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Reviving TNA's Tag Division

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Dark Match Winner
Lately, I get the feeling that the TNA tag team division has been somewhat lacking. It seems that this division of TNA is on the backburner when it comes to the storylines. AJ and Tomko are the champions but, they seem to be stuck in the Kurt Angle storyline. I was wondering what suggestions could be made to revive the ailing tag team division in TNA?
My suggestions for potential tag teams include some of the following:
I would bring back Abyss and Judas Mesias as tag team partners. Both are superstars with established fan bases. Both men have decent skills in the ring. Both men are not afraid to take chances in the ring. They both appear intimidating. I wouldn't stress their return as monsters but as maniacal and masochists. I would just explain their allegiance as "blood is thicker than water" and not stress their relationship as "brothers". I would stress that they are not interested in gold but bloodshed and pain. I would show why they are intimidating through promos and backstage shots showing them in action spreading fear and pain.
Another possible tag team partnership would be Booker T tagged up with Shad Gaspard (formerly of Cryme Time in WWE). I think signing him would be a great asset to TNA due to his size alone. I think tagging him with Booker would be interesting. They are both big men with fast skills. Drop Sharmell from the mix and let them promote themselves.
I like Robert Roode and James Storm together too. It is strange mix but it has been done in the past and works well. I saw them working together at a live taping and they seemed to work well together.
Regardless of tagging up any these guys, they could still be used in stoylines as singles. Their tag team partners could get involved in their single competition matches and make more storylines there.
I would also like to see more tournament style matches with the tag team divisions. Even if it was for some annual trophy or a medal rather than a championship belt. There would be less storyline needed in a tournament setting and would make interesting viewing to see who moves into what brackets. Some of the tournaments could be decided by lottery or drawing names instead of storyline.
What are some of your suggestions for reviving the tag team division in TNA? Who would you like to see together as tag team partners in TNA?
Maybe they shouldn't push stupid tag teams like Curry Man and Shark Boy. We know they aren't going to get the title and their gimmicks are pretty lame.

Styles & Tomko shouldn't hold the title, but still be a tag-team. LAX, Motor City Machine Guns, and (maybe) Rock & Rave infection should be competing for the title because Styles and Tomko can be used as Main Eventers while LAX, MCMG, and R&R usually compete in tag-team matches and can put on a good show.

Bottom line: Don't push dumb tag teams and don't have Styles and Tomko hold the belt.
I think when TNA gave the tag belts to AJ and Tomko they destroyed the tag division, I understand why TNA gave them the belts ans thats because Kurt was the World champion and he has the Angle Alliance and so you want people to put with him that look great and what better than the tag champs? But they have held the titles for too long and dont defend them, they dont need the belts to ebstablished as main eventers. I say give the belts back to the tag division and to LAX. I think even Team 3D could do with competing for them again. I do think the tag division has gone down hill, but at least it can be fixed unlike WWE's!
And the thing is, AJ and Tomko have defeated most of the tag teams in TNA. They beat LAX, The Steiner Brothers, VKM have broken up, Rock n' Rave are currently feuding with LAX (I think).

The only tag team left is the MCMG, but since Shelley is disliked backstage, it seems unlikely the team may be getting any TNA gold for a while.

And also, Teamd 3D and Styles n' Tomko are the only tag teams really getting a push atm. The rest of the tag teams seem to be on a weird run of winning one week, then getting beaten down the next, not really going anywhere. I mean, what have LAX done since losing the titles to Team 3D? Nothing.
So I got a couple weird ones but I agree a change needs to be made. For starters I would start the titles on LAX, thats fine. I'm an AJ mark so I'll redundantly state he needs to be in the main event. Tomko should team with Hoyt. I know weird mix but don't you think that two big guys with a dominant figure kinda push would work. Which leaves us with Jimmy Rave who I feel should be combined with Kaz, I like turning Rave face even though he has proven to be able to sell as a heel in ROH. I like the mix of Scott and Petey, as well as you need to leave 3D alone. Then you let Abyss stay with Sting upon both returns. Booker needs to be left to singles, while MCMG need to break and rival over the X belt. Sharkboy fired with Curryman rebecoming Daniels and teaming with Matt Morgan. Another pairing out of no where but two styles that will mesh. O and Storm needs a tag partner but who should fill this is a question cause I can't think of anyone cause Roode is a singles wrestler plain and simple. I would need to bring someone in, and I wish they didn't mess up with Aries cause he would have been perfect as his current persona to team with Storm but no they had to make him the Austin Starr. Also another option is to team him with Eric Young as either the drunken fools or a face team and have Storm drop the beard and bad guy persona, but for this I will go with ideal and have him with Aries. I think that is enough teams and enough meshes to form some great long storylines.

