Revenge rap (if I were John Cena)


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Didn't mind John Cena's promo on "Raw". It had great intensity!

However, since Paul Heyman did a rap on John Cena earlier in the night, I thought that Cena should have done one too.

I have even written a "revenge rap", done to the style of "The Doctor of Thuganomics"

Cena should have come out in his Dr of Thuganomics gear and read this:-

"YO! YO! YO!
Paul Heyman comes out here tonight
and says who the winner of "Summerslam" will be
Well, for Brock Lesnar to beat me
he has to climb down from his tree".

"Heyman makes threats
He says that Lesnar will leave me dead
But this is coming from a guy
Who put ECW in the red"

"Paul Heyman keeps reminding us
That Brock ended the Streak
But I want to hear it from Brock himself
In his voice with a girly squeak".

"Brock Lesnar is scary
He puts everyone in fear
But the one thing Brock is scared of
Is someone mentioning his failed NFL career".

"Paul Heyman is like Dr Frankenstein
And Brock Lesnar is like the monster he made
There is more chance of me beating Brock
Than ECW wrestlers being paid".

"Congratulations, Brock
You finally showed up to work.
But that doesn't impress me.
I still think you're a jerk".

"Paul, you said that you are taking Brock out to dinner.
That's the last thing you should do.
You really need to get thinner".

"But I always wondered about you too.
It shouldn't be a shock.
If after dinner, Paul
you are seeing sucking Lesnar's...."(points mike at crowd to finish

Well, it doesn't scan, it barely rhymes - I wouldn't quit the day job just yet.

"be" and "tree"

"dead" and "red"

"Streak" and "squeak"

"fear" and "career"

"made" and "paid"

"work" and "jerk"

"dinner" and "thinner"

"shock" and ....."

Yeah, no rhyming there! :banghead:
I like it and think it would have been a great rap! I would love for John to bust some more raps on people. Like when he did it to the rock :)

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