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Ric Flair's Return to the Ring: Set to Challenge For the Championship?

I'd LOVE to see Sting vs Flair. Come on, it's got so much historic value. I don't know when they're going to do it, but I'd sure as hell love to see it as long as Flair doesn't win the title. I doubt that'd be good.

I'd also love to see Flair vs Kurt. While Sting vs Flair has more history going on, Flair vs Kurt will simply prove to be a better wrestling match.

When are you imbeciles going to learn to enjoy pro wrestling? Didn't you all crap on Mick Foley vs Flair being booked? It ended up being an awesome match. You're acting as if Flair was doing 450's when he was in his prime. Fuck no. He's doing the same moves now that he did back then just as fast.

Flair is not AJ Styles. What AJ has in moves, Flair has in psychology. That's all you need. Look at his freaking moveset. Chops, punches, low blow, Figure Four Leglock. No suplexes, no other submission moves, no top rope crap, no splashes, no powerbombs. He always had an incredibly basic moveset and had classic matches with it.

Stop your whining and complaining. "Flair's old!!!". Yeah he is. He's always been old. He was old, saggy and slow in 1995 for crying out loud. But he's still good on the stick and in the ring, depending on who he's facing. Kurt and Sting? Either would have a great match with him.

It's funny how the IWC bitches about wanting more wrestling, but refuses to watch one of the best WRESTLERS ... wrestle. Yeah he's 62. And? It's not Flair's age has ever stopped him.
I have been a mark for Flair for years, however, please Ric do not wrestle again. This man is continually ruining his legacy by getting into the ring. Flair is still a great mouthpiece. Let him be a manager or a commentator, but no more wrestling!!
Jeeezusssssss can this guy ever give up the spotlight?? Holy crap i mean i respect him what he has done for the business but his time is done done done!!! With a tear in my eye i am sick of seeing him on tv taking away time from the younger guys backstage!! Plus hes such a dick to the fans its unbelievable! Hes damn there near 65 that is sad in itself!! This would be like jim brown coming out of retirement saying he could still play in the NFL!! Ric i totally respect you what you have done you are the man always will be but your time is done dude!! Has been for 15 years or so!!
The thing about this that kills me is the same people that are pushing so hard for Zack Ryder on here are the same cretins that say Flair is too old to wrestle. I guess you people think you decide what sells in today's market. Fact is, there is interest in seeing another Flair vs. Sting match and last time I checked, whatever sells makes the show. Look at Snooki for christ sake.

Flair's destiny is not hard to figure out. He will continue to wrestle until he cannot or until there is no interest in him. Considering his legendary status and the fact that he could easily perform the same moveset that is used in at least half the matches in WWE, I can't see the problem. Fact is Flair has something that is in short supply now; He's a ring general, he knows how to tell a story in that ring and despite what you people say, can still perform.

Flair will never stop simply because he cannot handle his finances. He has become accustomed to a lifestyle that public aid will not support. Simple as that.

And while I'm calling out the hypocrisy of you people (not to mention the fact that you can't possibly enjoy wrestling seeing how you look at it) I'd like to point out that Douche is not spelled doosh or in Cena's case 'Dowsh'. Funny, spellcheck seems to work with my spelling.
I would take this with a grain of salt. Both recently Flair and Hulk Hogan have been saying things concerning storylines and what will happen in the future, so as far as I'm concerned, I think it's just Flair either having wishful thinking or just saying stuff that shouldn't be taken that seriously. So with that being said, Impact Wrestling (or is it still TNA, I never know) really should think twice about putting the belt on Flair, if they've even though about it.

I could see if this were apart of a storyline that had already grown legs and had a build-up for it that was meaningful. As example: during the lead up to Flair's "retirement" at WrestleMania against Shawn Michaels, the storyline was that he'd have to retire if he lost his next match. So if Flair was in a similar position and it was assured that he'd go out with the belt, and then he'd have to immedately retire, then I'd be OPEN to listening to the way things would go. But to just give this man a main event spot while there's at least a good 10 or 12 stars that right now are far superior than Flair is just disrespectful to those 10 or 12 stars and should never be allowed to happen whatsoever. But stranger things have happened. I just hope they don't happen now. Let sleeping dogs lie already...
Ric Flair challenging for the title? This is stupid, The man is well past his prime, in his 60s, This man needs to be taken out of the ring before he even dies of a ring related injury.
Suplexer Perfecter,

I think you missed my point. I wasn't arguing that Flair should still be wrestling. Nothing would please me more than to see Flair step aside and rest his aging body and, as the song said, "leave the memories alone." I do think anytime he steps in the ring it tarnishes what should've been the greatest legacy in the history of wrestling.

What I am arguing is that there is no one currently who can do the things he, Hogan and Sting can do, at least in TNA. I argue that Flair is the greatest pro wrestler of all time because he possesses more of the attributes; the intangibles that cannot be taught or trained, that it takes to be a great pro wrestler. Hogan? He's got in spades. Shawn Michaels? Absolutely. He's always had it. CM Punk? Without a doubt.

You see, these people are over because not only have they honed their craft over years and established their own sense of self, but actually allowed themselves to become their character. Ric Flair IS "The Nature Boy," for better or worse. While no doubt embellished upon, they are who they represent. Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rhodes, etc are all "over" because their natural charisma, work ethic and innate ability to connect with the audience supersedes that of their peers. People like Crimson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ted DiBiase and Gunner do NOT connect with the audience. Doesn't mean they can't bump around the ring like a rag doll or have a spot fest of a match. Guess what? It does not a main eventer make.

Zion had it right. Flair, despite his 60 minute matches, was never Kurt Angle when it came to wrestling acumen. What he did have was the psychology to make that 60 minute match twice as entertaining as anything a couple of guys like Kazarian or Crimson could do. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Arn Anderson, even Hulk Hogan all did it with in ring psychology. And that, THAT is why Flair and Hogan will continue to be paid and paid well.
12 months ago everyone was drooling over seeing Flair vs Sting one more time..

Geez.. Hogan vs Sting storyline is intriging as long as they don't get ion the ring because Hogan is a cripple but Flair, it would make sense for him to say "get outta the way Anderson and Bully Ray, you guys a joke, if you want Sting taken out yo let the man do it..." and he goes after Sting, Sting even puts the title on the line for all time sake...

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