Ric Flair as Commentator

Total Impact

A Poster Name Total Impact
Ric Flair as Commentator

I was just thinking about it, why not Flair as a the new color commentator for the WWE. I mean the guy doesn’t want to leave the wrestling business, and the WWE doesn’t want to let him go, so why not put him in the booth with either Michael Cole on Raw or with JR on Smackdown. It would be cool to see the nature boy every week and the many one-liners he could come up with, plus he can stay retired and not ruin the moment of WrestleMania 24.

So what do you think of that?
i dont think they would want a big name to take over the announce position because jr an cole r the voices of raw an smackdown an i dont think jr would wanna turn in2 a tazz/king type person but cole anything to get rid of him goin "OH MY" an "VINTAGE" week in week out
Hey I like Michael Cole. I ‘m tried of J.R. and his annoying commentating every week. Hell people can talk about Michael Cole all they want, but J.R. is the one they re always trying to get rid of in the booth.
I personally liked Flair as a manager back when he was managing Evolution. He has the promo skills, ability to capture people's attention, and would be sure to help get new people over. Although, he doesn't have any interest in being one, according to the reports I've read. Which is a shame. He would be a damn good one, too.
I was never a Flair fan, but I believe he is one hell of a talker. The only bad thing is too much Flair becomes annoying and somewhat repetitive. So I couldn't listen to a two hour program with Flair behind the announcers table. I believe he would be best suited as a Manager for an up and comer. Possibly a good heel who needs a mouth piece manager to get him over. Unless they put him on Smackdown as an announcer. The show not being live could benefit him and some of his flaws at his old age. On another note, I don't watch Smackdown, so I wouldnt have to sit through the program.
Not a horrible idea but still I wouldn't want to see it. I think they should just put JBL back at the announce table since I think he will win at Wrestlemania and then retire as the IC Champ. Then again they could always bring Joey Styles back onto TV.
Not a horrible idea but still I wouldn't want to see it. I think they should just put JBL back at the announce table since I think he will win at Wrestlemania and then retire as the IC Champ. Then again they could always bring Joey Styles back onto TV.

JBL doesn’t want to do it as he didn’t like the constant “coaching” by Vince McMahon and the fact that if he s that close to the wrestling ring, he would have the big to get back into the wrestling ring. A lot of the problems finding someone to do announcing is the fact that no one wants to deal with Vince McMahon. I think Flair could hanlde Vinnie Mac.
Not a horrible idea but still I wouldn't want to see it. I think they should just put JBL back at the announce table since I think he will win at Wrestlemania and then retire as the IC Champ. Then again they could always bring Joey Styles back onto TV.

I don't think Joey Styles wants to deal with McMahon either, judging by most reports. He was getting extremely frustrated during his time in the booth. Nobody wants to deal with Vince. The only ones who apparently are okay with it are Ross, Cole, and Lawler. They've survived the longest.

My gut instinct is that Vince doesn't deal much with ECW. If he did, he would be chewing out Todd Grisham on a weekly basis, and I don't see Grisham really improving all that much.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a flair fan but this would be a bad move. The guy needs to retire. He has had his time on the lime light. While he might be good at Promo's I cant see him being that interesting as a commentator. He would be much better suited as the GM, rather then a commentator, as he isn't in your head all night non stop. and, If he was to be made a commentater he would be like the King and still wrestle from time to time, and that really aint Retirement now is it?
I love Flair as much as the next guy and went to many events back in the NWA days when the the Horsemen ruled the business, but making him a commentator doesn't make sense. As Sparky mentioned above, making him a GM or some other "office" job would better suite his skills.

Also, what's the deal with all the Cole bashing on this site?
Flair as commentator makes little to no sense. Look, the man could write the "Promos for Dummies" book with ease, but being a good color commentator is extremely difficult. As it has been said, Flair would work a hell of a lot better as a "corporate officer" type. Knowing WWE, Striker'll move to SmackDown! and Justin Roberts'll get the ECW nod...or Striker or King'll have to pull double duty until a replacement can be found.
IMO Flair's later promo work sucked, and was literally just him shouting like an inchoerent idiot. Also if he come back to become a commentator it's onyl a matter of time before they do an angle where he fights someone, and I don't want to see that guy in the ring ever again.
While I love Flair's promos, a good promo does not always make a good commentator. I agree that if Flair was "on" all the time it would get annoying. When Piper was on commentary he almost reached that level.

One wrestler I wish would have done more commentary was Ted Dibiase who did a great job calling the '94 Rumble and seemed very natural. He didn't have a harsh voice and played the heel very well...obviously. Same with Savage, I really enjoyed him on commentary because his voice was just fun to listen to.

Meanwhile, look at Gorilla Monsoon. From what I can gather he was a decent promo when he was a wrestling, but he was a way better commentator. He and The Brain are my all time favorite commentary duo and I don't think that'll ever change for me BTW.

I'll also throw in one other name for wrestlers who were natural commentators. Curt Henning was tremendous as well. He helped make the Mind Games match with Mankind and Shawn on of my all time favorites although it got a little crowded with JR, Vince and Henning there.
flair would be okay but has anyone listened to striker on ECW? he is a natural and should def get the smackdown job. he is a younger lawler and he would sound good with jr. if jr is staying on smackdown after wrestlemania.
I also agree that Stryker should get the job on Smackdown. He always knows what he's talking about, and his banter is being wasted on Grisham, who is ok, but isn't as witty as JR.

As for Flair, eh. I feel like the fans all know him and want to see him as The Nature Boy, and The Nature Boy doesn't sit behind a table and call matches, he gets in the ring and stirs things up. He'd be much better suited as a manager than a commentator. The other reason he can't be an announcer is because his lisp would drive us all slowly insane.

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