Ric Flair, Make Retirement Mean Something!


The Handsome Devil
Ok, this may be controversial, but does anyone really want to see Ric Flair return to the ring?

My theory is he could come back and wrestle for another few years, but he wouldn't be half the wrestler he was. All he would do (for me at least) is ruin the momory of one of the greatest performers in history. Also, I think it would really pioneer the belief that virtually doesn't exist any more...retirement means something!

Mick Foley is my biggest example. If he had of retired first time, he would have gone out a pure legend. No two ways about it. He keeps coming back (how many retirement matches did he lose in WWE? That annoyed me. Now he's in TNA clogging up the roster giving half the performance he could a few years ago. Also, he's probably making his money, but at what physical cost to himself? He looks restricted to me now, so imagine what he'll be like in a few years time.

Kevin Nash is another one. He has had so many knee operations he can barely take a bump. I always enjoyed Nash. Good wrestler if a little lazy at times. But now, when it comes to TNA PPV main events, they're clogged with the likes of Steiner, Foley, Angle (to a lesser degree, but he can't do what he could 5 years ago, I'm sure of it), Nash etc.

Now I want to be clear, I'm not knocking these guys commitment or work ethic, or passion. Its just when I watch TNA now, I'm more concerned with watching the mid card matches than the sluggish main events. Also, is it holding the younger, more able and athletic talent back?

People like Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Ricky Steamboat etc. had the right idea. Get out, work on something else in the business, maybe the odd cameo here and there, just something. At very least, wear a shirt when you get back in the ring, lol.

Full apologies for spelling etc. or if this was posted in the wrong place.

So here is my plea...let us remember you as you were, a great. Not a shadow of the man you once were...please, let me know what you think.
I agree. If anything, Flair coming back taints the match between he and HBK and also the RAW where all the greats came out to greet him. It will get to the point where fans won't really take any of these retirement shows seriously because they know these guys will eventually come back.

On the flipside, the Rock and Stone Cold left abruptly and never really had a chance to have a show dedicated to them.
I agree. I enjoy Flair in the ring as much as the next fan and he could probably work better than 3/4 of the WWE roster right now but the idea was to get him out while he was still "The Man". To keep coming back is just going to ruin what is a GREAT legacy.

Stay retired Rick and just keep coming back to do the promos.
I would love to see Vickie Guerrero leave WWE, and have Ric Flair become the new GM of Raw.
He's retired and he shouldn't wrestle, but does that mean he still can't be an active part of the company?
Vickie is a joke and with her around, the show is a joke. And if Raw is a joke, WWE is a joke.
Now, have Ric Flair announced as the new GM of Raw, and I can guarantee you that the ratings will go up.
I don't want to see Ric Flair in the ring but I think he needs it. Look at how old and fat he got in just a years time. Reminds of me Bilbo's age catching up with him after he gave the ring to Frodo. But growing old and fat is what retirements about. For some reason($$$) he's not ready to 100% ready yet.
If he does do another match I don't think it would hurt his legacy. He'll always be 16time(or whatever it is) world champ. Always be a horseman. But that's the old Flair. Today's Flair kind of seems either desperate for attention or cash. I don't know if his heart is in it.
Oh god, I really hope he dont get back in the ring, I still remember in WCW when Flair would come out and make comments about being able to wrestle a broom and get a 5 star match, which was frankly in my opinion a load of shit even during the guys best years.

Now you've got the old bastard coming out on RAW and saying that he could outperform 80% of the roster? Way to make the young guys feel good Ric, especially as most of them are better than you were 15 years ago, let alone now.

I wouldnt mind so much if I thought that was just Ric Flair the character, but I've seen enough Flair interviews to figure that that is actually Ric Flair talking, and to get the idea that he is a bigger douchebag than all of the guys he bitches about (Hogan, Hart etc.).

