Robbie E is the *NEW* X Division Champion, My Dude

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
You read right. Robbie E—the Jersey Shore dude—is the new X Division champion coming out of Turning Point last night.

In classic heel fashion, Robbie's girl Cookie interfered in the match when she held Lethal's leg as he was ging for his top rope elbow drop (shades of Machismo still there), allowing Robbie to knock Lethal off the ropes and hit his finsiher to pick up the three-count and the gold.


Thoughts on this?
I think that this is waaaayyy to soon for this guy to become the champion. Having him chase the belt would be far more interesting. Didn't lethal just recently win his title back anyways? If they established Lethal as more of solid champion during this run of his, then they could have put Robbie E or whatever over far more. To be honest I didn't watch the whole match because I knew Lethal was going to get fucked over.
Bayless needs to hurry up and get naked already. At the very least this scene needs to be re-enacted in TNA.

At this point the X-division title really just needs to be unified with the TV title, they tried bringing back attention to it but it's just no interesting me anymore. Unify the titles, have someone kick this douches ass, then have AJ beat the guy who beats Robbie. Unified mid-card titles, less to worry about.
I can't say that Robbie E has done much to impress me at all thus far. The two matches he's worked on iMPACT! have been lackluster at best and his promos have been succeeded in doing nothing more than making viewers want to change the channel.

What with the whole JWoww stuff and the coverage this angle has gotten on TMZ, Dixie Carter probably loves the whole thing. I will say that Robbie E does play the part of a Jersey Shore clubbing tool quite well. However, the problem is that the character is inspired by one of the worst shows on television and it just makes for poor watching. If I want to see people that have no business being on television make asses out of themselves, I'd just watch Jersey Shore and be done with it.
Bayless needs to hurry up and get naked already. At the very least this scene needs to be re-enacted in TNA.

At this point the X-division title really just needs to be unified with the TV title, they tried bringing back attention to it but it's just no interesting me anymore. Unify the titles, have someone kick this douches ass, then have AJ beat the guy who beats Robbie. Unified mid-card titles, less to worry about.

Good idea about unifying the two belts. The Bayless idea is obviously a smoking hot one.

I'd like to see the TV title and X-division belts unified but keep the X-Division moniker. Its been an integral part of TNA and something that all wrestling fans identify with TNA.

But this will obviously bring in some media attention and thats what TNA is looking to gain by this move.
Living in Britain I haven't seen Jersey Shore (but if its anything like Big Brother i'll pass thanks)

I haven't seen the match but this is WAYYYY to soon my dude.

Robbie E has had two matches in total (three including this one) and we are to believe that he can beat a champion, granted Cookie interfered but still, this just essentially says the X-Division belt is a play thing.
You know this wasn't a smart move, but this is just a big fuck you from Eric Bischoff and company. He is pretty much saying you want to call me guy boring and act like a bunch of jackasses then I am going to put the belt on him and throw him out there every Thursday. This belt will be defended more than it has ever been defended before in its time span. You watch.
Kinda seems a lot like some idea that TNA has gotten that giving the belt to a guy who is a part of the Jersey Shore, who by my understanding is mainstream known will eventually garner more attention to the production of TNA. I doubt that is the end result in this case however. It kinda stands out like a early push to try and make someone a star, but eventually failing miserably. However he hasn't had any time to truly reign as champion yet - So I guess with time we'll see if he is really worth a damn, or if he will remain worthless.
Bayless needs to hurry up and get naked already. At the very least this scene needs to be re-enacted in TNA.

At this point the X-division title really just needs to be unified with the TV title, they tried bringing back attention to it but it's just no interesting me anymore. Unify the titles, have someone kick this douches ass, then have AJ beat the guy who beats Robbie. Unified mid-card titles, less to worry about.

