Revolution: El Califa Dragon vs. Dorian Slaughter

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Ever since Dorian Slaughter was hand picked to join The Elite, he has had one target in his sights, El Califa Dragon. The two men have traded blows back and forth for weeks, and will finally come to blows. Will the man representing La Armada reign supreme, or will darkness fall over WZCW as The Elite stands tall again?

Deadline is Friday, January 23rd an 11:59pm CST. Extensions available upon request.

4 Slaughter 1: 1-3

Behold, the Redeemer

And it came forth from the ancient serpent deceivers’ mouth: perjury, slander, defamation, loathing, and venom. And upon the hearts and minds of the beholders it weighed heavily, leaving their spirits tormented, their wills broken. And as the serpent transformed into flesh, their Redeemer stood before them. And upon their collective conscience, He engraved His message: the message of chaos, the message of those deemed Elite.

4 Slaughter 3: 1-4

And thus, they came in droves.

Out of the night sky He came, bringing with Him the strength of a thousand armies, but walking in toe with only three. They came in droves, retreating only to advance with an even more relentless force, leaving only death and despair in their wake, progressing onward under an empty banner. A godless entity, answering to no master, sparing no soul, heeding no plea for mercy. And at the outset of war, their names would be etched in stone by the fires as the true victors, the true immortals amongst the scum of the Earth.

The incessant buzzing of the plane’s two small engines had become monotonous to their ears. The flight had been long but what lied ahead prevented weariness from befalling either of them.

Slaughter: Have the preparations been made as I asked?

Serafina: Of course, you have nothing to worry about.

Slaughter: Very well.

As the plane descends over the single-laned runway, The Angel of Death swirls His hair around the back of His head as Serafina hands Him something. He dons the black and white luchador mask, the design is simple, indiscriminate, nothing more than a training mask, likely found in barrio events across this country.

Pilot: Welcome to Culiacan, please exit safely and enjoy your stay in Mexico.

Slaughter lifts the hood of His tattered sweatshirt as Serafina quickly slings a red zip-up across her shoulders. They exit the plane, scanning the regional airports’ welcoming area for their guide. A gray taxi pulls up alongside the plane. A man in a suit throws open the door, prior to the vehicle coming to a full stop, and calls out to them.

Carl Chavez: Mr. and Mrs. Burna! Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Burna, over here please.

Taken aback by the resonation of the man’s beckoning, they begin to walk toward him.

Chavez: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Burna, welcome to Culiacan! I am Carl Chavez, I will be your guide.

Serafina: Sir, we are not Mr. and Mrs. Burna, we are in fact not a couple, we are simply professional colleagues.

Chavez reaches into his suit pocket, revealing a check, made out to himself, endorsed by Ty Burna. Slaughter notices the one and more zeroes following it than He cared to count.

Chavez: Well then, pardon me, this most generous donation was sent to me by Mr. Burna for, shall we say, my guiding services.

Slaughter: And serve you shall, let us begin.

Serafina: Indeed, shall we proceed?

Chavez: Directly.

The three enter the taxi and speed away, making their way toward the city’s center, Plazuela Alvaro Obregón.

Within the city’s main square, the early morning streets are buzzing with life. Produce and fish markets line the sidewalks while acrobats and musicians attempt to entertain passersby beneath the city’s lone marquee billboard. The taxi stops some distance away, as Chavez directs their attention to the scrolling text upon the marquee.

Chavez: They are quite excited.

The marquee reads: Puerto de Altata, esta noche en la oscuridad, el heroe de Culiacan, El Califa Dragon!

Chavez: Tonight at dusk, the hero of Culiacan, El Califa Dragon, will be at the Port of Altata! It surely will be a momentous evening!

Slaughter: Proceed, to the port.

The taxi pulls away as children run alongside, jumping to peer into the poorly tinted windows at the assumed celebrity riding inside.

Chavez: I must ask, sir, if you don’t mind, why wear the mask? Are you indeed a luchador del anillo? A wrestler of the ring, such as El Califa?

Serafina: We possess a certain elevated social standing that we wish to carry in anonymity for the duration of our stay in Mexico.

Chavez: And how long do you plan on staying?

Slaughter: That’ll do for the questions.

Serafina bats an eye His way.

