Rey Mysterio didn't earn his title shot.

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
Rey Mysterio didn't earn his title shot, yet again becoming a terrible champion.

I can understand him winning the 2006 Royal Rumble to be in the main event of Wrestlemania 22, but what did he do other than injure The Undertaker AGAIN and steal his spot?

I know he beat Swagger in the ring plain and simple, but lets take a quick look at what happened.

Kane came out and ruined another match with his terrible storylines (like he ruined the Survivor Series 03 match). Big Show was outside the ring and he's too big to get back in the ring and do something about it. Hence why I call him "Big Slow". As for CM Punk, he was taken away due to my first point about Kane being an ass, ruining matches.

I don't think Mysterio will last long. He didn't last long in his first reign. He just doesn't suit "World Champion" status. He isn't cut out for it.

What are your thoughts?
Rey Mysterio didn't earn his title shot, yet again becoming a terrible champion.

I disagree, I felt he totally deserved his title shot... If anyone is more deserving of a title shot than Rey Mysterio, it is John Morrison. Last time he was champion was back 4 years ago. Pretty long time, and he is not a champion hog like many people. If anything, his first title run was undeserving as he piggy backed off of Eddie's death and "overcame the odds" to win the title. Over the past 4 years, Rey has been in countless storylines, and very few title matches. His storyline with Chris Jericho was great, his storyline with CM Punk was great, and overall Rey Mysterio is very over with the fans, and a very entertaining wrestler to watch.

I can understand him winning the 2006 Royal Rumble to be in the main event of Wrestlemania 22, but what did he do other than injure The Undertaker AGAIN and steal his spot?

As I stated before, I cannot understand him winning the 2006 Rumble because I didn't think it was fair that he piggy backed off of Eddie's death. I listed what he did above to deserve the title.

Let's face it, Undertaker is getting old, and if anything he has hogged and held more World Titles since he came back as the creepy Deadman Taker at WMXX then he did before then when he was at his prime (I might be wrong statistically, but I think that is about right). The Undertaker, who is a great legend, is truly riding on his status as a legend at this point... he takes months off, comes back wins a title, doesn't work weekly matches, shows up on the screen, rolls his eyes back, and throws thunder and smoke around, loses the title, gets injured, leaves for awhile, comes back and repeats the process. I like Undertaker a lot but I do not like him in the title hunt, he has his own accolades and accomplishments such as his WM streak that not even HBK broke, and I don't think Rey Mysterio goes out to the ring with the intention of hurting Taker, but let's face it, the guy is old, if you are getting hurt that much, you need to not be in the title hunt, and if a guy can legit injure you or take you to your max (like their Royal Rumble 2010 match, Rey took Undertaker to the max) then he deserves a title shot/run.

I know he beat Swagger in the ring plain and simple, but lets take a quick look at what happened.

Kane came out and ruined another match with his terrible storylines (like he ruined the Survivor Series 03 match). Big Show was outside the ring and he's too big to get back in the ring and do something about it. Hence why I call him "Big Slow". As for CM Punk, he was taken away due to my first point about Kane being an ass, ruining matches.

Fatal 4-Way Rules Bro... same thing can be said for the RAW main event, NXT7 allowed Sheamus to win the title. Kane didn't interfere and hurt Swagger or Rey, he just took out CM Punk, and Rey eliminated Big Show, and knocked out Swagger to win the title... he EVEN pinned the Champion in the Fatal 4Way match, which in my eyes is even more deserving.

I don't think Mysterio will last long. He didn't last long in his first reign. He just doesn't suit "World Champion" status. He isn't cut out for it.

What are your thoughts?

I believe that this reign should last a quality amount of time, a good couple months just to solidify Rey's accomplishment before he leaves. I think he is a great wrestler and a great champion, so I would have to disagree with you, and I've shared with you why :)
Rey Mysterio didn't earn his title shot, yet again becoming a terrible champion.

He earned the title reign by continuing to be over with the fans, sell merchandise and a decent draw for SmackDown. The man should have had multiple reigns with the belt by now considering how popular he has been for the past four years in between the two title reigns.

I can understand him winning the 2006 Royal Rumble to be in the main event of Wrestlemania 22, but what did he do other than injure The Undertaker AGAIN and steal his spot?