Imo the TV Title needs to be defended on TV every week and left off of PPVS. It would give it more meaning and would help make more stars if they put guys in epic fueds over the title.Kinda like the Beniot/Booker best of 5 series in WCW which was so epic. Instead of just 1 or 2 minute matches make them 10/20 minutes and let the talent show what they can do! As for the X division title i think it needs its own show with X stars only on it! Repackage XPLOSION this way the name fits well! and make it worldwide(not sure if americans get XPLOSION?) then of course the best fueds off that show can go on the PPV aswell as IMPACT matches. OW YEAH AND GET RID OF REACTION ITS A PILE OF DOG SMELL! Anyways this Robbie E is really annoying he looks and acts like Zack Ryders twin(who i think sucks aswell btw) but in the ring hes not half bad. He needs to make his mind up what his finisher is(a Neckbreaker or Diamond cutter) but he shouldnt be champion yet. What happend to earning the straps! Latly WWE and TNA are so hell bent on making stars there giving them the titles before theyve proved themselfs(sheamus anybody?)
i dont like this move at all!!! first off it makes Jay Lethal look like a loser champion because we only seen him as X-Division champion for such a short time, add to that, Robbie E's character is just dull as dirt. i dont like this Shore gimmick and think it's boring, dont mind his in-ring skills, but hate the gimmick.
I cannot imagine anyone is pleased with this development. The once highly touted X-Division has a champion who has only been around about a month. His in-ring work is average at best, and even that's a stretch. His mic work is terrible, with a gimmick that is destined to fail miserably. He doesn't draw heat with this gimmick, he entices people to change the station, which cannot be a good thing.

Even if I look beyond all of these shortcomings, I think it's wrong to put the strap on a new guy who just arrived. With so many other deserving talents on the roster in TNA who have just been leapfrogged by this new guy, this cannot be good for morale or for peaking fan support. Hopefully it is a very short reign. Trust me, I don't need yet another reason to change the station. Or to not even turn the station on in the first place.
I don't understand how a guy who has been with the company for a few months, got his segment cut short in his premier, and only done two televised matches (excluding Pay-Per-Views) gets the belt. I seriously hope that TNA isn't pulling a WWE tag team belt idea in putting a belt on a guy to build him up to the crowd rather than putting it on the elevate him as a proven wrestler. Bottom Line: This guy is decent at best in the ring and god awful on the mic, it's too soon for him to have the title.
In my opinion, I don't mind that a guy who is relatively still green has won the X-Division title, I just feel a little dejected about the X-Division in general.

It just seems to be heading down the toilet. I've got no strong feelings either way with Robbie E, but I don't think him winning the X-Title has done anything to move the division forward.

Jay Lethal I thought was a good, credible champion, although since the 'Black Machsimo' gimmick he hasn't been in any real emotion-emitting feuds.

But back on point, Robbie E as champion I think is a tad soon, but the publicity that JWoww to TNA as a brand obviously put someone in the board room in a good mood, and I'm sure they will try and go on from that. Big time heat for Robbie though. The first time I've heard the iMPACT zone give out any kind of emotion to a wrestler. Interesting stuff.
Jersey's in the hoooouse...Oh oh oh oh

I was really hoping to see something good in the ring but unfortunately Robbie has still yet to wow me. Still a big fan of his character though and there was no other ending that worked but what we got. If you want people to take Robbie E seriously, he had to win. If he lost and got lost in the shuffle for a month or so nobody would have cared anymore. I fully expect Robbie to turn into a big time douche on impact and defend that title at least twice a month. I also think he's going to hold onto that until someone else debuts to take it off him.
The WWE fans around here are such hypocrites. Didn't your precious Sheamus win the WWE title in less than three months, beating the top babyface of the company? You're in no position to criticize this.

Was it too soon? Yes. Was it a bad decision? Absolutely not. Hear me out:

We're giving Robbie E. a REALLY hard time because of that STUPID gimmick. I don't like it, nobody does. However, Robbie E. clearly has tons of potential, he sells like a heel, he moves like a heel, his facial expressions are heelish, the guy is an awesome bad guy. Add that **** Cookie to the mix -- you've got yourself a CLASSIC heel pair. Nothing wrong with that.