Also: Try to bring in Briscoes, and out of left field give Teddy Hart another shot with Jack Evans as a partner, I know not realistic but I would want to see it
TNA is not using Team 3D good at all, they need to hold the title beltsagain. WEhat should happen is team 3D turn on Tomko and Styles at the next PPV. This would set up a TNA tag title match between AJ & Tomko vs. LAX vs. Team 3D. LAX does not impress me very much and has ruined Shelley Martinez. She is a beautiful woman but she is looking a street walker with her current gimmick. As far as Tomko and AJ go, them 2 need to feud sometime. Tomko just seems like he is stale as he was in the WWE though. Whern TNA changed their mind and kept him heel it looks like he lost some momentum. Team 3d are meant to hold the tag titles and dominate uintil there contract is up with TNA before they go back to WWE for one last run at the WWE tag titles.
I like Tomko and Styles as champs just need a team to feud with. i can see team 3D doing that at lockdown or a week after blaming them for a lose or saying they was the ones holding the team together and they better than the champs.i dont think people need to be put together just to make a tag team wwe like doing that tna be copying wwe for a while now.i would like to see a tournament for a tag team title shot.
Who would you like to see together as tag team partners in TNA?

Now that's the problem right there, people being thrown together as a tag team instead of a true tag team. Who are the true tag teams in TNA right now MCMG (though at some point Shelley will need to go singles), 3D and LAX, that's it. You could argue VKM if the weren't feuding but they just can't seem to hold any interest. Styles and Tomko are not a true tag team and I feel like Hoyt and Rave are just thrown together (I think that if Rave were on his own he could be a great heel). Like other have said, CurryMan and SharkBoy are just for comedy.

I think in order to have a true tag division you need maybe 5 or 6 tag teams. So I think we have 3 teams and we need 3 more. I don't know what's holding TNA up from brining in the Briscoes. I actually think that Cryme Tyme could be interesting as well if they played more serious and less comedic.
Wow, this thread is like noob central....

Lately, I get the feeling that the TNA tag team division has been somewhat lacking. It seems that this division of TNA is on the backburner when it comes to the storylines.
You mean besides the recent Team 3D vs. X-Division tag team storylines which usually took up a quarter of the show?

AJ and Tomko are the champions but, they seem to be stuck in the Kurt Angle storyline. I was wondering what suggestions could be made to revive the ailing tag team division in TNA?
Which is good, because it prominently displays the tag team champions with the TNA champion.

My suggestions for potential tag teams include some of the following:
I would bring back Abyss and Judas Mesias as tag team partners. Both are superstars with established fan bases. Both men have decent skills in the ring. Both men are not afraid to take chances in the ring. They both appear intimidating. I wouldn't stress their return as monsters but as maniacal and masochists. I would just explain their allegiance as "blood is thicker than water" and not stress their relationship as "brothers". I would stress that they are not interested in gold but bloodshed and pain. I would show why they are intimidating through promos and backstage shots showing them in action spreading fear and pain.
I'm not even going to take the time to explain why this idea is so stupid.

Another possible tag team partnership would be Booker T tagged up with Shad Gaspard (formerly of Cryme Time in WWE). I think signing him would be a great asset to TNA due to his size alone. I think tagging him with Booker would be interesting. They are both big men with fast skills. Drop Sharmell from the mix and let them promote themselves.
You want to take a main-eventer, and one of the biggest draws TNA has, and make him a tag-team worker?
I like Robert Roode and James Storm together too. It is strange mix but it has been done in the past and works well. I saw them working together at a live taping and they seemed to work well together.
Both of those guys are ready for singles careers, and the money is in the singles division, not the tag division.
I would also like to see more tournament style matches with the tag team divisions. Even if it was for some annual trophy or a medal rather than a championship belt. There would be less storyline needed in a tournament setting and would make interesting viewing to see who moves into what brackets. Some of the tournaments could be decided by lottery or drawing names instead of storyline.
Tag Team Tournaments are completely boring and uninteresting. Look at WCW Starrcade 1990.
What are some of your suggestions for reviving the tag team division in TNA? Who would you like to see together as tag team partners in TNA?
I see nothing wrong with the TNA Tag Division at all. Plenty of guys have chances to get over, the titles are defended regularly, and the division as a whole has gotten good push.
Maybe they shouldn't push stupid tag teams like Curry Man and Shark Boy. We know they aren't going to get the title and their gimmicks are pretty lame.
What's stupid about Curry Man and Shark Boy?

