Report/Rumor Of Lesnar's Next Opponent


According to the main site, via, a report is going about suggesting that Brock Lesnar retains against John Cena at Night of Champions and that the next guy in line for a shot at Lesnar's title is Big Show.

If WWE's plan is to ultimately go the route of building someone up to take the title off Lesnar at WrestleMania XXXI, then Lesnar going up against Big Show makes sense. At the same time, I can't say that I have even the slightest bit of interest in seeing these two go at it again. We've already seen this program go down once this year, we knew how it would end before it really even started and it'd seem like nothing more than a repeat.

We saw Show confront Lesnar early this year and physically dominate him a couple of times, batting him around and tossing him about before forcing a retreat. They meet at the Royal Rumble and a brawl breaks out before the match happens. The match itself gets underway officially and Big Show loses decisively just slightly over 2 minutes into the bout via an F5. IF Lesnar retains and IF Show is his next opponent, I'm not seeing any real money to be made. It comes off like busy work, just something for him to do for a little while, that we've already seen. If they want to keep making Lesnar look like a beast by feeding him former World Champions, I'd rather see him against Orton. While I don't exactly have a ton of interest in Lesnar vs. Orton, it's more than seeing Lesnar decimate Big Show again.
Why not Ryback?

It's an easy build... Lesnar comes out after decimating Cena, Heyman sings the praises of Lesnar and conquering Cena... then The Big Guy's music hits. He comes out and talks about how he was a Paul Heyman Guy at one time and he's still owed a huge favor from him.

Heyman asks him if he really wants that favor to be beaten to death by Brrrrock LESNARRRR!? Then Ryback knocks Lesnar into next week, which freaks him out... and there's your build.

Unless Ryback's off TV.. then go with... pretty much anyone else except the Big Show, who was decimated by Lesnar twice, and Cena about 1138 times last year.

If this is true, then all I have to say is WHY DAMMIT WHY???

Big Show is too old for this, we have all seen it before. He simply can't put on quality matches anymore. All this will be is a retake of his match vs Lesnar at RR 2014. I am really tired the annual Autumn Push for Big Show, and I hope this is a false report. Keep the bloody tag team with Henry for pity's sake, WWE, please dont give us Show/Lesnar round II. No one, and I mean NO ONE, want to see it.

Sorry if that sounded like a rant. Lets's discuss. Who would you guys rather see? I'd like someone like Orton or returning Batista to go after the belt.

-I guess one bright side of this is that CENA WONT WIN AT NOC!
Oh come on. Seriously? I hope this is bullshit. I'd rather Lesnar not even be there if this is what's on the docket. Do they really think Big Show is their best bet? Shit I'd rather it be Mark Henry. Sure Brock kicked his ass a few times but they never had a proper match.

They might as well just admit that they're not going to try and produce compelling television until the Rumble gets here.
If Lesnar vs Ryback happened like in 2013 then yes sure people would say it is a dream match but if Lesnar vs Ryback were to happen again today no one would really be interested in the match since Lesnar is a main event calibre guy and Ryback was a superstar he was a main event guy but now Ryback all he is reduced to is being mid card for life
I hope this is not true. I don't want Brock Lesnar to be "built up" he's already been built up his whole life. He's fkn Brock Lesnar. He already beat the Big Show in 2 minutes and Big Show hasn't done anything of note for a lot of time now. Besides punching Triple H and then fading into obscurity.

This just shows how low on credible talent they are. They have all the talent in the world and they choose to mostly - well not bury cause I dont want people to jump on my case - but book them horrendously.

I mean really Big Show even though not many people are excited for the match is probably the perfect jobber if they really want to go this route. Mark Henry is busy with Rusev atm and I dunno if their NoC match will be their last. Besides those 2 there really isnt many people to go to. Jericho will be gone by then.

Wyatt needs serious help, he needs good feuds and his current one has flopped big time and what happened with Cena is just sickening.

Then we have Roman Reigns who shouldn't be put in that position as he is not ready at all.

Randy Orton is probably the last guy they could have went with and they still might as this isn't in anyway confirmed. But they really need to stop making Orton a bitch, then have him be a viper for 1 day, then be a bitch for months and months again then a viper again, then a bitch again.

