Road to Wrestlemania


Occasional Pre-Show
The way things are going, Bryan, Ziggler, Orton, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt are all gonna be there in the Rumble. I don't know what Wyatt and Ambrose would do at Wrestlemania, but if Sting vs Triple H does not take place, they can go with Wyatt-Sting and Ambrose-Triple H! As much as Sting vs Triple H makes sense and it will be great, this way two great matches will take place at Wrestlemania.

Reigns imo shouldn't win the Rumble albeit I would love to see a Reigns vs Brock match, simply cuz he was out after Summerslam and didn't do much this year and for some damn reason won the superstar of the year award...the guy is being shoved into our throats. Reigns is fine, but there isn't much time to build him up for Brock in a believable storyline, unless they go like Reigns is an unstoppable superman and all that bullshit. So why not Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble?

Rollins eliminates Orton

Reigns or Ziggler eliminates Rollins

Bryan eliminates Reigns and Bryan last eliminates Ziggler to win the Rumble

Wrestlemania 31 match card

Damien Sandow vs The Miz

Ryback vs Rusev for the US Title

An NXT Title match

Roman Reigns vs John Cena

Dolph Ziggler vs Bad News Barrett vs Chris Jericho for the IC Title (Barrett and Ziggler can then start a singles feud after Wrestlemania)

Randy Orton vs Mr MITB Seth Rollins

Dean Ambrose vs Triple H

Bray Wyatt vs Sting

Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan for the WWEWHC Title
Obviously I could be wrong but I don't think Ambrose/Triple H or Wyatt/Sting will happen. In the case of Triple H I feel Sting is first choice, Ziggler would be second choice and then Reigns is third choice. I only feel this way as Ambrose hasn't been involved with the Authority storyline, but we'll see how it goes the next couple weeks. In terms of Wyatt/Sting again I don't feel that there has been any tease for a build on a feud there. I think Triple H would be first choice with Rollins second in line. Writing this I realize I like the idea of Triple H/Rollins vs Sting/Ziggler in a tag match..

Anyways you could be right, I just think that with them two having such a lackluster feud the past couple months and it not being finished yet I don't feel they'll get a high profile match at Mania, even with them having main evented TLC. Then again it remains to be seen if they think Ziggler deserves a high profile match either, but considering he's capable of cutting a promo (he used the app to practice this past year, the passion he showed was unbelievable), he stole the show several times the past few months and he's apparently working injured according to some sites because he wants the IC Title to be more prestigious again, I wouldn't be surprised if he's rewarded instead of Ambrose or Wyatt.

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