Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat


The Cerebral Assassin
Wow, Steamboat definitely still has it. Coming into WM25 I honestly felt that the Legends/Jericho match would suck, but Steamboat completely saved that much- he ended up being quite amazing in the ring! The following night on Raw he performed just as well, maybe even better! Wow, this guy is amazing! He's aged so well, and still looks great. So, do you think the WWE should keep him around? And, if so, what kind of role should he have? Part-time wrestler? He could make a good manager for a face. He could even fill in a GM or Announcing role. I don't know, I'm just bouncing around some ideas. I'd love to hear your ideas on whether or not the WWE should keep him around and, if so, what they should do with him. I for one think that Steamboat still has alot to contribute to the WWE.
I was thinking last night during his match how great he looked. He could still wrestle good enough, hell not just good enough but pretty damn good, and wondered how often he could take the beating of a match. The best role would be some kind of GM figure so that he can still be an option for a match. No questions asked, Steamboat's still got it.
It seems as though SD! is now in need of a GM. Steamboat would be a great choice. I dont think it will happen, as there are many other choices as well. However, it would be really awesome if it did, as it would mean he'd always be around for a potential match. The WWE needs this guy, he's actually pretty over with the crowd and he's only been back for a little bit now. The fans are impressed with him- the WWE should be smart and capitalize on this.
I missed his match at Wrestlemania last night, but I heard he was quite impressive. I didn't quite believe it at first but seeing how well he performed tonight, I'd say bring him in to do something. He's way too valuable to be just a road agent, and its obvious that the fans love him. I like the idea of being GM of Smackdown as I think it could be a fresh shake up.

From what I understand, Raw is going to get more of the proven stars, and Smackdown will get more of the younger talent. I think it'd be great for the younger stars to have a chance to work with Ricky on screen, he can teach them quite a bit.
Whilst Undertaker Vs. Michaels was undoubtedly the match of the night it has been Steamboat's performance in the legends match that has stayed in my mind all day. Tonight he looked fantastic and I think he should get another outing with Jericho at Backlash. I don't think he should be kept around as a wrestler though because as there is only a small number of things to do with him before he becomes a jobber like Flair was for about 3 years prior to his build up to the retirement match. Steamboat is in the hall of fame now and every fan watching over this weekend has been awoken to just how good he was in the ring. Not many guys can go like we've seen him go so long after there heyday but I would hate it if what he has accomplished this weekend was tarnished by staying around just a little bit too long.
I guess it really depends if he still thinks he can go. Me personally, well I liked to see him take a Flair 2003-2005 type role were he is a manager that also wrestles every once and while.
After watching "The Dragon" last night, I definitely feel he still has some good ring time left in him. Here's the thing, after discussing this with some friends that I watched WM with last night, we all came to one conclusion: Ricky Steamboat is as entertaining as 75-80% of the current WWE roster. He's just like Flair was at the end of his career. Flair was just as entertaining, from '02-'08 in the ring as most of the roster! Sure, their move set doesnt contain as much as alot of the younger guys. But if it is entertaining to watch, and the crowd gets into it, why not have them performing in some big time matches?

Do you know why these guys are still entertaining to watch? B/C they want to be out there. They know their time is limited, and they are putting all on the line to entertain us. I have been a wrestling fan now going on 20 years. I remember watching Flair vs. Steamboat on TBS back in '89. These guys always gave it thier all. They want to entertain us.

So give Steamboat some ring time. He deserves it!! Go Dragon!!
Ricky ''The Dragon'' Steamboat looked great in the ring tonight. I wasn't born to actually see Steamboat in his prime, but I got a glimpse of it tonight. Anyone who was born at the time can safely say that he hasn't lost a step. I would love to see him sign a Legend's contract, similar to the one ''Hacksaw'' Jim Duggan is under. His ring skills are pretty solid and he's a great performer.
Steamboat is still very good in the ring. I didn't think about, but yeah he should be the GM of Smackdown. On another thread I wrote Teddy Long for SD GM, but it would be cool to have a GM who would fight you and probably beat you. Also, please can WWE sign his son. If his son is half as talented as him, he his way better than the Great Khali in the ring.
If you weren't born at the time to see the Dragon, and you haven't seen the match yet, check out his match with Savage at WM 3. BEST IC title match EVER! And Steamboat was awesome the past 2 nights as well! (I bet Savage could still go too). Anyways, I like the GM idea. I could definitely go for that. I know it's far fetched but I would've liked to see him challenge JBL for the IC Title tonight on Raw. If people want prestige back to that belt, then who better? Atleast i'd like it better than Frickin' Rey Mastrio. (Santino's name for him). Too bad when Nash lawn darted him in the trailer, he didn't stick. I would've really pissed myself then! I know the Dragon with the IC belt is way far fetched, but after watching him go, why not? But let's hope for the GM job. I really like that idea. Good Call!
Ricky Steamboat has been awesome these past two days. And as much as I'd love to see him return, I don't see it happening. He went out with a major bang. Hall of Fame induction, a great WM performance and another good performance on Raw. If he does decide to stick around as a wrestler, good for him. I personally would love if he got a GM role or a manager role. Though with SD needing a new announcer next to JR, maybe Ricky takes that job. Either way I hope he goes a prominent TV role.
are you guys serious?? steamboat looked great?? he should come back and still wrestle?? come on now...you're just feeding into what the jericho angle is all about. I really liked steamboat back in the day, he was awesome and it was like watching bruce lee in the ring (yes i know how unbelievably racist that was but it was the point of his gimmick) but now he is obviously past his prime and in no condition to wrestle regularly. Ok, he got that last wrestlemania match, should he have? probably not, but he did, got to go out on a grand stage but thats it, walk away gracefully. I don't wanna hate on him bc i really enjoyed him back in the day, but it's at that point now where these legends come back like you want for so long but only to come back and disappoint bc u see how much they've aged. The jericho angle last night was only good as a play on the wrestler but other than that it was a waste of prime tv time. With only so many slots open on wrestlemania how many guys didn't get their chance to be on it, its a perfect example of what jericho has been saying.
Steamboat had been reffing/wrestling for ROH for quite some time – it was a known fact he still had it.