That's pretty much it right now for people who can face Brock. And noone of them besides Orton and a highly rejuvinated Wyatt make sense. Hell just give me Wyatt vs Heyman promos and screw the match.
Show might not be the greatest opponent for Lesar, but if Lesnar destroys Cena putting him off TV for a while, then the next night destroys someone else who could do with some time off maybe? Then keeps destroying people until Heyman says something like, 'no-one is bigger in this industry than Brrrrock Lessssneeeerrrr!' The rest sort of just happens really. It's not great TV but it heads in the right way to build up Lesnar for WM
Jeez, at this point after Big Show they may as well give Curtis Axel a title shot. Or Adam Rose. Why not Fandango? Seriously, though, have Sheamus drop the US title then let him face Lesnar at like Survivor Series or TLC. I know he's kind of bland right now but that could change. All that's really needed right now is someone who fans feel has a legitimate chance at beating Lesnar. Besides, that's one match we've never seen before. Maybe after Lesnar goes through Cena and possibly Big Show, and then someone else at Survivor Series (Orton, perhaps) have Heyman cut a promo saying there's no one left who wants to fight the Beast, which is tailor-made for Sheamus to make the challenge. Like I said, given Sheamus' history, he'd be someone who fans could buy beating Lesnar, even though he won't.
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I've said this before, but if the plans are for Show to challenge Lesnar, then it actually does make Lesnar resorted to cheating in order to beat Show (whereas Cena and Taker were defeated cleanly).

If its Cena Vs Show, then....meh.

Even though Show has gotten pretty old, he's in good shape right now and I've been enjoying his more recent matches. Not sure if I want to see him in a main event, but I can live with it.
The reality era is that no one has a "shot" of beating Lesnar right now... he's too hot, too vicious and they need to hammer that point repeatedly over the next few months if either Reigns, Ambrose or Bryan are gonna be the ones to dethrone him.

It's utterly pointless to use an Adam Rose or anyone lower than upper mid/main event because no one would for a second believe skipping Adam could last more than a second or two against Brock...

Look at this logically, you have an MMA star in Brock Lesnar... Plan A would be Batista but he has (smartly) tagged out for the rest of the year... IF he comes back it's on his terms and not for the kind of run he just had... Drax says he can write his own ticket in full this time... their other MMA qualified guy has just been released in Alberto Del Rio... again a physical mismatch but they COULD have played off ADR's few MMA bouts/legit toughness as a way into the match... but that is now off the table.

So the only guy with any other kind of MMA background is Big Show... he has fought two high profile "MMA-Style" matches at Wrestlemania against Akebono (Sumo counts...) and Floyd Mayweather and physically he is a big enough/close enough opponent for Lesnar that some offense is reasonable if they're going for "reality".

The only possible reason Show would ever win is if they're gonna once again have him cashed in on immedately...but that won't happen.

Logically, this leads to Survivor Series... if they go with 5 on 5 with Brock captaining a team (easily the best use for him this year) then Show and Henry are both gonna be in that match... so a Show title match, then a Henry one are good jumping off points for that.
I like the Big Show he is the greatest Big Man ever! But if this is the angle the WWE is planning,then No thank you.. This would be fucking stupid.. Brock just decimated the Big Show at the Royal Rumble.. Made him cry,quiver,and probably crap his pants. There is no money in this,but if Brock is being Paid a Kings ransom to wrestle im sure he cares less who he goes against..

This is a horrible Plan but realistically whos left? Roman is not ready not even close.. Daniel Bryan who would be the odds on favorite to Beat Brock,is injured and no one knows if he will come back..

Cena will put up a better fight but will get beat again.. It would be utterly pointless to have a beatdown like that only to lose the title a month later.. I am the one who thinks the champion doesn't necessarily need to be there all the time..
Ah jeez just when I thought this was gonna be good, this happens. Now I like Big Show always have. Met the guy and he's a riot, and a super nice person, but no just no.

