Rey Mysterio's last feud should be?


Rey Mysterio will always be a top guy in wwe no matter what. He has put guys over, had top 5 matches in his career. (In my opinion.) Rey deserves better then Losing the wwe champion in one night to john cena. No matter what he will be inducted into the hall of fame and deserves one more match at the main event at Wrestlemania. Even though they won't give it to him. After injuries sidelined him the past couple years we all know he doesn't have long. He still has a couple matches in him. I just wonder does his body have the strength to keep going? Or is this past injury ending his career. I'm not sure and I'm not saying he needs to leave. I'm saying he may need to think about his health. I'm not his boss. I dont know him personally but as a fan you see when a favorite superstar gets injured every once in a while you start wondering if he should hang it up before it gets worse. Who will Rey face in his final feud/match?
In all honesty I am happy without seeing Rey on TV again. I love the guy, don't get me wrong, just with all of the young talent we have been given recently I would rather them get airtime than Rey.

However, to humor the OP, I select Alberto Del Rio as Rey's last match. If WWE is hell bent on pushing this guy down our throat, then give him a "legend killer" type gimmick. Think about it, Edge retired after his match with Del Rio at Mania. Del Rio can take out Mysterio forcing him to retire. He can brag about taking these guys out. Also, with the amount of guys nearing retirement he can take them out as well. Christian, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, William Regal, take them out one by one. I doubt this will happen because Randy Orton's legend killer gimmick was not that long ago. Just a suggestion
His last feud should be with someone he hasn't faced... Daniel Bryan. For once, he wouldn't be lumbered with the plucky underdog tag and the matches should provide us with memories much greater than faux Cpt America / Joker outfits or lackluster World Title reigns.

WretleMania 30 - Mysterio versus Bryan... could very well steal the show!
In all honesty I am happy without seeing Rey on TV again. I love the guy, don't get me wrong, just with all of the young talent we have been given recently I would rather them get airtime than Rey.

However, to humor the OP, I select Alberto Del Rio as Rey's last match. If WWE is hell bent on pushing this guy down our throat, then give him a "legend killer" type gimmick. Think about it, Edge retired after his match with Del Rio at Mania. Del Rio can take out Mysterio forcing him to retire. He can brag about taking these guys out. Also, with the amount of guys nearing retirement he can take them out as well. Christian, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, William Regal, take them out one by one. I doubt this will happen because Randy Orton's legend killer gimmick was not that long ago. Just a suggestion
He could come back and put guys over. The other thing I wanna say is that Rey vs. Del Rio has already happened and I'm not yo interested in that match
As much as it pains me to say it, because I was a big fan of Rey back in the day, I just don't miss him anymore. When he makes a comeback from injury or suspension, which is every year at this point, it just doesn't feel like a big deal these days. It doesn't have the same excitement as when the Undertaker or Lesnar makes an appearance. So I can honestly say that if Mysterio showed up on Raw next week and said he was done, I'd be disappointed, but I wouldn't be sad.

With that said, if he has to come back and have one last feud, I say feed him to Dean Ambrose. A couple of clean wins over Rey Mysterio on Pay Per View would be great for Ambrose. And since Mysterio is a shell of his former self and Ambrose seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't mind doing most of the work, he could carry the match no problem and just letting Mysterio do a few quick spots in the match.
His last feud should be with someone he hasn't faced... Daniel Bryan. For once, he wouldn't be lumbered with the plucky underdog tag and the matches should provide us with memories much greater than faux Cpt America / Joker outfits or lackluster World Title reigns.

WretleMania 30 - Mysterio versus Bryan... could very well steal the show!
He faced Bryan on Raw...

I think a match with a returning Tyson Kidd would something I could see as Rey's last moment in WWE. Kidd comes back from long lay off from injury, you get him back in the mix quickly by working with Mysterio, Rey does his thing getting a younger guy over.
His last feud should be Sin Cara. It's that simple. Or another masked superstar WWE bring in.

Sin Cara sucks at the moment, but there's talent in there. With Rey off the roster and Cara firmly established as the premier masked luchadore of the promotion, he'll get over.
He faced Bryan on Raw...

