Reviews: Your opinion needed

What shall I review?

  • FIFA World Cup Preview

  • LoZ: OoT

  • Pokémon

  • Dr. Who

  • Film

  • Other (please state)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Right guys, recently I've been wanting to get into starting a series of youtube reviews about things, whether it's books, films, games, events, etc. Basically kind of me voicing my views as I enjoy listening to them on youtube and wanted to do something myself as people know that I like to speak my opinion at times.

So I've got my mic, now I just need something to start on. These are some subjects I've considered doing, but always welcome to hear other areas/items to try (and no not Super Mario Galaxy 2, it hasn't come out yet here). I'm going to try and avoid wrestling PPVs as I see that as KB's area, but might venture there.

These are the reviews I've considered doing:
- Preview of the FIFA World Cup - mainly on England team and likely winners
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (only just played it for the first time)
- Pokémon (HeartGold and the 5th Generation games)
- Recent episode of Doctor Who
- A new film that's come out (name one and I'll try and go see it)

Your two cents please to help with mine.

Thank you!
Of those you listed I would really only bother watching Preview of the FIFA World Cup.

You should review WZCW matches.

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