Road Warrior Animal Says Sasha Banks Is Being Shoved "Down People's Throats"


The latest incident of a wrestling legend dissing an up & coming star concerns legendary tag team wrestler Animal of the Road Warrior/Legion of Doom accusing WWE of shoving newly crowned WWE Women's Champion down fans' throats. On Twitter this past Sunday, Animal posted:

"How much does WWE pay Muscle and Fitness to put there own on the cover. Common Sasha Banks another attempt to shove someone down people's throats. Let them get over themselves how bout that.
Get real."

If someone isn't a fan of Sasha Banks, that's fine because it's natural. Not every wrestler, regardless of gender, is going to be accepted by all fans, but this strikes me as radically misusing a term that's already become heavily misused and overused by internet fans. When I think of someone being shoved "down people's throats", I think of someone that's getting pushed despite genuine opposition among a significant portion of fans from all walks of life whether they be hardcore, average or casual and even if you're someone who isn't a fan of Sasha, or women's wrestling in general, I don't see how you can really say that she's being shoved down anyone's throats. As of about 8 weeks ago, there were reports coming out claiming that Sasha's career in WWE was in doubt due to concerns about her being injury prone. Since he return to Raw, she's been steadily built towards an eventual title match with Charlotte, she's consistently gotten a good response from fans and they pulled the trigger on a title change this past Monday on what I've read many writers term one of the top episodes of Raw in the show's history.

Animal is among the 50+ wrestlers trying to get a payday out of suing WWE, so maybe he really does have a case if he's trying to say that Sasha Banks isn't over and hasn't been over for a long time. Or, maybe he's just becoming yet another angry, bitter veteran that's sour over the business going on without him and has had to change with the times.
Sasha Banks vs Road Warrior Animal for Summerslam. This is just Animals way of shoving his way back to WWE by challenging Sasha Banks for the title at Summerslam.
I hope he's trying to jerk the IWC around or just trying to be funny. The expression "shove down our throats" is just kind of stupid and dramatic most of the time it is used.

I mean seriously think about the act of shoving something down one's throat. It is violent and makes me think one has to be physical to avoid it. Most (i.e. All) of the time I hear this expression people have the ability to easily walk away or make other choices. WWE are certainly not a bunch of face rapists. They are taste rapists, and dignity rapists, but by no means face rapists.

Animal is either being clever or stupid.
Gee if anyone hasn't been shoved anywhere it's Sasha Banks. Now Roman Reigns was shoved down our throats if he wants a comparison.

For weeks people have been wondering where she was. Was she injured, get in shit with management or any number of things? Now that she's here and had a few good matches, that's shoving someone down people's throats. Seriously what a noodlehead.
Ok....if he is joking...not even funny.

If he is for real.....poor man, first because he has to use this type of resorts to be relevant, second coz he is fucking wrong. Sasha its talented, charismatic, and people like her (sure, there are people that dont) but for the most part, she is a likeable talented and charismatic wrestler. AND I DONT KNOW IF I CAN SAY THAT ABOUT ANIMAL (Hawk's sidekick)
The latest incident of a wrestling legend dissing an up & coming star concerns legendary tag team wrestler Animal of the Road Warrior/Legion of Doom accusing WWE of shoving newly crowned WWE Women's Champion down fans' throats. On Twitter this past Sunday, Animal posted:

"How much does WWE pay Muscle and Fitness to put there own on the cover. Common Sasha Banks another attempt to shove someone down people's throats. Let them get over themselves how bout that.
Get real."

If someone isn't a fan of Sasha Banks, that's fine because it's natural. Not every wrestler, regardless of gender, is going to be accepted by all fans, but this strikes me as radically misusing a term that's already become heavily misused and overused by internet fans. When I think of someone being shoved "down people's throats", I think of someone that's getting pushed despite genuine opposition among a significant portion of fans from all walks of life whether they be hardcore, average or casual and even if you're someone who isn't a fan of Sasha, or women's wrestling in general, I don't see how you can really say that she's being shoved down anyone's throats. As of about 8 weeks ago, there were reports coming out claiming that Sasha's career in WWE was in doubt due to concerns about her being injury prone. Since he return to Raw, she's been steadily built towards an eventual title match with Charlotte, she's consistently gotten a good response from fans and they pulled the trigger on a title change this past Monday on what I've read many writers term one of the top episodes of Raw in the show's history.

