Unscripted: Matt Tastic (c) vs. Dorian Slaughter (WORLD)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


1) Street Fight
2) Lucha Libre Rules​

For many years, Matt Tastic was seen as one of the greatest Mayhem competitors of all-time but would never amount to anything. In 2014, he slowly began to change the perceptions of the people by achieving numerous accolades, most notably winning the 2014 Lethal Lottery and becoming the World champion. Despite turning heads, Matt Tastic became the target of a group known as the Elite who saw Tastic as nothing more than a garbage wrestler. Over a year of fighting, Matt Tastic finally proved them wrong and ended their war at Gold Rush inside the Hell in a Cell... that was, until the Gold Rush Tournament produced a new number one contender in Dorian Slaughter.

Slaughter, the 2014 Rookie of the Year, was recruited by the Elite as a new prospect due to his ruthlessness and vision of bringing death to everything he touches. Despite the Elite no longer existing, Dorian Slaughter remains steadfast in delivering destruction to Matt Tastic, effectively extending a rivalry most people thought was finished. Slaughter views this as the aftermath of a great war, looking to conquer the deserted plains of the WZCW landscape and become the World champ in a brutal Street Fight.

The loving goofball Matt Tastic became sick of dealing with the haters produced from the Elite and men who wanted nothing but destruction such as his Kingdom Come opponent The Beard, wanting to bring fun and happiness back to WZCW. He has promised to dispose of Dorian Slaughter and show him how taking a laid-back attitude and enjoying life is much better than involving ones' self in a delusional world by beating him under Lucha Libre rules.

Tastic has reached the top of the mountain and secured it for years to come. Slaughter looks to destroy that mountain and become the king of the rubble. This main event match will decide what happens but it is up to the WZCW audience how this historic moment will be contested: as a Street Fight or under Lucha Libre rules?


Extended Deadline: RP's are due by Tuesday, June 23rd, at 11:59PM CST. Soft extensions only (no 24 hour extensions)


As the crimson rooster crows, signifying that it has begun, The Angel ascends, seeking Odin’s throne, in Valhalla. The Angel seethes with exhaustion, fatigued from the lengthy journey, His heart weakened by the burden He carries with Him. Upon passing through the stalwart series of gates, His arrival is met with concern from the ascended inhabitants of the Kingdom.

The ceilings of The Great Hall are lined with golden shields, thatched by spears, as the fallen souls of those killed in combat throughout time wander aimlessly through its vastness. Kneeling halfheartedly before Odin, The Angel recites what He has witnessed below.

It feeds itself on the life-blood of fated men, paints red the homes of the powerful and righteous with a crimson gore. The sun’s beams become blackened in the moments that follow; treacherous weathers shall seemingly outlast the existence of all life. Not one thing shall be spared.

As The Angel speaks, the great steed Eikþyrnir's antlers, from which drips the liquid forming all waters of the Earth, tremble under an unseen force. The antlers crack, splitting down the middle, as the drip becomes a stream, and then a gush, progressively rosacea, before being consumed by the redness. The waters flow, running red, deep, staining the banks of their spillways with a red so deep it appears black.

Brothers fight, as do foes, and kill one another. Sisters’ children defile their kinship. It is harsh in the world—an axe age, a sword age. Shields are riven—a wind age, a wolf age. Until the world goes headlong into nothingness, no man shall have mercy on another. Before light is again witnessed by man, all will have perished.

Gabriel’s trumpet sounds from the distant heavens, their God signaling the others that it had begun. All the heavens, from the fields of Fólkvangr to the halls of Valhalla to the fabled gates constructed of pearl, summoning their armies against the forces of evil. The World Tree shudders as its soils combust, spraying clouds of dust through the pristine environment, desecrating beauty with tremors of terror.