I know Lesnar's a heel and all, but I want to see him against guys like Harper, Wyatt, Orton good heavens even Rowan would do. I can see in a month or two it will be Lesnar chasing Hornswoggle around the ring for the a good 10 minutes, and that's when I take my leave of the WWE for good.
WWE must have Brock Lesnar defend his world championship at Survivor Series because it is one of the 'big 4' pay-per-views, and the absence of the champion Brock (and Cena, unless he is done filming already) from it would be reminiscent of a body without a head, and could hurt sales drastically... which brings us to our next problem- the opponent. Who would be an ideal opponent in this case? Someone who will be somewhat believable as a threat (or rather, believable as someone that can last 5 minutes against Brock), and whose run would not be damaged (or is not important enough to prevent damage) by an one-sided beatdown at the hands of Brock. What are our options?
John Cena is out. He will have tried and failed in his rematch. Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt and Rusev's momentum would be hurt from this loss, Randy Orton (from my understanding) will be reserved until Brock inevitably turns against The Authority, Cesaro cannot be built back up in 4-5 episodes, CM Punk is gone, Daniel Bryan and Batista aren't back yet. That leaves us with Jericho (who lost against Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam), Mark Henry (currently feuding against Rusev, although he could be next in line), Kane (works for The Authority, so it would make no sense), and Big Show- former WWE champion, World champion, WCW champion and ECW champion; is 7 feet tall, has the long-range WMD as finisher, is not occupied in any storyline, and whose status would not drop as a result of the defeat.
Is Big Show one of their must-see superstars? Definitely not. Is he one of their best options in this case? Unfortunately, yes.
I think this is the yearly Big Show in a title match routine WWE always do. Remember last year that title match that nobody wanted to see him in? Maybe it is in Show's contract to be in a title match once a year? Who knows really.

As for being a foe for Lesnar, maybe it is because they worked with each other many times before. Easier to work with someone you are familiar with.
Okay to start, no xD just no WWE. There choices

Cena: Match 4, but another loss would kill Vince. So I don't see this happening. Plus I don't think we'll be interested again
Batista: Bring him back, he'd be a great smash for Batista as good as Cena, Taker or Show
Orton: Orton is the most believable opponent left after Cena, double digit world champion
Undertaker: If he wasn't injured, being as some people expect him to come back. Plus he should leave at Survivor Series
Del Rio: If he wasn't fired it'd be a great match. Del Rio is a great worker but too late now
Sheamus: Have him become #1 contender and have Heyman cost him the US title. Works out
Bryan: If he wasn't injured...also I don't want this match, too big a risk to break Bryan's neck
Mysterio: Same thing as Bryan with the injury bug and with him being gone
Punk: If he hadn't left he would've put on a believable match
Angle: If he returned it would work, but who's to say
Show: Would work but Lesnar has beat Show multiple times
Henry: I guess xD

Basically your in house options who would be worthwhile are: Orton, Sheamus, Show and Henry. So I guess we can't complain
I hope the rumor isn't true but I guess it goes to show how Show is the WWE's best glue guy.

I'm guessing they have plans for Cesaro, Sheamus, Orton, etc. to not put them in a situation where Brock makes them look weak
I think this is the yearly Big Show in a title match routine WWE always do. Remember last year that title match that nobody wanted to see him in? Maybe it is in Show's contract to be in a title match once a year? Who knows really.

Man, it almost seems like that might be the case. I mean the guy is still under contract, I think for another year or two, even though in my opinion he should have retired from WWE full-time a while ago. If he had like retired in say, 2010 maybe after a long reign as ECW champ or something and then signed a Legends contract we wouldn't have seen him so often be in feuds that make him look weak in the end and he would have gone out on a high note. Then, when he returned it would be a bigger deal and he could seem like at least more of a threat because we wouldn't have seen him losing most his matches over the last 4 years and we would more likely remember him as a strong ECW champ and more importantly, the guy who beat Lesnar before for the WWE Championship.

See, on paper, and visually this is a good match-up. Easy to sell the kids on who can see Big Show as a giant over Lesnar and think he is a threat. But the problem is I don't think the kids are going to force their parents to buy the PPV as much as smart, adult WWE fans would buy the PPV if they saw a match they thought would be more entertaining and could go either way.

I understand why WWE is doing this though. They want to make Lesnar look strong on what will probably be a title reign until WM 31 and you can't throw Reigns or Rollins or Ambrose (and obviously not Bryan) into a feud with Lesnar now because it's too soon. So what would be a more dominant win than seeing Lesnar F5 the Big Show and give the WWE commentators lines like "If a 7 foot, 500 pound giant can't beat Lesnar, then who possibly can?"

I just think WWE is in a bad way right now with not having pushed and protected many of their most valuable Superstars to be legit threats to anyone.

People are saying they'd rather see Lesnar vs Barrett or Ryback or Cesaro. Well, really? Because right now each of those guys have less credibility than Big Show.

Barrett is still injured, maybe coming back soon, and even though he was IC champ with a solid push, he would have to come back to feud with the IC champ so there is no way he'd be ready to be Lesnar's next feud for probably at least 2 or 3 months.