Let's face it -- The X-Division is dead. Deader than Elvis. It's shit, it's gone, it doesn't matter, it's idle. Fuck you TNA for doing that. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. HOWEVER, what else was Lethal going to do with that crappy belt? Nothing. If anything it was an anchor. Lethal is a good wrestler, fans are warming up to him. Not having the belt would allow him to possibly be thrown in the Immortal feud mix and maybe be some part of it.

Giving the belt to Robbie E. however will help him build some sort of a character and you BET he'll get some heat on iMPACT.

I firmly believe that Robbie E. ( Rob Eckos ) could be really huge in the future, once he drops the Jersey Shore gimmick. I just see something in that guy.

Shit on him for having a bad gimmick, don't shit on him for being a good wrestler and getting a push.

R.I.P X-Division.
The sad thing is that TNA seems to have forgotten that a quality product generates more hype and ratings than using shock value and playing to mainstream sensationalism. The Attitude Era didn't happen because of constant swerves and pulling storylines and gimmicks from other medias. WCW didn't overtake the WWF because it brought in Dennis Rodman and Karl Malone.

This "Shore" gimmick could have been executed much differently and with a much better result. Instead of blatantly ripping off "Jersey Shore" with the fist-pumps, jargon, and played-off names, just have a guy and girl with the accents and attitude. It's the bad impersonation, not the inspiration, that people hate about this duo.
The WWE fans around here are such hypocrites. Didn't your precious Sheamus win the WWE title in less than three months, beating the top babyface of the company? You're in no position to criticize this.

Wow. Did you really just do that? Let's analyse shall we? Is Sheamus over with the crowd and was he over when he won the strap? Yes because he stood out, Did Sheamus prove at this point that he was fully capable of having a good match? Yes he had great matches with the likes of Goldust and Shelton Benjamin. Does he have good mic skills? Yes. Those are all good traits that if someone has then they deserve a main event level push. Now let's take a look at Robbie E: Is he over with the crowd? If you count the fans chanting "Boring" anytime he wrestles or gets on the mic then yes. Did Robbie prove at this point that he was fully capable of having a good match? No, I have yet to see anything good out of this kid. Does Robbie have good mic skills? No, just because you talk like that and have your valet scream "Jersey's in the house bitches!" does not make a good mic skills or get you over. He holds nothing good enough to give him the title other than the fact that he plays to a gimmick of a very popular tv show. Hell if that was a woring formula then the Goon would've been WWF champ back in the 90's

We're giving Robbie E. a REALLY hard time because of that STUPID gimmick. I don't like it, nobody does.

Yes and the fans don't respond to it.

However, Robbie E. clearly has tons of potential,

No. He doesn't and if it is clear then you must have examined him thoroughly. He is just a bad attempt at getting some publicity. Hell 15,000 went to someone for these two?

he sells like a heel, he moves like a heel, his facial expressions are heelish, the guy is an awesome bad guy.

The same could be said for Tyler Reks.

Add that **** Cookie to the mix -- you've got yourself a CLASSIC heel pair. Nothing wrong with that.

Like Ted Dibiase and Maryse of course :rolleyes:

Giving the belt to Robbie E. however will help him build some sort of a character and you BET he'll get some heat on iMPACT.

If you mean "Boring" chants then yes he will get alot of those. If you think that counts for Heat.

I firmly believe that Robbie E. ( Rob Eckos ) could be really huge in the future, once he drops the Jersey Shore gimmick. I just see something in that guy.

:lol: Yes rob him of the one thing that makes him slightly interesting. Then we will see him flounder for something to do in TNA to make him interesting.

Shit on him for having a bad gimmick, don't shit on him for being a good wrestler and getting a push.

Except he is not a good wrestler. He has shown nothing so far that shows his in-ring work to be at all interesting.
This just reaks of TNA looking to grab mainstream attention.

Thoughts? This reaks of "JWOWW" getting the "TNA fever" again( another 15 grand payday), and her returning to help Lethal regain the belt, which of course would lead to more mainstream attention on TMZ, US weekly, and other Dirt Sheet writers who will play this off like a real angle.

