A white guy should not be dropping 'N' bombs, no matter how black he wants to be.
You see, this is why threads like this shouldn't be created. Because you get brain-dead people trying to demand one "race/color" to not use another's "words." I don't care what color your skin is.. if the word is bad, then it shouldn't be used.. period.
However, noone is above the other, which means if one person can use the word and its viewed as "normal" then everyone should be allowed to use the word.
Does this mean that'll happen? No. Why? Because of how our world has evolved as a moronic group of idiots who can't overcome the power of words. Anyone remember the old saying "Sticks and Stone break bones - words will never hurt me." Well apparently that guy was the only one among us who was smart.. because in the end, a word is nothing more than that.. it only has good or bad meaning when we as a culture/race/color/individual give it meaning.
The "N" word as its so commonly refered to, is only as dangerous as one would make it out to be.. because someone used it in a violent manner to downgrade someone else. If it would've been reversed, and "blacks" would've called "whites" the "N" word.. would it be as dangerous and violent? Who knows. But the one thing I do know.. I see a ton of black people calling each other the "N" word.. so are they bad mouthing each other? I mean, how does one color make a word have both a negative and a positive meaning? Surely only us as human can be so idiotic to figure that out and make it possible.
On Topic/Michael Hayes: While I still believe a word is only as powerful as you make it, and nothing should be viewed as good or bad.. when you're in the position hes in.. words that
DO have bad meaning, such as the "N" word should not be used. Dispite my own personal feeling that the word itself shouldn't be good or bad, but merely what it is.. a word.. the fact is, millions do see it as a negative.
So for that reason whenever someone, in power no less, uses the word in a downgrading manner.. such as Hayes has done, then yes he should be punished for it. Because its his ignorance that sets us as a nation, as a culture, as a race collectively.. back a couple dozen decades..
I won't tolerate shit like this, as its embarassing. Not just for whites, blacks, or any other race/color.. but in general. Its us as humans showing that throughout the years, most of us still haven't evolved into more mature and respectable creatures.