Report: Tommy Dreamer Re-Joins TNA In Backstage Role; Hired as "Senior Agent"

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan

PWInsider is reporting that as of this past Thursday night's Genesis tapings, Tommy Dreamer has taken back on a role with TNA in some backstage capacity, and worked as an agent on some of the matches that took place during that event.

This has also sparked speculation that Dreamer is involved in the "Investor" storyline, as Dreamer has exchanged complimentary tweets with The Wolves as well as tweeting Thursday about how much he would like to be in control of TNA due to the way that he perceives them to be wasting talent. Adding more fuel to that fire, supposedly Bully Ray deleted a tweet on his account mentioning and congratulating Dreamer on his new role. I can't imagine a reason why Bully would have removed the tweet, unless it is a way to not draw added attention to Dreamer's involvement with the company, so they can keep it quiet if Tommy is indeed the man who will be playing the on-screen investor.

I like that Dreamer is back with TNA. I think he is unbelievably valuable as a backstage hand/road agent. I could also get behind Dreamer in an on-screen role of some kind, as long as its not as a full time in-ring performer. I think a role like the teased investor could be very well conceived with Dreamer in that place, and it also adds a face that almost all wrestling fans recognize and the largest majority respect.

What's your perspective on Dreamer working behind the scenes of Impact? And could you see him as the "investor"? And would you be willing to accept him in such a potentially prominent on-screen role?
More power to Dreamer if he's back with the company, but I seriously doubt he's this new "investor". I can't put my finger on who it will be, but you would think it would be someone somewhat known to have deep pockets. Dreamer doesn't seem to fit that mold to me, though looks can be deceiving.
Im into it. He ran three House of Hardcore shows which I did not see, but they looked good on paper.

Any creative energy that does not have the name Dixie in it, works for me.
employing dreamer is a smart move in my opinion. The guy is very well liked in the wrestling world and has a great understanding of the buissness. If Tommy is going to be used in this new invester storyline then I think it would be more realistic if he was used as a spokesman for the new invester instead of actully playing the part himself.
We can now confirm that Tommy Dreamer is back with TNA working as an agent.
Dreamer has basically replaced Jeff Jarrett.

So. Tommy Dreamer has apparently re-joined TNA and has now taken the backstage role that formally belonged to Jeff Jarrett. Can we finally put this ******ed believe that Jeff Jarrett quitting is all some convoluted work?

All I hope is TNA can get over these constant creative shifts because they just don't do them good at all.
I think it's a good move for TNA to bring in Dreamer in some kind of backstage role. Tommy is a smart guy, well liked and respected throughout the wrestling business and will bring in some new ideas and hopefully freshen up TNA in some way.

However, while Dreamer can still go to a decent enough level in the ring, I'd rather see him occasionally wrestle and spend more time giving the benefit of his knowledge and experience to the wrestlers in the back, and I don't think he is suited to this "investor" role- maybe an involvement in some way, but I hope he isn't the super-wealthy investor, as he doesn't seem like that role would fit him.
I think this is a good move for TNA. Hopefully Dreamer can bring some fresh ideas to the table. I believe he could help the younger ones on the roster. Don't think you'll see him a lot in action. More than likely behind the scenes. But I wouldn't mind seeing him in a manager role like J J Dillion was.

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