This just seems to be a desperation publicity stunt, and a way to grab viewers, even if the gimmick is freaking awful, and the always receptive Impact Zone has crapped all over it. Robbie E has shown nothing other then he can sell Lethal's offense and execute a simple neckbreaker. This is a new low for the X Divison, honestly.
Robbie E winning the X-Division title isn't as bad as giving Pacman Jones the TNA Tag Team straps. At least Robbie E can compete in the ring whereas Pacman Jones was prohibited to participate so Ron Killings had to carry the match.
hes deffinelty not the best wrestler on the roster but he does have talent....ok im lying i dont see crap in this guy and tna decides to give him a title. wtf. not to mention his mic skills but wow id rather watch an hour long divas match than to here him talk for a minute. im hoping that they have a rematch on impact and lethal wins the title back
I dont like the title switch at all.

Theres one reason and one reason only that I dont like this move:

The guy doesnt play the character well at all!! If your gonna have a fake-ass better be able to pull it off when your on the mic! (example: Santino) The guy may turn out to be a good in-ring performer...but he cant act!! Zach Ryder is 10 times the "jersey shore" douchebag that Rob-E is! I would say 100 times, if I wanted to exaggerate it...but its really not even close!!

If Ryders character is a 8/10...then Rob-E is...Honestly? ...about a 2 TOPS!! Not saying he couldnt play another character well! He just totally sucks at THIS particular one!!

I'll say it once more: IF YOU CANT EVEN PULL-OFF THE ACCENT CORRECTLY...YOU SHOULDNT BE DOIN THE GIMMICK!!! And that my friend ISNT Rob Ekos fault! Its TNAs!!
robbie e winning the title was horrible from what i seen he has no ring skill and cookie aka former diva wwe is annoying and bad so i hope they give title back to lethal where it belongs
Now let's take a look at Robbie E: Is he over with the crowd? If you count the fans chanting "Boring" anytime he wrestles or gets on the mic then yes.

Bingo! There's a difference between a heel reaction and a bad product reaction. When the crowd is booing Jarrett for claiming that he stole Angle's family, that's a good thing. It's the DESIRED effect and the type of heat that leads to further intrigue. But the "heat" that "Shore" are getting is a bad thing, because it leads to diminished interest and channel-changing. It also causes whoever is involved with them in an angle to be pulled down (e.g. EV2 and Van Dam) and lose their own momentum.

In other words, there are "good boos" and "bad boos." Right now the "Shore" duo are getting the bad kind. And sadly, I don't see that changing.

Here's another point about "Shore" that TNA seems to have forgotten; people don't hate Pauly D and Snooki. I'm actually a fan of the "Jersey Shore" show and these are characters who are funny and even endearing at times. Yes, they're also bat-shit crazy. But TNA is treating this gimmick as if it were like having Col. Mustafa and General Adnan during the Gulf War. I'd say most people are either indifferent to the "Jersey Shore" phenomenon or are fans of it. It's like they're trying to tap into a mainstream hatred that doesn't really exist.
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didnt like the change at all, TNA are giving the titles to anyone these days, how about to give the title to someone who deserves it, where the fuck is amazing red??? it would be 1000 times better to see Lethal vs Red on ppv, and us fans would not be pissed if Red would win the title couze at least he CAN wrestle! not like robbie
The move was clearly designed to piss people off and it worked in that regard. Jay Lethal is infinitely more interesting when his character is chasing something down opposed to just being the champ. I think people are being too hard on Robbie in the ring as I did not see anything wrong with how he worked the PPV. The promos are fair game for how crap they have been but at the PPV the gimmick was getting pure boos. Is it what I want to see in TNA? Not really but I see why they are doing it. Titty McGee or whatever her name is will likely come back for a program that will make purists cringe but might make for a guilty pleasure, kind of like I assume the real show does. Like it or not, Lethal-Red draws an ROH sized audience and TNA is shooting for more than that now.

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