Road to Redemption and Rehabilitation Starts Here.


With the safety off!!
After watching the fiasco over the last week I have come up with a plan to help get Crocker out of prison one day.

It's been fairly obvious that the more we try to help him, the more argumentative he becomes so here is the plan. I suggest we all stay out of the prison until he calms down. Once he sees that this place will be a very lonely place without people to talk too he might turn that elusive corner.

We'll keep watching and hopefully he'll start posting threads that can be discussion based and not one fight after another. Maybe then he'll learn that being a good poster isn't such a bad thing after all, and maybe one day he can get out and back onto the main forums. I mean it's not that hard to be a good poster. Very few people end up here.

So Crocker there you have it. Start threads we'll discuss what you want too, but we will not be lured into anymore arguments that gets us nowhere. What say you? I await your first thread.
And, yet, you're the only one here paying real world money to hang out with us. The whole forum wars thing you're trying to start has been a wash, so currently you're paying money to take abuse with no benefit to you.

This might be an ideal time to cash in your chips and leave the casino.
And, yet, you're the only one here paying real world money to hang out with us. The whole forum wars thing you're trying to start has been a wash, so currently you're paying money to take abuse with no benefit to you.

This might be an ideal time to cash in your chips and leave the casino.

Rayne I didn't make this thread for another argument. Let's just leave him be in peace and quiet. Either he will learn or he won't the ball is in his court now.
Hasn't it been 60 days yet so I can get out of prison?


You can't follow the rules, called multiple staff members rude names, and tried to start a war with another forum that you won't stop advertising.

Try following the rules first.
It's long established that reading comprehension is NOT your strong suit, so allow me to assist.

1) Slyfox said 30-60 days. We're past 30, not quite to 60.
2) He said that whether you were released or not was conditional on your behavior during this period, which, hahahahahaha no.
3) He also said that your release would also be subject to a condition to be named later, but since you can't count, fucking up #1, and you can't read, fucking up #2, I don't think we'll ever have to worry about #3.

For everyone else, he's just laying the groundwork for his "the admins on that evil board I pay money to visit broke a deal" gripe, which will go about as well as his attempt at forum wars has.
Quoting for reference, since we're sliding into the "evil admins breaking deals against innocent newbie posters" part of this bullshit parade:
Slyfox said:
I don't know...PWF has a much longer history of Infractions than Cena's Pleasure Mouth does...

I'll make you a deal and a better one you'll never find. Admit to all of your alts (and I mean ALL of them, not just the ones I've already told you I know, Just Hero) and demonstrate you can be a quality poster for a period of no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days and I'll return your name to Crocker, ban PWF and let you out of the Prison, on condition you maintain your ability to contribute to the forums.

Actually, on second thought, there will be one more condition but there's no need discussing that now, not until it's time for your release. And I assure you the condition is very fair. I'll even make a note of it in my secret forum so I don't forget.

So how about it? The WZ Forums gave FlameBoyLeeUK a chance to redeem himself and he turned into one of the more esteemed posters on the forums. I'm giving you the same opportunity at a second chance you honestly probably don't deserve.

Do we have a deal?
It should be noted that Slyfox never said that the term of the deal was 30-60 days after it was made, but that Crocker had to demonstrate he could be a quality poster for 30-60 days. Which really calls for a "XX Days Without a Crocker Fuckup" banner on the top of this section.
He's hopeless Navi. Fucking hopeless.

Kid actually had people on his side who were willing to try and help but he's fucked it up... at least with me.

Have fun with the rest of your prison stint Crocker. They're never going to let you out by the way.
And, yet, you're the only one here paying real world money to hang out with us. The whole forum wars thing you're trying to start has been a wash, so currently you're paying money to take abuse with no benefit to you.

This might be an ideal time to cash in your chips and leave the casino.

He's confused this forum and Reddit for 4chan circa 2012 or so. They're not even interested in "raids" and forum wars anymore.
This is bull shit.. I still can't get over the fact that sexual objectification panda and bernkastel were not warned for their multiple links to Reddit yet I was. Can you please explain that dagger Dias? How am I the problem here when these two broke the rule in front of 5 moderators and didn't get any punishment whatsoever
This is bull shit.. I still can't get over the fact that sexual objectification panda and bernkastel were not warned for their multiple links to Reddit yet I was. Can you please explain that dagger Dias? How am I the problem here when these two broke the rule in front of 5 moderators and didn't get any punishment whatsoever

This is bull shit.. I still can't get over the fact that sexual objectification panda and bernkastel were not warned for their multiple links to Reddit yet I was. Can you please explain that dagger Dias? How am I the problem here when these two broke the rule in front of 5 moderators and didn't get any punishment whatsoever

Okay just stop now. I MEAN IT STOP NOW.

You are in the prison section of the forum, you do not make the rules here, you follow them. Something which you cannot do. I have tried to help, but you have a one track mind and only see a warning as the worst thing to have ever happen to you. GET OVER IT.

Sadly Crocker, and I mean that I feel sad for you. Do you really think they will let you out with the attitude you have. I'm afraid you are here for good.
Are you kidding me? Bernkastel and sexual objectification broke more rules than me.. They posted MULTIPLE links for gods sake

Nate it's hopeless, he doesn't listen to anyone not even KB. He's waiting for Sly to show up with the magical key and it's not going to happen. He just doesn't get it.

Sometimes I wonder if he really knows English or can read at all, and I'm not trying to be cruel there, I wonder if he is struggling with the language.

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