The Angel rises from His bowed knee, and does not cease in the shadow of Odin. Larger The Angel grows, dwarfing the King of the gods in stature. Odin looks on in awe as The Angel’s transformation takes shape. Gone is the exquisite glow, replaced with a glaring crimson ambiance. His great robe falls to His feet as the innocence of purity is smothered by the manifestation of the grotesque, frail skin replaced with venomous scales; The Angel is no more as The Deceiver lashes out at the King of the gods with His unruly serpent tongue.

Summon your armies, oh god-King. Your Armada has fallen before, beneath the hand of The Deceiver, let a new wave now preceed their master in Death. The jester god suffers the same fate as his creations, make haste for the hour of reprisal is at hand. No longer will humility escape your tongue, for before the final ray of your sun is cast upon the Earth, you shall kneel before your Redeemer.

Their armies are vast, marching forth, armed with golden shields, led by The Dragon, protector of the Earth, sworn to insulate the gods from any imminent danger. The Dragon’s breath evaporates the water gushing from the steed’s antlers, rendering Earth without nourishment. The flames from The Dragon’s mouth penetrate the air, seemingly set on eviscerating The Serpent. Yet as The Dragon advances and relinquishes his onslaught of fire, The Serpent has vanished.

The Dragon is suddenly enveloped by The Serpent’s clutch, rendered helpless; The Dragon staggers above The Great Hall. The Serpent clenches, around the throat of The Dragon, enticing submission, inviting it to succumb to its tomb.

The Great Hall crumbles beneath the force of the fallen Dragon, the rubble of its hallowed walls pierce the clouds, raining more death upon the Earth as its protector lays defeated in the shadow of The Serpent. The heavens tremble as Odin's fury increases, beckoning to his right hand for an even fiercer attack.

The Serpent descends into the pit created by the vanquished Hall, searching once again for Odin, amidst the chaos. Soon following into the pit comes The Giant, Odin’s closest known associate. The Serpent retracts, reducing His stature to a miniscule size. Weaving in and out, up and down, around the towering figure, swiftly, following a distinct pattern, as if assembling something in which to trap The Giant. The Serpent regains form, atop the completed complex. Four sided, roofed, all encompassing: The Cell. The Giant roars with fury as he launches a clubbing fist through the roof of the entrapment. The Serpent waits atop The Cell as The Giant slowly climbs out. The Serpent entices The Giant, slithering swiftly so as to not be lost from the towering figure’s sight. As The Giant lunges toward The Serpent, he is intercepted by The Beast, the red of his eyes glowing, effervescent amidst the passion of war. As was once before, The Giant is heaved from atop The Cell by The Beast. Plummeting through the clouds, toward the Earth, The Giant is overcome by a sense of failure. As The Giant’s frame comes to an abrupt thud, the Earth rocks under the force of the fallen guard as The Serpent calls out to Odin.

Behold, your people flee their homes. The sun sinks deeper into blackness as your world begins to sink into the sea. The stars vanish from the sky, as the steam rises toward us. The flames of injustice surge to meet the skies, caressing the heavens, carrying the message of liberation. Stand in opposition and be shown no mercy or submit your throne and live to witness the insurrection firsthand. Upright or upon bended knee, oh god-King, your redemption is at hand.

The armies push forward once more, swarming The Serpent and The Beast as Odin gazes on from a distance. One by one, their souls fall upon their golden shields. Laid to waste in the shadow of darkness. Their fight fueled by an unspoken agreement, their opposition possessed by the forces of upheaval. As the armies continue to grow in number, flooding out from the gates which previously held them captive under the oppression of mindless serenity and ambiguous light-heartedness, The Serpent and The Beast are backed by the rising fires.

A crimson mist rises through the clouds, engulfing the vast armies under its morbid blanket. Thousands fall as three look on. When the entirety of the armies have fallen, The Beast is pardoned by The Serpent, left to descend to Earth and culminate the desecration of the masses. The Beast departs with a growl that quivers the air amidst the scorched remains of the previously lush vegetation of the fields of the heavens.