I think a match with a returning Tyson Kidd would something I could see as Rey's last moment in WWE. Kidd comes back from long lay off from injury, you get him back in the mix quickly by working with Mysterio, Rey does his thing getting a younger guy over.

Maybe I should have explained myself better - his last feud (see thread title) should be with someone who is over (Flair vs HBK; HBK vs Taker). Daniel Bryan is over, Rey and D-Bry have never feuded, the matches would be excellent... there is no downside.

What has Tyson Kidd ever done? Nothing, so that puts him on the same pedestal as Evan Bourne or Justin Gabriel. It makes nil sense to put any guy like this over in such a spectacular manner for fear that they don't make it and said loss actually becomes a blight on a great wrestler's legacy.
Ideally, and I say this with all due respect, Eddie Guerrero, because he was truly Rey's greatest rival. Unfortunately, his early passing makes that impossible.

If he's still wrestling when lil ol' Rey decides to hang up the boots, then I can't think of anyone better then Chris Jericho. His feud with Jericho in 2009 truly made the IC belt feel important again and the two had multiple masterpieces against one another. His match with Jericho at the Bash in '09 was truly a marvel and one of the last matches I can recall Rey having when he had that extra spring in his step. It makes one wonder if it's just that his knee was becoming that bad after, or if it was two professionals stepping in the ring for no other reason then to tear it up.

If Rey is capable of doing it, I'd like to see them do it one more time. And while Jericho likes to put over younger opponents these days, tearing it up one last time on the grand stage of Wrestlemania with his old New Japan buddy may be too much to resist. Two old veterans possibly having the best match on the card, with a proven track record of exceptional chemistry against one another? What's not to like?

But for the sake of Rey's knees and Jericho's fans, this one needs done sooner then later, most likely. Wrestlemania 30 sounds about right.

WretleMania 30 - Mysterio versus Bryan... could very well steal the show!
This isn't a bad idea, in fact it's a great one, if Rey wouldn't kill himself trying to keep up with Bryan. With an opponent like Jericho, the two know one another extensively, and Y2J would be the perfect opponent to have both a great feud/match and know Rey well enough to protect him inside the ring.

Bryan and Rey have faced off once before, I believe, and I'd love to see a healthy, younger Rey against Bryan. But the safer bet, both for Rey's health and for a great match, is Chris Jericho.
I disagree with Rey having a "better chance" of having a great match with Jericho than Bryan Danielson. Danielson could probably have a serviceable match against Eddie Guerrero....tomorrow.

The main benefit of a match against Danielson would be Danielson's smaller size. Mysterio wouldn't have as hard a time moving him around, which could serve to reduce the amount of flying he needs to do, which would reduce the chance of injuring his legs even further. Also, Danielson's finish, unlike Jericho's doesn't affect the legs, at all. The Lebell/Yes/No Lock is much safer for Mysterio than the Boston Crab/Walls of Jericho.

I think that Danielson would be a good match for him to end a career on.
MARK HENRY! Cus thats what he do!
But in all honesty I was going to say Cody Rhodes because Ray could make some amazing matches with him while putting him over, but then someone said Sin Cara and that is a better option.
I think if he's to have one last feud I'd pair him with a veteran and someone who is over as said before in this thread. A few ideas come to mind and I know many of these have been said but logically Jericho, Bryan, Taker, all come to mind as possibilities however there's one man who I think would be the most appropriate.

CM Punk. These two have had several matches together and all of them are stellar and quite well put together. CM Punk could use his Best in the world moniker where Rey is saying he's the ultimate under dog and somehow work this into a retirement match. I think people would go for the idea and frankly of punk is main eventing this year which I believe he won't be this could be a big win at mania for him whilst also giving Rey a proper send off location.
Ryback. Ryback should retire Rey Mysterio to garner some much needed heel heat. Rey is so far removed from the main event scene that nobody is going to care about who he feuds with last. I wouldn't waste any real time or effort putting him in a major storyline because he's proven to be as unreliable as they come over the past couple years. So use him for what he's worth. His name. Let Ryback destroy Rey Mysterio once and for all.
Up until even last week I would have said Sin Cara, but he's in the pit of jobber hell and I honestly can't see him recovering anytime soon, and it'd be a shame to waste Rey's last match.

