Reverse a Title Change


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If you could undo a title change in professional wrestling history, which one would it be? Why would you change it? What do you think would be different as a result?

I would undo the Montreal Screwjob. While it did launch the attitude era and solidify the Mr. McMahon character, it also put a blemish on Shawn Michael's career for a decade and cost the WWE fans Bret Hart. Maybe he still would have left for WCW, but he would have left on far better terms than he did, may have been far more willing to return to a WWE ring after the demise of WCW, and may not have had such a big heartache over the death of Owen.

The screwjob also took a legit title change away from Shawn Michaels. Everybody focuses on the events of the screwjob, but nobody thinks of Shawn's title reign as a result quite so much.
Based on your pic IC25, you might not agree with this, but I don't feel that Jericho should have been the first undisputed champion after the invasion angle. I feel that the Rock, Stone Cold, and Angle were all better choices. Jericho is good, but I personally feel that he is not, and never will be because of how Hunter feels, on the same level as the other 3. SCSA and the Rock two of the best to ever come through WWE, and Kurt Angle, although now with TNA, fits the mold as one of the best also. IMO, Jericho is not in that same company. HHH will continue to hold him down, but Angle, Rock, and Austin will all live on forever as all time greats. Jericho is good, but should not have been the first ever undisputed champ.
There are several I can think of, but number one would be the Fingerpoke of Doom. Never has there been a single match that changed the course of a company more than this one. Had this pathetic thing never happened, WCW could still have a prayer of being around today. There was no way that this was what the creative team really wanted and it was pure politics. It was awful in every sense of the word. If nothing else, have a real match on a pay per view. Hogan vs. Nash was the one big PPV match WCW never did when they were at the tops of their games, but this whole match and title change was a complete joke. I'd change it to, if nothing else, Nash keeps the belt for awhile, or the match never takes place at all. Let Nash keep the belt, hold it for a good 6-7 months, then have Goldberg or someone else be built up as an unstoppable force to face off with Nash in a mega match. Could've worked, anything would've been better than what happened.
I'd overturn and replace Triple H. being stripped/losing the Championship during his Triple Threat match with Edge & Chris Benoit.

The original outcome was just an excuse to have an Elimination Chamber match, and to give Triple H. his 10th Championship reign. Outside of that, its just as pointless as the W.W.E.'s present day mistake with stripping the Undertaker of the Championship, only for him to (assumably) win it back shortly.
1. Chavo Guerrero - ECW Championship
You could argue that it was done to try to get over Edge's stable, but did it really? Chavo has been an outsider to the group the whole time. On top of it, though, it devalued the ECW title by a lot. I mean, he's freaking Chavo Guerrero...this guy is totally undeserving of a belt other than Tag or Cruiserweight. They should've had Shelton be the one to knock the belt off Punk.

2. Hulk Hogan - WWE Championship (Wrestlemania IX)
I've always felt that that was just a slap in the face. Bret loses the belt to Yokozuna, who is beaten right afterwards by Hogan, who eventually drops it back to Yoko, who drops it to Bret at the next WrestleMania. If they really wanted Hogan to be a transitional champ in that year long span between WrestleManias, they could've had him win it at Summerslam or King of the Ring (when he dropped it) and then lose to Yokozuna afterwards at some point...Survivor Series, maybe, if he had won it at Summerslam.

