Return of the "American Badass" Undertaker?


Getting Noticed By Management
With the Undertakers "deadman" character being symbolically put to rest at Bragging Rights, and Mark Calloway's recent breaking kayfabe during his confrontation with Brock Lesnar this past weekend, wouldn't this be the perfect time to bring back the biker version of The Undertaker? The American Badass. Why not let the "deadman" incarnation of The Undertaker character rest in peace? Leave the Undertaker off television for a while, then have him brought "back from the dead" so to speak as his biker character. And he should return on RAW not Smackdown.

Why RAW? Well, the seeds for a future rivalry with Nexus have already been planted with their involvement in The Undertaker's loss at Bragging Rights, so if this feud were to happen he would have to move to RAW. The crowd would pop huge if he showed up one night out of the blue on his bike and stormed through all the members of Nexus. Maybe even at Survivor Series to ruin Wade Barret's big moment where he's supposed to win the championship.

But most importantly, is that a potential feud between The Undertaker and Nexus on RAW would be the perfect opportunity for turn John Cena to turn full blown heel and start a program that would culminate at Wrestlemania with Cena facing Undertaker.

If Cena were still a member of Nexus while they're feuding with Undertaker, then at some point Cena and Undertaker would have to have some interaction with each other of some kind. Perhaps while attacking Nexus, Undertaker also inadvertently hits Cena. John takes exception to this and it leads to a staredown, and hopefully to Cena joining in on a Nexus beatdown of the Undertaker and a full fledged heel turn for Cena. Whatever the scenario, the end result would be Cena turning on Undertaker and helping Nexus beat the hell out of him. Cena's motivation would be simple, he's always been the guy to buck tradition. When others wore long hair and tights, he wore jean shorts and a buzz cut. There's no greater tradition in WWE, then Undertaker's mania streak so it would make sense for Cena to want to be the man to end it.

If they still want to do a John Cena heel turn and have him face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, then imo this is the best way for it to go down.
That will not happen. The Deadman character is the most beloved gimmick in WWE history. Fans mark out every time he comes back from hiatus, and they will continue to do so as long as the character is around.

Taker will retire with the Deadman gimmick.
i get the feeling he needs to put the gimmick to rest to break kayfabe when he is inducted into the HOF.

this may be the start

however i dont see him being inducted in atlanta
i got a sneaky suspicion that Undertaker will show up on Raw as Nexus beats down on someone. probably at this point Orton as it seems WWE is going the same root they did with Cena. I would like to see Samckdown be involved whether Undertaker is done with the Kane story or using MVP and Kofi to help Orton fight off Nexus if Cena where to turn.

The Undertake as the Deadman is over just from what we have seen last 3 ppv
truthfully i like the American badass more and a teaming with orton would be awesome right now
This would be an interesting time to change the Undertaker character to the badass again, especially provided that the Biker-Taker gimmick ended with a Buried Alive match as well.

I can understand why it would be a good time in order to change the gimmick, but I think the Deadman character isn't quite stale enough to just be abruptly killed off, and still has the ability to end in glory and fireworks, rather than just in a makeshift grave.
I thought about this possibility too before I saw this forum but ultimately I ruled against it. Unless it is what someone hinted at towards earlier that he would break kayfabe for the hall of the fame and just retire this year after this year's WM. I still don't think I see that happening just because this is literally the last character that will ever be treated as a legitimate character. Vince got annoyed about Taker/McCool wedding photos showed up, what do you think he'd say if someone suggested ending his gimmick?
I don't expect we will see the end of the "Deadman" gimmick and the return of the American Badass, not at this late stage of his career. You would have to think that he's going to call it quits in the next year or two, and I cannot see him retiring and entering the Hall of Fame in any other manner other than as classic Undertaker. He will take his typical late in the year hiatus, making yet another dramatic re-appearance at Royal Rumble, WM27, or somewhere in between the two. And the crowd will love it. Again. Me too. And my son. Another generation of Undertaker fans.

Plus, I don't consider the Undertaker interview and alleged "showdown" with Brock Lesnar as a break in character. As I understand it, he goes to MMA fights all the time and is a huge fan of their product. Personally, I think he was just screwing around with the interviewer, with the fans, and with the IWC. That confrontation with Lesnar meant absolutley nothing. Lesnar's not coming anywhere near a WWE ring anymore, and Taker was just toying with the fans a little.
I don't think I've ever agreed with people on this site more. I think that Taker has 1, MAYBE 2 more runs in him and they're not going to "kill" the dead man gimmick. As has been stated Brock isn't going to be anywhere near a WWE ring ever again(unless he drops a few fights and Dana decides to drop him) and Taker will have his last match ever at WM 28 since he'll be gone for a bit now with the shoulder thing and they'll use him sparsely so he doesn't end up on the DL again before the big finish.
The idea of The Undertaker being the Badass again in 2010 is fairly cringeworthy. This is a topic which seems to come up every few months and really it would be a stupid idea to turn him. Badass Undertaker worked in that era of wrestling a decade ago, but it wouldn't now. Nothing can match the aura he has as the Deadman, and with his career drawing to a close sometime soon, that is a far more fitting gimmick for him to bow out with - the one that has defined his long and illustrious career.
I like the WZ site but they really need to quit acting like there's a chance of a Lesnar/Taker match. Lesnar is under contract and if he even gets in a WWE ring, White would sue his ass. It isn't that White is anti WWE, he has just said in the past he doesn't want people to start thinking the UFC is less real than it is because of an association with a sport that is fake.

