Retro City Rampage: quite possibly the most amazing game I've ever seen

Pepe Silvia

Occasional Pre-Show

I want to play TMNT so fucking bad, just because of the music in the intro to that video. Fuck that game is hard as piss, but the music...

This looks like it's a cross between a love letter to the best era in gaming evarrrr and GTA. Right now it's slated for WiiWare and XBL Arcade. 4:28 is just a wonderful shout out to Metal Gear, and just judging by that I must play this nnnoooowww

7:15 basically the underwater level from TMNT, suddenly a Goopi (Mario) swims up to attack, and there's a red heart (Zelda) floating off to the side.
If this has active multiplayer I will freak the fuck out and get it for both console

I can't imagine it being above $20
The most I've seen a wiiware game is 1500 points which is about a tenner.

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