3. Santino Marella - Intercontinental Championship
Despite how I'm a fan of him now due to his mic skills, he still doesn't have the necessary in-ring talent to warrant the IC title...especially under the kayfabe storyline of being a nobody from the crowd. When this happened, I was so annoyed, and kept being annoyed until he lost it because he was being shoehorned into horrible feuds.
well besides the 97 Screw Job, and the WM9 main event, the one title change i never wished had happened is Hornswoggle winning the cruiserweight championship. If horny never won it, it would still be a legit championship. If they wanted to take a belt off of smackdown, the could have moved the belt to ECW, and make it like the X Division in TNA is. Kofi Kingston could be fighting over the cruiserweight title right now with shelton Benjamin. cruiser weights on ECW would make the show a lot more interesting, and let smackdown have the big boys instead. Unfortunately Hornswoggle was given the title, and now the CWT has fallen into retirement.
I'm gonna have to go with David Arquette winning the world heavyweight title.
I can't really think of one good reason why he should have been nominated to carry the belt in the first place. I don't think i really have to argue why this was a bad idea except even David Arquette himself said he didn't want it because it was going to tarnish the rep of the title. Next to that.....finger poke of doom. hands down IMO
Top of my head, without really thinking about it. I'd change Triple H's title reign from No Mercy. It did nothing but make Triple H look dominant and Orton look weak. Nobody can deny it. They started the show by giving Orton the belt, he then loses. The new champ then fights this big monster heel and get's injured in the process, he then loses in a heavily gimmicked match at the end of the show, losing to the man he beat 2 hours earlier. It was noting other than a public massage of Triple H's ego. The end result was that the person who ended the show as champ looked inferior.

It should have been one match for the interim WWE Championship. Cena held the title for over a year, he then doesn't put anybody over with it. It was pointless. Have an interim champ while he's out. When he's back they face off to decide the undisputed champ. It's a bit UFC, but what is currently more popular?

I could probably think up a better title reign to change, it's just the first one that sprung to mind.
Damn, Jake, that was the one I was trying to think of lol. In the back of my mind when I was making my post, I kept thinking "I'm forgetting something huge...what was it?" but I was convinced that my mind was just playing tricks on me.

I totally agree with what you said, though, so there's no use in me editing my post. They made Orton look like a fool and HHH, once again, to look like a god amongst men. All that ended up happening because of that was to boost the number up to 11. They could have just made it a triple threat match (HHH/Umaga/Orton) or a mini-tournament kind of thing. Have "HHH versus Umaga" as planned, with the winner going on to face the winner of "Orton versus (Someone)", and whoever wins that match gets the championship. That way, Orton at least goes through one person before defeating HHH and doesn't look weak in the process.
I'd have to agree with you Irish. As much as what happened at Montreal needed to happen, in my opinion, it's negative effects were a lot worse.

First of all, Bret Hart. I lost a lot of respect for him when he refused to drop the belt, but at the same time, I can appreciate he was a good athlete. He made the WWE a lot of money, and pretty much only went to WCW after McMahon suggested he look to them as Vince could no longer afford him.
This is sad really, as after WCW crumbled, and WWE got stronger, I think Harts return would have been great for the WWE. He was liked by many fans, and wuld have got a big pop entering a WWE ring again. Not to mention the amount of people he could have good feuds with. It's sad we lost a good athlete to something like this, but at the same time it's as much his fault as anyone elses.

As for Shawn Michaels, this did nothing except make him and his reign lose credibility. Unavoidably, he was the one blamed the most due to being the one to actually carry it out. People didn't see this reign as 'real' due to the fact he 'cheated' to get the belt in the first place. It tarnished a scarce reign for Shawn, who really should have had many more.
As much as I agree with the above events, I wanted to add a new one:

I would have never put the World Heavyweight Title on Rey Mysterio on Wrestlemania 22.

Let's face it: Rey is not a main event superstar. At least Eddie had the intelligence to face bigger guys and have a good chance against them. Rey always looked overmatched against any superstar who was 300 lbs. and above. It was very unbelievable having him defeat guys like JBL and Kurt Angle, and he was brutually squashed by Khali and Mark Henry in non-title matches. He had absolutely no chance against any other major superstars, hence why never feuded with them, or even crossed their paths. The only good thing out of it was seeing him defeated by Booker T become World Heavyweight champion.
Id say a title change to have never happened was kane losing to austin the next night

I mean I think that Kane could have been one of the biggest what if champions ever. He was still legitimately a monster, and had his mask. Having him with the title would have led to some more interesting storyline, and could have possibly given the big man a bit more credit then he gets today.
How about the great khali as world champion? That's a title change that I would LOVE to reverse. For obvious reasons go to the great khali sucks thread(there has to be one somewhere) and just think about how a guy with 4 moves, that can't speak english and is sloppier than drunk hobos can always claim himself a former world champ. Sad.
The Montreal Screwjob is a sensitive topic, but I think it was one of the most important title changes in history. I wouldn't undo it. It basically set the stage for the Austin/Attitude Era by establishing McMahon and Michaels as the greatest heels of the time. Thus when Austin, the biggest babyface feuded with them, it only made him shine.

