Rey Mysterio's last feud should be?

Rey CANNOT win the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship.
The WWE title is another story, but I remember when he was the W(H)C without the H.
It sounded off and made the title lose its prestige.
One last run with title vs career is good just not the WHC.
In a perfect world, I would like to see Rey get a good last 6 month run before retiring but everyone knows his knees just will not hold up.

Honestly a career-ending feud with Bryan would be ideal and make it for the WHC. Just because something is obviously scripted for Bryan to win does not mean we won't be entertained. This is a career send off after all.

My suggestion is a 2 month program. On Raw have Rey lose cleanly or by DQ/countout. He then gets desperate for one more title run. Enough to put up a mask vs title match, which he loses. Before anyone gets into a hissy fit about the mask, I remind you that everyone except the kids have seen him maskless and it builds more sympathy for him kayfabe. And this time at least the mask loss would not be meaningless and stupid. Then have the blowoff be title vs career.
His injury problems make me doubt if he can still put on good matches. He can no longer perform in the same way he used to and that makes me want Rey of the roster. Not before one last match.

Who that last match is against is very difficult. There is the fairytale ending or indeed, him getting beaten so badly he has to retire. I wouldn't mind either but prefer the latter.

Rey was great and I really enjoyed his work but I don't think that a Ric Flair/HBK style send-off is necessary. I'd prefer someone like the Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett or Ryback to properly write him of TV and force his retirement. It is a proper heel tactic and it goes back to making heels hated. For example, Wade Barrett could retire Rey and would be able to brag about it for the rest of his career. That is what traditional heels should be like.
I don't think it'd be right to use an upper mid-carder heel for his retirement like Barret or at the moment Ryback.

Rey's been with the company for over a decade and I think losing to an upper mid-carder to end his career just wouldn't be right. If he's going to go out I think it should be to someone around his size and, with the exception of Daniel Bryan, to someone who's been with the company for years, a veteran like Jericho or RVD who would both have excellent chemistry in the ring.

Although it would be a stellar match, the only problem with him and Bryan would be that, if it were to be Wrestlemania 30, it would most probably be a championship match as I can't see Bryan without the title by then but I can't see Rey in the title picture.

Another person who hasn't been mentioned though is Ziggler. If Rey were to put anyone over I think it would have to be him. Although Ziggler is a bit bigger than him I still think they'd put on an awesome match
Point blank period as long as he makes it to the regular roster by WM XXX Reys last feud should be against none other than SAMI ZAYN AKA EL GENERICO..... I don't even need to go into explanation for this but one idea I have for the feud is to make the wrestlemania match a Mask/Career match where if Rey loses not only does he retire but he must unmask and give it to Zayn so he can go back as a El generic esque type character.... Its kinda stupid but something similar needs to be done with Zayn with either Cara or Mysterio and these two must have atleast one match before Mysterio hangs it up......
i'm not having a go at rey or hating on him but do people really still care about rey ? i use to back in 2006, but i wouldn't mind seeing his last match with Daniel Bryan.
mysterio vs taker could possible steal the show at wrestlemania 30 if the wwe wants to go that way and he is always the underdog why not send him out in a big victory and send them both out happy
Mysterio's last feud should be against Jack Swagger. This could be drawn out for months and culminate in a "Loser get deported" match. It would be a perfect way to send Mysterio off into the sunset.
Hopefully against Kevin Nash so he can jack knife him one more time. No one believes a little 4ft man can go against a beast like big sexy, let's get some more believability back into wrestling
In terms of who he'd put on the best match with...Jericho or Bryan is the easiest answer.

But I'd rather see him put over a younger guy who needs help getting to the next level like Kidd or Gabriel.
For Rey's final match I would like to see him face none other then RVD, can you imagine the matches these two would have? It would make Rey leave on a good note instead of leaving on an injury. The feud could go all the way up to Wrestlemania 30
Rey Mysterio's last match should be against Sin Cara and why? Because it would be the perfect way for Mysterio to go out especially on a high giving Cara a really big rub in the process putting Sin Cara over as the new masked luchador of the company with Cara officially taking over Rey's spot and a perfect way for this match to take place would be at WrestleMania 30

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