Slaughter: IF you don’t mind.

Silence is resumed in the vehicle as they venture away from the flatlands of farms and dust toward the coast and the Port of Altata.

He rests His head back against the seat, His eyes dauntingly focused on His task. As His pupils flutter, a picturesque grin overcomes the face of Serafina, seemingly sensing her associate’s passion for the upcoming events.

Chavez: Pardon me, senor, senorita, we have arrived.

Serafina: Very well, now for a tour?

Chavez: Absolutely, please follow me to the viewing area.

Serafina follows closely behind Chavez, toward a steel railing overlooking the water. Slaughter staggers behind cautiously, aware of His onlookers sneering and questioning the mysterious presence of the masked man. He reaches the railing, standing alongside Serafina, the familiar dull stiffness of the steel fills Him with serenity as He grasps the rail. In the distance atop the water sit three large ships. Each is decorated elaborately, yet distinctly.

Chavez: And here we are, Altata’s exhibition of Mexican pride! The three ships you see were donated to the port by the Secretaria de Marina, or Naval Secretariat, which is comprised of civil servants, as well as La Armada de Mexico! The Mexican Navy, as we would call it in the States, is one of the proudest military factions throughout this great country!

The ships were to be used as artifacts of history and patriotismo Mexicano, Mexican patriotism. The first, a tribute to Spanish captain and explorer, Nuno Beltran de Guzman, who founded the post-colonial city of Culiacan in 1531. The simple, yet historical design connotes the feelings of liberation, pride, and independence.

I hope I am not being too elaborate, I do not wish to bore you, but I have studied Mexican history at university since I came here three years ago.

Slaughter: Go on.

Chavez: Very well, sir. The second ship, there to the right, is a monument to Culiacan’s rich agricultural history! The city has become a main trade center for produce and is known throughout Mexico as one of the finest agricultural regions in the country! Culiacans take great pride in caring for and producing high quality crops, and this ship’s earthy tones and elaborate scenic murals of the luscious fields of Culiacan’s finest farms are a tribute to the fine men and women who have dedicated their lives to sustaining others!

Serafina: And the last, I believe that’s the one we’re most interested in, being such fans of his.

Chavez: Ah, yes, perhaps the greatest hero in the history of Culiacan, the final ship is a tribute to El Califa Dragon! See the head of the dragon on the stern of the ship, see how it wears the same mask that El Califa wears? Notice the intricacies of black and white colors, the depictions of the streets, where Califa learned to fight, where he learned to survive. Even though Califa was not from here, he embraced the people of Culiacan as his own, as his family. Notice the flag flying high above the ship, donning a vague depiction of a luchador mask? Legend says that El Califa himself suggested flying this nondescript flag, as a reminder to all the people of Culiacan that anyone can achieve greatness! Anyone can learn to fight like a luchador! El Califa was anyone and he became someone, and he suggested to remind all that they too can follow a similar path.

Serafina: Well, that was quite interesting, Carl. We no longer require your services.

Chavez: May I offer you a ride back into town?

Slaughter: That won’t be necessary.

Chavez: Very well, enjoy your stay, and please enjoy tonight’s ceremony honoring and celebrating Culiacan’s greatest hero!

Serafina: Goodbye, Carl.

As Chavez scurries back to the cab, touching his pockets as reassurance he had not misplaced his payment, Serafina recognizes the look in the eyes of her associate.

Serafina: Come, Dorian, let us prepare for a celebration.


A buzz of excitement has overcome the large crowd gathered at the port. Awaiting the appearance of their greatest hero, they cheer and chant. Children donning various incarnations of El Califa masks beg their parents to lift them higher so that they may lay eyes upon their idol. The anticipation builds, the port seemingly rocking atop the water, nearly breaking free from the shore as a voice comes over the makeshift announce system.

Announcer: Damas y caballeros, el momento en que ha estado esperando, denle la bienvenida Culiacan’s mayor heroe, El Califa Dragon!!

The crowd roars as a bright spotlight shines down upon a rock-based staging area at the front of the hordes of people. A figure approaches the light as the cheers become deafening. The figure steps into the spotlighted area, dressed in dingy street clothes, his head hooded and masked. The deafening roar of the crowd beings to subside, eager for their hero to speak, but instead, a familiar voice overtakes the announce system.

