The plan, according to as of right now, is for Trips to be taken off Raw for a while but to eventually return. It's being said that Stephanie & Vince will be brought on in an attempt to convince Triple H not to wrestle again, due to the concussion.
First off, this just reeks of more 'McMahon booking' in order to boost what they obviously see as sagging ratings. With Wrestlemania season over and the part-timers gone, there's obviously a lack of faith in the current crop of performers to carry the load. Despite the influx of newcomers WWE has introduced recently, from the Shield, Big E, to Curt Axel, Vince and co. obviously don't trust them to be able to draw enough interest. So they'll make it the McMahon show in order to re-establish 'credibility'.
Will it draw my interest? Sure. But it will take the spotlight off of people who need it to develop, and put it back on characters who have been here since the 90's. Who benefits from that?
It's still really early in this, but the most obvious direction at this particular time looks to be towards a retirement angle. I have a feeling that this is something that could be made to last for several months, or longer, as a set up for what could be a retirement match for Triple H. The one problem with the idea, or at least it's probably a problem to some, is that it's hard to picture Triple H not hanging it up until having one more mega match at WrestleMania. I can see that line of thinking. I don't know if WWE will be able to really keep the angle going until then and keep it interesting. I've never read anything regarding when Triple H wants to call it quits or at what event, it's just a natural assumption that it'd be at WrestleMania.
I would think so too. The problem is, this drags this out for a
year. Everything John Cena did heading into Wrestlemania 28 was overshadowed by the fact that he was facing the Rock at Wrestlemania, making other opponents seem like afterthoughts. If they want to do a true injury angle with HHH, allow someone to put him out. Let him keep wrestling injured, until he simply can't go anymore.
Unlike Vince and Steph, he's a performer, and he can put people over, even if he beats them. Let him beat a few guys in competitive matches to show that he's 'fine', all-the-while getting worse in the process. Do a big match at Summerslam, where an up-and-comer like what Sheamus was in 2010 ultimately take HHH out. HHH truly brings star power, and if done right, this angle can help advance talent.
The inclusion of Vince & Stephanie into the angle makes me wonder about something, and this is a long shot but still something I've wondered. If they go ahead with the plan of having the two of them try to convince Triple H not to wrestle anymore, I'm wondering if Vince might sort of "sacrifice" himself for the sake of his son-in-law. By sacrifice, I mean voluntarily stepping down as the CEO of WWE in order for Triple H to take his place as a means of protecting him. Its an extreme long shot but it's an idea worth mulling over a little.
Eh, this just leads to more McMahon family drama, which is the last thing the show needs. Who benefits from that? Vince looks like a hero, Steph the empathizing wife, and Paul Heyman will obviously be involved. Lesnar did the damage, and his credibility was somewhat restored. But there's nothing left with that feud, so doing talking segments involving the McMahon's and Paul Heyman helps noone.
Generally, I'm optimistic, and look for the good in the product, but I simply can't see how this benefits anyone, except the McMahon's egos. HHH can be a tremendous commodity if he's wrestling consistently, but if it;s just promo time, it's wasting what he does best.
Let him wrestle 'injured' for awhile, build to a big match at Summerslam, and then have him taken out. If they use Vince and Stephanie to try and convince him to not wrestle and he does regardless, that works for me. But Vince stepping down as CEO simply to 'protect' HHH makes for redundant TV.
Let HHH do what be does best: Wrestle. Even though the focus was on HHH on Raw, it was a rub for Joe Hennig just to main event with him and get offense in. Use HHH every few weeks in that capacity, and it's an effective angle.
But bringing in more authority figures to convolute things is the last thing this programming needs. HHH's best role is as a wrestler, why mess with what he does best? Done right, this can and should build to a good retirement match at Wrestlemania 30.