Report: TNA Talking to Universal Studios; Return to Impact Zone?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This from PWI and TNAInsider:

Conversations have been opened between TNA and Universal Studios regarding the promotion returning to the old Impact Zone in November to tape several days' worth of Impact episodes, has learned.

There is no confirmation that the two sides have come to terms, but the belief is that the company is seeking to run several days' worth of tapings the week of 11/21 that would cover 4-6 weeks' worth of episodes.

The Impact Zone, located at Universal Studios Orlando's Soundstage 21, is currently being used as a Resident Evil haunted house for Universal's Halloween Horrors event through 11/2.

The word you are looking for is probably "ouch", as in this one stings a bit (no pun intended) in having to retreat back to the arena you thought you were too good for, but fuck it — as a fan of this company, I'm in the court of whatever keeps it in operation, even if it means a step backwards by having to return to the IZ part or full-time.
I think this was inevitable. TNA has cut off their monthly PPV income and replaced it with limited ticket sales to their TV tapings at best. You can only cut costs for so long until there's just nothing left to cut, and eventually the cash flow is going to run out when you're pouring in thousands of dollars to just keep up your TV tapings. Financially it's much better for TNA to stay down in Orlando or wherever they are as while it's not much, it's a lot cheaper than having to go around the country every two weeks. This is the right move for TNA and it's going to help them in the future. if nothing else they can save some money and maybe spend it on other stuff like some extra talent.
I read about this an hour or so ago. It's true that it might be looked at as a step backwards, but that's just how the mop flops. If all the various reports about TNA's financial woes are accurate, then the company is hemorrhaging money. Obviously, such happenings aren't a good sign but, again if the reports are true, then what they're doing right now isn't working.

If the deal ultimately goes through then, eventually, I think TNA will ultimately take IW off the road once they're able to see how much money they're saving. Taking the show out on the road and live every other week hasn't increased ratings nor are ticket sales exactly stellar. Right now, TNA's focus is on staying afloat rather than moving forward. With the way things are right now, or at least how things seem to look right now, TNA isn't going to grow any bigger anytime in the foreseeable future, so if going backwards is what it takes to stay in business, that's just how it'll have to be.
Ouch is right. It's a step back, but it's an obvious and necessary one. Vegas was a stupid idea that I doubt got further than someone's mouth.

I'd like to see more of a long-term plan for TNA, but I don't think that they're quite at that point yet. They still need a place to tape today though, and if they're cancelling road tapings for this, the need is obviously dire.
All good points, indeed. I was all for TNA going on the road, but it's clear that it has had a negative effect in the revenue department. They tried, but it didn't work out the way they planned it. And the last thing I want is for the promotion to go out of business. Now I don't know how ROH does things, but they tend to aim for small venues, like the Hammerstein Ballroom. I'm sure that if Hammerstein worked for Raw in the early years, it could work for TNA. Now they would have to stop doing as many live tapings. once a month or every 5-6 weeks would be good. This frees up time for house shows and other events while trying to get finances back in the black. And dare I say, maybe bring up a few more talents (if any) from OVW.
There's a reason why TNA was at the Impact Zone for so long. Everyone saying a few years ago they are sick of the Impact Zone and how there never going to grow staying there. It's easy for us to criticize but it's Dixie Carter and company that are investing millions to keep TNA a float. Hopefully they can work out a deal with Universal Studios and cut costs. I think they could still still have some pay per views and Impacts on the road. It's not cheap to tour and unless there is substantial growth they are not going to be able to take the show on the road any time soon.
This is a great move. I am happy that TNA is doing this. I hope that TNA does go back to the Impact Zone. Unfortunately, TNA listened to the 3 worst people that you can think of:

Hulk Hogan
Eric Bischoff
Internet Wrestling Community

All 3 kept harping on TNA having to go on the road and be away from the Impact Zone. TNA listened to these three, and look what happened.