Serafina: Ladies and gentlemen, behold, standing in the foreground of your most prestigious artifacts of Mexican culture, the one true hero of Culiacan, El Califa Dragon.

As the figure extends both arms to either side of His body and tilts His head toward the sky, the crowd roars again, albeit slightly less forcefully as some near the stage begin to grumble.

Serafina: How Califa has literally grown. Look at the size of this monstrous man standing before you. Could it be that your hero is also capable of nearly becoming a giant amongst mere men? His imposing stature rivals that of your historic artifacts upon the water. Let us celebrate them, let us celebrate him, let us all celebrate Culiacan!

As she utters the last syllable, the ground rumbles. The rumble is unfamiliar, startling the crowd. As the momentum seems to rise and rise, the crowd quickly falls silent. The spotlight shining over the figure dissipates and is quickly gone. Before the crowd can call out, in the bright spotlight’s place rises a crimson glow, engulfing the figure standing before the crowd in a deep red light.

The water erupts, then comes the thunder. An explosion of fury, rising from below, surfacing in the distance behind the motionless figure before them. A thick array of flames quickly roars, begging for oxygen to fuel their illumination, enveloping the wooden monuments as helpless onlookers beg for cessation.

The platform is activated, sending the figure before the crowd high into the air. Gazing down upon the ensuing chaos, the figure smiles, his sheepish grin further illuminated by the crimson glow. Throughout the mixture of painstaking screams and shudders of awe, the crowd becomes enraged, calling out to the figure, questioning His true identity as the figure lowers His hood and removes His mask, tossing it down upon the crowd as He calls out to them.

Slaughter: Alas, fear has induced primeval hatred. Look upon the face of death, stand in the shadow of chaos and shudder under the force of my power.

The rage beneath Him continues as the crowd jeers, shifting focus between their enflamed monuments of pride and their deceiver standing over them.

Slaughter: You celebrate this city and your presumed heroes? The same city which flourished not from agriculture, but from underground illicit drug exportation? The same city which housed the Sinaloa Cartel, and subsequently glorified them, even naming their inhabiting state after them? I say to you, Culiacan, you are the scum of this Earth, and I have come as your Redeemer.

The fires rage in the background, the blackness of the sky suppressed by the red-turning-blue flames, increasing in intensity and substance with each passing moment.

Slaughter: You celebrate El Califa’s life, whereas, I wish to celebrate his death. At Revolution, your hero, your idol, will be burned by the raging fires of my hatred. Your Armada will suffer its most historic defeat at the hands of The Elite. Your titles will be abandoned and laid upon the shoulders of true champions, your sympathizer Matt Tastic will kneel as the Ouija Scroll is unraveled before him. And in the end, there will be no great ships erected in our honor. There will be no parades through city streets, nor murals adorning the walls of towns we pass through. Rather, there will be silence.

A few from the crowd begin to scale the springs which hold Slaughter’s platform in the air. Struggling to ascend, fueled by the rage of their peers emanating from the crowd.

Slaughter: Be silent!

The crimson light beneath Him vanishes as a second explosion erupts, filling the scene with a thick gray fog. The crowd continues their commotion, blinded now by the lack of light and presence of heavy smoke. The noise is deafening and incessant. Cheers drowned out by faceless cries in the blackness of the night.

The fires have subsided as the fog settles. Still a large number of onlookers remain, unsure or unwilling to leave the scene. As the fog settles, Slaughter is gone from the platform. The blackness of the night sky is deep as burnt embers fall from their former places of importance into the equally black waters below. The noise continues.

With a swift rush of a cold wind and a dim roar, a ball of fire screams through the sky overhead, headed for the area where the great ships fell. It contacts a fuel source just above the water and illuminates the scene once again.

An overwhelming silence overtakes the crowd as the warmth of the new flames shine upon their tear ridden faces. No one makes a sound as the Chaos Symbol burns brightly above a boneyard of torched monuments.

Serafina: Culiacan may return to its previously accepted translation, for the great deceiver has come and gone, leaving only torment and despair in his wake. El Califa, your home may once again, now and forever, be known as the palace of snakes. Behold, a new serpent King rises from the ashes to lay claim to the ruins of your palace.

