Report/Rumor: Michael Hayes Indefinitely Suspended?

Nobody can force you to do anything...The E tried to help her. How is her going to a bar/club being responsible? Did you even read my full post? Guys ask to buy women drinks in bars/clubs, everybody knows that and this should be expected. If it wasnt Hayes, I guarantee it would have been somebody else. She shouldnt have been in a club/bar, I have been to rehab and they TELL YOU THIS MULTIPLE TIMES EVERYDAY. Now like I stated in my post, If this was not in a bar/club than yes Hayes was wrong. As a grown women she should have been responsible enough to avoid high risk areas such as bars/clubs.

And NO the reason people remain addicts is because they are mentally weak and allow temptation to control them

Even if it wasn't in a bar setting, it still isn't Michael Hayes' job to make sure she doesn't drink. It's not like he knocked her unconscious in the ring and was trying to pour a bottle of bourbon down her throat (lawler/roberts feud). If she can't say "no," even when asked, then it's her fault. It most certainly isn't Hayes's. You and only you are responsible for what you do.
Great for you; some people don't handle addiction well. Would you offer Jake Roberts a drink if you saw him? Knowing his past, and what alcohol has done to his life?

Hayes should know as well as anyone, seeing Rosa's life legitimately deteriorate because of alcohol. With an addict, you should be supportive of their disease, not try and cause a relapse.

And it's WWE's job to be a support system for Rosa, as long as she's still employed by the company. Hayes is part of that support system.

No it isn't. The wwe is her employer, not her conscience or babysitter. As a human being, sure try and support a person recovering from an addiction, but it's not the company's responsibility or even her coworkers to shield her and baby her through it. And as a grown ass women, she should be smart enough to not put herself in situations that could lead to potential issues with her addiction. Personal responsibility has been something shoved aside in the last 20 years and it's going way too far. It's affected every walk of life and every event. Trying to find excuses for why someone does something that isn't acceptable by societal norms, whether it's alchoholism, theft, murder, rape. People are always trying to blame their actions on others or on lack of something in their own life instead of just admiting that they are responsible for themselves and their actions.

Punk also isn't dealing with an addiction
This is an unfair reply since while Punk is not an addict in the common sense of the word, he has his own lifestyle that is considered by most to be abnormal and unusual.

So, what you're saying is that Rosa shouldn't go to clubs, because of alcohol, and she's pretty?


Right. Rosa has the right to go anywhere she wants. Clubs aren't just for drinking; maybe she does have friends she wants to hang out with. That shouldn't mean she can't go, because people will be assholes and buy her drinks.
Clubs arent' just for drinking? That must be why there are SO many nonlicenced clubs that are so famous. The whole culture of club life revolves around drinking and hitting on attractive people. Any one goign to a club should expect to either be offered drinks, to drink themselves, get hit on or hit on others. You don't go to a club and order pop all night.
If that's the case, it's even worse, especially if Hayes knew Rosa's problem, and offered her a drink anyway.

This I'll agree with, but it doesn't necessarily make the circumstances better, unless Hayes was joking his good friend Rosa. Even then, doesn't look good for Hayes.

You're doing this thing where you're placing all the blame on Rosa, while at the same time saying we can't condemn Hayes, because we don't know the situation.

Yes a large part of the blame belongs to Rosa. As I mentioned earlier society is full of bullshit excuses and pawning off the blame for peoples own actions. You must have personal responsibility for your own actions. You and no one else decides what you do or what you put in your body. If you are an alchoholic, avoid putting yourself in situations were someone will offer you a drink. If you're a cokehead trying to get straight, then don't hang out with other cokeheads. A club, bar, dance club environment is the type of place to avoid when trying to recover from an addiction since their whole cultures and entire focus of the business is to sell anyone who comes in as much alchohol as they can legally get away with.
Do you guys even read the bullshit that you type? So what you guys are saying here is that it isn't Rosa Mendez's responsibility to keep herself sober? It's Hayes' fault because she's vulnerable :(

Michael Hayes might very well be an asshole for offering her a drink. I tend to think it was really something rather harmless like he was drinking, saw her there and was doing the hospitable thing of offering her a drink (and maybe a few more to get her in to his hotel room). But that's neither here nor there. The fact is, the only person responsible for Rosa Mendez is Rosa Mendez. If she can't say "no" then fvck her.

And before you guys start calling me out for not understanding the mentality of an addict, I've had my own bouts with addiction. I quit drinking AND smoking years ago, despite having buddies offering me drinks or blowing smoke in my face. See, I had the willpower to say "no" and stop. I took responsibility for how my life was going. I didn't need to make an ass of myself and get sent home from work. I didn't need to avoid the consequences of my actions by running to rehab. Those things are what pu(s)(s)ies do.

I have no respect for anyone (man or woman) who can't accept responsibility for the actions they did. So this whole "she's vulnerable" thing doesn't fly.