Animal is among the 50+ wrestlers trying to get a payday out of suing WWE, so maybe he really does have a case if he's trying to say that Sasha Banks isn't over and hasn't been over for a long time. Or, maybe he's just becoming yet another angry, bitter veteran that's sour over the business going on without him and has had to change with the times.

It's not okay for a WWE Legend to say that Sasha Banks is "shoved down our throats".

Yet the IWC are constantly allowed to "shoved down our throats" when it comes to Roman Reigns or John Cena.

Fact is, the term "shoved down our throats" is always used by someone who doesn't like the overused wrestler. Otherwise, if they liked them, why would they complain about the amount of exposure the overpushed wrestler got.

When did it became that only wrestling fans had valid opinions?
Sasha's like, 5th match in 3 months, she's been shoved down our throats.

Compared to Charlotte? Roman? Brock? Juan Cena? Fat Tamina? Nojo Rawley?
Animal is either being clever or stupid.

Sadly; I think it's the latter. I feel that I should remind everyone that Joe Laurinaitis is one of the plaintiffs suing the WWE in that ridiculous lawsuit that includes Sabu and the estate of Axl Rotten.

If you're a fan of an art form, you might feel that an idea is being shoved down your throat if almost everything that's expressed through that art form is of that one-track idea.

Um, I don't read Muscle and Fitness. If there was a magazine called "Skinny and Weird", I'd probably be an avid reader and I don't think I'd mind if Sasha decided to grace the cover. Isn't this the first time that Sasha has been on the cover of Muscle and Fitness?

Sasha won the Women's title, which is still trying to establish itself as a newsworthy championship. She's on TV for about fifteen minutes of a three hour show. Geico commercials get more air time during an episode of RAW than Sasha Banks.

You had a great career Joe, but you're a fucking moron whose only saving grace would be that you're just a shameless attention ****e.
Nobody should be surprised. A 56 year old man did take to Twitter to complain after all. Even the grammar shouldn't be all that shocking.

Hell I'm more surprised people still read or even care about magazines.
Nobody should be surprised. A 56 year old man did take to Twitter to complain after all. Even the grammar shouldn't be all that shocking.

Hell I'm more surprised people still read or even care about magazines.

Wow I didn't know he was only 56. For some reason I figured he'd be on the higher side of 60. Considering he's a tag team legend it's a shame really.

In terms of Sasha been pushed down our throats that's just ridiculous. I guess Finn Balor is been push down our throats too.
Sasha's like, 5th match in 3 months, she's been shoved down our throats.

Compared to Charlotte? Roman? Brock? Juan Cena? Fat Tamina? Nojo Rawley?

Geez I'm not disagreeing with the first part of your post, but other than the glaring obvious those are some pretty bad examples.

Charlotte was the woman's champ, so I expect to see her on screen. With the retirement of Brie Bella and Nikki Bella's injury, both of them who dominated the division for a long time are gone. Naomi and Tamina have been injured. Nattie and Becky Lynch are feuding with each other, so I don't consider Charlotte as being "shoved down our throats". She has to be there week in and week out to represent the women.

Brock Lesnar hasn't had a match since Wrestlemania. Other than what's turned into his UFC fiasco, he's not even been in a ring. So unless you watch UFC or are a new fan to the WWE, you wouldn't have seen him in months.

John Cena again has been injured and was out for awhile, plus he was doing that TV show. Besides with his fan base they need him, so I'm used to him being there. Not so used to him not being there.

Mojo Rawley, where did you drag that from? The guy just got called up to the main roster two weeks ago.

There is only one real example and I've already stated it.
It's worse than I had thought. I actually looked up the magazine cover, and it's not even a regular edition of Muscle and Fitness. It's a special version of the magazine focused on women's fitness called "Muscle and Fitness Hers".

Here's Sasha's Cover:


Apparently buying the magazine will let you read about Sasha's total-body workout, see behind the scenes pics of her photo-shoot and read an interview with her.