Just go back to the Impact Zone and produce great shows. When TNA was great and produced great matches, NOBODY complained that they were doing it in a studio.
Update from PWInsider:

The word making the way around those in TNA is that the promotion will tape a number of Impact episodes in mid-late November at the Impact Zone.

Depending on the market, planned or announced tapings would either be canceled or converted into house shows.

TNA is still working out their final plans before making any official announcements.
I don't care about being back in the impact zone but do they really need to Tape 4 or 6 weeks of impact ? Why can't they go live from there ? This time of yr with tape crap people won't watch they will just read the spoilers
I don't care about being back in the impact zone but do they really need to Tape 4 or 6 weeks of impact ? Why can't they go live from there ? This time of yr with tape crap people won't watch they will just read the spoilers

I don't think that will hurt them. Taped shows have done the same and even better ratings than live shows.
What I said from the beginning, and I stand by it, is that they shouldn't have jumped in the deep end right away. Baby steps works better in business often times and I think if the books are done right, you do Impact in one set location but you do the PPVs in arenas. This way, it's special when they come and the double revenue of charging for the PPV and for ticket sales helps offset the costs of traveling for that night. I think that could be a logical and solid way to run business at this point.
I don't care about being back in the impact zone but do they really need to Tape 4 or 6 weeks of impact ? Why can't they go live from there ? This time of yr with tape crap people won't watch they will just read the spoilers

They'll probably do some live impacts, but tape the majority of them. The live TV hookup is expensive I believe they're forking over a fortune in production costs off that alone. And on top of that, if they have to run shows every week then they have to pay for talent every week.

If TNA goes back to the Impact zone, I think they should re-evaluate their entire product in general. They've been plagued with trying to be like WWE for way too long. Let's face it, they don't have the fanbase nor the resources to compete with WWE on their level.

And really that's been their problem. They're trying to be a sports entertainment company in competition with WWE. WWE's not even doing good anymore (compared to what they used to be), why try to be like that? What they should go back to being is a more wrestling-oriented company. That's what created their fanbase. They were the national indy show.
What I said from the beginning, and I stand by it, is that they shouldn't have jumped in the deep end right away. Baby steps works better in business often times and I think if the books are done right, you do Impact in one set location but you do the PPVs in arenas. This way, it's special when they come and the double revenue of charging for the PPV and for ticket sales helps offset the costs of traveling for that night. I think that could be a logical and solid way to run business at this point.

I agree with this 100%

I always thought it would've been better to start off going to a few locations e.g. North Carolina, Texas, Florida etc and move around there. Then when they had a bigger audience then decide to fully go on the road.

Onto the subject of them going back to the Impact Zone. Yes it's a step back. But if it means they can still be in business I'll take it. Heck sometimes stuff like this helps companies get better.
I don't care about being back in the impact zone but do they really need to Tape 4 or 6 weeks of impact ? Why can't they go live from there ? This time of yr with tape crap people won't watch they will just read the spoilers

The November schedule of taping 6 shows has been a regular thing for them the past few years. They do it to cover the holidays and basically take a break till the first of the year.
I don't care about being back in the impact zone but do they really need to Tape 4 or 6 weeks of impact ? Why can't they go live from there ? This time of yr with tape crap people won't watch they will just read the spoilers

Then simply stay away from the spoilers, brah. There, I made your life a lot easier. Aside from that, why do you care if people read spoilers or not. It won't affect your viewing experience whatsoever.

Oh wait! We're playing businessmen again, constructively criticizing business models, tactics and so forth. Because we're all that fucking smart. That's why we're on message boards and they're doing it for a living. Because we're better.

Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, people will read spoilers. Yeah, some won't watch because of it. Don't you think TNA has a reason to do that? SOME reason. I mean, I know, I know, people like Rayne and you and other geniuses of the same status (think Stephen Hawking and Steve Jobs' ghost) will chime in with your extensive business knowledge and say TNA is completely stupid, they don't know what they're doing and then I'll fall asleep because big egos, small penises and underachieving just do that to me. I mean, they are pretty dumb but they can't just snap their fingers and make all their wishes come true. It's not like they forgot they can do live shows or tape one or two shows at a time. Or maybe they did. Maybe the rumors a true. A monkey is running TNA. How's that for "different"?

