Revolution: The Beard vs. Theron Daggershield-Falls Count Anywhere

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

The man who has wrecked havoc on WZCW for months squares off against a man who is used to slaying monsters. Will Theron be able to defeat another abomination or will The Beard shatter Theron's fantasy world and prove once again we should all fear The Beard?

Deadline is Friday, January 23rd an 11:59pm CST. Extensions available upon request.
Are you sure you know what you are doing Leon? I’m not one to question you, but I think we’re lost.

Honestly guys, I’m not sure what’s going on here.

A WZCW camera crew follows Leon Kensworth through a damp and dark hall. Precipitation drips from the walls as Kensworth continues to check on the crew behind him. Squinting through the narrow hall Kensworth comes to a door where whispers are being picked up by the cameras.

Beard sent me a very cryptic text telling me to bring a crew and meet him at this address. Anytime Beard is willing to give an exclusive, you know we need to bite.

The crew shrugs their shoulders as Kensworth gives them an uneasy smirk. Suddenly a loud noise comes from the door. Kensworth puts his ear to the door, very intrigued and nervous.

It sounds like someone is bouncing against a tile floor.

Suddenly the door squeaks open as Kensworth peeks his head inside, but nothing but an empty bed. A dim light shines from a side door in the room. Kensworth slowly approaches the door. His breaths are slow as he gathers himself. He raises his hand and taps it against the door. Silence. After a sigh of disappointment, an answer startles Kensworth.

Please enter Leon.

Leon looks at his crew as he waves his fingers, signaling to start recording. The familiar voice of The Beard rambling on in the background.

Leon Kensworth here for WZCW. Behind this very door is The Beard and he has asked for this time for a special interview. Lets see what the former world champion has on his mind.

Kensworth slowly opens the door and inside sits Beard on the floor cross legged, rolling a dice in the candle light. Beard raises his finger to his mouth and signals Kensworth to sit with him. Kensworth shrugs before abiding.


Shh shh shh.

Beard uncharacteristically places his finger over Kensworth lips, which startles him back.

Don’t speak Leon, just listen. Open your ears Leon, open up your mind. Let my words embrace your soul.

Beard places his hand upon Kensworth’s shoulder in a friendly fashion. He lifts the candle and hands it to Kensworth.

Do you like games Leon?

Leon goes to answer, but again Beard stops him.

No words Leon, just nod. Yes or no, do you like games?

Leon nods in approval as he looks at the camera, fear in his eyes.

Good. Good good. That’s the answer I was hoping for.

Beard brushes his hand through his hair before putting it up in a ponytail, acting in a very unnatural way. A rare smile comes across Beard’s face as he smacks his lips.

You know who else likes games Leon?

Kensworth shrugs.

Theron Daggershield. He lives in his own world, a game in its own right. You know who doesn’t like games Leon?

Beard’s voice becomes rasp, almost angry as grabs Kensworth’s legs. Leon shakes his head no.

Me. Games are a fantasy. Theron Daggershield is a fantasy. His success is not a reality. I am a reality. This!

Beard bangs on his chest and smacks his head in frustration.

This is reality! I am reality Leon. Me. You are in my reality. Theron Daggershield is in my reality. Each and everyone of YOU.

Beard stares intensely into the camera, eyes wide as his nostrils flare.

Are in my reality. No one realizes that Leon. Everyone lives in their fantasy world, hoping, grasping at their last straws, that the world THEY want is coming. That the things THEY want are coming. That’s what keeps simpleminded people like you, them, and Theron going. A fictitious world of glitter, sunshine, and rainbows.

Beard sits up and props himself on a ledge of sorts as he rips his hair out of the ponytail he just placed it in.

That’s not how things work Leon. Nope. Not at all. Darkness, thunder, glooming desperation. That’s reality. Realizing your reality will save you. It will save them. It will save him. Just like it saved me Leon.

Beard calms himself as he goes back to his previous pose, next to Kensworth. Again his hair goes back into a neat ponytail.

I’m sorry Leon. I lost my cool. But join my cause. Become a follower Leon, become the lost follower Leon.

I’m sorry to interrupt Beard, but what is with the dice?

Beard’s stare is filled with rage as he glares at Kensworth. Suddenly Beard chuckles as he wags his finger at Kensworth.

I’m glad you asked Leon. This is the key, the key to Daggershield, the key to victory.

Beard maneuvers the twenty sided dice in his hands and between his fingers. He looks at Kensworth and hands him the dice.