I agree with the above 3 posters. As soon as I saw this thread, Rey Mysterio, Kane, and Khali came to my mind.

Rey Mysterio should never have been champion. He always looked like a small child against just about anyone. It's ridiculous that he beat guys like Randy Orton, JBL and Kurt Angle. I hate to say it, but just because his best friend died doesn't mean he suddenly deserved a push.

Kane's one day reign made him look incredibly weak. Kane was in his prime during this era. He was THE monster heel of the time and he would have played a great threat to Austin. Even the way Kane won the title was lame. It took assistance from Mankind and Undertaker for Kane to win. Way to make a monster heel look utterly weak.

Khali's reign as champion was simply stupid. The guy can barely move and speak english. It's disgusting that someone who can't cut a promo nor wrestle could call themselves a former WHC.
I can't think of a big one right now but right off of the top of my head I would say that I would reverse the Decision to give Vince Russo the WCW WHC.

People talk about how it was an utter disgrace to give the belt to David Arquette, What about giving it to Russo simply because he was on the creative team?

That one title reign put a huge blemish on the belt (well maybe for a week because most fans have VERY short memories and completely forgot this had happened) and should have never taken place.
Ok i am canadian threw and threw but people get over the montreal screwjob.. I mean god hbk did what he was asked to by a businessman its business bret has to get over it and so does evryone else. it could have been handled better yes but it had to happen bret was being selfish.

one title i would change would have to be hardcore and rodes .. i mean they barely defend and are not a sell.. they need to loose them quickly they are dragging down the tag titles
one title i would change would have to be hardcore and rodes .. i mean they barely defend and are not a sell.. they need to loose them quickly they are dragging down the tag titles

The tag titles are already worth nothing and had been dragged down years ago, so you don't have anything to worry about.

I saw them win the title in person at the 15th anniversary special and when it happened I thought this would be a great way to build up Cody Rhodes. I still think that.

Since they won Cody Has been getting significantly more coverage and mic time. While it is not defended often and they don't get time on tv every week I think it is still being done well enough to build Rhodes up to be a future star.
Another one I can think of is Yokozunas first reign. The point of it is lost on me. Probably because it lasted but a few minutes, and made him and Bret Hart look like shit. If Hogan wanted the title then they should have booked him in the main event. I don't know the ins and outs of it. But what I do know is that Bret Hart couldn't defeat Yokozun, but Hogan did in 20 seconds. I also know that Yokozuna was a new uber-heel, and Hogan defeated him easily. Just cut out the middle man. Hart/Hogan would have worked just fine.
I'm honestly not sure on the issue of the Screwjob, it was SOOOOO important to the business and so many great things come from it, but at the same time it tarnished WWE and so many people's views of Vince McMahon (the person not the character).

As for Shawn Michaels, this did nothing except make him and his reign lose credibility. Unavoidably, he was the one blamed the most due to being the one to actually carry it out. People didn't see this reign as 'real' due to the fact he 'cheated' to get the belt in the first place. It tarnished a scarce reign for Shawn, who really should have had many more.

Now while I agree with most of the above, Shawn himself stated that he felt closer to Vince after doing the Screwjob, and it was a bond that undoubtabley helped keep Shawn in Vince's favour, so overall I think it balances things out, at least for HBK!

