Rob Van Dam


Dark Match Winner
Alright so i've been thinking for awhile now and id thought i would finally make a post about rob van dam. Back when he was with the wwe is was very very talented both wrestling and hardcore. I've got a couple questions for all of you.

1. Do you think he will ever come back to the wwe.

2. When he was in the wwe what did you think of him.

I personally am a huge fan of RVD and thought he brought so much to the WWE. His hardcore stuff in ECW (proper ECW I mean) was awesome and although he had to tone down for WWE, he was still an amazing talent.

I believe the door is always open for RVD to return if he ever does want to return to that schedule and I for one would MTFO for it. RVD made a stupid mistake when he was WWE champion and may never reach those heights again, but he could offer so much to the younger guys on the roster, like what Rey Mysterio is doing now.
I liked rvd. he's still a top 5 fav for me. wwe toned him down a little but he still brought that hardcore style doing vanterminators and shit. he had some great matches while he was with wwe and i think he will have even better matches if he went to tna. maybe not BIGGER matches because nothing beats being in the main event at wrestlemania for the title. but i can see myself getting excited for a rvd vs. aj styles tna title match at bound for glory. juss sayin
I am a huge RVD mark, I will admit it. He is in my top 5 favourite lists for wrestlers coming in at #3 behind Mickie James & Kurt Angle. Throughout his tenture in the WWE, he was a great midcard wrestler who always brang excitement into the business, the matches & the feuds. This man, with whatever title he held brought prestige. He has had some classic matches in the WWE so far, especially every RVD/RKO match [including the IC TITLE MATCH]. He has done everything the business could offer him & did alot for the business in return.

I would love to see him return to the E. It is a perfect opportunity for him to join the roster as the WWE seem to be employing more veterans to help train up the newer wrestlers of tomorrow. Adding him to the roster could help a lot of the guys like Jericho & Undertaker from what they are/will be doing. He would make a great addition to SmackDown as the show is in dire need of midcarders/uppermidcarders for the show.
RVD is the greatest wrestler that ever lived. :) He is my absolute, all time favorite wrestler. I fell in love with his style in the ring the first time I saw him work. He brought something fresh and new to the table with his laid back personality and his moveset.

As much as I would love to see him make a full time return to the ring (anywhere, as long as I could see him), I don't think that will ever happen- especially not with the grueling road schedule of the WWE. RVD has made some cameo appearance over the past 2 years in the WWE, with the most recent being the Royal Rumble. RVD is scheduled to wrestle for PWG some time at the end of January- to my knowledge, that is his first appearance for a major independent company. I am still waiting for the ROH appearance but I'm not holding my breath for anything long term.
Without a doubt, he is one of the most innovative and physically gifted professional wrestlers to ever grace the ring. For those people who were unfortunate and only saw the things that RVD accomplished in the WWE (which was a great deal!), they only saw about half of what he was able to do in the ring. He was strong, flexible, highly resistant to pain and truly cared about the crowd getting their moneys worth. By far my favorite in-ring performer of all time to this date, along with Lesnar, Muta and Kobashi.

Will he come back? I don't think so. He is heavily entrenched in his activist opinions on the subject of marijuana and the WWE policy will just continuously fine him for something that he believes should not be considered fine worthy. I think he will continue to make appearances and work the independent scene, but out of principal, I am certain he will not return full time.
He is my absolute favorite wrestler and has been for quite some time. He has the capability to really capture your imagination with just one match. He just brings something totally different to the table and if he ever returned to the WWE I'd mark out for sure. I thought his time in the WWE was awesome considering he is the 7th Grand Slam Champ, the 15th Triple Crown Champ, 3 time Tag Champ (1 WWE, 2 World), former European Champ, 4 time Hardcore Champ, 6 time IC Champ, won the MITB 2006, and held both the ECW and WWE Titles at the same time.

I don't think he'll ever return at a full time schedule in the WWE though. And if he ever does return, I don't think he will ever see a World Title again. He could definately go to Smackdown and help some of the younger talent, but they'd probably throw him on ECW at first (a la Christian)
He would definately be a great asset to WWE. The fans haven't forgot him. In 2006, he was one of the most over guys in the WWE and he sold truckloads of merch. The people truly loved him and still do.
He was a decent wrestler, he got the job done. And he was pretty funny in promos when he wanted to be. An all round good wrestler.

I think he might come back eventually. It's been said that he dislikes TNA, so he won't end up there. He's still very welcome in WWE, it's been said that he left on good terms. I'd say if he returned he'd end up on SD, since people have been calling for a Punk/RVD feud since they crossed paths at the Royal Rumble. And between RVD's history with drugs and Punk's straightedge heel gimmick, it would be like Hardy again but maybe even better, especially considering RVD is quite alot better on the mic than Jeff. And he'd never say "IN YOUR FACE!"
But he would also be great use on Raw. If he entered in the upper midcard, feuded with Big Show or someone, and then won the feud he could go into the main event scene. He's arguably a pretty big star, so I think he would go down well in the Raw main event scene. Plus he'd breathe new life into the show.

