RIP Brian Kane


Staff member
Today has been a horrible day for me. When I was out last night, I got one of the most harrowing calls of my life. One of my Uncles, whom I haven't seen in a long time, died in his sleep. He was very young and died, peacefully, at the age of 47. For a long time, he was one of the best friends I could ask for. He was funny, a graceful person and very honest about everything. He moved away when I was 15 to Wimbledon and I never saw him again, except for one time at my cousin's wedding.

His death, albeit sudden wasn't a surprise as he battled cancer for a few years. Given that my Gran died of the same disease last year, this death brought all of that back. I may not have known him as well as I should have over the last few years but his death really hit home for me. I know that I really shouldn't be saying any of this to you guys but writing it down on paper seems to make it a little better. Getting it off of my chest seems to be the easiest thing to do.

Sorry for bringing this here but I really didn't know where else to put it.

So, RIP my uncle, friend and teacher. I love you.
Don't be sorry man, vent. I'm really sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to lose somebody close to you, I lost my grandparents a few years ago, my aunt a year after that, and a close friend of mine a few months back. It's really tough. You'll get through it.

I feel you, Dave. This must a be a troubling time for you. I know just how painful losing an uncle can be. Just even, an uncle of mine died back in late January. The feeling of sadness just isn't so easy to get rid of...

Sorry for your loss, man.
I just had a family member pass away recently too. Died of a 9 year battle with Multiple Melanoma. So my condolences are with you.

Edit: There's your reason for me not being on the cards this week.

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