As for Title change I'd undo I have to go with Edge. When he lost the WWE Title to Cena and the belt went back and forth after his M.I.T.B cashing in I was furious, he should have held that belt for a good 8 months to solidify him as a top heel, but he had to work really hard in that fued to come out looking legit!
As much as I agree with the above events, I wanted to add a new one:

I would have never put the World Heavyweight Title on Rey Mysterio on Wrestlemania 22.

Let's face it: Rey is not a main event superstar. At least Eddie had the intelligence to face bigger guys and have a good chance against them. Rey always looked overmatched against any superstar who was 300 lbs. and above. It was very unbelievable having him defeat guys like JBL and Kurt Angle, and he was brutually squashed by Khali and Mark Henry in non-title matches. He had absolutely no chance against any other major superstars, hence why never feuded with them, or even crossed their paths. The only good thing out of it was seeing him defeated by Booker T become World Heavyweight champion.

I agree, but for different reasons.

No doubt, Rey deserved to be World Champ, as he was prob the best wrestler on SD at the time other than Kurt. However, I feel like his title reign was more about Eddie Guerrero rather than Rey Mysterio. It seemed his reign was more a tribute to the memory of Eddie rather than a tribute to Rey's skills. After Rey won the title, Vickie and Chavo came up to celebrate with him and the camera cut to a picture of Eddie. I don't blame them or anything, but they prob. would not have done that if he had won the title when Eddie was still alive. WWE took advantage of Eddie's death just to make money during this time.
The Montreal Screwjob was an unfortunate event for many, many reasons and a rather bad moment for the image of wrestling, but I don't think I'd ever take it out of history. It turned the tables and brought forth the Mr. McMahon character which was the catalyst to the Attitude era and the success of WWF in the Monday Night wars. If things had gone differently the WWF may not even be around right now.

If I could get rid of any title reigns it would be Vince Russo's lovely work (proof of his great writing, by-the-way) of having David Arquette win the World Heavyweight championship, Vince Russo himself win the championship, and Ohklahoma win the Cruiserweight championship. All were horrible and tarnished any credibility the titles had. Russo single-handedly destroyed the Cruiserweight division in WCW, in my eyes.
The title change I would reverse is the one when Andre the Giant won the belt and gave it to his manager. That is something I would never do. It really doesn't diminsh his legacy but he was never a real world champion. He should have kept the belt and dominated. Let Hogan keep chasing him for the belt until he was ready to retire. That imo was a mistake.
Edge losing the WWE Title to Cena at Unforgiven 06, in his hometown of Toronto, in his specialty match TLC. This was unforgivable, the loss in the TLC in his hometown made Edge look incredibly weak, which is now being followed by the 1 1/2 years of stealing cheap victories after the loss in the TLC. Edge is undoubtedly (with orton) one of the best heels in WWE, but the loss at Unforgiven started a downward spiral for Edge. To lose the title in his hometown, in his specialty match, where there was huge heat from the crowd on Cena was the title change i would most like to reverse. Edge could have gone on to have great feuds with HHH HBK Orton and the list goes on, but instead we got a year long reign from Cena facing people like Umaga and Khali. Stupid title change
I don't know if everyone remembers that raw where jericho pinned triple h for the wwf title. The fan went nuts cuz no one expected jericho to win the title that night. I know it was an angle but instead of reversing the decision cuz triple h threated the referee they should have let jericho have his title run and eventunally lose it to triple h because if they had jericho would have main event two years ever and been better off
The title change I would reverse is the one when Andre the Giant won the belt and gave it to his manager. That is something I would never do. It really doesn't diminsh his legacy but he was never a real world champion. He should have kept the belt and dominated. Let Hogan keep chasing him for the belt until he was ready to retire. That imo was a mistake.

I disagree with this one entirely. Andre the Giant didn't need the championship, it didn't do anything for him and he was far beyond the championship. They were making Ted Dibiase the biggest heel in the WWF at the time, and I think it was absolutely classic and genius to have him buy the championship from Andre the Giant and try to be champion that way, instead of actually winning it. A genius storyline for his character.

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