Leon, take this and pretend you are Theron Daggershield. Roll the dice, tell me your thoughts.

Kensworth slowly grabs the dice as he rolls it across the floor. Beard leans the candle over as it reveals a 1.

’Tis a shame Leon. A measly one. A lonely number.

Beard stands up as he grabs the dice, throwing it in a repetitive fashion.

Revolution is a very apropo name Leon. Cause you see at Revolution it all begins. I’ve preached for months Leon and it is finally here. My promises are strong, my words are my bond. The revolution, it begins.

The dice falls to the ground as Beard grabs the camera.

Follow me through the darkness. Join me in the revolution. Failure to do so will result in termination. For you shall follow me, for I have been found. Fear the destroyer, fear the beard, fear...the revolution.

Beard drops the camera, revealing the dice roll as a 20. Leon stands up as he hands the camera back to his crew. He flips on a light switch, revealing a blacklight. The room glows with neon words painted on the wall.


The words crossed out as new words have been written overtop them.


The fu….

Kensworth drops his mic as his camera crew staggers back in a hurry as Kensworth is soon to follow, equipment left behind revealing a final word.

Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits



We open up to a view of a Paladin of Mystra clad in magenta armor and blonde hair. It is Kirilah, Theron Daggershield's girlfriend. She is looking out the window in a brick room, the view from out the window shows many birds flying across the sky and with the trees being rather far down, it suggests Kirilah is on a floor many feet above ground level. The door slams open. She turns around to see who it is. In walks Kaleesta "The Healer", Sheshmish the Orc Swashbuckler, and Kayrentia the Druid.

Kaleesta: You must be Kirilah. We bring you a letter from Theron.

Kirilah: Who are you and why should I trust you?

Kaleesta: My name is Kaleesta, but everyone calls me "The Healer". I assure you, there is no jiggery pokery behind my being here. Theron recruited me to replace the one named Davivel as your healer. This highly important letter from Theron is for you, Kirilah.

Kaleesta takes a letter from Theron out of her bag of holding and hands it to Kirilah. She opens it up to read it. Theron's voice is heard in voice-over as she reads the letter.

"Kirilah, if you are reading this, then I need your help in seeking divine intervention. I survived the Ladder Match at Empire Rally, but Father Apple was the one who won the Global Championship. Another obstacle was placed in my path before I was able to challenge The Veteran Sorceror for the belt I almost won. My match at the next big gladiatorial event called Resurrection is against the former World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion, The Bearded Barbarian known as Beardacus. Our battle is taking place at the Trading Center Amphitheater where Louis Scottsonian, an ancient Chosen Of Mystra, defeated the bearded Mountain Giant named Muttonchops. It takes place on a site regarded as Holy to Mystrian theology, and it is a Battle Ends Anywhere Match, meaning I could legally defeat my opponent anywhere in the structure. Please pray for victory and Mystra's protection. Stay safe, and lead the others alongside Kaleesta in my absence until we all reunite. I miss you.


Not another sound is heard in the minute that follows. Kirilah places Theron's note in her pink bag of holding, takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and falls to her knees over by the window, locked in prayer as Kaleesta and the two other misfits watch. Rays of sunlight shine down on the beautiful Paladin while she prays. Fade out to black.


Scene fades in to a view of Theron Daggershield reclining in one of the seats at an empty amphitheater, with his legs resting on the back of the seat in front of him. He is all by himself in the arena, no other living creature can be seen. A powerful instrumental is heard beginning to play, it keeps playing through the following scene.


Theron: This is where all the action will take place tonight. In a few hours countless people will begin gathering here to witness the gladiatorial combat scheduled for this evening in this sacred amphitheater, at the Resurrection event. The show where I have a Battle Ends Anywhere match with Beardacus. The Bearded Barbarian may be a monster in the ring, but I have slain countless monsters before and many were more dangerous than him.... and those weren't battles where I had the advantage. Most would be filled with anxiety if they were in my shoes right now. I'm walking into a match against a dangerous former World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion and doing so with confidence.

Theron gets up and begins walking down into the hallway of the arena. He continues talking as he walks past multiple rows of seats and columns lining the amphitheater.

Theron: Beardacus.... You should have known better than to accept a Battle Ends Anywhere match with a Holy Warrior of Mystra in this very venue.... the Holy site of the battle between The Great Louis Scottsonian who defeated the mountain giant Muttonchops in the name of Mystra. This great city is named after Louis and the battlefield where our match will take place is the exact same location where Louis did the unthinkable, defeated the bearded monster who threatened to destroy the school of magic in this region, leading to an epic encounter on the ground I now stand on. You and I will enter battle on this same revered location. History is going to repeat itself and I am going to defeat the bearded monster in the name of Mystra, just as Louis Scottsonian did many generations ago.