Slaughter: Califa, behold the broken wills, the tormented spirits of your patrons. Death has become them, as it will become you.

The scene slowly fades out in silence as the Chaos Symbol burns brightly against the thick night sky.
El Califa: La Armada , que se preparan para la guerra. El Elite han tratado de romper , pero la gente de pie fuerte! Dorian Masacre , que han entrado en el punto de mira del Dragón , y herirá usted abajo con la venganza! (The Armada, we are prepared for war. The Elite have tried to break us, but the people stand strong! Dorian Slaughter, you have entered the crosshairs of the Dragon, and he shall strike you down with vengeance!)

The scene opens to inside the city of Houston, El Califa is walking in downtown with a noticeable limp. He looks up at a large apartment building, the high rises towering over the people below. Califa looks down at a piece of paper in his hand, the name Toni written down with an address.

El Califa: Toni......

The scene fades away with Califa limping into the building before coming back with Califa walking up to a door, knocking on it as he leans against the wall next to it. He crosses his arms and lowers his head, sighing to himself as he waits patiently. Soon the door opens, and Toni walks out, her eyes immediately lighting up as she sees him.

Toni: Califa! What are you doing here?

She immediately wraps her arms around him as he returns the favor. She leans up to him and kisses him immediately, Califa caught off guard but soon Toni is tugging on Califa's suit as she drags him into her apartment. The two tumble onto a couch as she claws almost wantingly at his suit, pulling his jacket off and undoing his buttons.

Toni: I've been missing you.

El Califa: And he's missed you.

The two go right back at it, their bodies pushing against one another as the scene fades away quickly. PG-13 scenes only right? The scene returns to Califa lying in bed, his arm around Toni as they try to catch their breath. She leans in and rests her head on his chest, her arms wrapped draped over him as well. She sighs with satisfaction as El Califa stares straight forward.

Toni: Why don't you stay with me Califa?

El Califa: Huh?

Toni leans up, covering herself up with the blanket as she looks right into his eyes as she lifts her hands up to his mask, untying it slowly as El Califa pulls away slowly. A smile forms on her face as she leans in closer.

Toni: You trust me right?

El Califa: Of course he does.

Toni continues smiling as she slowly pulls the mask away, revealing his face to her, though of course the camera cannot get a clear shot of his face. She smiles wider as she wraps her arms around him and kisses him once more.

Toni: Califa........ever since we spent the night together after that trip to the club with your ant friend, I have been thinking a lot about this. About us. I'm not one to fall so damn quick though yo. But there's something special about you.

El Califa: Toni, El Califa is a fighter. You know what type of life that is don't you? You will not see El Califa for weeks at a time while he is on the road, you'll see him hurt over and over again, are you sure you're ready for that?

Toni's smile disappears slowly as she stares into Califa's eyes, her hands running along his back and then up to his neck, her chocolate eyes almost gleaming.

Toni: Califa, I would want nothing else. But are you sure you're ready to continue this war? I know yo're supporting your friend Matt, but I'm going to be greedy Califa, I want you to stay with me. This is your home, these are your people just like Culiacan is.

Califa sighs as he leans forward, his head down and hidden as he runs his hands over his head, clasping his hands behind him. Maria had asked the same of him, but this was different. This was pure. There was no hidden agenda like she had. Toni was not money hungry, she wanted him for who he was. Toni moves behind Califa and places her head down on his back, her hair cascading down around her face.

Toni: I know. I'm sorry, I've asked too much.

El Califa: you have not Toni. He has been asked this before and he has declined it before. But he grows weary, he is not the same young man he was in Mexico. Perhaps, it is time to hang the mask up.

Toni: Does that mean you will?

El Califa shakes his head as he turns towards her, his face hidden in the shadows. He takes her hands in his and looks straight into her eyes.

El Califa: He will consider it. Watch Revolution, and he will give you your answer after his match. Is that ok?

A tear drops from Toni's eye as she nods her head. She wipes it away and wraps her arms around Califa's neck and leans in as the scene fades away slowly. It returns to Califa standing on top of a skyscraper, overlooking Houston. His childhood home. He has his hoodie up concealing part of his mask as the sun fades away in the distant.