So in terms of putting on an excellent and memorable retirement match, I feel like there's a lot of options that haven't been explored yet: Rey vs. Kofi, Rey vs. Ambrose, Rey vs. Rollins, Rey vs. the returning RVD are all options.

In terms of a satisfying story, the options here are very slim. Henry would work since he's the last one to (kayfabe) put Rey on the shelf, but I honesty think that would sidetrack Henry from the main event too much. Plus, he'd have nothing to gain from winning, yet there's no way in hell that he's losing to Rey. Sin Cara could work the tag team breakup angle, but as I said earlier, they shot that down by burying Cara. Del Rio and Rey have a longstanding feud that can end with closure with a Rey win, but that match has been so done to death. They need someone new to do it with, but there's not a lot of options that would make much sense tbh.
last few matches of Rey should be against none other than Rollins,Ambrose,Jhon Cena ,Curtis Axel ,Sin Cara , Ryback and Final match against DBryan.

Rey would be a right fit in TNA ,hes old doesn't wrestles that much and he needs part time work for couple of years then he will finish in WWE .
I disagree with Rey having a "better chance" of having a great match with Jericho than Bryan Danielson
I think the familiarity between the two, Rey and Jericho, especially given their track record, says otherwise. We know what, when given time, Rey and Jericho can do in the ring.

I'm not saying DBD couldn't possibly have the better match with Rey. I'm saying the safer bet is Jericho, because of the fact they know each other and have worked magic together before.

The main benefit of a match against Danielson would be Danielson's smaller size. Mysterio wouldn't have as hard a time moving him around, which could serve to reduce the amount of flying he needs to do, which would reduce the chance of injuring his legs even further.
This could possibly be true, but he would also have to match the pace of the smaller, quicker DBD. When I mentioned "kill himself" trying to keep up with DBD, I was exaggerating. One match, more then likely, isn't going to affect Rey much. But if one match did, it would be more then likely against DBD, because of the pace he wrestles.

What makes a match safer and more likely to be better is a track record against an opponent, especially a good one. And like I said before, Jericho and Mysterio have a track record for having the best match on pretty much every card they wrestled on, and could do so again. They also could put a spin on their past feud in some way, drawing from it. That's part of what made their work so excellent.

Bryan and Mysterio, with only one match to work with, would have a harder time generating a feud with which to 'tell a story' then Mysterio and Jericho would.

Also, Danielson's finish, unlike Jericho's doesn't affect the legs, at all. The Lebell/Yes/No Lock is much safer for Mysterio than the Boston Crab/Walls of Jericho.
You leave out the Codebreaker, which Jericho actually gets pinfall victories using. With all due respect, when's the last time someone's tapped to the Walls? DBD's first WWE match, on NXT in 2010?

I exaggerate again, but it's been awhile.

Further, the Walls/Boston Crab, while affecting the legs, affect the back most of all. And Jericho(not that Bryan isn't) is a cautious wrestler known for protecting his opponents. Even if applying the Walls, he's not going to hurt Rey by cranking on his legs.

I think that Danielson would be a good match for him to end a career on.
Without a doubt, man. I'm sure he and Rey could have a great match. I just think Rey and Jericho could do so as well, and it would be more fitting also.
Rey used to make a huge impact - but over the last few years I think the younger generation is the only one that still has a buzz about him. Like everybody is saying I think Rey is a legend and it's a shame about the injuries - but sooner rather than later he should go out in style.

It would be nice to see a return at something big like the Rumble - giving him one last run at a title (but losing the opportunity at WM for some reason leading to a non-title feud at the big event). I think the Rumble idea is nice, but there are more deserving superstars for that spot.

Rey vs Bryan would be good, kicks flying all over the place, but I think Rey should get a good storyline to build to the fight - perhaps he is attacked by a monster (Ryback, Henry, Show, etc) and the person who tries to "save" him in turn becomes the feud as Rey feels he could handle his own business. I'd like to see Dolph vs Rey, I think the spots would look insane if they were given the green light for a gimmick match with high flying and lots of carnage. - But, Dolph is occupied right now on a bigger story.

