-forward when Cena comes on, does that mean WWE should take him off of the tv or he sucks? No, it is one person's choice and even if 50 smarks make that choice it still means shit in the long run. Seems pretty clear Jwoww is coming back after Lethal's comments last night and thus I will stand by this as a decent or better business decision.

Safe to say that the number of people who turn off iMPACT, or at least change the station due to the Jersey Shore bullshit, would be greater, relatively speaking, than the percentage of people who turn off RAW because of John Cena. At least that's what ratings, PPV sales, merchandise sales, and requests for charitable appearances (such as Make-a-Wish) would suggest. John Cena, whether you like him or not, has earned his spot in the biggest professional wrestling company in the world. He's paid his dues, he's put in his time, he's created his fanbase (and created his detractors list as well). Robbie has been around for a couple of weeks. He's shown nothing. He's done nothing. He's paid no dues. He's earned nothing, except for the chorus of boos which he receives from the iMPACT zone fans, who typically chant and cheer for everything. And that's not heat, that's disgust and ratings disaster, which TNA hardly needs. I don't think that anyone should receive a title after only being around for about a month and leapfrogging over multiple guys on the roster in the process.
I'm rather disappointed, honestly. What does TNA see in this guy? He's not good in the ring OR on the mic and his character is so annoying. It got to the point where I fastforward past his matches and even some of his promos. I'm not interested in him and I hope he loses the belt to the next challenger because there is nothing to like about him.
As much as i like Jay Lethal he has done NOTHING since winning the x division title, the most he has done is show us his damn house on reaction.

If you are a fan of the X-division you could hate on Robbie E or you can be glad to actually see the title on Impact for once.

And for the last time Sheamus goes over John Cena in a what was booked to look like a fluke in a table match, or Robbie E vs JAY LETHAL, its only JAY LETHAL a guy that has had zero direction in months, he won the title out of NO WHERE from doug williams to begin with.

NO matter how you try to cut it or try to back it up, or try to word it a newcomer came in through a Joke ECW brand and some below mid card feuds against goldust and shelton benjamin to going over Super Cena. And being the champion on RAW

I dont care how he was built HHH couldnt beat cena, HBK couldnt beat cena, but Sheamus is booked to beat cena and it was sold as a fluke/botch, so not only was it ridiculous booking it was half ass booking by having him win the title through a fluke, "o but that builds heat".....Yea cheap heat just like the heat you claim for Robbie E... personally I think heat is heat who re you to say what a bunch of people think, but you rather complain about Robbie E who came into TNA in a division on life support that had maybe 4 guys that are legit x division wrestlers. and arent attacthed to tag teams or storylines

All guys who have had their shot at the title and/or held the title and did not elevate it to anything more.

then you have guys busy with other things like kaz, aj, rvd, joe etc... who you wont see touch the xdivision until the title matters.

But yea Robbie E getting the title so soon over this group of 4 guys its such a slap in the face to wrestling, compared to sheamus having the 2nd quickest rise to a WHC ever in WWE over the guy who has been built to be the guy beating every legend/maineventer that has mattered the past 5 years and has beat them clean.

Yea Sheamus is pretty good now but that was with time, with a feud with HHH at Mania, with a feud with Randy Orton in a Hell in a Cell, but if you want to talk about winning championships early its was ridiculous.

This is the X division title not a WHC title, this is a title that has not had any excitment or prestige in a long time that last exciting moment i can remember about a x division title match was december-january so its not such a big deal Robbie E won. Obviously guys like KAZ, AJ, Joe have moved on to bigger storylines, and guys like lethal and red(unless its a spotfest) cant get a reaction from the crowds so they placed the title on Robbie E, when RObbie E is running a promo and the crowd is dead silent then thats a problem but ithe continue to react to him, you are suppose to hate heels.

Smarks trying to dive into the semantics of a heel and what is real heat is garbage, you either get cheered or booed or you get no reaction, that 3rd option is wrestlers death wish, the first two means you are doing your job
Safe to say that the number of people who turn off iMPACT, or at least change the station due to the Jersey Shore bullshit, would be greater, relatively speaking, than the percentage of people who turn off RAW because of John Cena. At least that's what ratings, PPV sales, merchandise sales, and requests for charitable appearances (such as Make-a-Wish) would suggest. John Cena, whether you like him or not, has earned his spot in the biggest professional wrestling company in the world. He's paid his dues, he's put in his time, he's created his fanbase (and created his detractors list as well). Robbie has been around for a couple of weeks. He's shown nothing. He's done nothing. He's paid no dues. He's earned nothing, except for the chorus of boos which he receives from the iMPACT zone fans, who typically chant and cheer for everything. And that's not heat, that's disgust and ratings disaster, which TNA hardly needs. I don't think that anyone should receive a title after only being around for about a month and leapfrogging over multiple guys on the roster in the process.

To play devils advocate what ratings did WWE get before John Cena's rise vs what they get now? What ratings does impact get before and after shore? TNA ratings appear to be the same to me. So is it really everyone tuning out for the shore gimmick or a few smarks on the internet saying they do. Big difference between the two. Meanwhile they are getting mainstream exposure for this angle. So a crowd that supposedly will not give a heel a proper reaction (supposedly a huge problem), is actually giving a heel a heel reaction and that is a problem why again exactly? Did you really waste time explaining why John Cena is better than Robbie? D'uh.

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