The Undertaker has become a frail old man. He is nearing the end of his career sooner rather than later because his body is as fragile as it has ever been in his entire career. Injuries happen, and their more likely to happen to wrestler how are prone to them, as Taker currently is.

I know he beat Swagger in the ring plain and simple, but lets take a quick look at what happened.

Kane came out and ruined another match with his terrible storylines (like he ruined the Survivor Series 03 match). Big Show was outside the ring and he's too big to get back in the ring and do something about it. Hence why I call him "Big Slow". As for CM Punk, he was taken away due to my first point about Kane being an ass, ruining matches.

I had no problem with how the match was booked. The only complaint I had about was it should have been longer. Rey Mysterio capitalizing on his surroundings to win the title was a smart way to end that match.

I don't think Mysterio will last long. He didn't last long in his first reign. He just doesn't suit "World Champion" status. He isn't cut out for it.

What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are he will have a decent reign not the longest reign in the world, but it will be decent. Mysterio is a great worker. I love watching his matches because they always deliver. So I am lookign forward to the match he will have with Swagger at MITB. I don't see Mysterio holding the title into the fall but he will hold it for a good portion of this summer, bringing on entertaining match after entertaining match.
The OP sounds like a ReyRey hater!!

He did deserve it..his first run was long enough, he held the title for 100+ days...dats long enough really...

What the OP has done is brought the real story into this, saying he is the one who injrued Takers nose and stealing his spot...thats wrestling...he didn't mean to do it did he?? he was supposed to be taking time off anyway...

In wrestling though...he had a good match with Taker, although he lost...he has been involved in the uppermidcard/main event scene since Royal he deserves to be there...

I don't think this reign will last either...i think they have just done it to make him happy and give the fans a little shocker..and surprise...nothing biggy...he will probably lose it back to Swagga at next ppv..
Hmm...a claim that Rey Mysterio didn't earn his championship. Yet another one of these. Has the OP been watching not only lately but throughout the years since 2006? Has he been paying attention? Or is it simply an "I hate Rey so I'll change the channel whenever he's on" situation?

The various reasons that Rey has earned the title have already been mentioned but the major reason as I see it is that the WWE is finally being called on an issue of size discrimination. That's right, I'm going to go there. Let's face it, if Rey were half a foot taller (wouldn't even need to be bulkier) he would already be a champion several more times over. This is based on merits of all that he's done for the company, how over he is with the crowd, and how keeping he is with the tenets of the PG era. Also, there's the issue of company loyalty. With the exception of one slip during an interview in Mexico, Rey has been one of the staunchest defenders of the WWE. There have been times when he could have pulled a Kurt Angle and crossed the line (and when he would have been totally justified in doing so) but he stuck it out and took what he was able to get, managing to once again be the heroic figure in many solid, albeit non-championship, story lines.

Simply put, Rey delivers and can deliver night after night. The guy is reliable. If the report about him considering leaving the company was true and that actually had some bearing in the WWE's putting the strap on him, then they obviously think that he's worth it. That speaks to literally years of earning the belt. I'm hoping that they actually give him some decent booking as champion this time around instead of booking him as a weak champion like last time.
That's right, I'm going to go there. Let's face it, if Rey were half a foot taller (wouldn't even need to be bulkier) he would already be a champion several more times over.

I think he would need to be heavier, unless you think an ultra-skinny 5'10, 150 lb guy would look like a world champ. He looks bulky now because he's about 5'4. And of course it's discrimination. They have to discriminate based on certain factors to determine who gets what spot. It is a big stretch to make such a small guy world heavyweight champion even once or twice. Multiple times would not go over well, and I think would cause a backlash against Mysterio with the more smarky fans. That has already happened to some extent. I notice he was not on Smackdown yesterday though, which is not a good sign, since if he doesn't defend his title regularly it won't add to his credibility. I have actually reversed my opinion a little bit since his initial win last Sunday. The name 'heavyweight' still bugs me, but Rey is a 20-odd-year veteran in the business, and perhaps giving him one more world title reign as he approaches retirement is a very appropriate move in real-life respect terms. There is no other luchadore (and there are many bigger ones) who have accomplished what Rey has. He transitioned very well from the lucha libre market, to American cruiserweight wrestling, to the main promotion world title picture.

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