Theron passes a mural depicting Louis Scottsonian in his golden plate mail holding up a Greatsword bravely as the mountain giant Muttonchops with his massive brown facial hair holds up a boulder ready to throw at the hero. Theron notices the mural and looks up at it.

Theron: The heroic warrior standing up to the feared monster and emerging victorious in the end, in front of all the fans who supported him. This is what gladiatorial combat is all about. The outcome I have to give my fans is one of victory, just like in the ancient Louis VS Muttonchops battle. You're no different than Muttonchops, Beardacus. You tried to destroy the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation by dethroning Leonaros Moonshadow at Empire Rally in the main event. You failed then. You're going to fail tonight as well.

The music continues playing as scene fades using a mosaic animation to a freeze-frame of Burnup 102's match between Theron Daggershield and Beardacus, in which Beardacus was victorious and is seen pinning Theron. We hear Theron's voice and the image remains still.

Theron: (Voice-over) The first time we fought, you won. I was too distracted by my desire to help Vire Silverclaw see the light. That would be my downfall once again when Vire and I tag teamed against you and the rhyming doctor Davkas Diamonddeth. Things would turn out just a little differently the next time you and I battled.... I remember the advice I received from a new friend I made shorly before our match....

Scene fades out with a mosaic animation to a view of Theron and Kaleesta at a booth in Jaylon's Pub when Lunatic Willy approaches them. Lunatic Willy speaks, but only the powerful instrumental is heard. He is seen taking his spiked shield, bashing the empty table next to Theron and Kaleesta, completely destroying it. The image freeze-frames here and Theron's thoughts are heard out loud.

Theron: (Voice-over) I'll never forget Lunatic Willy's advice. He told me to get out there on Burnup and give Beardacus a SLAM, which referred to unleashing powerful attack holding nothing back. At Burnup 111 during my match with Beardacus, I would do just that.

Scene fades back to the present with a mosaic animation. Theron is sitting down with his back leaning up against the wall across from the mural. He looks up at the mural again, taking a more in-depth look at the depiction of Louis Scottsonian in particular.

Theron: Our match type allows for the victory to take place anywhere in the whole amphitheater. It could be in the fan seating area, by the concession stand, the training room, the parking lot, or even this very hallway where I am now sitting. I hold the advantage anywhere, Beardacus. You're fighting a Holy Warrior of Mystra on ground sacred to Mystrian theology. I am reminded once again of the piece of scripture from the Tome of Mystra that I now live my life by. "I can win any battle through Mystra who strengthens me."

Theron stands up and takes out his Falchion. A 7 foot tall statue of Muttonchops stands alongside the wall next to Theron. The statue in all its bearded glory had been sculpted to have an angry facial expression.

Theron: All it will take is a well timed Critical Hit, one that you will never see coming.... A Critical Hit that I could unleash on you to end this battle ANYWHERE in the structure!!!!

He begins practicing various impressive looking sword maneuvers near the statue.

Theron: The fans will get to witness a true spectacle of hero VS monster in the ring tonight. Beardacus, you may have missed the memo.... The monster always gets vanquished by the hero in the end. Your reign of terror in the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation ends tonight the moment you step into the ring with The Warblade, the hero that the fans needed all along. Just as Muttonchops no longer rules this region thanks to Louis Scottsonian, you will no longer strike fear into the hearts of the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation!

Theron, with a fierce slash, slices right through the statue of Muttonchops. He looks over at two halves of the statue which have both fallen to the floor. He takes a few deep breaths and then sheaths his Falchion. He stands still for a moment. Suddenly, Kirilah's voice can be heard via telepathy.

Kirilah: Be careful in your match tonight, my love. I wish I could be there to see it. May Mystra bless you with a victory here at this sacred site.

Kirilah's voice is no longer heard. Rays of sunlight can be seen shining down on Theron from through the windows. He looks out at the landscape outside as the majestic sunlight rays shine down on him. Theron takes out a red D20 dice. He rolls it on a counter by the broken Muttonchops statue. It lands on an 18. Theron clenches his fists.

Theron: Not even you rolling a Natural 20 could help you at this point, Beardacus. Tonight I make you regret attacking me and in the process I achieve the biggest win of my entire career as a gladiator.

Fade to black.
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