Maybe Animal is a dedicated reader of Muscle and Fitness Hers and he was upset that he had to be distracted by Sasha Banks in his attempt to read the other 90% of the magazine.
Animal's comments are just ludicrous and sound like he's trying (and failing) to be relevant. Sasha is hardly pushed down people's throats.

If we go back to the triple threat match at 'Mania between her, Charlotte and Becky, I remember that people (myself included) were so pissed that she didn't win. There might have a been a bit of a dodgy patch where she was injured*, but now she's being spotlighted as her talent and hard work deserves.

So, if Animal considers Sasha's PUSH to be "shoving down people's throats" then he is a moron, and has no place on Twitter or whatever platform he's using to spout this garbage.

*If reports are to be believed, that referee should have been suspended or disciplined. He's there to help the match along, not frigging injure people.
"Shoved down the fans' throats" seems to be a code term for, "I don't like what this person has to offer and I don't think they deserve to be where they are." Which is fine, but Animal can't honestly believe that Sasha is being shoved down fans' throats, if he does I doubt he's actually watching the product. If he said Charlotte, I could buy that simply because the fans legitimately seem to hate her, but picking out Sasha makes him look real dumb.

He's currently suing the company so I don't really think he should be commenting on the on-screen product anyway.
I don't think this issue is as dramatic as people are making it out to be and also don't feel like his past career or current lawsuit participation have anything to do with it.

He is a fan (or at least interested observer) and he has his opinion. I personally disagree with this view wholeheartedly and think Sasha has definitely done enough to deserve this moment organically (I mean people like Paige just showed up one day and were given the top title). Not much more really needs to be said then that.
I LOVE the Road Warriors. Always have and always will. Animal is not exactly the brightest knife in the drawer(I can't believe I have to post this but....sarcasm people). If anyone was pushed down our throats it has been Charlotte. Sasha Banks pushed down out throats? Damn Animal, you picked the wrong person to say that about.
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Sasha Banks is not being shoved down our throats. She is very talented and deserves a title run.
The way i look at this, even if it was just to riled up the IWC, he actually got a point. Personally, i don'T like the terms that a wrestlers is been shove down are throat but it'S a terms that is being use more often now, but at the same time, when you look at the history of WWF/E, that'S pretty much how they booked everybody that was super over with the crowd especially since the attitude era. Austin , HHH, The Rock, Batista, Cena, Rollins, reigns, charlotte, the bella's, these are just some of the names that have been ''shove down are throat'' in the last 20 years. Finn balor is starting to get a push and they will do the same think with him as they did with everybody else and sasha is going through the same thing here, they will over exposed her to a point we'Re fans are going to either continue to love her or get sick of her because she'S going to be everywhere. that's the wwe way of booking top stars, it was that way in the 80's and during the attitude era and it still going to be the way until somebody that got a different take on how to make a star take control of WWE and i really doubt it will be HHH.
Animal is pissed off because his little brother could not get him a job as a trainer in the WWE PC. It could be Madusa, Sherri Martel or the Fabulous Fucking Moolah and Animal would be saying the same thing. Sasha Banks is way over. Not because VKM made her over. It is because she got herself over. Period. Same reason for that idiotic suit he got involved in. If they would have given him a Trainer slot in the PC, no way he says what he is saying or does what he is doing.
I guess Animal (if he watched Raw this past Monday) forgot what the people (WWE Universe) chanted after Sasha won the WWE Women's Dhampionship "YOU DE-SERVE IT". Real wrestling fans can spot real talent. It doesn't have to be shoved down our throats.
In what was an exceptional episode of RAW, Sasha and Charlotte had the match of the night. Add to that Sasha's matches against Bayley and if anyone deserves to be shoved down our throats, you'd be hard pressed to pick someone significantly better than Sasha.

I only wish that Bayley, Charlotte, Becky and Sasha were on the same brand so we could have more matches of that calibre. Thank fuck for those four, they have really elevated the women's division now they've dropped the clusterfuck known as the Diva's Revolution.

Add Nikki, Naomi, Nattie, Nia Jax(all N's? Weird) and Asuka to the mix and there's talent and depth there as well.
So, Vader criticized Ospreay and Ricochet and everyone talked about him, and it led to a booking. I imagine that we'll see more and more old assholes decide to try and ride the current popularity wave.

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