It amazes me how IWC fans always complain that promotions don't listen to its fans, and then complain when promotions push those guys that get good heat.
i think having the champs involved in a major storyline such as tomko/aj with angle is a bit of a mix. on the upside, it shows that the tag champions are respectable, but the downside is that the title doesnt get defended in a regular storyline.

TNA's has enough tag teams at the minute without trying to pull big names out of other angles such as roode or booker.

as for shark boy and curry man... as a gimmick tag team it works. good pops. i just think the gimmicks themselves are stupid. but reaction shows it works so its gonna still go on.
i dont think its nothing wrong with the tag division only thing i see is
they could add a couple of teams maybe cryme tyme or the briscoe brothers
they will probably have BG james and kip james have new partners in a few months
maybe Johnny Devine and Kip and BG james and elix skipper to try to remake
3 live kru
The tag division i think will became good again, because the teams in tna are good LAX,rock n rave,MCMG,team 3d. You have got some great teams and great matches there. Once they get the belts of aj tomko i hope they would have lax get the belts and fued with 3d again like they did in 06 but this time 3d heels lax faces.
To be honest TNA Tag Team divison is great was winning TNA Tag Team Titles means something in wrestling unlike in the WWE. Hell TNA actually have secondary tag team fueds and don't just have the Tag Champs facing a team of the month concept that the WWE does. TNA may get a lot heat for stupid storylines and shit that don't make sense, but that do have the best Tag Team division in wrestling now. I say to the guys at TNA keep it up, but work in the X-Division as that has just gone to hell. I mean you let Johnny Devine hold the belt. Pull a WWE move and give the belt to a little person.
I have to agree with you. The secondary storylines with other tag teams do help to keep them fresh for when it's time to push them into the main picture, unlike when WWE just rotates teams against the champs. TNA does get alot of criticism for their secondary storylines, but they serve a purpose and actually help more in the long run to develop both wrestlers and teams for pushes.
I would love see LAX get another title run those two with the titles were great. Tomko and AJ haven't even defended there titles latley and it seems as if there tag titles are all but forgotten. LAX with the titles is my choice maybe give Matt Morgan a partner and have them fued with LAX. MCMG's as well although small there speed and agility make them hard to beat. TNA's tag division is pretty stacked right now.
they need to make the motor city machine guns actually win more...besides a win with LAX last week, they haven't really won any matches since the whole team 3D Xdivision thing, and that really annoys me because i think they are one of the best teams.....they are good on the mic and are pretty entertaining in the ring.
Joe holding the titles by himself makes no sense. I hated that. It's Tag Team not a single's title.

I'm surprise they haven't put the belts on VKM, they'd give them credibility when people look back 10 years from now. Plus whoever they lost them to would really boost them. They also didn't put them on the Steiners which is a shame. Two great teams to have held the belts but instead they had it on just Samoa Joe.
I gotta say I was really hopefull after Lockdown for the tag team division, LAX being number 1 contenders, then Tomko and Styles lose the belts/don't. Mr Cornette sets up a bum-rush tournament (or something similairly named) which seems great, give all TNA's tag teams a chance to shine on impact, great idea. Then MCMG lose to Rhino and Cage, OH COME ON, ARE THEY GONNA PUT THE STRAPS ON CAGE AND RHINO? no, they won't. Plus the REAL tag teams have to win matches to face some randomly drawn together teams.

Why does TNA feel the need to overcomplicate everything, stop with the damn gimmicks- just give us 4 great tag teams, LAX, MCMG, 3D and Tomko in a mini-tournament or let them all fight it out in an 8 man Ultimate X at a PPV since you love clusterf*** matches with overfilled rings so much.

Come on TNA your ideas aren't bad, your PPV's are well pulled off (if overbooked) and your TV is getting better, just give the fans some real wrestling without the gimmicks once in a while?

It can't just be me, Holla if you hear me?!!?!
TNA's Tag Team Division has gone the way of the X Division in that it was an area the company did well in and did better in than the WWE but have unfortunately let decline over the years in favor of devoting the majority of attention to major talent signings.

Black Reign is a horrible gimmick and Dustin Runnels is several years past his prime so he should be released immediately,keep Rellik though but dump the gimmick and call him Johnny Stamboli again and bring in Big Vito so we have the Marmalukes in TNA.

I might not like them but Team 3D are over so there's no point getting rid of them but they really should lose some weight and get back into shape.

MCMG have a lot of potential but I don't think TNA will ever capatalise on it,if they did though I'd put the tag belts on them and have them feud with LAX over the course of 6 months with the teams having a double turn in the middle (heel to face and vice versa),I feel both teams can play either role effectively.