Now, TNA returning to the Impact Zone? Fine, they can do what they want and whatever saves them money or saves their ass. Is it a horrible blow to their already bad image? Oh yes, baby. Is it going to be a bitch to explain why you go from live shows to a sound stage again? Oh yes, baby. I mean, we know WHY but I remember TNA trying to spin going back to Thursday as a positive thing. That'd have to be a golden PR team to successfully do that with this bowl of joy.

It's bad all around. No question. You show everyone that you can't hang on the road. It's a kick in the nuts they'll just have to take with a smile on their face and make it up with some pretty good fucking shows.

And I think this should be TNA's strategy from now on. They're so damn OBSESSED with material achievements. You know, road tapings, going live all the time, broadcasting on Monday, better set, this and that. It's like they're trying to force success with moves like these.

"Oh, we'll go on the road and people will come." - no they won't. Not when you don't do jack shit to improve the shows. You go on the road when there are a thousand people in the Impact Zone and three thousand more outside, waiting to get in but can't because the Impact Zone can't fit them. 'The fuck made them think people were dying to go to TNA shows? It's like an average musician leaving his basement, performing at a big stadium and wondering why no one's coming. Lots of reasons. You go when there's a DEMAND. You don't demand a demand.

They forget what matters.

The fucking show. Honestly, I remember better shows in the Impact Zone. I also remember how I didn't give two flying turds if the show was in the IZ, someone's basement or a full arena. A good show is a good show.

That's the problem with TNA I think (and some fans). They think they need an arena to produce good shows. You don't. If your shows suck (as the last 30 have), I don't care where you hold it, it'll be bad and the arena will only take you so much.

This kind of thing only kind of works for the WWE. They have hyper crisp production values, nice arenas, moderately hot crowds who are just in awe from all the damn pyro and lights and famous people, so even when the show completely bombs, the set up, the arena and all the bells and whistles soften the blow.

Unfortunately, as we've seen recently, even THEIR production values and arenas ain't worth a damn with tremendous ratings like a 2.8, a 2.9 and stuff hovering over there.

Anyway, my point is that TNA needs to invest in writers, not arenas to big for them. Get more people, fire some people, change your strategy, do whatever you need but revamp your writing team. TNA already has a very solid roster. They have talkers, they have athletic guys, they have technical guys, a couple of powerhouses, few good women wrestlers which they can remedy with hiring a couple of indy girls, a tag-team division that CAN be rebuilt, it just isn't because apparently the TNA writing and booking teams' brains go haywire if they take care of more than 4 storylines.

Just focus on making those shows the best that you can. Not saying that they're not, but c'mon - when a viewer sits there and thinks "I could've written this better", chances are - they could! We all saw how Dexter ended, right?

What's great about current shows and even wrestling way back when it was good, was that when I was watching it I tried to think of a way to make a segment or a match better but couldn't because they already schooled me.

TNA forgets that today's viewers (ESPECIALLY wrestling fans) are almost trained to be wrestling writers. Well, that's too much, but we've seen a lot of storylines, a lot of alternate twists, turns and endings to them, we've seen where they go, we've seen them rehashed, we've seen them freshened up and we've very used to how wrestling writers think. That's why we can predict what's going to happen or how good it would be (with some accuracy), because we've seen this shit a million times.

If TNA spends more time trying to school wrestling fans when it comes to the writing of a show as a WHOLE than they do trying to compare dicks with the WWE, they'd be a much better and richer company. If this teaches them anything is that you'll NEVER be bigger than you currently are. Maybe a little bit.

But, you have a shot at breaking that glass ceiling if you make your shows much, much better. TNA can't have WWE's money and it won't. They have no control over that. What they have control over is what goes on the air and what the wrestlers do.