Ryback, also currently injured. Maybe he is coming back soon but his credibility has been shot to hell ever since being on top in that WWE title match vs Punk. I would LOVE to see the day where Ryback is a credible threat to Lesnar, and if WWE is smart, when Ryback is back he is back with a smart push that protects his credibility, even when he loses, but more importantly, gives him some big wins. Regardless of that, he is in no way a credible threat to Lesnar any time soon.

Cesaro? Well, again. Not had enough recent success to really be considered a credible threat. He's probably the closest out of the 3 to be able to challenge Lesnar if they needed him to. They could have him go undefeated for a while including wins over former WWE Champs, especially one over Cena would be good. But that means that will take time and means he is not ready to face Lesnar next.

So the ONLY other guys that could be put in there against Lesnar next is Orton or Henry. And Henry is basically the same as Show right now, just a matter of personal preference, but the story arc would be the same. Orton, I guess could work. It would be a fresh feud but risky because of Orton being in the heel Authority and a chance that Lesnar would be the face.

Overall, my point is. I understand why Big Show is looked on by WWE as the next challenger for the title but it is too bad for WWE that as legit as this feud would look on paper, it probably won't be big money. I guess they just don't care for Hell in a Cell and are hoping the OTHER matches make up for it. And since they probably know HiaC is already going to be one of their lowest rated PPVs they don't need to bother trying to make it better than, say, Survivor Series because it won't be anyway.
If Big Show and Brock Lesnar have one more blow off match at Hell In The Cell then I think it will be ok. As others have mentioned there is no better guy to job to Lesnar who have the size and the credibility. I think they could also incorporate a lot of the history of the rivalry between the two finally being settled at Hell In The Cell with the video packages. I mean Big Show was the first man to pin Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2002 and they had a classic Stretcher match at Judgement Day 2003. I was disappointed that there match at Royal Rumble wasn't given more time. I think this could be a good hard hitting 10-15 match inside the Cell.
If Big Show and Brock Lesnar have one more blow off match at Hell In The Cell then I think it will be ok. As others have mentioned there is no better guy to job to Lesnar who have the size and the credibility. I think they could also incorporate a lot of the history of the rivalry between the two finally being settled at Hell In The Cell with the video packages. I mean Big Show was the first man to pin Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2002 and they had a classic Stretcher match at Judgement Day 2003. I was disappointed that there match at Royal Rumble wasn't given more time. I think this could be a good hard hitting 10-15 match inside the Cell.

I've heard that Big Show was actually injured during their Royal Rumble match, which is why it was so short. If memory serves, he hurt his hand while having a dark match with Kane.
The entire booking strategy behind Lesnar as champ is faulty.

The parts they got right:
- Lesnar is a natural as champion. Becoming champ is the natural trajectory for his character following his beating the "streak". It makes sense, and Lesnar is the right guy for the part.
- Lesnar's annihilation of John Cena. What better way to show just how unstoppable Lesnar is than to have him whip the company's "superman" in convincing fashion...twice (because we know what's coming at 'Night of Champions')
- Lesnar's build as an unstoppable monster becomes a pure gold rub for the person who finally beats him. (I think WWE has jumped the gun on Reigns. Even if he is "the guy", which I'm not convinced he is, he's not going to be ready for it by Spring 2015 by a long shot)

However, the major part of the equation they got wrong is in defining the motivation behind the authority wanting the belt on an uncontrollable Lesnar rather than a "company man" like Cena...
Had Lesnar stayed true to character, there would have been no handshaking ceremony over the presentation of a new belt. He would have ripped the new belt out of HHH's hands and told him to get out of "his" ring.
By virtue of what they built 'The Authority' to be over the past year, they should be terrified at the prospect of the belt being on an uncontrollable, free agent, monster when they have nobody in any position to beat him.

This wrong needs to be righted....and, at this point, the only way I can see righting it will be in the Authority needing to go to some kind of war with Lesnar.
Perhaps it can begin with the idea that they expect Lesnar to lay down for a Rollins' cash-in and, then when Lesnar doesn't bite and pummels Rollins, the Authority is forced to use any possible way it can muster to get the belt off Lesnar...even in shaping up their approach in how they treat talent, in general.
Even in aligning themselves with past enemies like Reigns, Cena, Ambrose, a returning Daniel Bryan, the Wyatts, etc...
It would be best if, new contracts permitting, this is a two year process rather than by Wrestlemania 31 (target Wrestlemania 32 instead and make Rock part of this process for 31).
Looking toward the future, at this point, I think Ambrose is a better choice than Reigns for the guy who finally beats Brock.
But even that detail isn't nearly as relevant as the fact that there still has been no explanation, no clue behind the motivation, of why the Authority would want the belt on an uncontrollable monster rather than a "company guy" when they had spent the prior year doing everything possible to ensure that the WWE title be completely "controllable".