But props to the WWE fans for serenading him with the "You Still Got It" chants tonight – very classy, very appropriate.

But I hope for his own sake he doesn't deflate his own pop by milking this.
Kind of makes you wonder what would have happened if he had made a comeback a few years after his back injury like shawn michaels did.

He is definetly still fun to watch. But I dont think I would want him to make a full return.
Maybe a match here and there.

As for Having him as GM, i think that is brilliant.
The chant of "you still got it!" gave me goosebumps.
I know a few people who only recently started watching wrestling, and they had no idea who he was but they loved him just because he's old and balding, but he can fly around the ring, skin the cat, and put on a good show.

I'd like to see him fill Tazz's spot or become a GM, and have a part in the shows more.
I have a little bit of a different idea. Miz and Morrison are going to get split up at the draft there is no way around this. They have lost the battle with the colons and they are teasing that the dirt sheet will go away once they split. I think Morrison can become a face a lot easier then Miz who just generates heel heat. What is one way to turn John into a face but let him accept the guidance and mentoring of someone who was a lot similar to him back in the day like Ricky. If you want to blur lines make Ricky GM of smackdown and have him get Morrison with his first pick next week. Then over the next few weeks have them talk on camera about potential and why Ricky took him first. You can continue to build on this and next thing you know you have Morrison as a face challenge the Smackdown champion at Summerslam who is none other then Chris Jericho. You let the entire story run its course and you can have Morrison representing the legends as a young guy with respect against the still disrespectful veteran in Chris.
Amazing Ricky Steamboat Has Shown Why He Is One Of The Greatest Of All Time!!!!!! He Shocked Me At Wm 25, And Last Night On Raw, I Think They Should Keep Him For Training Guys Who Are Awful In The Ring, Young Talent And Also To Be The Manager Of Someone, And Wrestle A Couple Of Times !!!
Steamboat should bow out gracefully, which is what I think he's doing. He looked good, it was a nice treat to see him. Now bye-bye ^_^ MAYBE a Jericho-Steamboat 2 possibly at Backlash, but that'll be so predictable. Also keep in mind that, just because Steamboat has aged well, he is not in shape. I'm sure he can't go for more than 7 minutes of in ring action.
Steamboat should make for a good manager of a young energetic talent. I don't think Morrison needs a manager, as he's pretty good on the mic already. Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston would be interesting. Perhaps even a face change for Tyson Kidd. Steamboat I think could still wrestler as parts of a match. But if they were to ever put him in a singles match, he's gonna show his age.
Steamboat Was Awesome At Wrestlemania. I Was Surprised How Energetic He Was Compared 2 Snuka & Piper. Steamboat Still Definately Has It. Piper & Snuka On The Other Hand Need 2 Stay Out The Ring Forever.
I think they should debut his son and create a stable to work against Legacy. Have Ricky Steamboat as manager, his son (which I forgot his name...sorry), Goldust's character turn into Dustin Rhodes and shed the gimmick, and Sim Snuka as the only ones to appreciate their fathers. Call it 'Bonded by Blood' or something like that. I don't know...got the name from a thrash band named Exodus since the 'Legacy' is from Testament. They could fued with Legacy a long time and build up the young stars and give Dustin Rhodes career life again. I thing Legacy should have a fourth member though. Maybe Vince McMahon as a second or third? generation star or owner to counter Steamboat.
I would love to see Steamboat in the sort of player/coach role that Finlay has. Remember, when Finlay came back four (five?) years ago, is was just to be a short time, work with the newbies, and go back to being an agent. Well, he's still around, he's still awesome, and he's over (sure, thanks to a midget, but still). And Finlay is now 50.

Sure, Steamboat is 56, but if he feels he can go, I don't see why we can't do a Ricky Steamboat retirement tour...his last REAL match was almost 15 years ago (his tustle in RoH can hardly be considered a match). I wouldn't mind seeing Steamboat have some "dream matches" then disappear...the WWE this weekend proved that the vets (HBK, Taker, Steamboat) can still go, so much as they are the ones we're discussing...not CM Punk's 2nd MitB win...not the Hardy vs. Hardy match...neither of the title matches (except how awful they were). We're talking about guys who were just starting (or ending) their Main Event careers 15 years ago...it's sad.

I do like the idea of a Steamboat-led Legacy-style stable. Him, Ricky Jr., Reid Flair, Sim Snuka/D.H. Smith...sounds good to me.
Ricky is one of the best of all time. Much like HBK he never wrestled a bad match in his life and could make a mop look good. A full-time return is a no no, but limited action is ok. Also, it would be natural for him to mentor CM Punk as it was his mentoring of PUnk in ROH, which got Punk his job in the WWE.
He did put in 2 great performances. At WrestleMaina & at RAW. However, he is an agent and he should stick to that. He is old, and you can't ask him to do that every week. He does a fine job as an agent, and that's good for him. He shouldn't return to wrestle full time, or part time. He's fine as he is.

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