In my opinion, TNA has a more talented roster than the WWE which gives them an edge (that they rarely employ). You have writers, you have talented wrestlers, you have SOME money and you are on TV. If you have that, you should be able to produce a product that is CLEARLY better than what the WWE shits out every Monday. If you're not, you're failing and it's your fault. THAT'S the problem, not your damn arenas.
I think this was inevitable. TNA has cut off their monthly PPV income and replaced it with limited ticket sales to their TV tapings at best. You can only cut costs for so long until there's just nothing left to cut, and eventually the cash flow is going to run out when you're pouring in thousands of dollars to just keep up your TV tapings. Financially it's much better for TNA to stay down in Orlando or wherever they are as while it's not much, it's a lot cheaper than having to go around the country every two weeks. This is the right move for TNA and it's going to help them in the future. if nothing else they can save some money and maybe spend it on other stuff like some extra talent.

I think this is the right move for TNA, it's clearly not working financially for them to take iMPACT on the road every couple of weeks. They aren't making enough money from tapings to justify the expense of shipping the ring/equipment etc all over the country so regularly. I wouldn't be surprised to see them do the odd "LIVE" broadcast of iMPACT from an area of the country in which they have a strong fanbase, but I do think moving back to the Impact Zone at Universal Studios is probably the best move financially for the company right now, and like KB said- the savings they will make n expenditure could be used to pay more talent, which TNA definitely needs right now after having to cut so many wrestlers recently.

Yeah, they are going back with their tail between their legs and their image has taken a battering recently, but a true fan of the company will watch the show whether its live, pre-taped, in a shitty bingo hall, an arena or in a backyard. TNA has other issues to deal with, not just where to broadcast from but as long as they can put on an entertaining show then fans shouldn't really be bothered that they are back in the iMPACT ZONE.
What I said from the beginning, and I stand by it, is that they shouldn't have jumped in the deep end right away. Baby steps works better in business often times and I think if the books are done right, you do Impact in one set location but you do the PPVs in arenas. This way, it's special when they come and the double revenue of charging for the PPV and for ticket sales helps offset the costs of traveling for that night. I think that could be a logical and solid way to run business at this point.

I completely agree with this. It would have made the most sense to slowly branch out and have only the PPVs outside of the Impact Zone. They did something similar in 2008 when eight of the company's PPVs were held outside of the Impact Zone. That changed the following year when the number dropped to just three, which remained the norm until TNA went to four PPVs a year this year.

I don't know why TNA moved away from having the PPVs on the road, but I'm going to assume it was because of money. The company was being forced to go on the road monthly, which was something it had never done before.

Now that TNA has just four PPVs a year, it would make sense to have those four shows on the road with the weekly TV show taped at a set location. This way, there isn't as much risk as there was in 2008 because the company will only be going on the road once every three months (on average). This will allow them to spread out the bigger expenses of the major shows while being able to even out the cost of the weekly show.

Once, and if, that proves to be profitable, then I would consider having one or two of the special Impacts - No Surrender or Hardcore Justice - on the road. I would probably start in Southern wrestling hot spots like Atlanta or Charlotte and find venues that fit within a budget. I would avoid going to big arenas, but opt for places like Center Stage in Atlanta that has a wrestling history.

Then I would slowly grow out from there. The key word is "slowly" because this process would probably take at least three to five years.
Im for it at least now they can have a full house of people who want to be there. Who's to say Impact will be exclusively in Orlando perhaps they could do one or two tapings every other month outside Orlando. So the schedule would look like this

Jan- Impact in Orlando
Feb - 2 Impact tapings in other cities
March- Impact in Orlando
April- PPV in an outside City and Impact in Orlando

TNA needs realize that they are in a better situation than any other wrestling company not named WWE, as much as ROH is loved they are not on the same level with exposure and revenue potential. They are not the WWE, nor will they be and they need to come to grips with that so they can succeed.

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