Erm yeah, that was just a Flair bitchfest really, basically I dont want him to wrestle again, especially when you consider the honours he was given on the way out.
Well, Flair wrestled again tonight. Maybe not in the ring, but that last 10 minutes of shit was wrestling. Shitty, boring, terrible, but wrestling.

Flair should have done as the title said, and "Make Retirement mean something!" but he didn't. He came back and got punted for his trouble. Oh, and he was bleeding everywhere after 5 minutes of really doing nothing. Cut on his head, and for some reason a big blood stain on his stomach. Jackass.

Flair didn't honor his retirement, he came back. And he's making us pay for it with an hour of hellish segments every Monday. Fuck me.
I just finished watching Raw here in Montreal, I am sick to my stomach. How does an old, washed up, sad pathetic excuse for a wrestler overpower the wwe champion who is a half his age ? It makes no sense, Ric you're done, get over it, become GM, a manager or whatever the fuck doesn't kill the entire logic of wrestling. I'm sorry for ranting but for fuck's sake man, Ric you're retired, STOP, STOP before something bad happens and you die in the ring !

Strong words yeah, but the youth movement in the wwe will never happen when an old man beats your viper like wwe champion, why did legacy have to interfere anyways, Randy should of just beaten Ric all the way to the ring, then take it from there with the whole Batista run in. Yeah, while we all have to respect what Ric HAS, HAS, HAS done for the business, but come on, this is simply ridiculous and plain stupid, Ric doesn't have to look good, he had his time, get over it the glory days are gone !

Randy should say something, this just isn't right, why do they have to make Randy look sooo weak, it makes no sense, he beat up Ric pretty good in the ring a few weeks back, Fuck it all makes no sense,,,,

Anyways that's it...for now
I sadly see Ric Flair going the way of Terry Funk. Never knows when to call it quits and has 23 retirement matches and each one "definitely being the last one." Flair is a legend, yes, but he really needs to stop being involved in actual wrestling to keep his status from being tainted. Getting involved with Orton takes away from the title feud with Orton and Batista and its just fucking boring to watch anyway.

If Flair needs the paycheck that fucking bad, be a road agent or be the new GM on Raw. Just stop getting involved even if he is not "officially" wrestling.
Lets face it.....Ric Flair is wrestlings Brett Farve....yes both had amazing careers.....but its over.....i mean im sick of hearing is he or aint he with Farve now i got the same shit with Flair....and all its doing is tarnishing a great career....wat Flair needs to do is put on NFL live and see wat happened....Farve was a legend and lost one game away from the big game....retires only to come back out to have a forgettable with the Jets....its exactly wats going to happen ....Flair will come back have a forgettable match and tarnish a legendary career. Please Ric dont be like Brett!
Flair's wrestling for at least the last 5-10 years has tainted his career, he's an old man now, and him going over on younger, fresher guys is just too outlandish, but at the same time, him being torn apart by younger fresher guys discredits everything he's accomplished in his career, he shoulda hung it up after Vince bought out WCW
Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 25: The single handed most passionate match I have EVER witnessed. It was amazing to watch that match. You really knew that you were watching history in the making. I couldn't think of a better retirement match for the incredible Ric Flair.

The following night on Raw: Another moment in history. I was literally brought to tears by the ceremony they held for Ric Flair. Call me whatever you will for admitting that, but I'd be willing to say that there are 100s more of you who were also and just won't admit it. If not, then I still don't care because it was real emotion elicited by something I care deeply about - wrestling.

Those two nights of wrestling were some of my favorites in the 10+ years that I have been watching. I was completely satisfied in letting Ric Flair become a memory at that point. Sure, I wasn't actually naive enough to think that I wouldn't be seeing him in some random cameos, but I was naive enough to believe that I wouldn't see him wrestling again in a WWE ring. How many years did I say I'd been watching? 10+? And I actually thought a "retired" wrestler would stay "retired". Wow, how foolish of me. Perhaps though it wasn't me honestly feeling that he would stay retired as it was that I was hoping he would. For the sake of his legacy, for the sake of those two amazing nights, I just wanted him to be done at that point. He has done more in wrestling than most could even dream of doing. Ric Flair was part of NWA. He was there during the huge heights that WCW reached and for the lows that it plummeted to. He was one of the few from WCW to make a legitimate run in WWE. The man has held 16 World Championships. Ric Flair has been part of some of the most memorable fueds and moments in wrestling history. He got the amazing send off he deserved. There is absolutely nothing else that he needs to accomplish.