But whatever, either way I'd be quite happy if he returned.
RVD was incredible. Much like Jeff Hardy is now, he was at the peak of his career when he left. Having had runs as ECW and WWE champion. Van Dam was and more than likely still would be one of, if not, the most entertaining guys on the roster. I think it'd be a great move to bring him back, maybe throw him in on Smackdown, to help with the younger guys. But even still, he'd be a great asset to the World and WWE title races. Could you imagine a feud with a heel C.M. Punk? But it's all a question of whether or not he wants to do it. You know Vince would bring him back in a heartbeat. Of course, I've always heard Triple H didn't really care for him, but I don't know if that's true.
I believe RVD was wasted and under-achieved during his time in the WWE. Partly because of the E and party because of Rob himself.

Here was a guy that was over his entire stay with the company, but never had the backing of the office. I remember being at a Raw show in Detroit, a homecoming for Van Dam, and they had him enter during the commericial, then had him enter a second time live, to kill his pop ,because he was suppose to be a heel at that point. It was almost sabbotage.

RVD was always at his best during marathon matches, not the 5 minutes he was given for TV. So that didn't help. But he made the most of it, because he is obviously spectacular in the ring.

But he hurt himself too. RVD could never convey and convincing emotion. To draw people into a fued you need to make the fans believe what you are selling.... hatred, jealousy, fear ect. RVD was stocic and laid back in character and couldnt summon that.

Many of his fueds were forgettable, which was disappointing. Nothing epic.

If i want an match with jaw-dropping ability, I'll watch an RVD match. But if im looking for that suspension of belief, it wont be with RVD.
OutsiderDX, if you don't think RVD can summon emotion, watch his promo during the first One Night Stand when he was injured. Not his fault the WWE limited his vocabulary to "dude" and "sweet".

IMO, RVD is the most exciting and unique in-ring talent I've ever seen. There's guys who do higher spots, or are more extreme, or are better chain wrestlers, etc. etc. but RVD put together all of that with flair, and most importantly fluidity. The sequences he would do with Jerry Lynn at times seemed more like a highly choreographed Jet Li scene than a pro wrestling bout.

As far as the marijuana issue, considering RVD A) lives in California B) is an advocate and C) presumably has some ongoing health issues because, well, have u ever watched one of his matches in ECW?, I would be shocked if he wasn't prescribed medical marijuana. I don't know anything about the details of the WWE Wellness Plan, but I assume that safe, prescribed usage of a substance overrides the general prohibition, i.e., in Major League Baseball, stimulants are prohibited, but Aderol and Ritalin are permitted if you are diagnosed with ADD.
1. RVD will not return to the WWE. Maybe for a one night special such as the Royal Rumble, Raw's 20th anniversary, that kind of stuff. But as for returning, it won't happen. ECW is dead and the WWE isn't suited for RVD. But I could see him in TNA Wrestling.

2. RVD was and still is my favourite wrestler other than Chris Jericho. In my opinion, RVD was the face of ECW. The WWE isn't hardcore enough for RVD to show him complete talent. TLC and No DQ matches all aside, it just isn't ECW Extreme Rules. RVD is great, just not WWE material.
I think he might come back eventually. It's been said that he dislikes TNA, so he won't end up there.

Who said that? and where did you hear it? I'm not sayin your wrong but I always heard the opposite. I remember when he couldnt wait for his WWE contract to expire after the whole marijuana incident, and how his wife was always hinting that he was going to TNA. Thats before she got cancer and all that. I just assumed that he'd be in TNA now if not for his wife needing him to be there for her. Id much rather see him go there anyway. There is just a slew of dream matches there. He would do great with Styles, Daniels, Joe.
I've always been a fan of Rob Van Dam. At times I thought that he was a bit underrated, but that all changed when he won the Money in the the Bank match at Wrestlemania 22. I knew he would win the World Title, but thae only questions I had on my mind were When and on Who would be cash it in on. Although I cheered for John Cena to retain in their WWE Championship match, I thought it was nice to see RVD win his first World Title. Then he's awarded the ECW Championship, and I thought he deserved it at the time. Then it all goes downhill. That mistake that RVD made while a dual champion will haunt him someday if not now, and I was very disappointed to see him go from the top of the WWE world, back lower to where he was before.

As for now, I don't find it too likely for him to return to the WWE full-time. I heard that he wouldn't return yet because of his wife's cancer, but I recently heard that she was now cancer free. With that being said, if that was the thing stopping him from returning then he's free, but I'm not saying that. However I would love to see him back in WWE full-time. He'd do great on Smackdown.

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