Return of the Legend Killer ?


Pre-Show Stalwart
okay so as you all know that randy orton was sent to friday night smackdown in the wwe draft. well i've been thinking , there really isnt a point for randy orton to keep the viper gimmick , when he was apart of the smackdown brand a few years ago he was the legend killer . this could potentially set up a mega fued between randy orton & the undertaker , or maybe even triple h ( if planned out carefully ) . give me your thoughts on this ?
Legend Killer showed a much more charismatic Randy Orton and he's one who I can't hate on no matter how much of a heel he can be. The best way to go back to LK would have been if Austin and him would have a match (rattlesnake vs viper) with Orton winning and claiming his "legend killer" gimmick back as the superior snake. But I really doubt it will ever happen.
An Orton/Undertaker feud wouldn't be so bad. But a Randy Orton/Triple H feud, ugh, I sure hope not. We've seen enough of these two together when they were monopolizing RAW's Main event with John Cena a few years back. It's been done to death. As for the Legend Killer gimmick, I wouldn't mind it one bit if it weren't for the fact that Randy Orton is so damn over. Some may not like it, but Randy's viper gimmick finally put him on top. The gimmick allowed him to stand out from all the other wrestlers who claim they're better than everyone else. I personally think it would be foolish to turn Randy into a heel or change the gimmick when there's nothing wrong with it currently. Let him live out this gimmick for the time being. He's phenomenally over and you should never fix what isn't broken.
or maybe randy orton can call the undertaker out because the undertaker defeated countless legends in wrestlemania matches , even more then him ( randy orton ) . he wants to reclaim his dominance of smackdown , and the one legend that he couldnt get rid of is the undertaker so they have a match at a classic PPV ( besides wrestlemania ) .
There really isn't enough veteran superstars for Orton to want to go back to being "The Legend Killer". I get what you're saying, but in order for him to revert his gimmick there needs to be at least more than one or two superstars in the locker room he could use this character upon. I'm just referring to Smackdown of course.

Not only that, but "The Legend Killer" has pretty much battled every legendary figurehead in WWE. To fight Taker or even Triple H again would just be the same old same old.
randy has already had the legend killer fued with take back in 2005. when he set the coffin a light, won the survivor series match and then got his ass kicked.

odds are the viper gimmick will stay and randy will fued with the core/barret for the WHC. because there's no way that raw will have both titles.
Being the Legend Killer makes no sense for him at this point. Its a great gimmick for an up and coming young talent on a roster full of vets, but that's not the case. Orton is a veteran and a young legend in his own right, if anything it would make more sense for a guy like McGillicuty, Lucky Cannon or even a guy like Seth Rollins to use that style of gimmick now
He was the Legend Killer as a young heal to get over. He attacked Hall of Famers. Now, he's on Smackdown as a face. There are NO LEGENDS for him to "kill" on Smackdown, nor anyone he could attack yet stay face. So no, his Legend Killer gimmick won't be coming back.
I doubt we'll ever see him as the Legend Killer ever again, as has been said already, there aren't any legends on the show who he hasn't killed. And also, as much as I loved the Legend Killer, I just don't find the Randy Orton of today to be as charismatic or as cocky as he was 6-7 years ago. Btw when Randy introduced himself to the Smackdown crowd did any else think, 'Randy Orton, Legend Killer' :)
Here's the problem I have, going back to an already used gimmick and creating new feuds with people he's already feuded to death with, is a major step backwards for him.

I saw someone above me say that Orton should call out Taker for dominance of Smackdown. I have to ask, why? When was the last time we saw Taker do anything but talk on SD? However what Orton could do is step into Taker's role as an anti-hero. I think trying to classify Orton as either a face or a heel would just bring him down instead of elevating him.
Orton should not go back to the Legend Killer because there are no legends left to face who he hasn't already. That gimmick was killed by Hulk Hogan when he beat Randy and refused the rematch that Randy was to win. He needs a new gimmick but not that of a face, Randy as a face is boring, He needs to go heel but 100% twisted worse than he has ever been, worse than kane when he was twisted. send him all the way and have him beat faces to a pulp. Best thing for Randy is put christian in hospital and move on from that rubbish situation they ended up in and start again
While I enjoyed his work and the charisma he oozed as the Legend Killer, there really is no need to change up Orton's gimmick. He's already over with the crowd as it is and his gimmick is fine where it's at. Besides, there really aren't any legends for him to "kill" per se at the moment. Nah, just leave him be for now. Like Hamler pretty much said earlier, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
There's no reason for Orton to become the Legend Killer again. That was a gimmick to get him over, plus he is on the path toward becoming a legend himself someday. He is the face of Smackdown now and that was a heel character, thus it would not make sense. He should remain The Viper because that is a more fitting gimmick of a brand's top face.
i doubt legend killer would return its just the history now. Orton vs undertaker? no, taker can barly wrestle and i dobut he will just to fued with orton. Taker is now a WM guy and thats it and if he has matches than there barly none. VS HHH? No done already and they had there climax fued already.

they should just work on christian fued because right now its gold and its going great, hope it goes for better.
Well it will be stupid to return to the Legend Killer gimmick of him. Randy himself is becoming a legend so they should just use the gimmick on somebody else and maybe have him feud with Randy.
I don't see a point for it. It wouldn't make sense to me simply because there are no real legends right now to take out. Undertaker is probably going to do one more Wrestlemania myach, and HHH is pretty much done. I couldn't find a vaild point for him to go back to The legend Killer.
I don't like to see old gimmick being brought back...

If you ask me if its time for Randy Orton to make something new, I will probably say "Yes", but in my opinion he is very over with the crowd being the ruthless but good Randy Orton!!
I hope he evolves a little bit from "The Viper"... Well he will eventually, but right now he is the most entertaining champion so stay like that..


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