Rhino should of stayed in the WWE

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CM Perfection
I think ever since Rhino left the WWE in 2005, I thought the WWE lost a future Main Eventer. So I think WWE made a big mistake in getting rid of Rhino ever since he made his debut in 2001 when he was with Edge and Christian he was good, ever since he broke away from E&C, I thought he was great he the Hardcore Title, WCW US Title ( Invasion storyline) I thought his fued with Y2J was great. I thought Rhino was very entertaining in the ring and out of the ring as well, I just think the WWE didn't really use him properly in my opinion, yes he teamed up with Chris Benoit for a while, but if the WWE kept him for another 2 or 3 years and used him properly he would have been a WHC Champ or WWE Champ.

So do you think WWE should of kept Rhino
Did you see him as a future WHC or WWE Champ ???
I've always been a bit of Rhino fan and he's still surprisingly young, I mean that in the way that it feels like he's been around forever but he's actually only 35. Which when you consider the likes of Sheamus, who is supposedly part of the WWE youth movement, is 33 there's no reason Rhino couldn't come back to the WWE and still play an important role.

I'd like to see him back he's got a solid look a good power moveset and would easily transition into a top mid carder. I couldn't see him having a long run with the World Title but then again I don't really know why I think that, it's just a feeling. Would have absolutely no problem with the WWE taking him back though.
I have always had a soft spot from Rhyno. I still think he delivers the beat spear (GORE!) around. His problem is and always was his height I think. Its the same problem that held Taz back from a real run in WWE. If these guys were 6 inches taller they would be multi time heavyweight champions. Vince just has a thing for his 'badasses' to be big huge guys.

I think Rhino would be awesome to come back. I would personally love to see it.
Erm.. I'm sure he would of stayed had he not be released due to his wife and him arguing in the hotel lobby @ Mania21.

Yes Rhino is one talented wrestler but he wouldn't of done much in WWE they viewed him simply as an ECW guy, nothing more.
LOL @ best spear. Goldberg says hello. Rhino was average at best IMO. All he was was a midcarder and would never go further.
Vince would have put Rhino in Jobberville a long time ago, along with all the other ECW/WCW guys he bought out. TNA was the best thing for him.
He was nothing in WWE. He went to TNA and became a World Champion. I dont see how him staying in WWE was any good for him. Its like Christian now.
no... just no... he wasn't anything special at all... yes he could gore someone... but other than that what could he do??? He's not a talker... He's a big guy, but not compared to the mason ryan's batista's of the world, so you can't market him as just a badass will destroy everyone type of person...

he's a mid card guy who could probably challenge for the IC champ or US champ, or be in the tag title scene, but thats about it
As I recall, Rhino really put WWE in a difficult position before his firing. He had a decent mid card role, but was never going to be the main guy.

As DeathClutch stated, He made a ass out of himself in front of co-workers and fans. I read somewhere that he smashed a vase as well and was out of control.

Rhino would have never held the big one in WWE. Personally I enjoyed him, but he was not WHC or WWE champ material.
I don't think Rhino would ever have made it to the top as WWE Champion but he would be good to have around as part of a stable. I think rhino leaving the WWE benefited his career and staying around to job to new talent with the odd storyline every once in a while would not make him better off than the way he has ended up.

I quite like him on a personal level and would not be against him being part of the WWE roster.
I was a big Rhyno fan myself. I do think that the WWE should have kept him around; he was fired over having a public argument with his wife prior to or right after a WrestleMania press conference. That spat doomed him. I liked him in ECW during his feud with the Sandman and all the sstuff he did to Sandman's wife. He had great moments with Kid Kash, Spike Dudley, and RVD. I was beyond excited when he came to the WWE: goring the hardy's and Lita, being hardcore champ, goring Jericho through the smackdown set, and turning the Rock inside out in Detroit. He was a unique character and had real potential but I dont think Vinny Mac would have let him wore the strap. I think he wouldve made a serviceable champ but he wouldnt have gotten the opportunity.
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