So, why the hell is he back!? I was even willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when be began making apperances. I figured, "Okay, he isn't actually wrestling, so even if it is a bit early after his retirement, I knew he would be making appearances." Then the whole Jericho vs. Legends angle took place. That was pushing the limits of Flair's retirement. And then tonight, he was in a match. No, it wasn't an actual match, it was more of a "fight", but whatever he was in action. And for what? There are already more than enough people involved in this whole Legacy vs. practically the Raw roster fued. There is no doubt that if Kennedy hadn't been fired that he would've been right in the middle of this already crowded mess. I mean really - Batista, HHH, Vince, Shane, Stephanie, & now Ric Flair. I realize that the McMahon's and HHH aren't involved at the moment, but they are still part of this storyline. It isn't like Ric Flair was needed to further this whole thing. They couldn't found some other way to do it. If nothing else use him but don't have him in action. There is no need for him to be wrestling. If you want to pick for minor details, I've already admitted that it wasn't an actual wrestling match, but it was still more than what should've taken place.

I was really hoping that Ric Flair would be one of the few people in wrestling to have the storied career, the great last match, the emotional send off, and then hang the boots up. But, that didn't happen. At this point, he has already tainted the whole Wrestlemania 25 match and retirement ceremony for my taste. I completely understand that not everyone feels that way, but that is just my opinion. Please Flair - just give retirement a chance. Find a new position as mentor or even GM, just realize that your time as an in ring competitor has passed.
I think we should blame Vince as well as Flair, if not more so.

The ratings have been going down as of late and so maybe Vince got desperate to shake things up.
So what could he do to boost viewers with his hands tied with this PG rating?
Bring back an icon.

HBK, UT, & HHH are gone for the moment and the cameos of Ricky Steamboat can only do so much for the children that watch Raw.
So he talked to Flair about it, and Flair has always said that if the WWE needs him for ANYTHING at all, he will be there to do it. So here he is, in his infinite glory.
Its like Shawn Michaels between 98-02. He said that the only time he would ever step foot inside of a WWE ring was if his son wanted to see him wrestle or if Vince was in a real bind.
There are many who are loyal to Vince and put him before themselves, and The Nature Boy is just one of them. I think that is a remarkable quality to have. Sure some of it could be about the money with his divorces and stuff, but in no way is it SOLELY for the "itch" or monetary purposes IMO.

It does look bad however, on the company as a whole, that your WWE champion got absolutely rocked by a 60 year old man.
I guess better Naitch than Shane though. Agreed?
And the prop that he has become to various storylines is highly annoying.