As for the bad ass gimmick, it won't happen.

Very few liked that gimmick and it didn't sell the action figures, tshirts, and other shit like the deadman gimmick.

You'll also probably never see Cena as a genuine heel for a similar reason. Of course there will always be the rumors but these wrestling sites, they're like the TMZ/Perez Hilton of wrestling. They toss out theories, allegations, and other fluff to keep things interesting. The only time we get facts is when it's card results.
Well to be honest that's what got me into wrestling. The first match I ever saw was between him vs Brock vs Big Show where he won the right to face McMahon at a buried alive match. It was pretty cool, since he was the first I ever saw win he was an instant favorite and I thought his biker gimmick was cool. Than when he came back as the Deadman I was confused because I didn't know about it. Now, I would really like if it came back for at least a short period of time. Wouldn't mind him seeing retire as a normal person rather than a Deadman. Don't think it will happen, but it would be cool.
I have been begging for American Badass Taker to return, I like it better than The Deadman gimmick of today. The Deadman gimmick has just gotten stale and boring over time. In it's prime, it was exciting, Taker actually looked scary with the gimmick but now he just looks like a fossil & less threatening. And it's weird seeing Taker break kayfabe when he attends UFC shows wearing his American Badass attire and talking normally while he's supposed to play a Deadman on WWE. But I do agree Taker should retire with the Deadman gimmick but as mentioned, he's got at least 2 more years in him and I believe he wants to make it to 20 - 0, so give him one more stint as the American Bad Ass before he retiring him as the Deadman.
While my favorite Undertaker incarnation is that of the Ministry era with the dark occult theme I know it is very unlikely for him to return heel to that persona because of his legend status, I would welcome a return to the American Badass gimmick.

The recent feud with Kane has been well done but the theatrics of it really turned me off a bit with how silly and ridiculous some of it seemed. With MMAs rise in popularity it seems fans want more realism in their characters and feuds and the American Badass is better than deadman in that respect. The American Badass can sell a match with mic work and intimidation better than the deadman character can. Lets say they somehow pull off a Brock /Undertaker match at Mania...I cant see a legit MMA star like Brock feuding with the undead Undertaker and take it seriously. However the badass biker taker who walks out stars down Brock, mouths some shit and starts brawling I can go with.
To be honest, I thought that the wwe was going towards the american bad ass gimmick ever since taker's infamous out of character interview and the whole lesnar thing. However, unless the undertaker changes gimmick for one night only or a very short period (ie ABA for WM against lesnar or for the entire lesnar vs taker feud), the whole bringing paul bearer back would be seen as a waste of time as we all know that bearer only suits the deadman than the ABA undertaker.
To see Undertaker come out on a motorcycle with Rollin' as his theme song would make my day, but it probably won't happen. But I agree with the fact that when he gets put in the Hall of Fame he should be a normal person. The whole Deadman gimmick was cool, but it's been stale for a good year.
Actually alot of people liked the ABA Undertaker...refreshing new take on his character and as great as Deadman persona is, its stale and boring. Taker canjus remain the ABA then rght before he retires comes back as the deadman Undetaker. They can have something happen to him were he changes back to the deadman Taker like before. But for me the ABA Taker was his most fun gimmick for me, 2nd none to the MOD gimmick. He was awesome on the mic talking shit, riding on his motor cycle and kicking ass plus taking names aswell. I hope he does return as the ABA Undertaker for awhile and goes over to RAW to feud with the Nexus and other superstars.
Won't happen. He is famously known as The Deadman, not ABA. And what did his UFC interview have anything to do with this? He did it out of character and it was a shoot not a work.

He'll return as The Deadman and rightfully so.
Damn the OP beat me to it. I was going to make a thread regarding this after I had a discussion with a poster named Cydeez who is unfortunately stuck in prison for the time being. Here are his comments:

I have been thinking about this lately, more than usual. Should The Undertaker return to his more self-like gimmick? "The American Badass" The Biker that rides his motorcycle down to the ring and cuts promos. His billing changes from Death Valley to Houston, Texas.

Big Evil was one of his monikers at a select time. He used this gimmick for about 3 and a half years, starting in 2000. He truly elevated his status as an all time great when he broke out of the Dead Man gimmick of the late 90s. He wore bandanas and showed emotion.

When Taker used this gimmick he became much more talkative. He used many catch phrases and went toe to toe with some of the best ever on the mic... The Rock, Austin, Jericho, Vince etc...

But I must admit... I myself started to grow tired of the gimmick after a few years and started to miss the Dead Man. He returned with that gimmick at Wrestlemania 20 in 2004. He has obviously used that gimmick ever since.

As his career comes to an end. I am now more than ever, starting to miss The Biker gimmick. I would really like it if he would go out cutting promos and being more like his own real life persona.