If they end up using my ideas, though, someone needs to bookmark this for my lawsuit. LOL
Lesnar destroyed Big Show. It'd be a nothing feud. Admittedly, most options available to Lesnar are. That's because WWE haven't tried to elevate anybody above Cena. Shame. If Wyatt hadn't encountered Cena then I think he'd be a credible challenger.

Orton is the only real option I can think of. Sheamus over Big Show as they're basically on the same level at the moment. Even Cesaro. Love the Ryback suggestion but it ain't happening.

As an out there suggestion I opt for Rusev. Lesnar can easily remain heelish whilst getting a face reaction against him and it'd do wonders for Rusev.
I think the only two credible opponents for Lesnar are Orton and Rusev. Ever since Brock came back to start his feud with Cena, Lana has been tweeting about how Rusev would crush him. Rusev has a Muay Thai and powerlifting background and is built like a tank so he would be a credible threat for Brock. A hard fought loss against Lesnar would not hurt Rusev at all and Brock needs to beat credible guys while he is champion in order to to be considered truly unstoppable. Squashing old timers like Big Show only make him look weak imo.
I think Lesnar will retain against Cena at NOC (and has to imo)!

I don't think Lesnar will defend the title at HIAC as it is a smaller PPV and can work around the main title not being on the card like Payback did.

This however would mean Lesnar would be in breech of the 30 day title defence stipulation so Triple H can make him defend it at Survivor Series or be striped of the title. This could set up Lesnar V Orton at Survivor Series with Lesnar retaining in another dominant display over a multi time champion.

TLC could see him face Cesaro who can be out to conquer the beast and show Heyman that he should have made him his no.1 guy rather than go on and on about Lesnar ending the Undertakers streak at Wrestle Mania! However in a tougher defense of his title Lesnar retains again!

Royal Rumble: Lesnar V Sheamus (I would like to see these to have a match at some point so why not at the Rumble)! Lesnar wins this time with help from Heyman to sow the seed that maybe Lesnar can be beaten for the title.
(Bryan wins Rumble if back from injury)

Elimination Chamber: Lesnar defends the title in the Chamber against Sheamus, Cesaro, Orton, Wyatt & Reigns. It comes down to Lesnar & Reigns with Lesnar only retaining the title thanks to Heyman's interference.

Wrestle Mania 31: Lesnar V Bryan. Bryan wins thanks to a massive assist from Reigns. This means Lesnar doesn't look weak when he finally drops the title aswell as allowing Bryan to win the Rumble which he should have won last year and winning back the title that he had to give up and wrapping up an incredible year for Bryan that started 12 months ago. Reigns also puts himself in the title picture by helping Bryan with the two facing off at Extreme Rules where Rollins eventually cashes in after a grueling title defense for Bryan thus leading into a Summer story line involving Bryan Rollins & Reigns with Reigns winning the gold a Summerslam!
Why not Ryback?

It's an easy build... Lesnar comes out after decimating Cena, Heyman sings the praises of Lesnar and conquering Cena... then The Big Guy's music hits. He comes out and talks about how he was a Paul Heyman Guy at one time and he's still owed a huge favor from him.

Heyman asks him if he really wants that favor to be beaten to death by Brrrrock LESNARRRR!? Then Ryback knocks Lesnar into next week, which freaks him out... and there's your build.

Unless Ryback's off TV.. then go with... pretty much anyone else except the Big Show, who was decimated by Lesnar twice, and Cena about 1138 times last year.

I'll take Big Show over Ryback any day of the week. Ryback is a nobody who got over because of a catchphrase. He's nothing and he always will be. Putting Ryback anywhere near a PPV main event match is as absurd today as it was in 2012.
It'd be cool if Vince could poach Bobby Lashley from TNA by November or so... Being TNA Champion and a Bellator fighter, he's probably the most "legit" guy in the business right now to challenge Lesnar. Obviously Lesnar wins.

Brock Lesnar vs The Big Show could be okay if it's in a closed cage match or something. But still... anyone who Lesnar faces from Cena until WrestleMania will come off as "busy" work. Lesnar still needs to destroy Big Show.

Randy Orton can turn face soon I bet and go for a title shot at The Royal Rumble. Or potentially Daniel Bryan's return, but still until that time they reall don't have anyone ready, since they're saving Reigns for the payoff.

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