AJ and Tomko obviously wasn't intended as a long term combination and nor should it be,AJ is much more use to the company as a future challenger for Joe and Tomko needs to go back to his tweener character who didn't need or want allies.

I think that Basham and Damaja should be brought back because they were a talented combination in the WWE but never got going in TNA (partly due to working with the long past it VKM).

Also it would be interesting to see TNA polish some WWE rejects into decent workers by putting them in tag teams,say hire Chris Masters and make him the newest protoge of Scott Steiner by putting him with Petey Williams in a tag team.
I don't see any problems with the tag division.

They have plenty of really capable teams to throw around out there.

They need to get the belts off Tomko and AJ as they have had them for a while and variety is always good and then they will be in business
I think the tag division is just like TNA as a whole, incredibley talented but not used well. AJ and Tomko are a good team but they dont ever defend and instead help out Angle at all times, whenever they do defend it's on Impact and they embarress a random team. LAX have won two title shots in major matches at PPVs only to get their shot on Impact and not win, at least give them a PPV shot! LAX are popular with the fans and one of the only true teams but for some reason TNA get cold feet after they begin to push them.

MCMG are incredible in the ring, they use tag team combinations i'd never think of in a million years and the fans love them, TNA management need to get over their issues with Shelley and let the team have a push, i mean if he is worrying too much about the IWC and doesnt want to blade, sit him down and give him some harsh words, dont destroy his team. I think we all know one of them will win the X-Division title eventually (Sabin) and the other will get jealous (Shelley) and they will feud.

Rock'n Rave... well, i like Lance Hoyt but there has never been a storyline for him and Rave can work but isnt marketable as an individual in my opinion so i see them in a constant rut, never getting above a certain level but important to use in feuds with other teams.

Black Reign & Rellik - I personally hate the Black Reign gimmick, Rhodes is so past it it is no longer funny and watching him in the ring makes ME feel embarressed for him. Rellik is great though and i think he could strike out as a singles star, but Reign can just leave.

Kaz & Eric Young - just something about EY i never liked and when you add in this stupid Super Eric concept, i think it is sandbagging Kaz and preventing him from becoming a big star in the company.

Petey Williams & Scott Steiner - Well Petey is about to win the X-Division title and Steiner is returning to the main event, so, surely they can't continue to team together.

Shark Boy & Curry-Man - I am genuinely calling for any fans of these two to explain to me why you like them. Shark Boy being Austin made me smile and i stress smile rather than laugh, the first time but now i just see a bad wrestler milking something for more than it is worth, i personally think the man is a joke. Curry-Man is just beyond weird and is a waste of a damn good wrestler, remove the mask, return to singles action.

and finally....

Team 3D - Why in the name of christ are they being used as they are? I personally liked the concept of them trying to destroy the X-Division but i feel it lasted too long. Then you put them in a weight-gimmick and it sucked but i think they made the most of it, made it funny, which is a testement to them to be honest. Then from there you go to a feud where they job to Curry-Man and Shark Boy?!?! COME ON!!! No disrespect to Daniels but the Curry-Man gimmick is horrible and Shark Boy doesnt deserve to lace the boots of Team 3D. Then they get to be members of Team Tomko for no apparent reason which is good i guess as it puts them in main event level and now they want to feud with Rhino and Cage... I just dont see why they have been in the company for two years, are possibly the best team ever, well, in terms of success, and have only held the belts once for a mere few months, losing to Angle and Joe and then just being ruined as a team.

I think TNA just needs to let the tag teams be the tag teams, the X-Division be the X-Division, the mid-card the mid-card and the main eventers the main eventers. They are trying to meddle with it and add in gimmicks and flair such as Shark Boy when to be honest i think the fans just want to see true tag teams who use exciting combinations, they want to see X-Division stars who move around the ring at speed with plenty of counter-wrestling, they want to see the main events hit their big moves, i honestly dont think people want to see comedy and gimmicks.

The thing that attracted me to TNA is they let their wrestlers do things you dont see in WWE. WWE matches follow a blueprint and you rarely see new moves and counters, whereas TNA has incredible sequences in virtually every match. That alone gets me to tune in but they are reducing the amount of wrestling on a weekly basis in favour of Karen Angle saying she hates Kurt again. Just let your wrestlers call their matches, book them into feuds based on wrestling and elevate some new stars, that will do fine.
Yeah TNA wil do like they did with joe give the right people the titles when there popularity is at an all time low and personally i wud love to see mcmg against lax for tag titles dream match or what but its just not gna happen they keeping jobbing great tag team typical russo aint it
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