He is truly underrated on the microphone. He has really had some moments of genius while standing in the ring, and even backstage, with a mic.

His age is also a factor. I think as he gets older, things hurt him a lot more and take its toll. So he shows more emotion and pain on his face. That doesn't really fit with the Dead Man, impervious to pain, no emotion Undertaker.

So, I think with that said. After just being "Buried Alive" by Kane last night. Maybe it is time for a change for The Undertaker. I say yes. Let him go out as himself and put the Dead Man to REST (In Peace)....

And here is my reply to Cydeez:

I agree with you Cydeez and it makes sense from a storyline point of view too.

Taker can come back in this American Badass form of his and say that Kane has finally become the devil's favorite demon. He knows all about the Undertaker and the tricks that the deadman wields. But there is one part of Taker's personality that has always confused Kane, something that Kane could not understand and that is this :The American Badass.

Plus that entrance of his is badass.

But are they going to refer him as American badass or American badbutt? Its the PG era baby.

However most people on this thread have made a valid point that Taker is going to retire soon so it would be best for him to leave as the Deadman. Still please do give our posts a look as well.:)
I Have Always Wanted To See The Return Of The Badass Taker , I Love The Dead Man Gimmick But It Bores Me A Little Bit Know , Id Love That He Vs Brock A Mania And UFC Supestars Come In And Help Lesnar .
The American Bad Ass character is one of my favourite gimmicks of all time, I absolutely loved it when Undertaker returned in the Iron Man match between HHH and The Rock and just went around kicking ass. It made me want a big motorcycle myself haha

Seriously though, I cannot see WWE returning to this character with Taker so close to retirement. It actually WOULD make sense to Undertaker to return as the ABA, having seen the Deadman been "buried alive" by Kane, but I think he will remain as the original Undertaker character until he retires. The Deadman is probably the most legendary gimmick in the history of the business, as as Taker does not have too long left as a regular in-ring competitor, it makes sense to keep him as the Phenom character.
I don't think so. WWE wants UT to retire in the Deadman gimmick so its too little too late to bring up the ABA gimmick again.
lets clear the air on a couple things, Taker is very near the end of his career, i doubt he has more then a year left before his injuries force him to retire. the whole deadman gimmick was great back during the comicbook era of the WWE. but now it seems really out of place. the whole magic urn zombie that's impervious to pain really has no place in todays wrestling product. the same goes for Kane.

I feel when these two retire finally, that will be the last of the true gimmick wrestlers. I think that taker and Kane are kinda grandfather claused in todays WWE product. they were popular for so long, that changing them up this late in the game would be detrimental to the characters that they play, hence less T-shirt sales.

as for the american Badass gimmick, that worked great in the attitude era. but not now, like a few posters before me stated, they dont want the taker to retire as the ABA, so he will go out the deadman. it only makes sense to let him go out the way he came in.

and honestly, I really really doubt we will see Lesnar back in a wrestling ring ever again. he really seems to have distanced himself from wrestling. he tried football...epic fail. he does a lot better in UFC, even though hes not that great of a fighter. he does have a monster ego, and going back to scripted fighting I feel he thinks that its way beneath him.

Let the Undertaker retire as the deadman. its the most logical choice
what are you guys crazy? of course the american badass gimmick would work. actually let me take that back, rather the big evil gimmick he had before he turned back into the deadman would work great. i for one am sick of the deadman gimmick because it really isnt the same gimmick it once was just a watered down version of the real deadman..something that would be cool I know wouldnt happen is if he came out like he does now, but on a black motorcycle, I think that would be sick! but of course he should retire as the deadman, theres no other way
To words for you: Fuck that. The introduction of the "Badass" character was really unfortunate for me, and it destroyed a lot of the mystique that he had built up over the past ten years. It didn't refresh anything; it just made an indestructible icon look human and it seemed like they just had no idea where to go. On the heels of his Ministry persona, we had an evil, Satanic priest turn into a biker practically overnight, which never made the least bit of sense, even in WWE terms. Given that the gimmick embodied a part of Calloway's personal life, I'm sure it meant something to him, but it just never worked for me.

The change also came about after a hiatus, not a loss in a supposedly "final" manner like buried alive. The reason for coming back as "The Deadman" after losing the previous buried alive match was that it was symbolic of having "died" and having to rely on supernatural powers to come back. Last night we saw a "funeral ceremony" and footage of him apparently walking into the afterlife. I don't see it as likely that they have him return with a complete change of character.

He will retire with the "Deadman" gimmick, and probably sooner rather than later, going out on a high and nostalgic note. Sure, he'd likely break kayfabe for a HOF induction, but people usually don't get inducted into a HOF while recently active, due to possible changes of heart, etc. The exceptions are for lifers in a non-competitive role, such as commentators. I'd wager that there would be a bit of distance between his last match and the induction, and it certainly wouldn't happen as soon as this year, as someone mentioned.
If anything I like if he returned to the ministry ofdarkness Undertaker but I know that gimmick will not work in the WWE PG Era. But that was his bestpersona as the deadman and his best time also in the WWE. He was o the top of his game during that era whe he had that gimmick.

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