The heavens are barren, and soon shall be the Earth. Two remain to do battle; you fight to avenge the inequities perpetrated upon your world, your Kingdom, your people, your friends. I fight for a new beginning, for an era of darkness as the rightful successor to this time of peace. You seek to retain your glory, to prolong your exaltation, to further your standing as King of the gods. I fight under an empty banner, fueled by hatred, seeking only to prove that even the King of the gods shall kneel at the feet of Death.

The battle was fierce. Had there been anyone left to witness the severity of punishment The Serpent and The King inflicted upon one another, the legends would live on through the annals of time. Yet, there are none. While the outcome was foretold by the elders, none remain to reap the yield of the great battle’s harvest.

As the god-King fell, so too did the Earth. Into the sea, into oblivion, into the nothingness that the gods failed to account for during the creation. The Serpent peered down from the barren heavens upon the vanquished world, and knew that it was good. Destruction had won over stability, desecration over ornamentation. Where once rested the majesty of the Earth, now smoldered the remains of a scorched world as silent screams filled the empty skies where the gods once paraded their bounties.

The Serpent slithered over His prize, Odin’s golden shield. Engraved with the images of a King, forged by the hands of the gods. As He transforms again, so does the shield, withering, yet still shimmering, The Angel of Death wraps the withered shield around his waist. He finally rests, gazing down upon what once was.

It is finished.

The Angel’s words spark the resurrection. The shape of the Earth reemerges from the depths of the sea. An eagle flies through the heavens, the first sign of life. As the Earth emerges anew, its features emanate anything but beauty.

The scars of Death shall adorn the face of the Earth as a symbol of the arrogance of their fallen gods. No gods shall reign over this reborn world. No masters shall suppress those deemed ill-fitted for eternal life. For in this world, life is not an option. No borders shall form, no banners shall be raised. Death shall govern the Earth throughout eternity, and I shall walk in its shadow, not as a King, but as The Redeemer.

A ball of fire erupts beyond The Angel of Death, scorching through the sky in the eagle’s wake. The eagle is consumed by the flames, as the Earth settles into its resting place. Upon the heaven's horizons, a lone beam of sunlight slowly sinks into the darkness.

Behold, the world born anew, where even a god-King shall kneel at the feet of The Redeemer.

The Angel transforms again into The Serpent, His scales towering above the heavens. From the far reaches of the universe, He gazes down upon the slain King, lying motionless amidst the barren wasteland. The King’s corpse levitates to an upright position as The Serpent retracts His head. Staring into the empty eyes of the slain King, adorning the withered shield around His figure, The Serpent lunges His pointed head into the King’s midsection, causing the corpse to bend at the waist and fall upon its knees as the sun's light is vanquished by the abysmal darkness.

Death has become you. Long live The Redeemer.
5:30am Southwest, PR:

A body lays asleep on a bed. And an alarm sounds off. The scene is quick to cut to the person sleeping being up and ready to head out. Brushing his teeth, dressing up and packing a bag. Finally the person is set to leave the house before grabbing a familiar object. The WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. The man, of course the owner of the belt Matt Tastic, drapes it over his shoulder.

"Every day I wake up and realize that all my dreams and desires are gone. Reality stands in front of me. Sure, I'm a World Champion. Yeah, I'm the top star of the pro wrestling world. But deep down, I'm no different than anyone else. I wake up early. I put in long hours of work. I pay the bills. Yeah, I get to see a lot of cool places. Do a lot of cool things. But this isn't something impossible to do. I'm no different from anyone else. Life brings me blessings. And I smile thankfully."

1:30pm O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Ill

We see Matt exit an airport and get on a taxi before driving off in quick succession. He arrives at a hospital before we cut to him greeting patients inside. Their smiles become radiant with joyful smiles as they meet someone willing to come to them in their time of need. He hugs them and shares in the smiling as we see some of the patients and their loved ones share their thoughts.