Rey - you're a future hall of famer - but I can't see too much happening in terms of a "huge" story. Retire, in a humble manner (much like Edge did) and you'll get the respect, and ovation of the Universe.
FitFinlay 4Life said:
What has Tyson Kidd ever done? Nothing, so that
puts him on the same pedestal as Evan Bourne or
Justin Gabriel.
Ex...queeze me? Some giant pedestal Bourne and Gabriel are on... But I agree, no Tyson Kidd. He's too much of a nobody at the moment.

I believe Rey's last feud should be something special and personal. On paper, Mysterio putting over Mysterio 2.0 (Sin Cara) sounds great, but Rey isn't that good a talker to begin with and there's no way he's going to carry SC in their feud.

ADR already wiped the floor with poor ReyRey once :( and I have NOO desire to see Mysterio's rub getting wasted (again).

FitFinlay4Life said:
WretleMania 30 - Mysterio versus Bryan... could very well steal the show!
Yes it could! This would be my pick too. Bryan could be pushed in a very similar way to Rey as being the biggest little man. The difference is, not only is DBry a little bigger, but he has a few more legitimate ways of bringing his opponent down (technique AND agility, whereas Rey only has the last one). And the matches... Oh, the matches between these two...
Would you want to put a gimmick on the Rey vs Bryan match at WM? Given the right gimmick I think it could make it even better! Or would you prefer a straight 1 vs 1 singles match?
Would you want to put a gimmick on the Rey vs Bryan match at WM? Given the right gimmick I think it could make it even better! Or would you prefer a straight 1 vs 1 singles match?

D-Bry is the WHC; Rey is the guy putting his career on the line to win said belt. No countout and no DQ but that would just be to allow inside out moves plus recovery periods like in the Taker / HBK bouts.
D-Bry is the WHC; Rey is the guy putting his career on the line to win said belt. No countout and no DQ but that would just be to allow inside out moves plus recovery periods like in the Taker / HBK bouts.

No countout no DQ I'd be good with, but for the title? I can't see them giving Rey a title push...although the WHC belt is pretty ulesless at the moment.

I'd love to see them in a ladder match if it were for the strap; gives it that extra edge, and both would have some quality spots from the top of them - especially now Bryan is utilising the Benoit Headbutt
No countout no DQ I'd be good with, but for the title? I can't see them giving Rey a title push...although the WHC belt is pretty ulesless at the moment.

I'd love to see them in a ladder match if it were for the strap; gives it that extra edge, and both would have some quality spots from the top of them - especially now Bryan is utilising the Benoit Headbutt

There has to be a carrot to entice Rey into putting his career on the line. The WHC (remember 18sec squash at WM) would work perfectly because Rey has pretty much always been a SmackDown guy plus he is going to lose in this scenario (last feud, remember) so it wouldn't actually be a title push.

Due to his injury history, I'd forego the ladder match. Rey and D-Bry are too good to need such a stip anyway. Think of it this way, HBK was excellent at ladder matches but his ladder matches were not necessarily his best matches. As long as there wasn't a cheap countout or DQ, a straight match between Rey and Daniel should be a WrestleMania match for the ages.
Very true, good point! But if it's the retirement match then should they include a title, knowing who's going to win surely takes the edge off it for the viewers?

Bryan can take the ladder match, and I'd love him to appear in one soon, be it Rey or even Ziggler.

For me, Rey's appeal was his electricity, his speed and agility, I don't know if he can show that off as much as he did without a gimmick. Maybe even a multi-competetor match where he doesn't necessarily have the spotlight on him ALL match but allows him to get his signature spots....Just like RVD will be doing at MITB.
Personally, I have no interest in seeing another Rey Mysterio feud. This guy is done. He's never been good on the mic and he's just too small to take seriously. Adios Rey.
I think its a great shame that most people do no miss Rey or are not particularly bothered about him returning for a last feud, even if I do share those sentiments. I used to believe 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' but this doesn't seem to be the case. Rey used to be one of the top upper-midcard/ME guys who could transition between the two when needed like Jericho.

As for last feud, I think he should be 'fed' to a young heel. The problem is, nothing jumps out at me. Rey v Rhodes is slightly appealing and has history, but I think Rey v Cesaro would be a slightly better match. Rey v Ambrose is enticing but it has too much baggage around it with the Shield and it becomes more about The Shield v Rey than Rey's last match. If I had to pick, I would say Rhodes.

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