so i say we blame Vince as well, for the way Ric is being used, especially in a role that lets Flair pummel the 29 year old world champion. And for even asking Ric to do this in the first place, when he KNOWS that Ric would say yes. Vince should find other ways of boosting his ratings than just pimping out Flair.
I completely agree with all of the posts that I have seen on this topic to a point. All of the wrestlers mentioned, be it Flair, Nash, Foley etc. Should stop. The only problem is this is all they know. One of the best things that Mick Foley wrote in his first book and reiterated in his second book, was if you want to get into the wrestling business, get your degree first. The reason these people keep wrestling is simple, what do you want them to do? Sit at home read a book (possibly their own) and just kill time? They have nothing to do so they stay with the business they love, the business that has made their adult lives whole. Also, there is no pension fund for wrestlers. If they want to retire they have to pray that they saved their money wisely and can live off of it. Most wrestlers have a good ten years at the top? you figure even someone like Steve Austin who at his peak made probably a million a year between wrestling, merchandise etc. That is before his road expenses and all that encompasses that money gets strecthed. That also does not include medical expenses out of pocket. Divorces etc. As much as their performance is no way near where we as wrestling fans want them to be, you go out there and take those bumps and tell me you can leave something you love.
I completely agree with all of the posts that I have seen on this topic to a point. All of the wrestlers mentioned, be it Flair, Nash, Foley etc. Should stop. The only problem is this is all they know. One of the best things that Mick Foley wrote in his first book and reiterated in his second book, was if you want to get into the wrestling business, get your degree first. The reason these people keep wrestling is simple, what do you want them to do? Sit at home read a book (possibly their own) and just kill time? They have nothing to do so they stay with the business they love, the business that has made their adult lives whole. Also, there is no pension fund for wrestlers. If they want to retire they have to pray that they saved their money wisely and can live off of it. Most wrestlers have a good ten years at the top? you figure even someone like Steve Austin who at his peak made probably a million a year between wrestling, merchandise etc. That is before his road expenses and all that encompasses that money gets strecthed. That also does not include medical expenses out of pocket. Divorces etc. As much as their performance is no way near where we as wrestling fans want them to be, you go out there and take those bumps and tell me you can leave something you love.
Yeah it's annoying me too.

I hate old superstars coming back for the money, and the companies letting them simply because they're "legends".
It makes more some horrible matches, like the ones being had by Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Sting etc. and the ones had by Ric Flair when he retired. The fans don't want to see it. Ok, I don't mind a return if it's short and the old wrestler can still actually wrestle, like Steamboat's a couple months ago. But very few wrestlers can actually do that.

If you know you're gonna be back a few months after you retire, then you shouldn't retire. You should keep going until you're sure you've got no matches left in you, like The Undertaker is (hopefully) doing.

To address Ric Flair specifically, I think he's insulting the WWE and he's insulting the fans. He's insulting the WWE by making the amazing send off the gave him seem like it was nothing. And he's insulting the fans who cried and were truly sad to see him go by making those emotions seem pointless.
He needs to stop right now. He's making himself look bad, making the wrestlers he goes against look bad and he could really end up seriously hurting himself in a way that'll make him wish he had taken the retirement seriously.
Ric Flair is going through getting beat up and punted in the skull in non-sanctioned fights with Randy Orton for a few reasons. First, because of his divorce, he is having to pay about $20,000 a month in alimony. The man needs the work and the paycheck and I think right now this is the only thing WWE has for him to do unless it's something behind the scenes and that leads me to reason #2...the man can't stay out of the spotlight. He has to be in front of the cameras, he has to be on TV. After all, he's Ric Flair, right? He's the Nature Boy, the 16-time World Champion. The last reason, and I think Vince McMahon has finally realized it, is that Flair is good for business. The anticipation of Flair being on RAW gets people to buy tickets or tune in at home and WWE needs a ratings boost. Ric Flair can't retire, he won't retire. He doesn't know anything else besides the wrestling business so WWE or ROH or someone is just going to have to deal with him and figure out a way to get Flair in front of the camera because I don't think he can function any other way.
I still remember in WCW when Flair would come out and make comments about being able to wrestle a broom....

Yes, but that would happen only during sweeps week.:icon_redface:

But seriously, folks: He shouldn't be a wrestler again but if he was an old-style manager, can you imagine the pops he could generate? I would pay to watch the trouble Flair could stir up with run-ins, sneak attacks and betrayals. He seems to need the attention and he could certainly get it this way.

Plus, he could keep his shirt on while he performs. That's good.
I didn't watch the street fight and it sounds like I didn't miss much. Was it just me, or was Flair horrible on the mike at the beginning of the show? "PUNK PUNK PUNK!!!!" Flair is usually decent when talking, but it was almost like they decided to make this match at the last moment and told Flair to hurry up and get out there.

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