2:15pm University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Ill

Caretaker: It's so wonderful to see him here. Some of our patients were hoping to see Matt while he was in town for the house show. But because they are interned here, they obviously can't go.

Patient #1:
Woo-Hoo! I got to meet the best wrestler in the world! Thank you!

Loved one: *sniff* It's been hard seeing my boy in bed dealing with his illness. Battling so hard. And to see him today. Bursting with energy when Matt Tastic came in. It brought a smile to my face. He seriously is a kid at heart. And I'm so glad he gave us his time.

Patient #2: You're gonna beat Dorian Slaughter.

Matt: Yes! Yes! Yes!

5:30pm Chicago, Ill

We see Matt exiting the hospital. He waves at the camera filming him as he paces by carrying his bag. We then cut to the arena where WZCW presents a house show. He preps his ring gear, and we cut to the ring.

7:00pm Sears Center, Hoffman Estates, Ill

Copeland: Pop-Up Gutbuster!! Can it be? It is! Headache Driver!! 1! 2! 3!! Matt wins!!

Anderson: Here is your winner, the World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic!!

We see shots of Matt celebrating with the crowd. Then we see both him and Mikey in the ring playing to the fans.

Matt: ♪ We're gonna beat'cha! Oh, fucking Elite! No doubt about it! Our faction rocks! ♪

Mikey: ♪ As far as builds, go! This feud is gold! But at the Gold Rush! We'll blow it off! ♪

Both: ♪ You tried to mess with! The wrong tandem! We're not just any faction! We are Live Mas! ♪

♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪

We cut to the back where Matt and Mikey are seen a sweaty mess. Matt sits on the doctors table backstage as the doctor checks on him after the match he just had.

Well, Matt. Your back is A-OK. It's your right arm I'm worried about. You have a bruise in your triceps which hints at a tear. However it seems to be quite minor and can heal in time easily. That's if you put no strain on it that is.

Matt: What does that mean for ring time, doc?

Doctor: I think some extra padding should be good enough to keep you going. I also have something else to help heal you up.

Matt: What is it?

Doctor: A Z-Pak.

Matt: What?

Doctor: Just kidding.

11:00pm Double Tree Hotel

Matt checks in to the hotel late in the evening. Barely being able to stand up. He is shown his room and as soon as the attendant leaves, he collapses on the bed.

Matt: Finally! Today was fun. But killer.


"To me, the hard work I put in is a testimony to how much I love what I do. How much it means to me to be able to affect the lives of many in such a positive manner. It's about making it all worth while to those around me. Because it's also what makes me happy. That's the meaning of live. To live it. To Live Mas."
The scene re-opens as Matt gets up in his hotel room. He falls out of his bed on to the arm his doctor told him to take care of. Matt bounces up in a mixture of annoyance and pain.

Matt: Jesus! My arm!

After he calms down and gets a hold of his surroundings. He realizes it's his day off now and he's in a hotel in Chicago. He knows absolutely nothing about Chicago. But at the same time, he has very little energy to go out on the town. He hears a knock on the door and turns to the door. He realizes who it is. And the voice confirms it.

Mikey: MATT!!

Matt lets out an exasperated sigh. Not because he's not happy about Mikey coming. But about how fast things are going. More because he's just waking up. He turns to his phone to check the time. It's 12 noon.

Matt: Hang on. I gotta get dressed.

Mikey:Oh, who cares? I'm naked too! Open up!

Matt is grossed out by that statement and then swallows his pride before he opens the door and the scene changes into later in the day. Mikey sits in front of the TV playing games..... Fully clothed. As Matt has drifted off into roaming the room, thinking. He saunters by the World Heavyweight Championship. Which he defends in a few days against Dorian Slaughter. His thoughts range between the match itself and the man he's facing. The story of his life. Even after The Elite are gone, he fights them. It's quite angering that he can't escape it. On the other hand is the fact that he actually has a big advantage heading into his match. Whether it's voted for Lucha Rules or a Street Fight, Matt has big experience with both choices. But how do you approach such a morbid man like Dorian Slaughter? How do you get over a man who does nothing but profess the end of life? Something inescapable to everyone?