I'm sure Hayes didn't really even mean to upset her. Much like I doubt he meant harm when he said the 'n' word around Mark Henry. Neither offense I feel warrants a suspension.
From your diction I'm guessing drinking and smoking were/are the least of your problems. Lets not sugarcoat the ass-hattery that goes on backstage in the WWE. Its not the first time PS Hayes makes a fool of himself. As far as personal responsibility goes, that's an adage people love to use when they're being ignorant of the circumstances. Addiction can be mild or it can become so severely rooted in someones wiring that they cannot even smell or see the substance in question. Calling someone a pussy because they have trouble fighting one of the body's strongest impulses is incredibly shortsighted, if not ignorant of the science behind addiction. Last time I checked Rosa Mendes completed her rehab and is back on the good path. So again, the only fault here goes to scumbag Hayes who apparently finds it hilarious to tempt someone into spiraling back into addiction.
Michael Hayes is an asshole. I swear to god he lurks around pro wrestling dirt sheets waiting for mistakes to be made, just so he can email people and shit on their day. One time he emailed me for a mistake made on Alright Hayes... :banghead:

My most recent interaction with good ole' Hayes came after I published a live event from a recent WWE Live stop. I forget the town, but it was super early in the day, and I saw it posted on the Wrestling Observer. I thought it was much too early, but it's the Observer, so...should be legit right? Anyways, I post the live report making sure to note "the following unconfirmed live report is compliments of F4WOnline. Wrestlezone will have our own detailed report if one becomes available", etc. etc. Anyways, WITHIN FIFTEEN MINUTES of this post being in existence, Hayes sends me an email with phrases like "I feel sorry for you kind" and "this is why I never interact with your kind of people." God damn, I have never wanted to be black so much in my life.

Literally all he had to do was say "hey, this report is obviously incorrect. HERES WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!" But instead he decided to be a douchebag about it. Classy individual, that Michael Hayes.

P.S. Hayes: You were the worst member of one of the coolest tag teams ever. I'd induct your suits in the Hall of Fame before your no talent ass.
Seems like a complete prick. One of those assholes who dominated wrestling in the 80s and forgot to come into the 21st century. Why these clowns and bullys are so respected is beyond me.
Michael Hayes is an asshole. I swear to god he lurks around pro wrestling dirt sheets waiting for mistakes to be made, just so he can email people and shit on their day. One time he emailed me for a mistake made on Alright Hayes... :banghead:

My most recent interaction with good ole' Hayes came after I published a live event from a recent WWE Live stop. I forget the town, but it was super early in the day, and I saw it posted on the Wrestling Observer. I thought it was much too early, but it's the Observer, so...should be legit right? Anyways, I post the live report making sure to note "the following unconfirmed live report is compliments of F4WOnline. Wrestlezone will have our own detailed report if one becomes available", etc. etc. Anyways, WITHIN FIFTEEN MINUTES of this post being in existence, Hayes sends me an email with phrases like "I feel sorry for you kind" and "this is why I never interact with your kind of people." God damn, I have never wanted to be black so much in my life.

Literally all he had to do was say "hey, this report is obviously incorrect. HERES WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!" But instead he decided to be a douchebag about it. Classy individual, that Michael Hayes.

P.S. Hayes: You were the worst member of one of the coolest tag teams ever. I'd induct your suits in the Hall of Fame before your no talent ass.

I'm sure Hayes is an asshole. With all the stories out there about him over the years, it's hard to believe the guy is anything but a prick (Freebird initiation ritual... they liked to piss on you). But let's be honest. Hating dirt sheet writers doesn't make him an asshole... because you do know that the majority of the guys in the business don't really care for most of you guys, and that especially holds true for the guys of his generation, who grew up with kayfabe being ingrained into their souls. Some may be more accepting of your role in their business today than others, but I wouldn't mistake that for anything other than those guys just having learned to accept than actually liking your role.

Remember it was quite a long time before Meltzer ever felt comfortable being around groups of wrestlers... while at the same time those guys still being the best customers for his newsletter.

Just because he's a dick to you though... doesn't mean that he was some no talent hack like you're pretending he was. Hayes was an integral part of the 'one of the coolest tag teams ever', and guaranteed that without his work as their frontman, you wouldn't even be saying that about the Freebirds today. Hayes got them over with his schtick; Gordy then wowed them with his work in the ring, and Buddy Jack kept them both strong by being the guy to take all the falls and the beatings. Take away any of those components, and the Birds were just another team. To this day, Hayes is considered one of the greatest stick men ever.

Learn to separate your personal feelings from your professional opinions... because when you put this guy down like a no talent hack just because he's mean to you... you just end up making yourself look like the no talent hack... and I'm sure that's not what you're going for.
Yet Randy Orton is still around despite shitting in a woman's bag... hmm

At the end of the day, they took a hard line with Rosa by sending her home from the tour and Hayes was probably involved in that decision.

She went to rehab, did as asked by WWE management and then a member of said management tries to derail her, even if it was a joke it would be a firing offence in most companies.

But this is the E, where guys with known issues can have Jack poured down their gullett to further a storyline. Hayes needs to be fired as it's once cock up to many, especially as others like Finlay were let go for far less.

He's a dinosaur in terms of his behaviour and to be honest I think they may have wanted an excuse to get rid for some time...they may now have it.

when did orton shit in someone's bag? As far as I recall, Xpac was the one who shit in Sable's bag back in the day. Never heard anything about Orton copying that douchebag's actions. Orton shouldn't be around any more due to his repeated drug violations as that is more damaging to a company's moral conduct then shitting in a bag. If he did it, and you aren't mistaken about who it was.

As for a firing offence, it would be against most legal rights of an employee to be fired just for offering someone a drink, regardless if they know/don't know about that person's alcoholism. They might have to endure the ridiculous sensitivity training that tries to homogonize behavior and stifle individuality while pushing the over emphasization of hte pathetic and frustrating politic correctness bullshit that is doing more harm to the world then any good it is doing.

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