El Califa: Dorian Slaughter! El Califa has grown tired of your attacks! The time has come for the dragon to take you down once and for all. At Revolution you will no longer be able to sneak around El Califa's ever watchful eye. Serafina will no longer be able to pull your leash tight and away from his vengeance!

Califa walks up to the edge of the roof, lifting his left leg up to the blocks. He rests his arms on the leg as he looks out at the skyline, breathing in deeply before he continues.

El Califa: La Armada came together to protect the wishes of the people! And it isn't just Matt Tastic and himself fighting for that dream, the people have spoken and they have risen up to fight for their own. We are one with our people, and you have nothing to combat our combined strengths! Together we can move mountains and part the seas, while you grovel for the scraps off your master's plate. Demonio Del Caos......he is one not to be trusted Dorian, but it is clear that you don't care about that. Califa has battled the likes of you before, and he destroyed them. Hasn't he told you about The Pale Riders? Together the Demon of Chaos and El Califa destroyed them, ending them once and for all. Do you truly believe that you will fair any better against the likes of this dragon?

Califa fully stands up on the ledge and spreads his arms out to his side as he spins around, his head lowered as he speaks before clutching hold of his large crucifix chain around his neck, whispering a prayer before kissing it.

El Califa: Revolution, it may very well be El Califa's final match in WZCW. Whether it's his choice or if he's wheeled out on a gurney, either way he is going to bring every bit of fire from his soul against you Dorian. You shall feel the very fiery wrath of the Dragon and you shall be charred and destroyed. The Elite shall fall to La Armada as Matt Tastic is victorious over the demon, and you shall watch as your chance at gaining power is gone! For this dragon is ready to take flight against La Armada's enemies! And when he is done at Revolution, El Califa may walk away, fully knowing that he has left WZCW in a better spot then when he came in. His people clamor for his courage and strength, but now Califa must do what is necessary for him. Whether that is continuing on representing the people of Mexico, or if it is retiring and seeing what the world has to offer, he will make that choice at Revolution.

He whispers once more as he leans back slowly tipping over the edge of the roof as the camera shows the sheer drop below him.

El Califa: Toni , Él no sabe lo que su futuro es , pero él sabe que, independientemente de la elección , que él quiere que sea en ella. (Toni, He knows not what his future is, but he knows that regardless of the choice, that he wants you to be in it.)

Califa suddenly flips forward and lands on the roof and begins walking away as the scene fades away. It returns to about an hour outside of Culiacan, just outside a small graveyard. Califa pulls up in his SUV and exits slowly, carrying flowers. He walks over to an ornate grave, the name Shaylina carved into it. He sets them on the grave as he kneels down in front of it, his hand places gently on the tombstone.

El Califa: Shaylina, I still miss you every day dear sister. Not a day goes by when I think about what you would be doing had you not been in that accident with me. I know you wouldn't want me to run away and continue fighting just to push those that get close away, but that's exactly what I've done for the past eight years. It's hard Shay, it's hard not to focus just on the fight in front of me instead of those around me. I've done many things I'm not proud of, you know that. But I did it to make our lives better, even if it was at the cost of my own. I was supposed to be the one that died early Shaylina, not you. You were the good one, I was the bad apple. It isn't fair the way this has worked, but I work tirelessly to honor your life every day in that ring.

El Califa slowly stands up and brushes his hands clean as he does the sign of the cross before whispering quietly to himself. He reaches up and slides his mask off, the camera to his back as he lifts his mask up high into the air.

El Califa: I am ready to stop running Shaylina. I have found someone that means the world to me, and I will not let that chance slip through my fingers once again. I fight in your honor sister, and I will fight one final time! Bendice esta máscara de mi Dios, y lo dejó a proteger el espíritu de mi hermana. Mira por siempre sobre ella en el cielo, y sé que estoy listo para cumplir con mi destino siempre que quieras hacerlo. Amén .

Califa leans down and places his mask down on the grave, patting it a few times before standing up and walking back to his SUV. He hops in and drives off as the camera turns back to the mask, draped just below his sister's name with the phrase etched below:

En las manos de Dios confiamos nuestra hermana a los cielos. (In God's hands, we trust our sister to the heavens.)

The scene fades out.
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