Matt: Hey Mikey. You happy about life?

Mikey: What?

Matt: Are you happy about your life? What you do with it.

Mikey: Well, yeah. Livin' the dream and spreading Live Mas and all that. Why?

Matt: How do you feel about one day dying if you don't mind me asking?

Mikey: We all grow old, man. It happens. I'll be honest though. If I die, I would not be bummed. I mean just look at us. We work making people happy. We fly all over the world. We wrestle for titles and stuff. And we play videogames with our best friends almost every time we're off. It's a wonderful life we live.

Matt reflects on Mikey's enthusiastic words and continues to pace the room. He grabs the World title as he goes along.

Matt: OK. What if it were the end of all life. If something ended it all not just for you. But for your loved ones. For everyone. How would you feel?

Mikey: Hm. I don't know. Matt, maybe you worry too much about Dorian's babble. Something bad happened to him and he just hasn't been able to get over it. Sad to say, really. But hey, if a meteor were to fly by and kill us all, you know what, so be it. We die. It happens. But you know what I got to do before I died? Live an awesome life. Do some awesome things. And have some awesome friends. Bad times come. But... Actually, you know what just came to my mind?

Matt: What?

Mikey: Lion King.

Matt: Lion King?

Mikey: Yeah. The Circle Of Life, Matt. Mufasa reigns. Then he dies. Scar takes over and Simba falls into depression. But Timon and Pumba teach him a lesson and he eventually defeats Scar. Bad times don't last. What was that phrase that Timon and Pumba taught Simba? See? I can dig into mythologies too.

Matt: Oh no. Disney is where you're giving me advice from?

Mikey: Oh, come on. We've done this before. It was.... It was.... Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase.

Matt: No.

Mikey: Hakuna Matata. Ain't no passing craze.

Matt: Dammit, Mikey. I said no.

Mikey: It means "No Worries". For the rest of your days.

Matt: *sigh* It's our problem free....

Mikey: Philosophy!


Mikey: See?

Matt: Shut up. I guess I am too worried about that Ragnarok nonsense Dorian keeps spewing out. I should focus on the actual match. So tell me, Mikey. What secret strategies can you give me to get the better of hi-Oh wait!

Mikey: Oh fuck off, Matt. One day. One day, it's gonna be me being the top guy and I'll be cracking jokes at your expense.

Matt: I look forward to it someday, bro. Now lets enjoy the day. And the week. Before we head to China.

Mikey: Oh, I can't wait to have some sushi.

That's Japanese.

Chicken Pad Thai then.


The scene cuts off. The days pass and the time has finally arrived. It's fight time from Beijing, China. The fans will choose what match Matt and Dorian will face off in for the World Heavyweight Championship. The greatest prize in pro wrestling. Dorian focuses on the end of the world. But Matt focuses on proving his excellence in the ring. Dorian winning will not signify the end of the world. It will not change anything. The fate of a sporting prize does not dictate the fate of all living things. It does however shape the lives of 2 men and defines what Sports Entertainment is all about.

Matt stands by an interview set. Ready to go. World title at hand. Motivated and ready. The World Champion is set.

Leon Kensworth: Matt Tastic, tonight is the big night. Dorian laid you out several weeks ago leaving you unable to compete at Ascension 92. He's been on a path of rage since his debut and won the Gold Rush tournament to get this spot. But you're 100% tonight as you defend the World Heavyweight Championship against him. Any final words toward Dorian Slaughter?


And so the time has arrived. Will the Circle of Life turn? And to who's favor will it spin? Only time will tell. One thing's for certain. Whether we are alive or not tomorrow. No one can ever take away what you've done during your life. Live it. Live Mas.
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